kkinnunen 3405800d7a Make SkGLContext lifetime more well-defined
Remove refcounting from SkGLContext.

SkGLContext is expected to behave like GrContextFactory would own
it, as implied by the GrContextFactory function.

If it is refcounted, this does not hold.

Also other use sites, such as in SkOSWindow_win (command buffer gl
object), confirm the behavior. The object is explicitly owned and
destroyed, not shared.

Also fixes potential crashes from using GL context of an abandoned

Also fixes potential crashes in DM/nanobench, if the GrContext lives
longer than GLContext through internal refing of GrContext.

Moves the non-trivial implementations from GrContextFactory.h to
.cpp, just for consistency sake.

Changes pathops_unittest.gyp. The pathops_unittest uses
GrContextFactory, but did not link to its implementation. The reason
they worked was that the implementation used (constructors, destructors)
happened to be in the .h file.

This works towards being able to use command buffer and NVPR from
the SampleApp.



Review URL:
2016-01-06 23:49:31 -08:00

206 lines
8.3 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Test.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGpu.h"
#include "gl/GrGLUtil.h"
#include "gl/SkGLContext.h"
static void cleanup(SkGLContext* glctx0, GrGLuint texID0, SkGLContext* glctx1, GrContext* grctx1,
const GrGLTextureInfo* grbackendtex1, GrEGLImage image1) {
if (glctx1) {
if (grctx1) {
if (grbackendtex1) {
GrGLGpu* gpu1 = static_cast<GrGLGpu*>(grctx1->getGpu());
GrBackendObject handle = reinterpret_cast<GrBackendObject>(grbackendtex1);
gpu1->deleteTestingOnlyBackendTexture(handle, false);
if (GR_EGL_NO_IMAGE != image1) {
if (texID0) {
GR_GL_CALL(glctx0->gl(), DeleteTextures(1, &texID0));
static void test_read_pixels(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* context,
GrTexture* externalTexture, uint32_t expectedPixelValues[]) {
int pixelCnt = externalTexture->width() * externalTexture->height();
SkAutoTMalloc<uint32_t> pixels(pixelCnt);
memset(pixels.get(), 0, sizeof(uint32_t)*pixelCnt);
bool read = externalTexture->readPixels(0, 0, externalTexture->width(),
externalTexture->height(), kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig,
if (!read) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Error reading external texture.");
for (int i = 0; i < pixelCnt; ++i) {
if (pixels.get()[i] != expectedPixelValues[i]) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Error, external texture pixel value %d should be 0x%08x,"
" got 0x%08x.", i, expectedPixelValues[i], pixels.get()[i]);
static void test_write_pixels(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* context,
GrTexture* externalTexture) {
int pixelCnt = externalTexture->width() * externalTexture->height();
SkAutoTMalloc<uint32_t> pixels(pixelCnt);
memset(pixels.get(), 0, sizeof(uint32_t)*pixelCnt);
bool write = externalTexture->writePixels(0, 0, 0, 0, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, pixels.get());
REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(reporter, !write, "Should not be able to write to a EXTERNAL"
" texture.");
static void test_copy_surface(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContext* context,
GrTexture* externalTexture, uint32_t expectedPixelValues[]) {
GrSurfaceDesc copyDesc;
copyDesc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
copyDesc.fWidth = externalTexture->width();
copyDesc.fHeight = externalTexture->height();
copyDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> copy(context->textureProvider()->createTexture(copyDesc, true));
context->copySurface(copy, externalTexture);
test_read_pixels(reporter, context, copy, expectedPixelValues);
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(EGLImageTest, reporter, context0, glCtx0) {
// Try to create a second GL context and then check if the contexts have necessary
// extensions to run this test.
if (kGLES_GrGLStandard != glCtx0->gl()->fStandard) {
GrGLGpu* gpu0 = static_cast<GrGLGpu*>(context0->getGpu());
if (!gpu0->glCaps().externalTextureSupport()) {
SkAutoTDelete<SkGLContext> glCtx1 = glCtx0->createNew();
if (!glCtx1) {
GrContext* context1 = GrContext::Create(kOpenGL_GrBackend, (GrBackendContext)glCtx1->gl());
const GrGLTextureInfo* backendTexture1 = nullptr;
GrEGLImage image = GR_EGL_NO_IMAGE;
GrGLTextureInfo externalTexture;
externalTexture.fID = 0;
if (!context1) {
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
if (!glCtx1->gl()->hasExtension("EGL_KHR_image") ||
!glCtx1->gl()->hasExtension("EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image")) {
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
///////////////////////////////// CONTEXT 1 ///////////////////////////////////
// Use GL Context 1 to create a texture unknown to GrContext.
GrGpu* gpu1 = context1->getGpu();
static const int kSize = 100;
backendTexture1 = reinterpret_cast<const GrGLTextureInfo*>(
gpu1->createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(nullptr, kSize, kSize, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig));
if (!backendTexture1 || !backendTexture1->fID) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Error creating texture for EGL Image");
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D != backendTexture1->fTarget) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected backend texture to be 2D");
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
// Wrap the texture in an EGLImage
image = glCtx1->texture2DToEGLImage(backendTexture1->fID);
if (GR_EGL_NO_IMAGE == image) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Error creating EGL Image from texture");
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
// Populate the texture using GL context 1. Important to use TexSubImage as TexImage orphans
// the EGL image. Also, this must be done after creating the EGLImage as the texture
// contents may not be preserved when the image is created.
SkAutoTMalloc<uint32_t> pixels(kSize * kSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kSize*kSize; ++i) {
pixels.get()[i] = 0xDDAABBCC;
GR_GL_CALL(glCtx1->gl(), ActiveTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE0));
GR_GL_CALL(glCtx1->gl(), BindTexture(backendTexture1->fTarget, backendTexture1->fID));
GR_GL_CALL(glCtx1->gl(), TexSubImage2D(backendTexture1->fTarget, 0, 0, 0, kSize, kSize,
GR_GL_RGBA, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels.get()));
GR_GL_CALL(glCtx1->gl(), Finish());
// We've been making direct GL calls in GL context 1, let GrContext 1 know its internal
// state is invalid.
///////////////////////////////// CONTEXT 0 ///////////////////////////////////
// Make a new texture ID in GL Context 0 from the EGL Image
externalTexture.fTarget = GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL;
externalTexture.fID = glCtx0->eglImageToExternalTexture(image);
// Wrap this texture ID in a GrTexture
GrBackendTextureDesc externalDesc;
externalDesc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
externalDesc.fWidth = kSize;
externalDesc.fHeight = kSize;
externalDesc.fTextureHandle = reinterpret_cast<GrBackendObject>(&externalTexture);
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> externalTextureObj(
if (!externalTextureObj) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Error wrapping external texture in GrTexture.");
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);
// Should not be able to wrap as a RT
externalDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrBackendTextureFlag;
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> externalTextureRTObj(
if (externalTextureRTObj) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Should not be able to wrap an EXTERNAL texture as a RT.");
externalDesc.fFlags = kNone_GrBackendTextureFlag;
// Should not be able to wrap with a sample count
externalDesc.fSampleCnt = 4;
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> externalTextureMSAAObj(
if (externalTextureMSAAObj) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Should not be able to wrap an EXTERNAL texture with MSAA.");
externalDesc.fSampleCnt = 0;
test_read_pixels(reporter, context0, externalTextureObj, pixels.get());
test_write_pixels(reporter, context0, externalTextureObj);
test_copy_surface(reporter, context0, externalTextureObj, pixels.get());
cleanup(glCtx0, externalTexture.fID, glCtx1, context1, backendTexture1, image);