2013-11-08 16:25:25 +00:00

272 lines
10 KiB

Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
Calulate differences between image pairs, and store them in a database.
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import urllib
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Requires PIL to be installed; see '
+ '')
IMAGE_FORMAT = 'PNG' # must match one of the PIL image formats, listed at
IMAGES_SUBDIR = 'images'
DIFFS_SUBDIR = 'diffs'
WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR = 'whitediffs'
class DiffRecord(object):
""" Record of differences between two images. """
def __init__(self, storage_root,
expected_image_url, expected_image_locator,
actual_image_url, actual_image_locator):
"""Download this pair of images (unless we already have them on local disk),
and prepare a DiffRecord for them.
TODO(epoger): Make this asynchronously download images, rather than blocking
until the images have been downloaded and processed.
storage_root: root directory on local disk within which we store all
expected_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
expected image
expected_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
expected image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
guarantee uniqueness)
actual_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
actual image
actual_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
actual image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
guarantee uniqueness)
# Download the expected/actual images, if we don't have them already.
expected_image = _download_and_open_image(
os.path.join(storage_root, IMAGES_SUBDIR,
str(expected_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX),
actual_image = _download_and_open_image(
os.path.join(storage_root, IMAGES_SUBDIR,
str(actual_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX),
# Store the diff image (absolute diff at each pixel).
diff_image = _generate_image_diff(actual_image, expected_image)
self._weighted_diff_measure = _calculate_weighted_diff_metric(diff_image)
diff_image_locator = _get_difference_locator(
diff_image_filepath = os.path.join(
storage_root, DIFFS_SUBDIR, str(diff_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX)
_mkdir_unless_exists(os.path.join(storage_root, DIFFS_SUBDIR)), IMAGE_FORMAT)
# Store the whitediff image (any differing pixels show as white).
# TODO(epoger): From , it seems
# like we should be able to use im.point(function, mode) to perform both
# the point() and convert('1') operations simultaneously, but I couldn't
# get it to work.
whitediff_image = (diff_image.point(lambda p: (0, 256)[p!=0])
whitediff_image_filepath = os.path.join(
storage_root, WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR, str(diff_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX)
_mkdir_unless_exists(os.path.join(storage_root, WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR)), IMAGE_FORMAT)
# Calculate difference metrics.
(self._width, self._height) = diff_image.size
self._num_pixels_differing = whitediff_image.histogram()[255]
def get_num_pixels_differing(self):
"""Returns the absolute number of pixels that differ."""
return self._num_pixels_differing
def get_percent_pixels_differing(self):
"""Returns the percentage of pixels that differ, as a float between
0 and 100 (inclusive)."""
return ((float(self._num_pixels_differing) * 100) /
(self._width * self._height))
def get_weighted_diff_measure(self):
"""Returns a weighted measure of image diffs, as a float between 0 and 100
return self._weighted_diff_measure
class ImageDiffDB(object):
""" Calculates differences between image pairs, maintaining a database of
them for download."""
def __init__(self, storage_root):
storage_root: string; root path within the DB will store all of its stuff
self._storage_root = storage_root
# Dictionary of DiffRecords, keyed by (expected_image_locator,
# actual_image_locator) tuples.
self._diff_dict = {}
def add_image_pair(self,
expected_image_url, expected_image_locator,
actual_image_url, actual_image_locator):
"""Download this pair of images (unless we already have them on local disk),
and prepare a DiffRecord for them.
TODO(epoger): Make this asynchronously download images, rather than blocking
until the images have been downloaded and processed.
When we do that, we should probably add a new method that will block
until all of the images have been downloaded and processed. Otherwise,
we won't know when it's safe to start calling get_diff_record().
jcgregorio notes: maybe just make ImageDiffDB thread-safe and create a
thread-pool/worker queue at a higher level that just uses ImageDiffDB?
expected_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
expected image
expected_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
expected image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
guarantee uniqueness)
actual_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
actual image
actual_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
actual image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
guarantee uniqueness)
key = (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)
if not key in self._diff_dict:
new_diff_record = DiffRecord(
logging.exception('got exception while creating new DiffRecord')
self._diff_dict[key] = new_diff_record
def get_diff_record(self, expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator):
"""Returns the DiffRecord for this image pair.
Raises a KeyError if we don't have a DiffRecord for this image pair.
key = (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)
return self._diff_dict[key]
# Utility functions
def _calculate_weighted_diff_metric(image):
"""Given a diff image (per-channel diff at each pixel between two images),
calculate the weighted diff metric (a stab at how different the two images
really are).
image: PIL image; a per-channel diff between two images
Returns: a weighted diff metric, as a float between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
# TODO(epoger): This is just a wild guess at an appropriate metric.
# In the long term, we will probably use some metric generated by
# skpdiff anyway.
(width, height) = image.size
maxdiff = 3 * (width * height) * 255**2
h = image.histogram()
assert(len(h) % 256 == 0)
totaldiff = sum(map(lambda index,value: value * (index%256)**2,
range(len(h)), h))
return float(100 * totaldiff) / maxdiff
def _generate_image_diff(image1, image2):
"""Wrapper for ImageChops.difference(image1, image2) that will handle some
errors automatically, or at least yield more useful error messages.
TODO(epoger): Currently, some of the images generated by the bots are RGBA
and others are RGB. I'm not sure why that is. For now, to avoid confusion
within the UI, convert all to RGB when diffing.
image1: a PIL image object
image2: a PIL image object
Returns: per-pixel diffs between image1 and image2, as a PIL image object
return ImageChops.difference(image1.convert('RGB'), image2.convert('RGB'))
except ValueError:
logging.error('Error diffing image1 [%s] and image2 [%s].' % (
repr(image1), repr(image2)))
def _download_and_open_image(local_filepath, url):
"""Open the image at local_filepath; if there is no file at that path,
download it from url to that path and then open it.
local_filepath: path on local disk where the image should be stored
url: URL from which we can download the image if we don't have it yet
Returns: a PIL image object
if not os.path.exists(local_filepath):
with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen(url)) as url_handle:
with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as file_handle:
shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc=url_handle, fdst=file_handle)
return _open_image(local_filepath)
def _open_image(filepath):
"""Wrapper for that yields more useful error messages.
filepath: path on local disk to load image from
Returns: a PIL image object
except IOError:
logging.error('IOError loading image file %s' % filepath)
def _mkdir_unless_exists(path):
"""Unless path refers to an already-existing directory, create it.
path: path on local disk
if not os.path.isdir(path):
def _get_difference_locator(expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator):
"""Returns the locator string used to look up the diffs between expected_image
and actual_image.
expected_image_locator: locator string pointing at expected image
actual_image_locator: locator string pointing at actual image
Returns: locator where the diffs between expected and actual images can be
return "%s-vs-%s" % (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)