mtklein 406654be7a SkThreadPool ~~> SkTaskGroup
SkTaskGroup is like SkThreadPool except the threads stay in
one global pool.  Each SkTaskGroup itself is tiny (4 bytes)
and its wait() method applies only to tasks add()ed to that
instance, not the whole thread pool.

This means we don't need to bring up new thread pools when
tests themselves want to use multithreading (e.g. pathops,
quilt).  We just create a new SkTaskGroup and wait for that
to complete.  This should be more efficient, and allow us
to expand where we use threads to really latency sensitive
places.  E.g. we can probably now use these in nanobench
for CPU .skp rendering.

Now that all threads are sharing the same pool, I think we
can remove most of the custom mechanism pathops tests use
to control threading.  They'll just ride on the global pool
with all other tests now.

This (temporarily?) removes the GPU multithreading feature
from DM, which we don't use.

On my desktop, DM runs a little faster (57s -> 55s) in
Debug, and a lot faster in Release (36s -> 24s).  The bots
show speedups of similar proportions, cutting more than a
minute off the N4/Release and Win7/Debug runtimes.




Review URL:
2014-09-03 15:34:37 -07:00

175 lines
6.2 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skiatest_Test_DEFINED
#define skiatest_Test_DEFINED
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkTRegistry.h"
#include "SkThread.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class GrContextFactory;
namespace skiatest {
class Test;
class Reporter : public SkRefCnt {
int countTests() const { return fTestCount; }
void startTest(Test*);
void reportFailed(const SkString& desc);
void endTest(Test*);
virtual bool allowExtendedTest() const { return false; }
virtual bool verbose() const { return false; }
virtual void bumpTestCount() { sk_atomic_inc(&fTestCount); }
virtual void onStart(Test*) {}
virtual void onReportFailed(const SkString& desc) {}
virtual void onEnd(Test*) {}
int32_t fTestCount;
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
class Test {
virtual ~Test();
Reporter* getReporter() const { return fReporter; }
void setReporter(Reporter*);
const char* getName();
void run();
bool passed() const { return fPassed; }
SkMSec elapsedMs() const { return fElapsed; }
static SkString GetTmpDir();
virtual bool isGPUTest() const { return false; }
virtual void setGrContextFactory(GrContextFactory* factory) {}
virtual void onGetName(SkString*) = 0;
virtual void onRun(Reporter*) = 0;
Reporter* fReporter;
SkString fName;
bool fPassed;
SkMSec fElapsed;
class GpuTest : public Test{
GpuTest() : Test(), fGrContextFactory(NULL) {}
virtual bool isGPUTest() const { return true; }
virtual void setGrContextFactory(GrContextFactory* factory) {
fGrContextFactory = factory;
GrContextFactory* fGrContextFactory; // Unowned.
typedef SkTRegistry<Test*(*)(void*)> TestRegistry;
} // namespace skiatest
Use the following macros to make use of the skiatest classes, e.g.
#include "Test.h"
DEF_TEST(TestName, reporter) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, x == 15);
REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(reporter, x == 15, "x should be 15");
if (x != 15) {
ERRORF(reporter, "x should be 15, but is %d", x);
#define REPORTER_ASSERT(r, cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) { \
SkString desc; \
desc.printf("%s:%d\t%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #cond); \
r->reportFailed(desc); \
} \
} while(0)
#define REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(r, cond, message) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) { \
SkString desc; \
desc.printf("%s:%d\t%s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, \
message, #cond); \
r->reportFailed(desc); \
} \
} while(0)
#define ERRORF(reporter, ...) \
do { \
SkString desc; \
desc.printf("%s:%d\t", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
desc.appendf(__VA_ARGS__) ; \
(reporter)->reportFailed(desc); \
} while(0)
#define DEF_TEST(name, reporter) \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter*); \
namespace skiatest { \
class name##Class : public Test { \
public: \
static Test* Factory(void*) { return SkNEW(name##Class); } \
protected: \
virtual void onGetName(SkString* name) SK_OVERRIDE { \
name->set(#name); \
} \
virtual void onRun(Reporter* r) SK_OVERRIDE { test_##name(r); } \
}; \
static TestRegistry gReg_##name##Class(name##Class::Factory); \
} \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter)
#define DEF_GPUTEST(name, reporter, factory) \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter*, GrContextFactory*); \
namespace skiatest { \
class name##Class : public GpuTest { \
public: \
static Test* Factory(void*) { return SkNEW(name##Class); } \
protected: \
virtual void onGetName(SkString* name) SK_OVERRIDE { \
name->set(#name); \
} \
virtual void onRun(Reporter* r) SK_OVERRIDE { \
test_##name(r, fGrContextFactory); \
} \
}; \
static TestRegistry gReg_##name##Class(name##Class::Factory); \
} \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContextFactory* factory)