if a filename ends with `.py` and the file begins with '#!.*python.*', make it executable. Change-Id: I41de516ff37343d3b0979bde9fd61813aec7365c Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/254439 Commit-Queue: Hal Canary <halcanary@google.com> Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <bungeman@google.com> Auto-Submit: Hal Canary <halcanary@google.com> Reviewed-by: Ben Wagner <bungeman@google.com>
243 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
243 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script that uploads the specified Skia Gerrit change to Android.
This script does the following:
* Downloads the repo tool.
* Inits and checks out the bare-minimum required Android checkout.
* Sets the required git config options in external/skia.
* Cherry-picks the specified Skia patch.
* Modifies the change subject to append a "Test:" line required for presubmits.
* Uploads the Skia change to Android's Gerrit instance.
After the change is uploaded to Android, developers can trigger TH and download
binaries (if required) after runs complete.
The script re-uses the workdir when it is run again. To start from a clean slate
delete the workdir.
* ~1m15s when using an empty/non-existent workdir for the first time.
* ~15s when using a workdir previously populated by the script.
Example usage:
$ python upload_to_android.py -w /repos/testing -c 44200
import argparse
import getpass
import json
import os
import subprocess
import stat
import urllib2
REPO_TOOL_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo'
SKIA_PATH_IN_ANDROID = os.path.join('external', 'skia')
ANDROID_REPO_URL = 'https://googleplex-android.googlesource.com'
REPO_BRANCH_NAME = 'experiment'
SKIA_GERRIT_INSTANCE = 'https://skia-review.googlesource.com'
SK_USER_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join('include', 'config', 'SkUserConfig.h')
def get_change_details(change_num):
response = urllib2.urlopen('%s/changes/%s/detail?o=ALL_REVISIONS' % (
SKIA_GERRIT_INSTANCE, change_num), timeout=5)
content = response.read()
# Remove the first line which contains ")]}'\n".
return json.loads(content[5:])
def init_work_dir(work_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(work_dir):
print 'Creating %s' % work_dir
# Ensure the repo tool exists in the work_dir.
repo_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin')
repo_binary = os.path.join(repo_dir, 'repo')
if not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
print 'Creating %s' % repo_dir
if not os.path.exists(repo_binary):
print 'Downloading %s from %s' % (repo_binary, REPO_TOOL_URL)
response = urllib2.urlopen(REPO_TOOL_URL, timeout=5)
content = response.read()
with open(repo_binary, 'w') as f:
# Set executable bit.
st = os.stat(repo_binary)
os.chmod(repo_binary, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
# Create android-repo directory in the work_dir.
android_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'android-repo')
if not os.path.isdir(android_dir):
print 'Creating %s' % android_dir
print """
About to run repo init. If it hangs asking you to run glogin then please:
* Exit the script (ctrl-c).
* Run 'glogin'.
* Re-run the script.
'%s init -u %s/a/platform/manifest -g "all,-notdefault,-darwin" '
'-b master --depth=1'
% (repo_binary, ANDROID_REPO_URL), shell=True)
print 'Syncing the Android checkout at %s' % android_dir
subprocess.check_call('%s sync %s tools/repohooks -j 32 -c' % (
repo_binary, SKIA_PATH_IN_ANDROID), shell=True)
# Set the necessary git config options.
'git config remote.goog.review %s/' % ANDROID_REPO_URL, shell=True)
'git config review.%s/.autoupload true' % ANDROID_REPO_URL, shell=True)
'git config user.email %s@google.com' % getpass.getuser(), shell=True)
return repo_binary
class Modifier:
def modify(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_user_msg(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class FetchModifier(Modifier):
def __init__(self, change_num, debug):
self.change_num = change_num
self.debug = debug
def modify(self):
# Download and cherry-pick the patch.
change_details = get_change_details(self.change_num)
latest_patchset = len(change_details['revisions'])
mod = int(self.change_num) % 100
download_ref = 'refs/changes/%s/%s/%s' % (
str(mod).zfill(2), self.change_num, latest_patchset)
'git fetch https://skia.googlesource.com/skia %s' % download_ref,
subprocess.check_call('git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD', shell=True)
if self.debug:
# Add SK_DEBUG to SkUserConfig.h.
with open(SK_USER_CONFIG_PATH, 'a') as f:
f.write('#ifndef SK_DEBUG\n')
f.write('#define SK_DEBUG\n')
subprocess.check_call('git add %s' % SK_USER_CONFIG_PATH, shell=True)
# Amend the commit message to add a prefix that makes it clear that the
# change should not be submitted and a "Test:" line which is required by
# Android presubmit checks.
original_commit_message = change_details['subject']
new_commit_message = (
# Intentionally breaking up the below string because some presubmits
# complain about it.
'[DO ' + 'NOT ' + 'SUBMIT] %s\n\n'
'Test: Presubmit checks will test this change.' % (
subprocess.check_call('git commit --amend -m "%s"' % new_commit_message,
def get_user_msg(self):
return """
Open the above URL and trigger TH by checking 'Presubmit-Ready'.
You can download binaries (if required) from the TH link after it completes.
# Add a legacy flag if it doesn't exist, or remove it if it exists.
class AndroidLegacyFlagModifier(Modifier):
def __init__(self, flag):
self.flag = flag
self.verb = "Unknown"
def modify(self):
flag_line = " #define %s\n" % self.flag
config_file = os.path.join('include', 'config', 'SkUserConfigManual.h')
with open(config_file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if flag_line not in lines:
lines.index("#endif // SkUserConfigManual_DEFINED\n"), flag_line)
verb = "Add"
verb = "Remove"
with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
subprocess.check_call('git add %s' % config_file, shell=True)
message = '%s %s\n\nTest: Presubmit checks will test this change.' % (
verb, self.flag)
subprocess.check_call('git commit -m "%s"' % message, shell=True)
def get_user_msg(self):
return """
Please open the above URL to review and land the change.
def upload_to_android(work_dir, modifier):
repo_binary = init_work_dir(work_dir)
# Create repo branch.
subprocess.check_call('%s start %s .' % (repo_binary, REPO_BRANCH_NAME),
# Upload to Android Gerrit.
subprocess.check_call('%s upload --verify' % repo_binary, shell=True)
print modifier.get_user_msg()
# Abandon repo branch.
subprocess.call('%s abandon %s' % (repo_binary, REPO_BRANCH_NAME),
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--work-dir', '-w', required=True,
help='Directory where an Android checkout will be created (if it does '
'not already exist). Note: ~1GB space will be used.')
'--change-num', '-c', required=True,
help='The skia-rev Gerrit change number that should be patched into '
'--debug', '-d', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Adds SK_DEBUG to SkUserConfig.h.')
args = parser.parse_args()
upload_to_android(args.work_dir, FetchModifier(args.change_num, args.debug))
if __name__ == '__main__':