egdaniel 735109c248 Add gyp define to enable vulkan debug layers
On Debug vulkan bots, running with the debug layers on seems to be adding
more than an hour to the total running time. Since we suppress any output
on the bots anyways the debug layers are serving no purpose. Thus I am
adding a gyp define to disable the layers on the bot.

With this change, by default when running vulkan in Debug, the debug_layers
will be enabled. The bots should disable the layers. Android framework
should also have them disabled by default.


2016-07-27 08:03:57 -07:00

265 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Get ready for the ugly...
# - We have to nest our variables dictionaries multiple levels deep, so that
# this and other gyp files can rely on previously-set variable values in
# their 'variables': { 'conditions': [] } clauses.
# Example 1:
# Within this file, we use the value of variable 'skia_os' to set the
# value of variable 'os_posix', so 'skia_os' must be defined within a
# "more inner" (enclosed) scope than 'os_posix'.
# Example 2:
# ,
# which we currently import into our build, uses the value of 'os_posix'
# within the 'conditions' list in its 'variables' dict.
# In order for that to work, it needs the value of 'os_posix' to have been
# set within a "more inner" (enclosed) scope than its own 'variables' dict.
# - On the other hand, key/value pairs of a given 'variable' dict are only
# inherited by:
# 1. directly enclosing 'variable' dicts, and
# 2. "sibling" 'variable' dicts (which, I guess, are combined into a single
# 'variable' dict during gyp processing)
# and NOT inherited by "uncles" (siblings of directly enclosing 'variable'
# dicts), so we have to re-define every variable at every enclosure level
# within our ridiculous matryoshka doll of 'variable' dicts. That's why
# we have variable definitions like this: 'skia_os%': '<(skia_os)',
# See ,
# which deals with these same constraints in a similar manner.
'variables': { # level 1
'angle_path%': '../',
'variables': { # level 2
# Variables needed by conditions list within the level-2 variables dict.
'variables': { # level 3
'variables': { # level 4
# We use 'skia_os' instead of 'OS' throughout our gyp files, to allow
# for cross-compilation (e.g. building for either MacOS or iOS on Mac).
# We set it automatically based on 'OS' (the host OS), but allow the
# user to override it via GYP_DEFINES if they like.
'skia_os%': '<(OS)',
'skia_os%': '<(skia_os)',
'vulkan_merged_into_skia': '1',
'skia_android_framework%': 0,
# RAW codec needs exceptions. Due to that, it is a separate target. Its usage can be
# controlled by skia_codec_decodes_raw.
'skia_codec_decodes_raw%' : 1,
'conditions' : [
[ 'skia_os in ["linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "solaris", "mac"]', {
'skia_arch_type%': 'x86_64',
}, {
'skia_arch_type%': 'x86',
'arm_version%': 0,
'arm_neon%': 0,
'skia_egl%': 0,
# Re-define all variables defined within the level-3 'variables' dict,
# so that siblings of the level-2 'variables' dict can see them.
# (skia_os will depend on skia_android_framework.)
'skia_android_framework%': '<(skia_android_framework)',
'skia_codec_decodes_raw%': '<(skia_codec_decodes_raw)',
'skia_arch_type%': '<(skia_arch_type)',
'arm_version%': '<(arm_version)',
'arm_neon%': '<(arm_neon)',
'skia_egl%': '<(skia_egl)',
'vulkan_merged_into_skia%': '<(vulkan_merged_into_skia)',
'conditions': [
[ 'skia_android_framework == 1', {
'skia_os%': 'android',
'skia_chrome_utils%': 0,
'skia_use_android_framework_defines%': 1,
'skia_use_system_json%': 1,
'skia_vulkan%': 1,
'skia_vulkan_debug_layers%': 0,
}, {
'skia_os%': '<(skia_os)',
'skia_chrome_utils%': 1,
'skia_use_android_framework_defines%': 0,
'skia_use_system_json%': 0,
[ 'skia_os == "win"', {
'os_posix%': 0,
}, {
'os_posix%': 1,
[ 'skia_os == "linux"', {
# ANGLE on linux require these two variable be defined.
'chromeos%': 0,
'use_x11%': 1,
[ 'skia_os == "android"', {
'skia_static_initializers%': 0,
'skia_egl%': 1,
}, {
'skia_static_initializers%': 1,
[ 'skia_os == "ios"', {
'skia_arch_type%': 'arm',
'arm_version%': 7,
'arm_neon%': 0, # neon asm files known not to work with the ios build
[ 'skia_os == "android" and not skia_android_framework',
# skia_freetype_static - on OS variants that normally would
# dynamically link the system FreeType library, don't do
# that; instead statically link to the version in
# third_party/freetype and third_party/externals/freetype.
'skia_freetype_static%': '1',
}, {
'skia_freetype_static%': '0',
# skia_no_fontconfig - On POSIX systems that would normally use the
# SkFontHost_fontconfig interface; use the SkFontHost_linux
# version instead.
'skia_no_fontconfig%': '0',
'skia_embedded_fonts%': '0',
'skia_sanitizer%': '',
'skia_mesa%': 0,
'skia_gpu_extra_dependency_path%': '',
'skia_gpu_extra_tests_path%': '',
'skia_stroke_path_rendering%': 0,
'skia_android_path_rendering%': 0,
'skia_resource_cache_mb_limit%': 0,
'skia_resource_cache_count_limit%': 0,
'skia_angle%': 0,
'skia_command_buffer%': 0,
'skia_gdi%': 0,
'skia_gpu%': 1,
'skia_osx_deployment_target%': '',
'skia_pdf%': 1,
'skia_profile_enabled%': 0,
'skia_vulkan%': 0,
'skia_vulkan_debug_layers%': 1,
'skia_win_debuggers_path%': '',
'skia_shared_lib%': 0,
'skia_force_distance_field_text%': 0,
'skia_is_bot%': '<!(python -c "import os; print os.environ.get(\'CHROME_HEADLESS\', 0)")',
# These variables determine the default optimization level for different
# compilers.
'skia_default_vs_optimization_level': 3, # full (/Ox)
'skia_default_gcc_optimization_level': 3, # -O3
'conditions': [
[ 'skia_os in ["mac", "linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "solaris", "android", "win"] '
'and skia_android_framework == 0', {
'skia_warnings_as_errors%': 1,
}, {
'skia_warnings_as_errors%': 0,
# This variable allows the user to customize the optimization level used
# by the compiler. The user should be aware that this has different
# meanings for different compilers and should exercise caution when
# overriding it.
[ 'skia_os == "win"', {
'skia_release_optimization_level%': '<(skia_default_vs_optimization_level)',
}, {
'skia_release_optimization_level%': '<(skia_default_gcc_optimization_level)',
[ 'skia_os == "linux"', {
# ANGLE on linux require these two variable be defined.
'chromeos%': 0,
'use_x11%': 1,
[ 'skia_sanitizer', {
'skia_clang_build': 1,
'skia_keep_frame_pointer': 1,
}, {
'skia_clang_build%': 0,
'skia_keep_frame_pointer%': 0,
[ 'skia_shared_lib or skia_sanitizer or skia_os == "android" or (skia_os == "linux" and (skia_angle == 1 or skia_command_buffer == 1))', {
'skia_pic%' : 1,
}, {
'skia_pic%' : 0,
# Re-define all variables defined within the level-2 'variables' dict,
# so that siblings of the level-1 'variables' dict can see them.
'arm_version%': '<(arm_version)',
'arm_neon%': '<(arm_neon)',
'mips_arch_variant%': 'mips32',
'mips_dsp%': 0,
'skia_os%': '<(skia_os)',
'os_posix%': '<(os_posix)',
'skia_freetype_static%': '<(skia_freetype_static)',
'skia_no_fontconfig%': '<(skia_no_fontconfig)',
'skia_embedded_fonts%': '<(skia_embedded_fonts)',
'skia_sanitizer%': '<(skia_sanitizer)',
'<!(python -c "import sys; import os; print os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])" ../tools/xsan.blacklist)',
'skia_mesa%': '<(skia_mesa)',
'skia_gpu_extra_dependency_path%': '<(skia_gpu_extra_dependency_path)',
'skia_gpu_extra_tests_path%': '<(skia_gpu_extra_tests_path)',
'skia_stroke_path_rendering%': '<(skia_stroke_path_rendering)',
'skia_android_framework%': '<(skia_android_framework)',
'skia_codec_decodes_raw%': '<(skia_codec_decodes_raw)',
'skia_use_android_framework_defines%': '<(skia_use_android_framework_defines)',
'skia_use_system_json%': '<(skia_use_system_json)',
'skia_android_path_rendering%': '<(skia_android_path_rendering)',
'skia_resource_cache_mb_limit%': '<(skia_resource_cache_mb_limit)',
'skia_resource_cache_count_limit%': '<(skia_resource_cache_count_limit)',
'skia_angle%': '<(skia_angle)',
'skia_arch_type%': '<(skia_arch_type)',
'skia_chrome_utils%': '<(skia_chrome_utils)',
'skia_command_buffer%': '<(skia_command_buffer)',
'skia_gdi%': '<(skia_gdi)',
'skia_gpu%': '<(skia_gpu)',
'skia_vulkan%': '<(skia_vulkan)',
'skia_vulkan_debug_layers%': '<(skia_vulkan_debug_layers)',
'skia_win_exceptions%': 0,
'skia_win_ltcg%': '<(skia_is_bot)',
'skia_osx_deployment_target%': '<(skia_osx_deployment_target)',
'skia_pdf%': '<(skia_pdf)',
'skia_profile_enabled%': '<(skia_profile_enabled)',
'skia_shared_lib%': '<(skia_shared_lib)',
'skia_force_distance_field_text%': '<(skia_force_distance_field_text)',
'skia_static_initializers%': '<(skia_static_initializers)',
'ios_sdk_version%': '6.0',
'skia_win_debuggers_path%': '<(skia_win_debuggers_path)',
'skia_disable_inlining%': 0,
'skia_moz2d%': 0,
'skia_is_bot%': '<(skia_is_bot)',
'skia_egl%': '<(skia_egl)',
'skia_use_sdl%': 0,
'skia_fast%': 0,
'skia_dump_stats%': 0,
'vulkan_merged_into_skia%': '<(vulkan_merged_into_skia)',
'skia_fast_flags': [
'-O3', # Even for Debug builds.
'-march=native', # Use all features of and optimize for THIS machine.
'-fomit-frame-pointer', # Sometimes an extra register is nice, and cuts a push/pop.
#'-ffast-math', # Optimize float math even when it breaks IEEE compliance.
#'-flto' # Enable link-time optimization.
'skia_experimental_shadowing': 0, # for experimental shadow-drawing
# These are referenced by our .gypi files that list files (e.g. core.gypi)
'skia_src_path%': '../src',
'skia_include_path%': '../include',