scroggo 6351640285 Fixes for SkRWBuffer
Do not call SkBufferHead::validate in SkROBuffer's destructor, which
may be called in a separate thread from SkRWBuffer::append. validate()
reads SkBufferBlock::fUsed, and append() writes to it, resulting in
a data race.

Update some comments to be more clear about how it is safe to use
these classes across threads.

Test the readers in separate threads.

In addition, make sure it is safe to create a reader even when no
data has been appended. Add tests for this case.

Mark a parameter to SkBufferHead::validate() as const, reflecting
its use.



Review URL:
2016-04-22 06:59:01 -07:00

384 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkDataTable.h"
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "Test.h"
static void test_is_equal(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
const SkDataTable* a, const SkDataTable* b) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a->count() == b->count());
for (int i = 0; i < a->count(); ++i) {
size_t sizea, sizeb;
const void* mema = a->at(i, &sizea);
const void* memb = b->at(i, &sizeb);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizea == sizeb);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(mema, memb, sizea));
static void test_datatable_is_empty(skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
SkDataTable* table) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->isEmpty());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == table->count());
static void test_emptytable(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table0(SkDataTable::NewEmpty());
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table1(SkDataTable::NewCopyArrays(nullptr, nullptr, 0));
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table2(SkDataTable::NewCopyArray(nullptr, 0, 0));
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table3(SkDataTable::NewArrayProc(nullptr, 0, 0,
nullptr, nullptr));
test_datatable_is_empty(reporter, table0);
test_datatable_is_empty(reporter, table1);
test_datatable_is_empty(reporter, table2);
test_datatable_is_empty(reporter, table3);
test_is_equal(reporter, table0, table1);
test_is_equal(reporter, table0, table2);
test_is_equal(reporter, table0, table3);
static void test_simpletable(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
const int idata[] = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 63 };
int icount = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(idata);
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> itable(SkDataTable::NewCopyArray(idata,
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, itable->count() == icount);
for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i) {
size_t size;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(int) == itable->atSize(i));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *itable->atT<int>(i, &size) == idata[i]);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(int) == size);
static void test_vartable(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
const char* str[] = {
"", "a", "be", "see", "deigh", "ef", "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"
int count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(str);
size_t sizes[SK_ARRAY_COUNT(str)];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
sizes[i] = strlen(str[i]) + 1;
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table(SkDataTable::NewCopyArrays(
(const void*const*)str, sizes, count));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->count() == count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
size_t size;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->atSize(i) == sizes[i]);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !strcmp(table->atT<const char>(i, &size),
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == sizes[i]);
const char* s = table->atStr(i);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, strlen(s) == strlen(str[i]));
static void test_tablebuilder(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
const char* str[] = {
"", "a", "be", "see", "deigh", "ef", "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"
int count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(str);
SkDataTableBuilder builder(16);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
builder.append(str[i], strlen(str[i]) + 1);
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table(builder.detachDataTable());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->count() == count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
size_t size;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->atSize(i) == strlen(str[i]) + 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !strcmp(table->atT<const char>(i, &size),
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == strlen(str[i]) + 1);
const char* s = table->atStr(i);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, strlen(s) == strlen(str[i]));
static void test_globaltable(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
static const int gData[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
int count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gData);
SkAutoTUnref<SkDataTable> table(SkDataTable::NewArrayProc(gData,
sizeof(gData[0]), count, nullptr, nullptr));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->count() == count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
size_t size;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, table->atSize(i) == sizeof(int));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *table->atT<const char>(i, &size) == i);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(int) == size);
DEF_TEST(DataTable, reporter) {
static void* gGlobal;
static void delete_int_proc(const void* ptr, void* context) {
int* data = (int*)ptr;
SkASSERT(context == gGlobal);
delete[] data;
static void assert_len(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SkData* ref, size_t len) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ref->size() == len);
static void assert_data(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SkData* ref,
const void* data, size_t len) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ref->size() == len);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(ref->data(), data, len));
static void test_cstring(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
const char str[] = "Hello world";
size_t len = strlen(str);
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r0(SkData::NewWithCopy(str, len + 1));
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r1(SkData::NewWithCString(str));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r0->equals(r1));
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r2(SkData::NewWithCString(nullptr));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == r2->size());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == *r2->bytes());
static void test_files(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
SkString tmpDir = skiatest::GetTmpDir();
if (tmpDir.isEmpty()) {
SkString path = SkOSPath::Join(tmpDir.c_str(), "data_test");
const char s[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
SkFILEWStream writer(path.c_str());
if (!writer.isValid()) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Failed to create tmp file %s\n", path.c_str());
writer.write(s, 26);
FILE* file = sk_fopen(path.c_str(), kRead_SkFILE_Flag);
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r1(SkData::NewFromFILE(file));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r1.get() != nullptr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r1->size() == 26);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, strncmp(static_cast<const char*>(r1->data()), s, 26) == 0);
int fd = sk_fileno(file);
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r2(SkData::NewFromFD(fd));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r2.get() != nullptr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r2->size() == 26);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, strncmp(static_cast<const char*>(r2->data()), s, 26) == 0);
DEF_TEST(Data, reporter) {
const char* str = "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.";
const int N = 10;
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r0(SkData::NewEmpty());
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r1(SkData::NewWithCopy(str, strlen(str)));
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r2(SkData::NewWithProc(new int[N], N*sizeof(int),
delete_int_proc, gGlobal));
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> r3(SkData::NewSubset(r1, 7, 6));
assert_len(reporter, r0, 0);
assert_len(reporter, r1, strlen(str));
assert_len(reporter, r2, N * sizeof(int));
assert_len(reporter, r3, 6);
assert_data(reporter, r1, str, strlen(str));
assert_data(reporter, r3, "people", 6);
SkData* tmp = SkData::NewSubset(r1, strlen(str), 10);
assert_len(reporter, tmp, 0);
tmp = SkData::NewSubset(r1, 0, 0);
assert_len(reporter, tmp, 0);
#include "SkRWBuffer.h"
const char gABC[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static void check_abcs(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const char buffer[], size_t size) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size % 26 == 0);
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < size; offset += 26) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(&buffer[offset], gABC, 26));
// stream should contain an integral number of copies of gABC.
static void check_alphabet_stream(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, SkStream* stream) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->hasLength());
size_t size = stream->getLength();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size % 26 == 0);
SkAutoTMalloc<char> storage(size);
char* array = storage.get();
size_t bytesRead = stream->read(array, size);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bytesRead == size);
check_abcs(reporter, array, size);
// try checking backwards
for (size_t offset = size; offset > 0; offset -= 26) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->seek(offset - 26));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->getPosition() == offset - 26);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->read(array, 26) == 26);
check_abcs(reporter, array, 26);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->getPosition() == offset);
// reader should contains an integral number of copies of gABC.
static void check_alphabet_buffer(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkROBuffer* reader) {
size_t size = reader->size();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size % 26 == 0);
SkAutoTMalloc<char> storage(size);
SkROBuffer::Iter iter(reader);
size_t offset = 0;
do {
SkASSERT(offset + iter.size() <= size);
memcpy(storage.get() + offset,, iter.size());
offset += iter.size();
} while (;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, offset == size);
check_abcs(reporter, storage.get(), size);
#include "SkTaskGroup.h"
DEF_TEST(RWBuffer, reporter) {
// Knowing that the default capacity is 4096, choose N large enough so we force it to use
// multiple buffers internally.
const int N = 1000;
SkROBuffer* readers[N];
SkStream* streams[N];
SkRWBuffer buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
buffer.append(gABC, 26);
readers[i] = buffer.newRBufferSnapshot();
streams[i] = buffer.newStreamSnapshot();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, N*26 == buffer.size());
// Verify that although the SkRWBuffer's destructor has run, the readers are still valid.
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (i + 1) * 26U == readers[i]->size());
check_alphabet_buffer(reporter, readers[i]);
check_alphabet_stream(reporter, streams[i]);
delete streams[i];
DEF_TEST(RWBuffer_threaded, reporter) {
// Knowing that the default capacity is 4096, choose N large enough so we force it to use
// multiple buffers internally.
const int N = 1000;
SkTaskGroup tasks;
SkRWBuffer buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
buffer.append(gABC, 26);
sk_sp<SkROBuffer> reader = sk_sp<SkROBuffer>(buffer.newRBufferSnapshot());
SkStream* stream = buffer.newStreamSnapshot();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, reader->size() == buffer.size());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->getLength() == buffer.size());
// reader's copy constructor will ref the SkROBuffer, which will be unreffed
// when the task ends.
// Ownership of stream is passed to the task, which will delete it.
tasks.add([reporter, i, reader, stream] {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (i + 1) * 26U == reader->size());
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->getLength() == reader->size());
check_alphabet_buffer(reporter, reader.get());
check_alphabet_stream(reporter, stream);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, stream->rewind());
delete stream;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, N*26 == buffer.size());
// Tests that it is safe to call SkROBuffer::Iter::size() when exhausted.
DEF_TEST(RWBuffer_size, r) {
SkRWBuffer buffer;
buffer.append(gABC, 26);
SkAutoTUnref<SkROBuffer> roBuffer(buffer.newRBufferSnapshot());
SkROBuffer::Iter iter(roBuffer);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, iter.size() == 26);
// There is only one block in this buffer.
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == iter.size());
// Tests that operations (including the destructor) are safe on an SkRWBuffer
// without any data appended.
DEF_TEST(RWBuffer_noAppend, r) {
SkRWBuffer buffer;
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == buffer.size());
sk_sp<SkROBuffer> roBuffer = sk_sp<SkROBuffer>(buffer.newRBufferSnapshot());
if (roBuffer) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, roBuffer->size() == 0);
SkROBuffer::Iter iter(roBuffer.get());
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, iter.size() == 0);
SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(buffer.newStreamSnapshot());
if (stream) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, stream->hasLength());
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, stream->getLength() == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, stream->skip(10) == 0);