skia2/bench/ChromeBench.cpp af2313e7e7 Disable overly heavy benchmark - 15x slower than any other benchmark
and not giving us particularly important information. It may be useful
to occasionally reactivate it when trying to optimize rectangle blits,
but otherwise it was a waste to have clogging up the performance bots.

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2012-03-14 18:33:54 +00:00

502 lines
9.2 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkBenchmark.h"
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkPaint.h"
#include "SkString.h"
Benchmarks that try to emulate a particular Skia call pattern observed in Chrome.
/// blitRect() calls emitted by Chrome while scrolling through gmail: count, width, height.
int gmailScrollingRectSpec [431*3] = {
1, 1254, 1160,
1, 64, 112,
1, 1034, 261,
1, 1166, 1,
1, 1166, 20,
1, 1254, 40,
1, 140, 20,
1, 22, 30,
1, 22, 39,
1, 294, 29,
1, 336, 25,
1, 336, 5,
1, 37, 3,
1, 37, 4,
1, 37, 5,
1, 41, 29,
1, 57, 15,
1, 72, 5,
1, 72, 8,
1, 76, 29,
1, 981, 88,
1, 990, 2,
1, 990, 6,
2, 220, 88,
2, 294, 1,
2, 37, 6,
2, 391, 55,
2, 57, 11,
2, 57, 14,
2, 57, 7,
2, 981, 30,
2, 990, 15,
2, 990, 19,
3, 114, 16,
3, 1166, 39,
3, 1254, 154,
3, 12, 12,
3, 162, 7,
3, 164, 479,
3, 167, 449,
3, 16, 24,
3, 204, 497,
3, 205, 434,
3, 220, 1127,
3, 220, 1132,
3, 220, 931,
3, 220, 933,
3, 220, 934,
3, 297, 8,
3, 72, 25,
3, 87, 30,
3, 981, 1,
3, 981, 126,
3, 990, 27,
3, 990, 36,
3, 991, 29,
4, 1254, 306,
4, 1254, 36,
4, 1, 1,
4, 1, 14,
4, 1, 19,
4, 1, 7,
4, 21, 21,
4, 220, 30,
4, 46, 949,
4, 509, 30,
4, 57, 2,
4, 57, 6,
4, 990, 11,
5, 13, 8,
5, 198, 24,
5, 24, 24,
5, 25, 24,
5, 2, 24,
5, 37, 33,
5, 57, 4,
5, 599, 24,
5, 90, 24,
5, 981, 19,
5, 990, 23,
5, 990, 8,
6, 101, 29,
6, 117, 29,
6, 1254, 88,
6, 139, 29,
6, 13, 12,
6, 15, 15,
6, 164, 25,
6, 16, 16,
6, 198, 7,
6, 1, 12,
6, 1, 15,
6, 1, 27,
6, 220, 936,
6, 24, 7,
6, 25, 7,
6, 2, 7,
6, 326, 29,
6, 336, 29,
6, 599, 7,
6, 86, 29,
6, 90, 7,
6, 96, 29,
6, 991, 31,
7, 198, 12,
7, 198, 20,
7, 198, 33,
7, 198, 35,
7, 24, 12,
7, 24, 20,
7, 24, 33,
7, 24, 35,
7, 25, 12,
7, 25, 20,
7, 25, 33,
7, 25, 35,
7, 2, 12,
7, 2, 20,
7, 2, 33,
7, 2, 35,
7, 304, 1,
7, 38, 29,
7, 51, 29,
7, 599, 12,
7, 599, 20,
7, 599, 33,
7, 599, 35,
7, 90, 12,
7, 90, 20,
7, 90, 33,
7, 90, 35,
8, 13, 5,
8, 198, 13,
8, 198, 23,
8, 220, 1,
8, 24, 13,
8, 24, 23,
8, 25, 13,
8, 25, 23,
8, 2, 13,
8, 2, 23,
8, 329, 28,
8, 57, 10,
8, 599, 13,
8, 599, 23,
8, 90, 13,
8, 90, 23,
9, 198, 17,
9, 198, 19,
9, 198, 37,
9, 198, 5,
9, 198, 8,
9, 24, 17,
9, 24, 19,
9, 24, 37,
9, 24, 5,
9, 24, 8,
9, 25, 17,
9, 25, 19,
9, 25, 37,
9, 25, 5,
9, 25, 8,
9, 2, 17,
9, 2, 19,
9, 2, 37,
9, 2, 5,
9, 2, 8,
9, 599, 17,
9, 599, 19,
9, 599, 37,
9, 599, 5,
9, 599, 8,
9, 72, 29,
9, 90, 17,
9, 90, 19,
9, 90, 37,
9, 90, 5,
9, 90, 8,
10, 13, 11,
10, 13, 9,
10, 198, 26,
10, 198, 28,
10, 1, 23,
10, 1, 4,
10, 1, 6,
10, 24, 26,
10, 24, 28,
10, 25, 26,
10, 25, 28,
10, 26, 24,
10, 2, 26,
10, 2, 28,
10, 599, 26,
10, 599, 28,
10, 90, 26,
10, 90, 28,
11, 198, 27,
11, 24, 27,
11, 25, 27,
11, 2, 27,
11, 599, 27,
11, 90, 27,
12, 198, 14,
12, 198, 21,
12, 198, 3,
12, 1, 11,
12, 1, 2,
12, 1, 8,
12, 24, 14,
12, 24, 21,
12, 24, 3,
12, 25, 14,
12, 25, 21,
12, 25, 3,
12, 26, 7,
12, 2, 14,
12, 2, 21,
12, 2, 3,
12, 329, 14,
12, 38, 2,
12, 599, 14,
12, 599, 21,
12, 599, 3,
12, 90, 14,
12, 90, 21,
12, 90, 3,
13, 198, 11,
13, 198, 15,
13, 198, 31,
13, 24, 11,
13, 24, 15,
13, 24, 31,
13, 25, 11,
13, 25, 15,
13, 25, 31,
13, 2, 11,
13, 2, 15,
13, 2, 31,
13, 57, 13,
13, 599, 11,
13, 599, 15,
13, 599, 31,
13, 71, 29,
13, 90, 11,
13, 90, 15,
13, 90, 31,
14, 13, 2,
14, 198, 10,
14, 24, 10,
14, 25, 10,
14, 26, 12,
14, 26, 20,
14, 26, 33,
14, 26, 35,
14, 2, 10,
14, 336, 1,
14, 45, 29,
14, 599, 10,
14, 63, 29,
14, 90, 10,
15, 13, 3,
15, 198, 2,
15, 198, 29,
15, 198, 34,
15, 24, 2,
15, 24, 29,
15, 24, 34,
15, 25, 2,
15, 25, 29,
15, 25, 34,
15, 2, 2,
15, 2, 29,
15, 2, 34,
15, 599, 2,
15, 599, 29,
15, 599, 34,
15, 90, 2,
15, 90, 29,
15, 90, 34,
16, 13, 4,
16, 13, 6,
16, 198, 16,
16, 198, 9,
16, 1, 10,
16, 24, 16,
16, 24, 9,
16, 25, 16,
16, 25, 9,
16, 26, 13,
16, 26, 23,
16, 2, 16,
16, 2, 9,
16, 599, 16,
16, 599, 9,
16, 90, 16,
16, 90, 9,
17, 13, 7,
17, 198, 18,
17, 24, 18,
17, 25, 18,
17, 2, 18,
17, 599, 18,
17, 90, 18,
18, 198, 22,
18, 198, 32,
18, 198, 36,
18, 198, 4,
18, 24, 22,
18, 24, 32,
18, 24, 36,
18, 24, 4,
18, 25, 22,
18, 25, 32,
18, 25, 36,
18, 25, 4,
18, 26, 17,
18, 26, 19,
18, 26, 37,
18, 26, 5,
18, 26, 8,
18, 2, 22,
18, 2, 32,
18, 2, 36,
18, 2, 4,
18, 599, 22,
18, 599, 32,
18, 599, 36,
18, 599, 4,
18, 90, 22,
18, 90, 32,
18, 90, 36,
18, 90, 4,
19, 13, 10,
20, 1254, 30,
20, 16, 1007,
20, 26, 26,
20, 26, 28,
21, 198, 6,
21, 24, 6,
21, 25, 6,
21, 2, 6,
21, 599, 6,
21, 90, 6,
22, 198, 38,
22, 22, 40,
22, 24, 38,
22, 25, 38,
22, 26, 27,
22, 2, 38,
22, 599, 38,
22, 90, 38,
23, 1254, 1160,
24, 220, 930,
24, 26, 14,
24, 26, 21,
24, 26, 3,
26, 11, 11,
26, 1, 13,
26, 26, 11,
26, 26, 15,
26, 26, 31,
28, 26, 10,
30, 176, 60,
30, 26, 2,
30, 26, 29,
30, 26, 34,
32, 26, 16,
32, 26, 9,
34, 26, 18,
36, 26, 22,
36, 26, 32,
36, 26, 36,
36, 26, 4,
36, 37, 26,
42, 26, 6,
43, 115, 29,
44, 198, 25,
44, 24, 25,
44, 25, 25,
44, 26, 38,
44, 2, 25,
44, 599, 25,
44, 90, 25,
46, 22, 1,
47, 198, 30,
47, 25, 30,
47, 2, 30,
47, 599, 30,
47, 90, 30,
48, 24, 30,
52, 176, 30,
58, 140, 24,
58, 4, 30,
63, 990, 29,
64, 1254, 1,
88, 26, 25,
92, 198, 39,
92, 25, 39,
92, 2, 39,
92, 599, 39,
92, 90, 39,
93, 24, 39,
94, 26, 30,
108, 1254, 1051,
117, 140, 1,
119, 160, 1,
126, 1, 29,
132, 135, 16,
147, 72, 16,
184, 26, 39,
238, 990, 1,
376, 11, 1007,
380, 11, 487,
1389, 1034, 1007,
1870, 57, 16,
4034, 1, 16,
8521, 198, 40,
8521, 25, 40,
8521, 2, 40,
8521, 599, 40,
8521, 90, 40,
8543, 24, 40,
8883, 13, 13,
17042, 26, 40,
17664, 198, 1,
17664, 25, 1,
17664, 2, 1,
17664, 599, 1,
17664, 90, 1,
17710, 24, 1,
35328, 26, 1,
/// Emulates the mix of rects blitted by gmail during scrolling
class ScrollGmailBench : public SkBenchmark {
enum {
W = 1254,
H = 1160,
N = 431
ScrollGmailBench(void* param) : INHERITED(param) { }
virtual const char* onGetName() { return "chrome_scrollGmail"; }
virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
SkPaint paint;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
SkRect current;
setRectangle(current, i);
for (int j = 0; j < SkBENCHLOOP(gmailScrollingRectSpec[i*3]); j++) {
canvas->drawRect(current, paint);
virtual SkIPoint onGetSize() { return SkIPoint::Make(W, H); }
void setRectangle(SkRect& current, int i) {
current.set(0, 0,
SkIntToScalar(gmailScrollingRectSpec[i*3+1]), SkIntToScalar(gmailScrollingRectSpec[i*3+2]));
void validateBounds(SkCanvas* canvas) {
SkIRect bounds;
SkASSERT(bounds.right()-bounds.left() >= W);
SkASSERT(bounds.bottom() >= H);
typedef SkBenchmark INHERITED;
static SkBenchmark* ScrollGmailFactory(void* p) {
return SkNEW_ARGS(ScrollGmailBench, (p));
// Disabled this benchmark: it takes 15x longer than any other benchmark
// and is probably not giving us important information.
//static BenchRegistry gScrollGmailReg(ScrollGmailFactory);