Kevin Lubick bdc214a50e [canvaskit] Change SkRects to be arrays, not objects.
This changes several APIs, so there are lots of breaking
notes in the Changelog.

This made the "draw 100 colored regions" benchmark about
20% faster (1ms -> .8ms).

In theory, rendering should stay the same.

Change-Id: Ib80b15e2d980ad5d568fff4460d2b529766c1b36
Reviewed-by: Nathaniel Nifong <>
2020-09-02 20:10:30 +00:00

826 lines
26 KiB

// helper JS that could be used anywhere in the glue code
function clamp(c) {
return Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(c || 0, 255)));
// Constructs a Color with the same API as CSS's rgba(), that is
// r,g,b are 0-255, and a is 0.0 to 1.0.
// if a is omitted, it will be assumed to be 1.0
// Internally, Colors are a TypedArray of four unpremultiplied 32-bit floats: a, r, g, b
// In order to construct one with more precision or in a wider gamut, use
// CanvasKit.Color4f
CanvasKit.Color = function(r, g, b, a) {
if (a === undefined) {
a = 1;
return CanvasKit.Color4f(clamp(r)/255, clamp(g)/255, clamp(b)/255, a);
// Constructs a Color as a 32 bit unsigned integer, with 8 bits assigned to each channel.
// Channels are expected to be between 0 and 255 and will be clamped as such.
CanvasKit.ColorAsInt = function(r, g, b, a) {
// default to opaque
if (a === undefined) {
a = 255;
// This is consistent with how Skia represents colors in C++, as an unsigned int.
// This is also consistent with how Flutter represents colors:
return (((clamp(a) << 24) | (clamp(r) << 16) | (clamp(g) << 8) | (clamp(b) << 0)
& 0xFFFFFFF) // This truncates the unsigned to 32 bits and signals to JS engines they can
// represent the number with an int instead of a double.
>>> 0); // This makes the value an unsigned int.
// Construct a 4-float color.
// Opaque if opacity is omitted.
CanvasKit.Color4f = function(r, g, b, a) {
if (a === undefined) {
a = 1;
return Float32Array.of(r, g, b, a);
// Color constants use property getters to prevent other code from accidentally
// changing them.
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'TRANSPARENT', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 0); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'BLACK', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'WHITE', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 1, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'RED', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 0, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'GREEN', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 1, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'BLUE', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'YELLOW', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 1, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'CYAN', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 1, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, 'MAGENTA', {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 0, 1, 1); }
// returns a css style [r, g, b, a] from a CanvasKit.Color
// where r, g, b are returned as ints in the range [0, 255]
// where a is scaled between 0 and 1.0
CanvasKit.getColorComponents = function(color) {
return [
// parseColorString takes in a CSS color value and returns a CanvasKit.Color
// (which is an array of 4 floats in RGBA order). An optional colorMap
// may be provided which maps custom strings to values.
// In the CanvasKit canvas2d shim layer, we provide this map for processing
// canvas2d calls, but not here for code size reasons.
CanvasKit.parseColorString = function(colorStr, colorMap) {
colorStr = colorStr.toLowerCase();
// See
if (colorStr.startsWith('#')) {
var r, g, b, a = 255;
switch (colorStr.length) {
case 9: // 8 hex chars #RRGGBBAA
a = parseInt(colorStr.slice(7, 9), 16);
case 7: // 6 hex chars #RRGGBB
r = parseInt(colorStr.slice(1, 3), 16);
g = parseInt(colorStr.slice(3, 5), 16);
b = parseInt(colorStr.slice(5, 7), 16);
case 5: // 4 hex chars #RGBA
// multiplying by 17 is the same effect as
// appending another character of the same value
// e.g. e => ee == 14 => 238
a = parseInt(colorStr.slice(4, 5), 16) * 17;
case 4: // 6 hex chars #RGB
r = parseInt(colorStr.slice(1, 2), 16) * 17;
g = parseInt(colorStr.slice(2, 3), 16) * 17;
b = parseInt(colorStr.slice(3, 4), 16) * 17;
return CanvasKit.Color(r, g, b, a/255);
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('rgba')) {
// Trim off rgba( and the closing )
colorStr = colorStr.slice(5, -1);
var nums = colorStr.split(',');
return CanvasKit.Color(+nums[0], +nums[1], +nums[2],
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('rgb')) {
// Trim off rgba( and the closing )
colorStr = colorStr.slice(4, -1);
var nums = colorStr.split(',');
// rgb can take 3 or 4 arguments
return CanvasKit.Color(+nums[0], +nums[1], +nums[2],
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('gray(')) {
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('hsl')) {
} else if (colorMap) {
// Try for named color
var nc = colorMap[colorStr];
if (nc !== undefined) {
return nc;
SkDebug('unrecognized color ' + colorStr);
return CanvasKit.BLACK;
function isCanvasKitColor(ob) {
if (!ob) {
return false;
return (ob.constructor === Float32Array && ob.length === 4);
// Warning information is lost by this conversion
function toUint32Color(c) {
return ((clamp(c[3]*255) << 24) | (clamp(c[0]*255) << 16) | (clamp(c[1]*255) << 8) | (clamp(c[2]*255) << 0)) >>> 0;
// Accepts various colors representations and converts them to an array of int colors.
// Does not handle builders.
function assureIntColors(arr) {
if (arr instanceof Float32Array) {
var count = Math.floor(arr.length / 4);
var result = new Uint32Array(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
result[i] = toUint32Color(arr.slice(i*4, (i+1)*4));
return result;
} else if (arr instanceof Uint32Array) {
return arr;
} else if (arr instanceof Array && arr[0] instanceof Float32Array) {
function uIntColorToCanvasKitColor(c) {
return CanvasKit.Color(
(c >> 16) & 0xFF,
(c >> 8) & 0xFF,
(c >> 0) & 0xFF,
((c >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255
function valueOrPercent(aStr) {
if (aStr === undefined) {
return 1; // default to opaque.
var a = parseFloat(aStr);
if (aStr && aStr.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
return a / 100;
return a;
CanvasKit.multiplyByAlpha = function(color, alpha) {
// make a copy of the color so the function remains pure.
var result = color.slice();
result[3] = Math.max(0, Math.min(result[3] * alpha, 1));
return result;
function radiansToDegrees(rad) {
return (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
function degreesToRadians(deg) {
return (deg / 180) * Math.PI;
// See
// This contraption keeps closure from minifying away the check
// if btoa is defined *and* prevents runtime 'btoa' or 'window' is not defined.
// Defined outside any scopes to make it available in all files.
var isNode = !(new Function('try {return this===window;}catch(e){ return false;}')());
function almostEqual(floata, floatb) {
return Math.abs(floata - floatb) < 0.00001;
var nullptr = 0; // emscripten doesn't like to take null as uintptr_t
// arr can be a normal JS array or a TypedArray
// dest is a string like 'HEAPU32' that specifies the type the src array
// should be copied into.
// ptr can be optionally provided if the memory was already allocated.
function copy1dArray(arr, dest, ptr) {
if (!arr || !arr.length) {
return nullptr;
// This was created with CanvasKit.Malloc, so it's already been copied.
if (arr['_ck']) {
return arr.byteOffset;
var bytesPerElement = CanvasKit[dest].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
if (!ptr) {
ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(arr.length * bytesPerElement);
// In c++ terms, the WASM heap is a uint8_t*, a long buffer/array of single
// byte elements. When we run _malloc, we always get an offset/pointer into
// that block of memory.
// CanvasKit exposes some different views to make it easier to work with
// different types. HEAPF32 for example, exposes it as a float*
// However, to make the ptr line up, we have to do some pointer arithmetic.
// Concretely, we need to convert ptr to go from an index into a 1-byte-wide
// buffer to an index into a 4-byte-wide buffer (in the case of HEAPF32)
// and thus we divide ptr by 4.
// It is important to make sure we are grabbing the freshest view of the
// memory possible because if we call _malloc and the heap needs to grow,
// the TypedArrayView will no longer be valid.
CanvasKit[dest].set(arr, ptr / bytesPerElement);
return ptr;
// arr should be a non-jagged 2d JS array (TypedArrays can't be nested
// inside themselves). A common use case is points.
// dest is something like CanvasKit.HEAPF32
// ptr can be optionally provided if the memory was already allocated.
// TODO(kjlubick): Remove 2d arrays - everything should be flat.
function copy2dArray(arr, dest, ptr) {
if (!arr || !arr.length) {
return nullptr;
var bytesPerElement = CanvasKit[dest].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
if (!ptr) {
ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(arr.length * arr[0].length * bytesPerElement);
// Make sure we have a fresh view of the heap after we malloc.
dest = CanvasKit[dest];
var idx = 0;
var adjustedPtr = ptr / bytesPerElement;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
dest[adjustedPtr + idx] = arr[r][c];
return ptr;
// Copies an array of colors to wasm, returning an object with the pointer
// and info necessary to use the copied colors.
// Accepts either a flat Float32Array, flat Uint32Array or Array of Float32Arrays.
// If color is an object that was allocated with CanvasKit.Malloc, it's pointer is
// returned and no extra copy is performed.
// Array of Float32Arrays is deprecated and planned to be removed, prefer flat
// Float32Array
// TODO(nifong): have this accept color builders.
function copyFlexibleColorArray(colors) {
var result = {
colorPtr: nullptr,
count: colors.length,
colorType: CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F32,
if (colors instanceof Float32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy1dArray(colors, 'HEAPF32');
result.count = colors.length / 4;
} else if (colors instanceof Uint32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy1dArray(colors, 'HEAPU32');
result.colorType = CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888;
} else if (colors instanceof Array && colors[0] instanceof Float32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy2dArray(colors, 'HEAPF32');
} else {
throw('Invalid argument to copyFlexibleColorArray, Not a color array '+typeof(colors));
return result;
var defaultPerspective = Float32Array.of(0, 0, 1);
var _scratch3x3MatrixPtr = nullptr;
var _scratch3x3Matrix; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
// Copies the given DOMMatrix/Array/TypedArray to the CanvasKit heap and
// returns a pointer to the memory. This memory is a float* of length 9.
// If the passed in matrix is null/undefined, we return 0 (nullptr). All calls
// on the C++ side should check for nullptr where appropriate. It is generally
// the responsibility of the JS side code to call CanvasKit._free on the
// allocated memory before returning to the user code.
function copy3x3MatrixToWasm(matr) {
if (!matr) {
return nullptr;
if (matr.length) {
// TODO(kjlubick): Downsample a 16 length (4x4 matrix)
if (matr.length !== 6 && matr.length !== 9) {
throw 'invalid matrix size';
// matr should be an array or typed array.
var mPtr = copy1dArray(matr, 'HEAPF32', _scratch3x3MatrixPtr);
if (matr.length === 6) {
// Overwrite the last 3 floats with the default perspective. The divide
// by 4 casts the pointer into a float pointer.
CanvasKit.HEAPF32.set(defaultPerspective, 6 + mPtr / 4);
return mPtr;
var wasm3x3Matrix = _scratch3x3Matrix['toTypedArray']();
// Try as if it's a DOMMatrix. Reminder that DOMMatrix is column-major.
wasm3x3Matrix[0] = matr.m11;
wasm3x3Matrix[1] = matr.m21;
wasm3x3Matrix[2] = matr.m41;
wasm3x3Matrix[3] = matr.m12;
wasm3x3Matrix[4] = matr.m22;
wasm3x3Matrix[5] = matr.m42;
wasm3x3Matrix[6] = matr.m14;
wasm3x3Matrix[7] = matr.m24;
wasm3x3Matrix[8] = matr.m44;
return _scratch3x3MatrixPtr;
var _scratch4x4MatrixPtr = nullptr;
var _scratch4x4Matrix; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
function copy4x4MatrixToWasm(matr) {
if (!matr) {
return nullptr;
var wasm4x4Matrix = _scratch4x4Matrix['toTypedArray']();
if (matr.length) {
if (matr.length !== 16 && matr.length !== 6 && matr.length !== 9) {
throw 'invalid matrix size';
if (matr.length === 16) {
// matr should be an array or typed array.
return copy1dArray(matr, 'HEAPF32', _scratch4x4MatrixPtr);
// Upscale the row-major 3x3 or 3x2 matrix into a 4x4 row-major matrix
// TODO( This will need to change when we convert our
// JS 4x4 to be column-major.
// When upscaling, we need to overwrite the 3rd column and the 3rd row with
// 0s. It's easiest to just do that with a fill command.
wasm4x4Matrix[0] = matr[0];
wasm4x4Matrix[1] = matr[1];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[3] = matr[2];
wasm4x4Matrix[4] = matr[3];
wasm4x4Matrix[5] = matr[4];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[7] = matr[5];
// skip row 2
wasm4x4Matrix[12] = matr[6];
wasm4x4Matrix[13] = matr[7];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[15] = matr[8];
if (matr.length === 6) {
// fix perspective for the 3x2 case (from above, they will be undefined).
return _scratch4x4MatrixPtr;
// Try as if it's a DOMMatrix. Reminder that DOMMatrix is column-major.
wasm4x4Matrix[0] = matr.m11;
wasm4x4Matrix[1] = matr.m21;
wasm4x4Matrix[2] = matr.m31;
wasm4x4Matrix[3] = matr.m41;
wasm4x4Matrix[4] = matr.m12;
wasm4x4Matrix[5] = matr.m22;
wasm4x4Matrix[6] = matr.m32;
wasm4x4Matrix[7] = matr.m42;
wasm4x4Matrix[8] = matr.m13;
wasm4x4Matrix[9] = matr.m23;
wasm4x4Matrix[10] = matr.m33;
wasm4x4Matrix[11] = matr.m43;
wasm4x4Matrix[12] = matr.m14;
wasm4x4Matrix[13] = matr.m24;
wasm4x4Matrix[14] = matr.m34;
wasm4x4Matrix[15] = matr.m44;
return _scratch4x4MatrixPtr;
// copies a 4x4 matrix at the given pointer into a JS array. It is the caller's
// responsibility to free the matrPtr if needed.
function copy4x4MatrixFromWasm(matrPtr) {
// read them out into an array. TODO(kjlubick): If we change SkMatrix to be
// typedArrays, then we should return a typed array here too.
var rv = new Array(16);
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
rv[i] = CanvasKit.HEAPF32[matrPtr/4 + i]; // divide by 4 to cast to float.
return rv;
var _scratchColorPtr = nullptr;
var _scratchColor; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
function copyColorToWasm(color4f, ptr) {
return copy1dArray(color4f, 'HEAPF32', ptr || _scratchColorPtr);
function copyColorComponentsToWasm(r, g, b, a) {
var colors = _scratchColor['toTypedArray']();
colors[0] = r;
colors[1] = g;
colors[2] = b;
colors[3] = a;
return _scratchColorPtr;
function copyColorToWasmNoScratch(color4f) {
// TODO(kjlubick): accept 4 floats or int color
return copy1dArray(color4f, 'HEAPF32');
// copies the four floats at the given pointer in a js Float32Array
function copyColorFromWasm(colorPtr) {
var rv = new Float32Array(4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
rv[i] = CanvasKit.HEAPF32[colorPtr/4 + i]; // divide by 4 to cast to float.
return rv;
// These will be initialized after loading.
var _scratchRect;
var _scratchRectPtr = nullptr;
var _scratchRect2;
var _scratchRect2Ptr = nullptr;
function copyRectToWasm(fourFloats, ptr) {
return copy1dArray(fourFloats, 'HEAPF32', ptr || _scratchRectPtr);
var _scratchIRect;
var _scratchIRectPtr = nullptr;
function copyIRectToWasm(fourInts, ptr) {
return copy1dArray(fourInts, 'HEAP32', ptr || _scratchIRectPtr);
// These will be initialized after loading.
var _scratchRRect;
var _scratchRRectPtr = nullptr;
var _scratchRRect2;
var _scratchRRect2Ptr = nullptr;
function copyRRectToWasm(twelveFloats, ptr) {
return copy1dArray(twelveFloats, 'HEAPF32', ptr || _scratchRRectPtr);
// Caching the Float32Arrays can save having to reallocate them
// over and over again.
var Float32ArrayCache = {};
// Takes a 2D array of commands and puts them into the WASM heap
// as a 1D array. This allows them to referenced from the C++ code.
// Returns a 2 element array, with the first item being essentially a
// pointer to the array and the second item being the length of
// the new 1D array.
// Example usage:
// let cmds = [
// [CanvasKit.MOVE_VERB, 0, 10],
// [CanvasKit.LINE_VERB, 30, 40],
// [CanvasKit.QUAD_VERB, 20, 50, 45, 60],
// ];
// TODO(kjlubick) remove this and Float32ArrayCache (superceded by Malloc).
function loadCmdsTypedArray(arr) {
var len = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
len += arr[r].length;
var ta;
if (Float32ArrayCache[len]) {
ta = Float32ArrayCache[len];
} else {
ta = new Float32Array(len);
Float32ArrayCache[len] = ta;
// Flatten into a 1d array
var i = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < arr[r].length; c++) {
var item = arr[r][c];
ta[i] = item;
var ptr = copy1dArray(ta, 'HEAPF32');
return [ptr, len];
function saveBytesToFile(bytes, fileName) {
if (!isNode) {
var blob = new Blob([bytes], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = fileName;;
// clean up after because FF might not download it synchronously
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
} else {
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile(fileName, new Buffer(bytes), function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
* Generic helper for dealing with an array of four floats.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper = function() {
this._floats = [];
this._ptr = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._floats.length / 4;
* push the four floats onto the end of the array - if build() has already
* been called, the call will return without modifying anything.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.push = function(f1, f2, f3, f4) {
if (this._ptr) {
SkDebug('Cannot push more points - already built');
this._floats.push(f1, f2, f3, f4);
* Set the four floats at a given index - if build() has already
* been called, the WASM memory will be written to directly.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.set = function(idx, f1, f2, f3, f4) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this._floats.length/4) {
SkDebug('Cannot set index ' + idx + ', it is out of range', this._floats.length/4);
idx *= 4;
if (this._ptr) {
// convert this._ptr from uint8_t* to SkScalar* by dividing by 4
var floatPtr = (this._ptr / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) + idx;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr] = f1;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 1] = f2;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 2] = f3;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 3] = f4;
this._floats[idx] = f1;
this._floats[idx + 1] = f2;
this._floats[idx + 2] = f3;
this._floats[idx + 3] = f4;
* Copies the float data to the WASM memory and returns a pointer
* to that allocated memory. Once build has been called, this
* float array cannot be made bigger.
*/ = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
return this._ptr;
this._ptr = copy1dArray(this._floats, 'HEAPF32');
return this._ptr;
* Frees the wasm memory associated with this array. Of note,
* the points are not removed, so push/set/build can all
* be called to make a newly allocated (possibly bigger)
* float array.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.delete = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
this._ptr = null;
* Generic helper for dealing with an array of unsigned ints.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper = function() {
this._uints = [];
this._ptr = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._uints.length;
* push the unsigned int onto the end of the array - if build() has already
* been called, the call will return without modifying anything.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.push = function(u) {
if (this._ptr) {
SkDebug('Cannot push more points - already built');
* Set the uint at a given index - if build() has already
* been called, the WASM memory will be written to directly.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.set = function(idx, u) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this._uints.length) {
SkDebug('Cannot set index ' + idx + ', it is out of range', this._uints.length);
idx *= 4;
if (this._ptr) {
// convert this._ptr from uint8_t* to SkScalar* by dividing by 4
var uintPtr = (this._ptr / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) + idx;
CanvasKit.HEAPU32[uintPtr] = u;
this._uints[idx] = u;
* Copies the uint data to the WASM memory and returns a pointer
* to that allocated memory. Once build has been called, this
* unit array cannot be made bigger.
*/ = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
return this._ptr;
this._ptr = copy1dArray(this._uints, 'HEAPU32');
return this._ptr;
* Frees the wasm memory associated with this array. Of note,
* the points are not removed, so push/set/build can all
* be called to make a newly allocated (possibly bigger)
* uint array.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.delete = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
this._ptr = null;
* Helper for building an array of SkRects (which are just structs
* of 4 floats).
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
* Input points are taken as left, top, right, bottom
CanvasKit.SkRectBuilder = CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper;
* Helper for building an array of RSXForms (which are just structs
* of 4 floats).
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
* An RSXForm is a compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix.
* [ scos -ssin tx ]
* [ ssin scos ty ]
* [ 0 0 1 ]
* Input points are taken as scos, ssin, tx, ty
CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder = CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper;
* Helper for building an array of SkColor
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
CanvasKit.SkColorBuilder = CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper;
* Malloc returns a TypedArray backed by the C++ memory of the
* given length. It should only be used by advanced users who
* can manage memory and initialize values properly. When used
* correctly, it can save copying of data between JS and C++.
* When used incorrectly, it can lead to memory leaks.
* Any memory allocated by CanvasKit.Malloc needs to be released with CanvasKit.Free.
* const mObj = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 20);
* Get a TypedArray view around the malloc'd memory (this does not copy anything).
* const ta = mObj.toTypedArray();
* // store data into ta
* const cf = CanvasKit.SkColorFilter.MakeMatrix(ta); // mObj could also be used.
* // eventually...
* CanvasKit.Free(mObj);
* @param {TypedArray} typedArray - constructor for the typedArray.
* @param {number} len - number of *elements* to store.
CanvasKit.Malloc = function(typedArray, len) {
var byteLen = len * typedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(byteLen);
return {
'_ck': true,
'length': len,
'byteOffset': ptr,
typedArray: null,
'subarray': function(start, end) {
var sa = this['toTypedArray']().subarray(start, end);
sa['_ck'] = true;
return sa;
'toTypedArray': function() {
// Check if the previously allocated array is still usable.
// If it's falsey, then we haven't created an array yet.
// If it's empty, then WASM resized memory and emptied the array.
if (this.typedArray && this.typedArray.length) {
return this.typedArray;
this.typedArray = new typedArray(CanvasKit.HEAPU8.buffer, ptr, len);
// add a marker that this was allocated in C++ land
this.typedArray['_ck'] = true;
return this.typedArray;
* Free frees the memory returned by Malloc.
* Any memory allocated by CanvasKit.Malloc needs to be released with CanvasKit.Free.
CanvasKit.Free = function(mallocObj) {
mallocObj['byteOffset'] = nullptr;
// Set these to null to make sure the TypedArrays can be garbage collected.
mallocObj['toTypedArray'] = null;
mallocObj.typedArray = null;
// This helper will free the given pointer unless the provided array is one
// that was returned by CanvasKit.Malloc.
function freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ptr, arr) {
if (arr && !arr['_ck']) {