As a follow-up to https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/476219, this sketches out how we can maybe use cc_library for the things in //modules to make sure something in //src doesn't depend on anything in //modules, for example. The following succeeds: bazel build //modules/skparagraph:skparagraph --config=clang \ --shaper_backend=harfbuzz_shaper --with_icu As does `make bazel_canvaskit_debug` in //modules/canvaskit Suggested Review Order: - third_party/BUILD.bazel for ICU and harfbuzz rules. Pay special attention to the genrules used to call the python script for turning the icu .dat file into .S or .cpp. - bazelrc and bazel/ for new flags and defines that control use of ICU and harfbuzz. Unlike GN, with the public_defines that get added in automatically if icu or harfbuzz is depended upon, we need to set the defines at the top level. This necessity might go away if we change the atoms to depend on //modules/skshaper, which could define that flag. - Top level BUILD.bazel files in //modules/skparagraph, //modules/skshaper, //modules/skunicode, //modules/canvaskit - All other .bazel file changes are automatic. Bug: skia:12541 Change-Id: I38a9e0a9261d7e142eeb271c2ddb23f362f91473 Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/478116 Reviewed-by: Ben Wagner <bungeman@google.com> Reviewed-by: Leandro Lovisolo <lovisolo@google.com>
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This file contains a way to set flags from BUILD.bazel instead of requiring users to set them from
the CLI.
It is based off of https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/main/rules/starlark_configurations/cc_binary_selectable_copts
_bool_flags = [
_string_flags = [
_string_list_flags = [
# These are the flags that we support setting via set_flags
_flags = _bool_flags + _string_flags + _string_list_flags
def _flag_transition_impl(settings, attr):
rv = {}
for key in settings:
# Get the short form of the name. This the short form used as the keys in the
# set_flags dictionary.
flag_name = key.split(":")[1]
# If there is an entry in set_flags for the short-version of a flag, use that
# value or values. If not, use whatever value is set via flags.
flag_setting = attr.set_flags.get(flag_name, settings[key])
if key in _string_list_flags:
if type(flag_setting) == "list":
rv[key] = flag_setting
rv[key] = [flag_setting] # This usually happens when the default value is used.
elif key in _string_flags:
if type(flag_setting) == "list":
rv[key] = flag_setting[0]
rv[key] = flag_setting # we know flag_setting is a string (e.g. the default).
elif key in _bool_flags:
if type(flag_setting) == "list":
rv[key] = flag_setting[0] == "True"
rv[key] = flag_setting # flag_setting will be a boolean, the default
return rv
# This defines a Starlark transition and which flags it reads and writes.
_flag_transition = transition(
implementation = _flag_transition_impl,
inputs = _flags,
outputs = _flags,
# The implementation of transition_rule: all this does is copy the cc_binary's output to
# its own output and propagate its runfiles and executable to use for "$ bazel run".
# This makes transition_rule as close to a pure wrapper of cc_binary as possible.
def _transition_rule_impl(ctx):
actual_binary = ctx.attr.actual_binary[0]
outfile = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name)
cc_binary_outfile = actual_binary[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()[0]
inputs = [cc_binary_outfile],
outputs = [outfile],
command = "cp %s %s" % (cc_binary_outfile.path, outfile.path),
return [
executable = outfile,
data_runfiles = actual_binary[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles,
# The purpose of this rule is to take a "set_flags" attribute, invoke a transition that sets
# any of _flags to the specified values, then depend on a cc_binary whose deps will be able
# to select() on those flags as if the user had set them via the CLI.
transition_rule = rule(
implementation = _transition_rule_impl,
attrs = {
# set_flags is a dictionary with the keys being the short-form of a flag name
# (e.g. the part that comes after the colon) and the value being a list of values
# that the flag should be set to, regardless of the relevant CLI flags.
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/attr.html#string_list_dict
"set_flags": attr.string_list_dict(),
# This is the cc_binary whose deps will select() on that feature.
# Note specifically how it is modified with _flag_transition, which
# ensures that the flags propagates down the graph.
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/lib/attr.html#label
"actual_binary": attr.label(cfg = _flag_transition),
# This is a stock Bazel requirement for any rule that uses Starlark
# transitions. It's okay to copy the below verbatim for all such rules.
# The purpose of this requirement is to give the ability to restrict
# which packages can invoke these rules, since Starlark transitions
# make much larger graphs possible that can have memory and performance
# consequences for your build. The allowlist defaults to "everything".
# But you can redefine it more strictly if you feel that's prudent.
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
# Making this executable means it works with "$ bazel run".
executable = True,
def cc_binary_with_flags(name, cc_binary_name = "", set_flags = {}, **kwargs):
"""Builds a cc_binary as if set_flags were set on the CLI.
name: string, the name for the rule that is the binary, but with the flags changed via
a transition. Any dependents should use this name.
cc_binary_name: string, the name of the binary created (not the name of the transition
rule). The default is the name with "_native_binary" as a suffix.
set_flags: dictionary of string to list of strings. The keys should be the name of the
flag, and the values should be the desired valid settings for that flag.
**kwargs: Any flags that a cc_binary normally takes.
if not cc_binary_name:
cc_binary_name = name + "_native_binary"
name = name,
actual_binary = ":%s" % cc_binary_name,
set_flags = set_flags,
testonly = kwargs.get("testonly", False),
name = cc_binary_name,