skia2/gpu/include/GrMatrix.h c6cf72381b Hide alloc size vs content size below API
Remove old gl shaders class
Move texture matrix to sampler class

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2011-02-17 16:43:10 +00:00

401 lines
12 KiB

Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#ifndef GrMatrix_DEFINED
#define GrMatrix_DEFINED
#include "GrPoint.h"
struct GrRect;
* 3x3 matrix
class GrMatrix {
static const GrMatrix& I() {
static const GrMatrix I = GrMatrix(GR_Scalar1, 0, 0,
0, GR_Scalar1, 0,
0, 0, gRESCALE);
return I;
static const GrMatrix& InvalidMatrix() {
static const GrMatrix INV =
GrMatrix(GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax,
GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax,
GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax, GR_ScalarMax);
return INV;
* Handy index constants
enum {
* Create an uninitialized matrix
GrMatrix() {
fTypeMask = 0;
* Create a matrix from an array of values
* @param values row-major array of matrix components
explicit GrMatrix(const GrScalar values[]) {
* Create a matrix from values
* @param scaleX (0,0) matrix element
* @param skewX (0,1) matrix element
* @param transX (0,2) matrix element
* @param skewY (1,0) matrix element
* @param scaleY (1,1) matrix element
* @param transY (1,2) matrix element
* @param persp0 (2,0) matrix element
* @param persp1 (2,1) matrix element
* @param persp2 (2,2) matrix element
GrMatrix(GrScalar scaleX,
GrScalar skewX,
GrScalar transX,
GrScalar skewY,
GrScalar scaleY,
GrScalar transY,
GrScalar persp0,
GrScalar persp1,
GrScalar persp2) {
setAll(scaleX, skewX, transX,
skewY, scaleY, transY,
persp0, persp1, persp2);
* access matrix component
* @return matrix component value
const GrScalar& operator[] (int idx) const {
GrAssert((unsigned)idx < 9);
return fM[idx];
* Set a matrix from an array of values
* @param values row-major array of matrix components
void setToArray(const GrScalar values[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
fM[i] = values[i];
* Create a matrix from values
* @param scaleX (0,0) matrix element
* @param skewX (0,1) matrix element
* @param transX (0,2) matrix element
* @param skewY (1,0) matrix element
* @param scaleY (1,1) matrix element
* @param transY (1,2) matrix element
* @param persp0 (2,0) matrix element
* @param persp1 (2,1) matrix element
* @param persp2 (2,2) matrix element
void setAll(GrScalar scaleX,
GrScalar skewX,
GrScalar transX,
GrScalar skewY,
GrScalar scaleY,
GrScalar transY,
GrScalar persp0,
GrScalar persp1,
GrScalar persp2) {
fM[kScaleX] = scaleX;
fM[kSkewX] = skewX;
fM[kTransX] = transX;
fM[kSkewY] = skewY;
fM[kScaleY] = scaleY;
fM[kTransY] = transY;
fM[kPersp0] = persp0;
fM[kPersp1] = persp1;
fM[kPersp2] = persp2;
* set matrix component
* @param idx index of component to set
* @param value value to set component to
inline void set(int idx, GrScalar value);
* make this matrix an identity matrix
void setIdentity();
* overwrite entire matrix to be a translation matrix
* @param dx amount to translate by in x
* @param dy amount to translate by in y
void setTranslate(GrScalar dx, GrScalar dy);
* overwrite entire matrix to be a scaling matrix
* @param sx x scale factor
* @param sy y scale factor
void setScale(GrScalar sx, GrScalar sy);
* overwrite entire matrix to be a skew matrix
* @param skx x skew factor
* @param sky y skew factor
void setSkew(GrScalar skx, GrScalar sky);
* set this matrix to be a concantenation of two
* matrices (a*b). Either a, b, or both can be this matrix.
* @param a first matrix to multiply
* @param b second matrix to multiply
void setConcat(const GrMatrix& a, const GrMatrix& b);
* Set this matrix to this*m
* @param m matrix to concatenate
void preConcat(const GrMatrix& m);
* Set this matrix to m*this
* @param m matrix to concatenate
void postConcat(const GrMatrix& m);
* Compute the inverse of this matrix, and return true if it is invertible,
* or false if not.
* If inverted is not null, and the matrix is invertible, then the inverse
* is written into it. If the matrix is not invertible (this method returns
* false) then inverted is left unchanged.
bool invert(GrMatrix* inverted) const;
* Transforms a point by the matrix
* @param src the point to transform
* @return the transformed point
GrPoint mapPoint(const GrPoint& src) const {
GrPoint result;
(this->*gMapProcs[fTypeMask])(&result, &src, 1);
return result;
* Transforms an array of points by the matrix.
* @param dstPts the array to write transformed points into
* @param srcPts the array of points to transform
@ @param count the number of points to transform
void mapPoints(GrPoint dstPts[],
const GrPoint srcPts[],
uint32_t count) const {
(this->*gMapProcs[fTypeMask])(dstPts, srcPts, count);
* Transforms pts with arbitrary stride in place.
* @param start pointer to first point to transform
* @param stride distance in bytes between consecutive points
@ @param count the number of points to transform
void mapPointsWithStride(GrPoint* start,
size_t stride,
uint32_t count) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
this->mapPoints(start, start, 1);
start = (GrPoint*)((intptr_t)start + stride);
* Transform the 4 corners of the src rect, and return the bounding rect
* in the dst rect. Note: src and dst may point to the same memory.
void mapRect(GrRect* dst, const GrRect& src) const;
* Transform the 4 corners of the rect, and return their bounds in the rect
void mapRect(GrRect* rect) const {
this->mapRect(rect, *rect);
* Checks if matrix is a perspective matrix.
* @return true if third row is not (0, 0, 1)
bool hasPerspective() const;
* Checks whether matrix is identity
* @return true if matrix is idenity
bool isIdentity() const;
* Calculates the maximum stretching factor of the matrix. Only defined if
* the matrix does not have perspective.
* @return maximum strecthing factor or negative if matrix has perspective.
GrScalar getMaxStretch() const;
* Checks for matrix equality. Test is element-by-element equality,
* not a homogeneous test.
* @return true if matrices are equal, false otherwise
bool operator == (const GrMatrix& m) const;
* Checks for matrix inequality. Test is element-by-element inequality,
* not a homogeneous test.
* @return true if matrices are not equal, false otherwise
bool operator != (const GrMatrix& m) const;
static void UnitTest();
static const GrScalar gRESCALE;
void computeTypeMask() {
fTypeMask = 0;
if (0 != fM[kPersp0] || 0 != fM[kPersp1] || gRESCALE != fM[kPersp2]) {
fTypeMask |= kPerspective_TypeBit;
if (GR_Scalar1 != fM[kScaleX] || GR_Scalar1 != fM[kScaleY]) {
fTypeMask |= kScale_TypeBit;
if (0 == fM[kScaleX] && 0 == fM[kScaleY]) {
fTypeMask |= kZeroScale_TypeBit;
if (0 != fM[kSkewX] || 0 != fM[kSkewY]) {
fTypeMask |= kSkew_TypeBit;
if (0 != fM[kTransX] || 0 != fM[kTransY]) {
fTypeMask |= kTranslate_TypeBit;
double determinant() const;
enum TypeBits {
kScale_TypeBit = 1 << 0, // set if scales are not both 1
kTranslate_TypeBit = 1 << 1, // set if translates are not both 0
kSkew_TypeBit = 1 << 2, // set if skews are not both 0
kPerspective_TypeBit = 1 << 3, // set if perspective
kZeroScale_TypeBit = 1 << 4, // set if scales are both zero
void mapIdentity(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapScale(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapTranslate(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapScaleAndTranslate(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapSkew(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapScaleAndSkew(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapSkewAndTranslate(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapNonPerspective(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapPerspective(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapZero(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapSetToTranslate(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapSwappedScale(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapSwappedScaleAndTranslate(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
void mapInvalid(GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
typedef void (GrMatrix::*MapProc) (GrPoint* dst, const GrPoint* src, uint32_t count) const;
static const MapProc gMapProcs[];
int fTypeMask;
GrScalar fM[9];
void GrMatrix::set(int idx, GrScalar value) {
GrAssert((unsigned)idx < 9);
fM[idx] = value;
if (idx > 5) {
if (0 != fM[kPersp0] || 0 != fM[kPersp1] ||
gRESCALE != fM[kPersp2]) {
fTypeMask |= kPerspective_TypeBit;
} else {
fTypeMask &= ~kPerspective_TypeBit;
} else if (!(idx % 4)) {
if ((GR_Scalar1 == fM[kScaleX] && GR_Scalar1 == fM[kScaleY])) {
fTypeMask &= ~kScale_TypeBit;
fTypeMask &= ~kZeroScale_TypeBit;
} else {
fTypeMask |= kScale_TypeBit;
if ((0 == fM[kScaleX] && 0 == fM[kScaleY])) {
fTypeMask |= kZeroScale_TypeBit;
} else {
fTypeMask &= ~kZeroScale_TypeBit;
} else if (2 == (idx % 3)) {
if (0 != fM[kTransX] || 0 != fM[kTransY]) {
fTypeMask |= kTranslate_TypeBit;
} else {
fTypeMask &= ~kTranslate_TypeBit;
} else {
if (0 != fM[kSkewX] || 0 != fM[kSkewY]) {
fTypeMask |= kSkew_TypeBit;
} else {
fTypeMask &= ~kSkew_TypeBit;