Stephen White 3cc8d4fb7f Dawn: s/dawn::/wgpu::/g.
The new webgpu_cpp.h hotness for native apps brings with it a new
namespace: wgpu. This is a straight substitution.

Note: no Skia API changes.
Change-Id: I12b26417e76838cd8fa2b39b8161cbaa2cd8fa78
Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
2019-10-30 14:29:46 +00:00

454 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrBackendSurface_DEFINED
#define GrBackendSurface_DEFINED
#include "include/gpu/GrTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/gl/GrGLTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/mock/GrMockTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/GrGLTypesPriv.h"
#include "include/private/GrVkTypesPriv.h"
#ifdef SK_DAWN
#include "include/gpu/dawn/GrDawnTypes.h"
class GrVkImageLayout;
class GrGLTextureParameters;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
#include "dawn/dawncpp.h"
#ifdef SK_METAL
#include "include/gpu/mtl/GrMtlTypes.h"
class SkString;
// SkSurface and SkImage rely on a minimal version of these always being available
class SK_API GrBackendTexture {
GrBackendTexture() {}
bool isValid() const { return false; }
class SK_API GrBackendRenderTarget {
GrBackendRenderTarget() {}
bool isValid() const { return false; }
enum class GrGLFormat;
class SK_API GrBackendFormat {
// Creates an invalid backend format.
GrBackendFormat() {}
GrBackendFormat(const GrBackendFormat& src);
static GrBackendFormat MakeGL(GrGLenum format, GrGLenum target) {
return GrBackendFormat(format, target);
static GrBackendFormat MakeVk(VkFormat format) {
return GrBackendFormat(format, GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo());
static GrBackendFormat MakeVk(const GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo& ycbcrInfo);
#ifdef SK_DAWN
static GrBackendFormat MakeDawn(wgpu::TextureFormat format) {
return GrBackendFormat(format);
#ifdef SK_METAL
static GrBackendFormat MakeMtl(GrMTLPixelFormat format) {
return GrBackendFormat(format);
static GrBackendFormat MakeMock(GrColorType colorType) {
return GrBackendFormat(colorType);
bool operator==(const GrBackendFormat& that) const;
bool operator!=(const GrBackendFormat& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
GrBackendApi backend() const { return fBackend; }
GrTextureType textureType() const { return fTextureType; }
* If the backend API is GL this gets the format as a GrGLFormat. Otherwise, returns
* GrGLFormat::kUnknown.
GrGLFormat asGLFormat() const;
* If the backend API is Vulkan this gets the format as a VkFormat and returns true. Otherwise,
* returns false.
bool asVkFormat(VkFormat*) const;
const GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo* getVkYcbcrConversionInfo() const;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
* If the backend API is Dawn this gets the format as a wgpu::TextureFormat and returns true.
* Otherwise, returns false.
bool asDawnFormat(wgpu::TextureFormat*) const;
#ifdef SK_METAL
* If the backend API is Metal this gets the format as a GrMtlPixelFormat. Otherwise,
* Otherwise, returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid.
GrMTLPixelFormat asMtlFormat() const;
* If the backend API is Mock this gets the format as a GrColorType. Otherwise, returns
* GrColorType::kUnknown.
GrColorType asMockColorType() const;
// If possible, copies the GrBackendFormat and forces the texture type to be Texture2D. If the
// GrBackendFormat was for Vulkan and it originally had a GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo, we will
// remove the conversion and set the format to be VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM.
GrBackendFormat makeTexture2D() const;
// Returns true if the backend format has been initialized.
bool isValid() const { return fValid; }
SkString toStr() const;
GrBackendFormat(GrGLenum format, GrGLenum target);
GrBackendFormat(const VkFormat vkFormat, const GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo&);
#ifdef SK_DAWN
GrBackendFormat(wgpu::TextureFormat format);
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendFormat(const GrMTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
GrBackendFormat(GrColorType colorType);
GrBackendApi fBackend = GrBackendApi::kMock;
bool fValid = false;
union {
GrGLenum fGLFormat; // the sized, internal format of the GL resource
struct {
VkFormat fFormat;
GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo fYcbcrConversionInfo;
} fVk;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
wgpu::TextureFormat fDawnFormat;
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrMTLPixelFormat fMtlFormat;
GrColorType fMockColorType;
GrTextureType fTextureType = GrTextureType::kNone;
class SK_API GrBackendTexture {
// Creates an invalid backend texture.
GrBackendTexture() : fIsValid(false) {}
// The GrGLTextureInfo must have a valid fFormat.
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrGLTextureInfo& glInfo);
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo);
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrMtlTextureInfo& mtlInfo);
#ifdef SK_DAWN
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrDawnImageInfo& dawnInfo);
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrMockTextureInfo& mockInfo);
GrBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& that);
GrBackendTexture& operator=(const GrBackendTexture& that);
int width() const { return fWidth; }
int height() const { return fHeight; }
bool hasMipMaps() const { return GrMipMapped::kYes == fMipMapped; }
GrBackendApi backend() const {return fBackend; }
// If the backend API is GL, copies a snapshot of the GrGLTextureInfo struct into the passed in
// pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not GL.
bool getGLTextureInfo(GrGLTextureInfo*) const;
// Call this to indicate that the texture parameters have been modified in the GL context
// externally to GrContext.
void glTextureParametersModified();
#ifdef SK_DAWN
// If the backend API is Dawn, copies a snapshot of the GrDawnImageInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Dawn.
bool getDawnImageInfo(GrDawnImageInfo*) const;
// If the backend API is Vulkan, copies a snapshot of the GrVkImageInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. This snapshot will set the fImageLayout to the current layout
// state. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Vulkan.
bool getVkImageInfo(GrVkImageInfo*) const;
// Anytime the client changes the VkImageLayout of the VkImage captured by this
// GrBackendTexture, they must call this function to notify Skia of the changed layout.
void setVkImageLayout(VkImageLayout);
#ifdef SK_METAL
// If the backend API is Metal, copies a snapshot of the GrMtlTextureInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Metal.
bool getMtlTextureInfo(GrMtlTextureInfo*) const;
// Get the GrBackendFormat for this texture (or an invalid format if this is not valid).
GrBackendFormat getBackendFormat() const;
// If the backend API is Mock, copies a snapshot of the GrMockTextureInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Mock.
bool getMockTextureInfo(GrMockTextureInfo*) const;
// Returns true if we are working with protected content.
bool isProtected() const;
// Returns true if the backend texture has been initialized.
bool isValid() const { return fIsValid; }
// Returns true if both textures are valid and refer to the same API texture.
bool isSameTexture(const GrBackendTexture&);
static bool TestingOnly_Equals(const GrBackendTexture& , const GrBackendTexture&);
#ifdef SK_GL
friend class GrGLTexture;
friend class GrGLGpu; // for getGLTextureParams
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrGLTextureInfo,
sk_sp<GrGLTextureParameters> getGLTextureParams() const;
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
friend class GrVkTexture;
friend class GrVkGpu; // for getGrVkImageLayout
GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout);
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> getGrVkImageLayout() const;
// Free and release and resources being held by the GrBackendTexture.
void cleanup();
bool fIsValid;
int fWidth; //<! width in pixels
int fHeight; //<! height in pixels
GrMipMapped fMipMapped;
GrBackendApi fBackend;
union {
#ifdef SK_GL
GrGLBackendTextureInfo fGLInfo;
GrVkBackendSurfaceInfo fVkInfo;
GrMockTextureInfo fMockInfo;
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrMtlTextureInfo fMtlInfo;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
GrDawnImageInfo fDawnInfo;
class SK_API GrBackendRenderTarget {
// Creates an invalid backend texture.
GrBackendRenderTarget() : fIsValid(false) {}
// The GrGLTextureInfo must have a valid fFormat.
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrGLFramebufferInfo& glInfo);
#ifdef SK_DAWN
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrDawnImageInfo& dawnInfo);
/** Deprecated, use version that does not take stencil bits. */
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo);
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width, int height, int sampleCnt, const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo);
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
const GrMtlTextureInfo& mtlInfo);
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrMockRenderTargetInfo& mockInfo);
GrBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTarget& that);
GrBackendRenderTarget& operator=(const GrBackendRenderTarget&);
int width() const { return fWidth; }
int height() const { return fHeight; }
int sampleCnt() const { return fSampleCnt; }
int stencilBits() const { return fStencilBits; }
GrBackendApi backend() const {return fBackend; }
// If the backend API is GL, copies a snapshot of the GrGLFramebufferInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not GL.
bool getGLFramebufferInfo(GrGLFramebufferInfo*) const;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
// If the backend API is Dawn, copies a snapshot of the GrDawnImageInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Dawn.
bool getDawnImageInfo(GrDawnImageInfo*) const;
// If the backend API is Vulkan, copies a snapshot of the GrVkImageInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. This snapshot will set the fImageLayout to the current layout
// state. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Vulkan.
bool getVkImageInfo(GrVkImageInfo*) const;
// Anytime the client changes the VkImageLayout of the VkImage captured by this
// GrBackendRenderTarget, they must call this function to notify Skia of the changed layout.
void setVkImageLayout(VkImageLayout);
#ifdef SK_METAL
// If the backend API is Metal, copies a snapshot of the GrMtlTextureInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Metal.
bool getMtlTextureInfo(GrMtlTextureInfo*) const;
// Get the GrBackendFormat for this render target (or an invalid format if this is not valid).
GrBackendFormat getBackendFormat() const;
// If the backend API is Mock, copies a snapshot of the GrMockTextureInfo struct into the passed
// in pointer and returns true. Otherwise returns false if the backend API is not Mock.
bool getMockRenderTargetInfo(GrMockRenderTargetInfo*) const;
// Returns true if we are working with protected content.
bool isProtected() const;
// Returns true if the backend texture has been initialized.
bool isValid() const { return fIsValid; }
static bool TestingOnly_Equals(const GrBackendRenderTarget&, const GrBackendRenderTarget&);
friend class GrVkGpu; // for getGrVkImageLayout
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> getGrVkImageLayout() const;
friend class GrVkRenderTarget;
GrBackendRenderTarget(int width, int height, int sampleCnt, const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout);
// Free and release and resources being held by the GrBackendTexture.
void cleanup();
bool fIsValid;
int fWidth; //<! width in pixels
int fHeight; //<! height in pixels
int fSampleCnt;
int fStencilBits;
GrBackendApi fBackend;
union {
#ifdef SK_GL
GrGLFramebufferInfo fGLInfo;
GrVkBackendSurfaceInfo fVkInfo;
GrMockRenderTargetInfo fMockInfo;
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrMtlTextureInfo fMtlInfo;
#ifdef SK_DAWN
GrDawnImageInfo fDawnInfo;