skia2/bench/SkBenchmark.h ef77ec2104 extend SkBenchmark to allow a bench to return a durationScale, which allows it to perform fewer actual interations, but report a scale factor to account for that. Thus a very slow bench can be compared head-to-head with a faster one, w/o actually forcing the tool to run for the full duration of the slower test.
Extend BitmapBench to time bicubic filtering, and use this durationScale for it.

Extend SkBenchmark to have setBitmapFlags(or, clear), allowing it to request a set of paint flags to be cleared, and set to be set.


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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2013-05-29 15:39:54 +00:00

160 lines
3.9 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkBenchmark_DEFINED
#define SkBenchmark_DEFINED
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkPoint.h"
#include "SkTDict.h"
#include "SkTRegistry.h"
#define DEF_BENCH(code) \
static SkBenchmark* SK_MACRO_APPEND_LINE(F_)(void* p) { code; } \
* With the above macros, you can register benches as follows (at the bottom
* of your .cpp)
* DEF_BENCH(new MyBenchmark(p, ...))
* DEF_BENCH(new MyBenchmark(p, ...))
* DEF_BENCH(new MyBenchmark(p, ...))
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
#define SkBENCHLOOP(n) 1
#define SkBENCHLOOP(n) n
class SkCanvas;
class SkPaint;
class SkTriState {
enum State {
class SkBenchmark : public SkRefCnt {
SkBenchmark(void* defineDict);
const char* getName();
SkIPoint getSize();
// Call before draw, allows the benchmark to do setup work outside of the
// timer. When a benchmark is repeatedly drawn, this should be called once
// before the initial draw.
void preDraw();
void draw(SkCanvas*);
// Call after draw, allows the benchmark to do cleanup work outside of the
// timer. When a benchmark is repeatedly drawn, this is only called once
// after the last draw.
void postDraw();
void setForceAlpha(int alpha) {
fForceAlpha = alpha;
void setForceAA(bool aa) {
fForceAA = aa;
void setForceFilter(bool filter) {
fForceFilter = filter;
void setDither(SkTriState::State state) {
fDither = state;
void setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width) {
strokeWidth = width;
fHasStrokeWidth = true;
SkScalar getStrokeWidth() {
return strokeWidth;
bool hasStrokeWidth() {
return fHasStrokeWidth;
/** If true; the benchmark does rendering; if false, the benchmark
doesn't, and so need not be re-run in every different rendering
mode. */
bool isRendering() {
return fIsRendering;
const char* findDefine(const char* key) const;
bool findDefine32(const char* key, int32_t* value) const;
bool findDefineScalar(const char* key, SkScalar* value) const;
/** Assign masks for paint-flags. These will be applied when setupPaint()
* is called.
* Performs the following on the paint:
* uint32_t flags = paint.getFlags();
* flags &= ~clearMask;
* flags |= orMask;
* paint.setFlags(flags);
void setPaintMasks(uint32_t orMask, uint32_t clearMask) {
fOrMask = orMask;
fClearMask = clearMask;
float getDurationScale() { return this->onGetDurationScale(); }
virtual void setupPaint(SkPaint* paint);
virtual const char* onGetName() = 0;
virtual void onPreDraw() {}
virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*) = 0;
virtual void onPostDraw() {}
// the caller will scale the computed duration by this value. It allows a
// slow bench to run fewer inner loops, but return the corresponding scale
// so that its reported duration can be compared against other benches.
// e.g.
// if I run 10x slower, I can run 1/10 the number of inner-loops, but
// return 10.0 for my durationScale, so I "report" the honest duration.
virtual float onGetDurationScale() { return 1; }
virtual SkIPoint onGetSize();
/// Defaults to true.
bool fIsRendering;
const SkTDict<const char*>* fDict;
int fForceAlpha;
bool fForceAA;
bool fForceFilter;
SkTriState::State fDither;
bool fHasStrokeWidth;
SkScalar strokeWidth;
uint32_t fOrMask, fClearMask;
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
typedef SkTRegistry<SkBenchmark*, void*> BenchRegistry;