Brian Salomon 2a4f983c94 Remove GrSurfaceOrigin from GrSurfaceDesc.
This field has no interpretation at the GrTexture/GrGpu as the orientation is
handled at the GrSurfaceProxy level.

This change requires GrGpu to accept a GrSurfaceOrigin when creating a texture with initial data. The origin refers to the texel data to be uploaded. Longer term the plan is to remove this and require the data to be kTopLeft. Additionally, kBottomLeft will only be allowed for wrapped texture/RTs as this evolves.

Change-Id: I7d25b0199aafd9bf3b74c39b2cae451acadcd772
Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
2018-03-05 18:50:25 +00:00

111 lines
4.1 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrRenderTargetProxy_DEFINED
#define GrRenderTargetProxy_DEFINED
#include "GrSurfaceProxy.h"
#include "GrTypesPriv.h"
class GrResourceProvider;
// This class delays the acquisition of RenderTargets until they are actually
// required
// Beware: the uniqueID of the RenderTargetProxy will usually be different than
// the uniqueID of the RenderTarget it represents!
class GrRenderTargetProxy : virtual public GrSurfaceProxy {
GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() override { return this; }
const GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() const override { return this; }
// Actually instantiate the backing rendertarget, if necessary.
bool instantiate(GrResourceProvider*) override;
GrFSAAType fsaaType() const {
if (fSampleCnt <= 1) {
SkASSERT(!(fRenderTargetFlags & GrRenderTargetFlags::kMixedSampled));
return GrFSAAType::kNone;
return (fRenderTargetFlags & GrRenderTargetFlags::kMixedSampled)
? GrFSAAType::kMixedSamples
: GrFSAAType::kUnifiedMSAA;
* When instantiated does this proxy require a stencil buffer?
void setNeedsStencil() { fNeedsStencil = true; }
bool needsStencil() const { return fNeedsStencil; }
* Returns the number of samples/pixel in the stencil buffer (One if non-MSAA).
int numStencilSamples() const { return fSampleCnt; }
* Returns the number of samples/pixel in the color buffer (One if non-MSAA or mixed sampled).
int numColorSamples() const {
return GrFSAAType::kMixedSamples == this->fsaaType() ? 1 : fSampleCnt;
int maxWindowRectangles(const GrCaps& caps) const;
GrRenderTargetFlags testingOnly_getFlags() const;
// TODO: move this to a priv class!
bool refsWrappedObjects() const;
friend class GrProxyProvider; // for ctors
// Deferred version
GrRenderTargetProxy(const GrCaps&, const GrSurfaceDesc&, GrSurfaceOrigin, SkBackingFit,
SkBudgeted, uint32_t flags);
// Lazy-callback version
// There are two main use cases for lazily-instantiated proxies:
// basic knowledge - width, height, config, samples, origin are known
// minimal knowledge - only config is known.
// The basic knowledge version is used for DDL where we know the type of proxy we are going to
// use, but we don't have access to the GPU yet to instantiate it.
// The minimal knowledge version is used for CCPR where we are generating an atlas but we do not
// know the final size until flush time.
GrRenderTargetProxy(LazyInstantiateCallback&&, LazyInstantiationType lazyType,
const GrSurfaceDesc&, GrSurfaceOrigin, SkBackingFit, SkBudgeted,
uint32_t flags, GrRenderTargetFlags renderTargetFlags);
// Wrapped version
GrRenderTargetProxy(sk_sp<GrSurface>, GrSurfaceOrigin);
sk_sp<GrSurface> createSurface(GrResourceProvider*) const override;
size_t onUninstantiatedGpuMemorySize() const override;
SkDEBUGCODE(void validateLazySurface(const GrSurface*) override;)
int fSampleCnt;
bool fNeedsStencil;
// For wrapped render targets the actual GrRenderTarget is stored in the GrIORefProxy class.
// For deferred proxies that pointer is filled in when we need to instantiate the
// deferred resource.
// These don't usually get computed until the render target is instantiated, but the render
// target proxy may need to answer queries about it before then. And since in the deferred case
// we know the newly created render target will be internal, we are able to precompute what the
// flags will ultimately end up being. In the wrapped case we just copy the wrapped
// rendertarget's info here.
GrRenderTargetFlags fRenderTargetFlags;
typedef GrSurfaceProxy INHERITED;