skia2/tests/ReadPixelsTest.cpp 54f0d1b711 Tests : Unused parameters cleanup
I removed unused parameters in the tests wherever it was trivial to do so. I'm trying to get the easy ones out of the way before we get into more involved discussions around this.
Review URL:

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2013-02-27 19:17:41 +00:00

421 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Test.h"
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkColorPriv.h"
#include "SkDevice.h"
#include "SkMathPriv.h"
#include "SkRegion.h"
#include "SkGpuDevice.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
static const int DEV_W = 100, DEV_H = 100;
static const SkIRect DEV_RECT = SkIRect::MakeWH(DEV_W, DEV_H);
static const SkRect DEV_RECT_S = SkRect::MakeWH(DEV_W * SK_Scalar1,
DEV_H * SK_Scalar1);
namespace {
SkPMColor getCanvasColor(int x, int y) {
SkASSERT(x >= 0 && x < DEV_W);
SkASSERT(y >= 0 && y < DEV_H);
U8CPU r = x;
U8CPU g = y;
U8CPU b = 0xc;
U8CPU a = 0xff;
switch ((x+y) % 5) {
case 0:
a = 0xff;
case 1:
a = 0x80;
case 2:
a = 0xCC;
case 4:
a = 0x01;
case 3:
a = 0x00;
return SkPremultiplyARGBInline(a, r, g, b);
SkPMColor getBitmapColor(int x, int y, int w) {
int n = y * w + x;
U8CPU b = n & 0xff;
U8CPU g = (n >> 8) & 0xff;
U8CPU r = (n >> 16) & 0xff;
return SkPackARGB32(0xff, r, g , b);
SkPMColor convertConfig8888ToPMColor(SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888,
uint32_t color,
bool* premul) {
const uint8_t* c = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&color);
U8CPU a,r,g,b;
*premul = false;
switch (config8888) {
case SkCanvas::kNative_Premul_Config8888:
return color;
case SkCanvas::kNative_Unpremul_Config8888:
*premul = true;
a = SkGetPackedA32(color);
r = SkGetPackedR32(color);
g = SkGetPackedG32(color);
b = SkGetPackedB32(color);
case SkCanvas::kBGRA_Unpremul_Config8888:
*premul = true; // fallthru
case SkCanvas::kBGRA_Premul_Config8888:
a = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[3]);
r = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[2]);
g = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[1]);
b = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[0]);
case SkCanvas::kRGBA_Unpremul_Config8888:
*premul = true; // fallthru
case SkCanvas::kRGBA_Premul_Config8888:
a = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[3]);
r = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[0]);
g = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[1]);
b = static_cast<U8CPU>(c[2]);
SkDEBUGFAIL("Unexpected Config8888");
return 0;
if (*premul) {
r = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(r, a);
g = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(g, a);
b = SkMulDiv255Ceiling(b, a);
return SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
void fillCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas) {
static SkBitmap bmp;
if (bmp.isNull()) {
bmp.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, DEV_W, DEV_H);
SkDEBUGCODE(bool alloc =) bmp.allocPixels();
SkAutoLockPixels alp(bmp);
intptr_t pixels = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(bmp.getPixels());
for (int y = 0; y < DEV_H; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < DEV_W; ++x) {
SkPMColor* pixel = reinterpret_cast<SkPMColor*>(pixels + y * bmp.rowBytes() + x * bmp.bytesPerPixel());
*pixel = getCanvasColor(x, y);
canvas->clipRect(DEV_RECT_S, SkRegion::kReplace_Op);
SkPaint paint;
canvas->drawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, &paint);
void fillBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap) {
SkAutoLockPixels alp(*bitmap);
int w = bitmap->width();
int h = bitmap->height();
intptr_t pixels = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(bitmap->getPixels());
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
SkPMColor* pixel = reinterpret_cast<SkPMColor*>(pixels + y * bitmap->rowBytes() + x * bitmap->bytesPerPixel());
*pixel = getBitmapColor(x, y, w);
bool checkPixel(SkPMColor a, SkPMColor b, bool didPremulConversion) {
if (!didPremulConversion) {
return a == b;
int32_t aA = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedA32(a));
int32_t aR = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedR32(a));
int32_t aG = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedG32(a));
int32_t aB = SkGetPackedB32(a);
int32_t bA = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedA32(b));
int32_t bR = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedR32(b));
int32_t bG = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedG32(b));
int32_t bB = static_cast<int32_t>(SkGetPackedB32(b));
return aA == bA &&
SkAbs32(aR - bR) <= 1 &&
SkAbs32(aG - bG) <= 1 &&
SkAbs32(aB - bB) <= 1;
// checks the bitmap contains correct pixels after the readPixels
// if the bitmap was prefilled with pixels it checks that these weren't
// overwritten in the area outside the readPixels.
bool checkRead(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
int x, int y,
bool checkCanvasPixels,
bool checkBitmapPixels,
SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888) {
SkASSERT(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config == bitmap.config());
SkASSERT(checkCanvasPixels || checkBitmapPixels);
int bw = bitmap.width();
int bh = bitmap.height();
SkIRect srcRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, bw, bh);
SkIRect clippedSrcRect = DEV_RECT;
if (!clippedSrcRect.intersect(srcRect)) {
SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap);
intptr_t pixels = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(bitmap.getPixels());
for (int by = 0; by < bh; ++by) {
for (int bx = 0; bx < bw; ++bx) {
int devx = bx + srcRect.fLeft;
int devy = by + srcRect.fTop;
uint32_t pixel = *reinterpret_cast<SkPMColor*>(pixels + by * bitmap.rowBytes() + bx * bitmap.bytesPerPixel());
if (clippedSrcRect.contains(devx, devy)) {
if (checkCanvasPixels) {
SkPMColor canvasPixel = getCanvasColor(devx, devy);
bool didPremul;
SkPMColor pmPixel = convertConfig8888ToPMColor(config8888, pixel, &didPremul);
bool check;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, check = checkPixel(pmPixel, canvasPixel, didPremul));
if (!check) {
return false;
} else if (checkBitmapPixels) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, getBitmapColor(bx, by, bw) == pixel);
if (getBitmapColor(bx, by, bw) != pixel) {
return false;
return true;
enum BitmapInit {
kFirstBitmapInit = 0,
kNoPixels_BitmapInit = kFirstBitmapInit,
BitmapInit nextBMI(BitmapInit bmi) {
int x = bmi;
return static_cast<BitmapInit>(++x);
void init_bitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, const SkIRect& rect, BitmapInit init) {
int w = rect.width();
int h = rect.height();
int rowBytes = 0;
bool alloc = true;
switch (init) {
case kNoPixels_BitmapInit:
alloc = false;
case kTight_BitmapInit:
case kRowBytes_BitmapInit:
rowBytes = w * sizeof(SkPMColor) + 16 * sizeof(SkPMColor);
bitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, w, h, rowBytes);
if (alloc) {
void ReadPixelsTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContextFactory* factory) {
const SkIRect testRects[] = {
// entire thing
// larger on all sides
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H + 10),
// fully contained
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(DEV_W / 4, DEV_H / 4, 3 * DEV_W / 4, 3 * DEV_H / 4),
// outside top left
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, -1, -1),
// touching top left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, 0, 0),
// overlapping top left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, DEV_W / 4, DEV_H / 4),
// overlapping top left and top right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H / 4),
// touching entire top edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, DEV_W + 10, 0),
// overlapping top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3 * DEV_W / 4, -10, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H / 4),
// contained in x, overlapping top edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(DEV_W / 4, -10, 3 * DEV_W / 4, DEV_H / 4),
// outside top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(DEV_W + 1, -10, DEV_W + 10, -1),
// touching top right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(DEV_W, -10, DEV_W + 10, 0),
// overlapping top left and bottom left corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, DEV_W / 4, DEV_H + 10),
// touching entire left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, -10, 0, DEV_H + 10),
// overlapping bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, 3 * DEV_H / 4, DEV_W / 4, DEV_H + 10),
// contained in y, overlapping left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, DEV_H / 4, DEV_W / 4, 3 * DEV_H / 4),
// outside bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, DEV_H + 1, -1, DEV_H + 10),
// touching bottom left corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, DEV_H, 0, DEV_H + 10),
// overlapping bottom left and bottom right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(-10, 3 * DEV_H / 4, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H + 10),
// touching entire left edge
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, DEV_H, DEV_W, DEV_H + 10),
// overlapping bottom right corner
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3 * DEV_W / 4, 3 * DEV_H / 4, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H + 10),
// overlapping top right and bottom right corners
SkIRect::MakeLTRB(3 * DEV_W / 4, -10, DEV_W + 10, DEV_H + 10),
for (int dtype = 0; dtype < 3; ++dtype) {
int glCtxTypeCnt = 1;
if (0 != dtype) {
glCtxTypeCnt = GrContextFactory::kGLContextTypeCnt;
for (int glCtxType = 0; glCtxType < glCtxTypeCnt; ++glCtxType) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkDevice> device;
if (0 == dtype) {
device.reset(new SkDevice(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, DEV_W, DEV_H, false));
} else {
GrContextFactory::GLContextType type =
if (!GrContextFactory::IsRenderingGLContext(type)) {
GrContext* context = factory->get(type);
if (NULL == context) {
GrTextureDesc desc;
desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrTextureFlagBit | kNoStencil_GrTextureFlagBit;
desc.fWidth = DEV_W;
desc.fHeight = DEV_H;
desc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;
desc.fOrigin = 1 == dtype ? kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin
: kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
GrAutoScratchTexture ast(context, desc, GrContext::kExact_ScratchTexMatch);
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> tex(ast.detach());
device.reset(new SkGpuDevice(context, tex));
SkCanvas canvas(device);
static const SkCanvas::Config8888 gReadConfigs[] = {
* There is a bug in Ganesh (
* that causes the readback of pixels from BGRA canvas to an RGBA bitmap to
* fail. This should be removed as soon as the issue above is resolved.
#if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID)
for (size_t rect = 0; rect < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(testRects); ++rect) {
const SkIRect& srcRect = testRects[rect];
for (BitmapInit bmi = kFirstBitmapInit;
bmi < kBitmapInitCnt;
bmi = nextBMI(bmi)) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gReadConfigs); ++c) {
SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888 = gReadConfigs[c];
SkBitmap bmp;
init_bitmap(&bmp, srcRect, bmi);
// if the bitmap has pixels allocated before the readPixels,
// note that and fill them with pattern
bool startsWithPixels = !bmp.isNull();
if (startsWithPixels) {
uint32_t idBefore = canvas.getDevice()->accessBitmap(false).getGenerationID();
bool success =
canvas.readPixels(&bmp, srcRect.fLeft,
srcRect.fTop, config8888);
uint32_t idAfter = canvas.getDevice()->accessBitmap(false).getGenerationID();
// we expect to succeed when the read isn't fully clipped
// out.
bool expectSuccess = SkIRect::Intersects(srcRect, DEV_RECT);
// determine whether we expected the read to succeed.
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success == expectSuccess);
// read pixels should never change the gen id
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, idBefore == idAfter);
if (success || startsWithPixels) {
checkRead(reporter, bmp, srcRect.fLeft, srcRect.fTop,
success, startsWithPixels, config8888);
} else {
// if we had no pixels beforehand and the readPixels
// failed then our bitmap should still not have pixels
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bmp.isNull());
// check the old webkit version of readPixels that clips the
// bitmap size
SkBitmap wkbmp;
bool success = canvas.readPixels(srcRect, &wkbmp);
SkIRect clippedRect = DEV_RECT;
if (clippedRect.intersect(srcRect)) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success);
checkRead(reporter, wkbmp, clippedRect.fLeft,
clippedRect.fTop, true, false,
} else {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !success);
#include "TestClassDef.h"
DEFINE_GPUTESTCLASS("ReadPixels", ReadPixelsTestClass, ReadPixelsTest)