This updates an existing test and adds a new one to make sure we don't regress. Change-Id: If94eb3fb205852750d6fb9483e20c07d88b4da10 Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/295560 Reviewed-by: Nathaniel Nifong <nifong@google.com>
793 lines
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793 lines
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// helper JS that could be used anywhere in the glue code
function clamp(c) {
return Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(c || 0, 255)));
// Constructs a Color with the same API as CSS's rgba(), that is
// r,g,b are 0-255, and a is 0.0 to 1.0.
// if a is omitted, it will be assumed to be 1.0
// Internally, Colors are a TypedArray of four unpremultiplied 32-bit floats: a, r, g, b
// In order to construct one with more precision or in a wider gamut, use
// CanvasKit.Color4f
CanvasKit.Color = function(r, g, b, a) {
if (a === undefined) {
a = 1;
return CanvasKit.Color4f(clamp(r)/255, clamp(g)/255, clamp(b)/255, a);
// Constructs a Color as a 32 bit unsigned integer, with 8 bits assigned to each channel.
// Channels are expected to be between 0 and 255 and will be clamped as such.
CanvasKit.ColorAsInt = function(r, g, b, a) {
// default to opaque
if (a === undefined) {
a = 255;
// This is consistent with how Skia represents colors in C++, as an unsigned int.
// This is also consistent with how Flutter represents colors:
// https://github.com/flutter/engine/blob/243bb59c7179a7e701ce478080d6ce990710ae73/lib/web_ui/lib/src/ui/painting.dart#L50
return (((clamp(a) << 24) | (clamp(r) << 16) | (clamp(g) << 8) | (clamp(b) << 0)
& 0xFFFFFFF) // This truncates the unsigned to 32 bits and signals to JS engines they can
// represent the number with an int instead of a double.
>>> 0); // This makes the value an unsigned int.
// Construct a 4-float color.
// Opaque if opacity is omitted.
CanvasKit.Color4f = function(r, g, b, a) {
if (a === undefined) {
a = 1;
return Float32Array.of(r, g, b, a);
// Color constants use property getters to prevent other code from accidentally
// changing them.
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "TRANSPARENT", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 0); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "BLACK", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "WHITE", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 1, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "RED", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 0, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "GREEN", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 1, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "BLUE", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 0, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "YELLOW", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 1, 0, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "CYAN", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(0, 1, 1, 1); }
Object.defineProperty(CanvasKit, "MAGENTA", {
get: function() { return CanvasKit.Color4f(1, 0, 1, 1); }
// returns a css style [r, g, b, a] from a CanvasKit.Color
// where r, g, b are returned as ints in the range [0, 255]
// where a is scaled between 0 and 1.0
CanvasKit.getColorComponents = function(color) {
return [
// parseColorString takes in a CSS color value and returns a CanvasKit.Color
// (which is an array of 4 floats in RGBA order). An optional colorMap
// may be provided which maps custom strings to values.
// In the CanvasKit canvas2d shim layer, we provide this map for processing
// canvas2d calls, but not here for code size reasons.
CanvasKit.parseColorString = function(colorStr, colorMap) {
colorStr = colorStr.toLowerCase();
// See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#typedef-hex-color
if (colorStr.startsWith('#')) {
var r, g, b, a = 255;
switch (colorStr.length) {
case 9: // 8 hex chars #RRGGBBAA
a = parseInt(colorStr.slice(7, 9), 16);
case 7: // 6 hex chars #RRGGBB
r = parseInt(colorStr.slice(1, 3), 16);
g = parseInt(colorStr.slice(3, 5), 16);
b = parseInt(colorStr.slice(5, 7), 16);
case 5: // 4 hex chars #RGBA
// multiplying by 17 is the same effect as
// appending another character of the same value
// e.g. e => ee == 14 => 238
a = parseInt(colorStr.slice(4, 5), 16) * 17;
case 4: // 6 hex chars #RGB
r = parseInt(colorStr.slice(1, 2), 16) * 17;
g = parseInt(colorStr.slice(2, 3), 16) * 17;
b = parseInt(colorStr.slice(3, 4), 16) * 17;
return CanvasKit.Color(r, g, b, a/255);
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('rgba')) {
// Trim off rgba( and the closing )
colorStr = colorStr.slice(5, -1);
var nums = colorStr.split(',');
return CanvasKit.Color(+nums[0], +nums[1], +nums[2],
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('rgb')) {
// Trim off rgba( and the closing )
colorStr = colorStr.slice(4, -1);
var nums = colorStr.split(',');
// rgb can take 3 or 4 arguments
return CanvasKit.Color(+nums[0], +nums[1], +nums[2],
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('gray(')) {
} else if (colorStr.startsWith('hsl')) {
} else if (colorMap) {
// Try for named color
var nc = colorMap[colorStr];
if (nc !== undefined) {
return nc;
SkDebug('unrecognized color ' + colorStr);
return CanvasKit.BLACK;
function isCanvasKitColor(ob) {
if (!ob) {
return false;
return (ob.constructor === Float32Array && ob.length === 4);
// Warning information is lost by this conversion
function toUint32Color(c) {
return ((clamp(c[3]*255) << 24) | (clamp(c[0]*255) << 16) | (clamp(c[1]*255) << 8) | (clamp(c[2]*255) << 0)) >>> 0;
// Accepts various colors representations and converts them to an array of int colors.
// Does not handle builders.
function assureIntColors(arr) {
if (arr instanceof Float32Array) {
var count = Math.floor(arr.length / 4);
var result = new Uint32Array(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
result[i] = toUint32Color(arr.slice(i*4, (i+1)*4));
return result;
} else if (arr instanceof Uint32Array) {
return arr;
} else if (arr instanceof Array && arr[0] instanceof Float32Array) {
return arr.map(toUint32Color);
function uIntColorToCanvasKitColor(c) {
return CanvasKit.Color(
(c >> 16) & 0xFF,
(c >> 8) & 0xFF,
(c >> 0) & 0xFF,
((c >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255
function valueOrPercent(aStr) {
if (aStr === undefined) {
return 1; // default to opaque.
var a = parseFloat(aStr);
if (aStr && aStr.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
return a / 100;
return a;
CanvasKit.multiplyByAlpha = function(color, alpha) {
// make a copy of the color so the function remains pure.
var result = color.slice();
result[3] = Math.max(0, Math.min(result[3] * alpha, 1));
return result;
function radiansToDegrees(rad) {
return (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
function degreesToRadians(deg) {
return (deg / 180) * Math.PI;
// See https://stackoverflow.com/a/31090240
// This contraption keeps closure from minifying away the check
// if btoa is defined *and* prevents runtime "btoa" or "window" is not defined.
// Defined outside any scopes to make it available in all files.
var isNode = !(new Function("try {return this===window;}catch(e){ return false;}")());
function almostEqual(floata, floatb) {
return Math.abs(floata - floatb) < 0.00001;
var nullptr = 0; // emscripten doesn't like to take null as uintptr_t
// arr can be a normal JS array or a TypedArray
// dest is a string like "HEAPU32" that specifies the type the src array
// should be copied into.
// ptr can be optionally provided if the memory was already allocated.
function copy1dArray(arr, dest, ptr) {
if (!arr || !arr.length) {
return nullptr;
// This was created with CanvasKit.Malloc, so it's already been copied.
if (arr['_ck']) {
return arr.byteOffset;
var bytesPerElement = CanvasKit[dest].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
if (!ptr) {
ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(arr.length * bytesPerElement);
// In c++ terms, the WASM heap is a uint8_t*, a long buffer/array of single
// byte elements. When we run _malloc, we always get an offset/pointer into
// that block of memory.
// CanvasKit exposes some different views to make it easier to work with
// different types. HEAPF32 for example, exposes it as a float*
// However, to make the ptr line up, we have to do some pointer arithmetic.
// Concretely, we need to convert ptr to go from an index into a 1-byte-wide
// buffer to an index into a 4-byte-wide buffer (in the case of HEAPF32)
// and thus we divide ptr by 4.
// It is important to make sure we are grabbing the freshest view of the
// memory possible because if we call _malloc and the heap needs to grow,
// the TypedArrayView will no longer be valid.
CanvasKit[dest].set(arr, ptr / bytesPerElement);
return ptr;
// arr should be a non-jagged 2d JS array (TypedArrays can't be nested
// inside themselves). A common use case is points.
// dest is something like CanvasKit.HEAPF32
// ptr can be optionally provided if the memory was already allocated.
// TODO(kjlubick): Remove 2d arrays - everything should be flat.
function copy2dArray(arr, dest, ptr) {
if (!arr || !arr.length) {
return nullptr;
var bytesPerElement = CanvasKit[dest].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
if (!ptr) {
ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(arr.length * arr[0].length * bytesPerElement);
// Make sure we have a fresh view of the heap after we malloc.
dest = CanvasKit[dest];
var idx = 0;
var adjustedPtr = ptr / bytesPerElement;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
dest[adjustedPtr + idx] = arr[r][c];
return ptr;
// Copies an array of colors to wasm, returning an object with the pointer
// and info necessary to use the copied colors.
// Accepts either a flat Float32Array, flat Uint32Array or Array of Float32Arrays.
// If color is an object that was allocated with CanvasKit.Malloc, it's pointer is
// returned and no extra copy is performed.
// Array of Float32Arrays is deprecated and planned to be removed, prefer flat
// Float32Array
// TODO(nifong): have this accept color builders.
function copyFlexibleColorArray(colors) {
var result = {
colorPtr: nullptr,
count: colors.length,
colorType: CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F32,
if (colors instanceof Float32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy1dArray(colors, "HEAPF32");
result.count = colors.length / 4;
} else if (colors instanceof Uint32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy1dArray(colors, "HEAPU32");
result.colorType = CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888;
} else if (colors instanceof Array && colors[0] instanceof Float32Array) {
result.colorPtr = copy2dArray(colors, "HEAPF32");
} else {
throw('Invalid argument to copyFlexibleColorArray, Not a color array '+typeof(colors));
return result;
var defaultPerspective = Float32Array.of(0, 0, 1);
var _scratch3x3MatrixPtr = nullptr;
var _scratch3x3Matrix; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
// Copies the given DOMMatrix/Array/TypedArray to the CanvasKit heap and
// returns a pointer to the memory. This memory is a float* of length 9.
// If the passed in matrix is null/undefined, we return 0 (nullptr). All calls
// on the C++ side should check for nullptr where appropriate. It is generally
// the responsibility of the JS side code to call CanvasKit._free on the
// allocated memory before returning to the user code.
function copy3x3MatrixToWasm(matr) {
if (!matr) {
return nullptr;
if (matr.length) {
// TODO(kjlubick): Downsample a 16 length (4x4 matrix)
if (matr.length !== 6 && matr.length !== 9) {
throw 'invalid matrix size';
// This should be an array or typed array.
// have to divide the pointer by 4 to "cast" it from bytes to float.
var mPtr = copy1dArray(matr, "HEAPF32", _scratch3x3MatrixPtr);
if (matr.length === 6) {
// Overwrite the last 3 floats with the default perspective. The divide
// by 4 casts the pointer into a float pointer.
CanvasKit.HEAPF32.set(defaultPerspective, 6 + mPtr / 4);
return mPtr;
var wasm3x3Matrix = _scratch3x3Matrix['toTypedArray']();
// Try as if it's a DOMMatrix. Reminder that DOMMatrix is column-major.
wasm3x3Matrix[0] = matr.m11;
wasm3x3Matrix[1] = matr.m21;
wasm3x3Matrix[2] = matr.m41;
wasm3x3Matrix[3] = matr.m12;
wasm3x3Matrix[4] = matr.m22;
wasm3x3Matrix[5] = matr.m42;
wasm3x3Matrix[6] = matr.m14;
wasm3x3Matrix[7] = matr.m24;
wasm3x3Matrix[8] = matr.m44;
return _scratch3x3MatrixPtr;
var _scratch4x4MatrixPtr = nullptr;
var _scratch4x4Matrix; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
function copy4x4MatrixToWasm(matr) {
if (!matr) {
return nullptr;
var wasm4x4Matrix = _scratch4x4Matrix['toTypedArray']();
if (matr.length) {
if (matr.length !== 16 && matr.length !== 6 && matr.length !== 9) {
throw 'invalid matrix size';
if (matr.length === 16) {
// This should be an array or typed array.
// have to divide the pointer by 4 to "cast" it from bytes to float.
return copy1dArray(matr, "HEAPF32", _scratch4x4MatrixPtr);
// Upscale the row-major 3x3 or 3x2 matrix into a 4x4 row-major matrix
// TODO(skbug.com/10108) This will need to change when we convert our
// JS 4x4 to be column-major.
// When upscaling, we need to overwrite the 3rd column and the 3rd row with
// 0s. It's easiest to just do that with a fill command.
wasm4x4Matrix[0] = matr[0];
wasm4x4Matrix[1] = matr[1];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[3] = matr[2];
wasm4x4Matrix[4] = matr[3];
wasm4x4Matrix[5] = matr[4];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[7] = matr[5];
// skip row 2
wasm4x4Matrix[12] = matr[6];
wasm4x4Matrix[13] = matr[7];
// skip col 2
wasm4x4Matrix[15] = matr[8];
if (matr.length === 6) {
// fix perspective for the 3x2 case (from above, they will be undefined).
return _scratch4x4MatrixPtr;
// Try as if it's a DOMMatrix. Reminder that DOMMatrix is column-major.
wasm4x4Matrix[0] = matr.m11;
wasm4x4Matrix[1] = matr.m21;
wasm4x4Matrix[2] = matr.m31;
wasm4x4Matrix[3] = matr.m41;
wasm4x4Matrix[4] = matr.m12;
wasm4x4Matrix[5] = matr.m22;
wasm4x4Matrix[6] = matr.m32;
wasm4x4Matrix[7] = matr.m42;
wasm4x4Matrix[8] = matr.m13;
wasm4x4Matrix[9] = matr.m23;
wasm4x4Matrix[10] = matr.m33;
wasm4x4Matrix[11] = matr.m43;
wasm4x4Matrix[12] = matr.m14;
wasm4x4Matrix[13] = matr.m24;
wasm4x4Matrix[14] = matr.m34;
wasm4x4Matrix[15] = matr.m44;
return _scratch4x4MatrixPtr;
// copies a 4x4 matrix at the given pointer into a JS array. It is the caller's
// responsibility to free the matrPtr if needed.
function copy4x4MatrixFromWasm(matrPtr) {
// read them out into an array. TODO(kjlubick): If we change SkMatrix to be
// typedArrays, then we should return a typed array here too.
var rv = new Array(16);
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
rv[i] = CanvasKit.HEAPF32[matrPtr/4 + i]; // divide by 4 to "cast" to float.
return rv;
var _scratchColorPtr = nullptr;
var _scratchColor; // the result from CanvasKit.Malloc
function copyColorToWasm(color4f, ptr) {
return copy1dArray(color4f, "HEAPF32", ptr || _scratchColorPtr);
function copyColorComponentsToWasm(r, g, b, a) {
var colors = _scratchColor['toTypedArray']();
colors[0] = r;
colors[1] = g;
colors[2] = b;
colors[3] = a;
return _scratchColorPtr;
function copyColorToWasmNoScratch(color4f) {
// TODO(kjlubick): accept 4 floats or int color
return copy1dArray(color4f, "HEAPF32");
// copies the four floats at the given pointer in a js Float32Array
function copyColorFromWasm(colorPtr) {
var rv = new Float32Array(4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
rv[i] = CanvasKit.HEAPF32[colorPtr/4 + i]; // divide by 4 to "cast" to float.
return rv;
// Caching the Float32Arrays can save having to reallocate them
// over and over again.
var Float32ArrayCache = {};
// Takes a 2D array of commands and puts them into the WASM heap
// as a 1D array. This allows them to referenced from the C++ code.
// Returns a 2 element array, with the first item being essentially a
// pointer to the array and the second item being the length of
// the new 1D array.
// Example usage:
// let cmds = [
// [CanvasKit.MOVE_VERB, 0, 10],
// [CanvasKit.LINE_VERB, 30, 40],
// [CanvasKit.QUAD_VERB, 20, 50, 45, 60],
// ];
function loadCmdsTypedArray(arr) {
var len = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
len += arr[r].length;
var ta;
if (Float32ArrayCache[len]) {
ta = Float32ArrayCache[len];
} else {
ta = new Float32Array(len);
Float32ArrayCache[len] = ta;
// Flatten into a 1d array
var i = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < arr[r].length; c++) {
var item = arr[r][c];
ta[i] = item;
var ptr = copy1dArray(ta, "HEAPF32");
return [ptr, len];
function saveBytesToFile(bytes, fileName) {
if (!isNode) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/32094834
var blob = new Blob([bytes], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = fileName;
// clean up after because FF might not download it synchronously
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
} else {
var fs = require('fs');
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/42006750
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/47018122
fs.writeFile(fileName, new Buffer(bytes), function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
* Generic helper for dealing with an array of four floats.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper = function() {
this._floats = [];
this._ptr = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._floats.length / 4;
* push the four floats onto the end of the array - if build() has already
* been called, the call will return without modifying anything.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.push = function(f1, f2, f3, f4) {
if (this._ptr) {
SkDebug('Cannot push more points - already built');
this._floats.push(f1, f2, f3, f4);
* Set the four floats at a given index - if build() has already
* been called, the WASM memory will be written to directly.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.set = function(idx, f1, f2, f3, f4) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this._floats.length/4) {
SkDebug('Cannot set index ' + idx + ', it is out of range', this._floats.length/4);
idx *= 4;
if (this._ptr) {
// convert this._ptr from uint8_t* to SkScalar* by dividing by 4
var floatPtr = (this._ptr / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) + idx;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr] = f1;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 1] = f2;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 2] = f3;
CanvasKit.HEAPF32[floatPtr + 3] = f4;
this._floats[idx] = f1;
this._floats[idx + 1] = f2;
this._floats[idx + 2] = f3;
this._floats[idx + 3] = f4;
* Copies the float data to the WASM memory and returns a pointer
* to that allocated memory. Once build has been called, this
* float array cannot be made bigger.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.build = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
return this._ptr;
this._ptr = copy1dArray(this._floats, "HEAPF32");
return this._ptr;
* Frees the wasm memory associated with this array. Of note,
* the points are not removed, so push/set/build can all
* be called to make a newly allocated (possibly bigger)
* float array.
CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper.prototype.delete = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
this._ptr = null;
* Generic helper for dealing with an array of unsigned ints.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper = function() {
this._uints = [];
this._ptr = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._uints.length;
* push the unsigned int onto the end of the array - if build() has already
* been called, the call will return without modifying anything.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.push = function(u) {
if (this._ptr) {
SkDebug('Cannot push more points - already built');
* Set the uint at a given index - if build() has already
* been called, the WASM memory will be written to directly.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.set = function(idx, u) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this._uints.length) {
SkDebug('Cannot set index ' + idx + ', it is out of range', this._uints.length);
idx *= 4;
if (this._ptr) {
// convert this._ptr from uint8_t* to SkScalar* by dividing by 4
var uintPtr = (this._ptr / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) + idx;
CanvasKit.HEAPU32[uintPtr] = u;
this._uints[idx] = u;
* Copies the uint data to the WASM memory and returns a pointer
* to that allocated memory. Once build has been called, this
* unit array cannot be made bigger.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.build = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
return this._ptr;
this._ptr = copy1dArray(this._uints, "HEAPU32");
return this._ptr;
* Frees the wasm memory associated with this array. Of note,
* the points are not removed, so push/set/build can all
* be called to make a newly allocated (possibly bigger)
* uint array.
CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper.prototype.delete = function() {
if (this._ptr) {
this._ptr = null;
* Helper for building an array of SkRects (which are just structs
* of 4 floats).
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
* Input points are taken as left, top, right, bottom
CanvasKit.SkRectBuilder = CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper;
* Helper for building an array of RSXForms (which are just structs
* of 4 floats).
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
* An RSXForm is a compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix.
* [ scos -ssin tx ]
* [ ssin scos ty ]
* [ 0 0 1 ]
* Input points are taken as scos, ssin, tx, ty
CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder = CanvasKit.FourFloatArrayHelper;
* Helper for building an array of SkColor
* It can be more performant to use this helper, as
* the C++-side array is only allocated once (on the first call)
* to build. Subsequent set() operations operate directly on
* the C++-side array, avoiding having to re-allocate (and free)
* the array every time.
CanvasKit.SkColorBuilder = CanvasKit.OneUIntArrayHelper;
* Malloc returns a TypedArray backed by the C++ memory of the
* given length. It should only be used by advanced users who
* can manage memory and initialize values properly. When used
* correctly, it can save copying of data between JS and C++.
* When used incorrectly, it can lead to memory leaks.
* Any memory allocated by CanvasKit.Malloc needs to be released with CanvasKit.Free.
* const mObj = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 20);
* Get a TypedArray view around the malloc'd memory (this does not copy anything).
* const ta = mObj.toTypedArray();
* // store data into ta
* const cf = CanvasKit.SkColorFilter.MakeMatrix(ta); // mObj could also be used.
* // eventually...
* CanvasKit.Free(mObj);
* @param {TypedArray} typedArray - constructor for the typedArray.
* @param {number} len - number of *elements* to store.
CanvasKit.Malloc = function(typedArray, len) {
var byteLen = len * typedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var ptr = CanvasKit._malloc(byteLen);
return {
'_ck': true,
'length': len,
'byteOffset': ptr,
typedArray: null,
'toTypedArray': function() {
// Check if the previously allocated array is still usable.
// If it's falsey, then we haven't created an array yet.
// If it's empty, then WASM resized memory and emptied the array.
if (this.typedArray && this.typedArray.length) {
return this.typedArray;
this.typedArray = new typedArray(CanvasKit.HEAPU8.buffer, ptr, len);
// add a marker that this was allocated in C++ land
this.typedArray['_ck'] = true;
return this.typedArray;
* Free frees the memory returned by Malloc.
* Any memory allocated by CanvasKit.Malloc needs to be released with CanvasKit.Free.
CanvasKit.Free = function(mallocObj) {
mallocObj['byteOffset'] = nullptr;
// Set these to null to make sure the TypedArrays can be garbage collected.
mallocObj['toTypedArray'] = null;
mallocObj.typedArray = null;
// This helper will free the given pointer unless the provided array is one
// that was returned by CanvasKit.Malloc.
function freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ptr, arr) {
if (!arr['_ck']) {