Leon Scroggins III af18f22da6 Make get_images_from_skps always return success
Previously, it would fail (and thus turn the bot red) if an image failed
to decode (e.g. with SkCodec::Result of kInvalidInput). This tends to
happen because the captured page had not fully downloaded yet. Stop
treating this an error. It may still be useful to test using SkCodec
just to be sure that we didn't crash, so keep running the test.

Change-Id: I1a0530fb82fa32d95c5f01d5131626745cf6c4f2
Reviewed-by: Ravi Mistry <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Commit-Queue: Leon Scroggins <>
2018-03-15 21:13:26 +00:00

214 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkColorSpace.h"
#include "SkCommandLineFlags.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkJSONCPP.h"
#include "SkMD5.h"
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkOSPath.h"
#include "SkPicture.h"
#include "SkSerialProcs.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkTHash.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
DEFINE_string2(skps, s, "skps", "A path to a directory of skps or a single skp.");
DEFINE_string2(out, o, "img-out", "A path to an output directory.");
DEFINE_bool(testDecode, false, "Indicates if we want to test that the images decode successfully.");
DEFINE_bool(writeImages, true,
"Indicates if we want to write out supported/decoded images.");
DEFINE_bool(writeFailedImages, false,
"Indicates if we want to write out unsupported/failed to decode images.");
DEFINE_string2(failuresJsonPath, j, "",
"Dump SKP and count of unknown images to the specified JSON file. Will not be "
"written anywhere if empty.");
static int gKnown;
static const char* gOutputDir;
static std::map<std::string, unsigned int> gSkpToUnknownCount = {};
static std::map<std::string, unsigned int> gSkpToUnsupportedCount;
static SkTHashSet<SkMD5::Digest> gSeen;
struct Sniffer {
std::string skpName;
Sniffer(std::string name) {
skpName = name;
void sniff(const void* ptr, size_t len) {
SkMD5 md5;
md5.write(ptr, len);
SkMD5::Digest digest;
if (gSeen.contains(digest)) {
sk_sp<SkData> data(SkData::MakeWithoutCopy(ptr, len));
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec = SkCodec::MakeFromData(data);
if (!codec) {
// FIXME: This code is currently unreachable because we create an empty generator when
// we fail to create a codec.
SkDebugf("Codec could not be created for %s\n", skpName.c_str());
SkString ext;
switch (codec->getEncodedFormat()) {
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kBMP: ext = "bmp"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kGIF: ext = "gif"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kICO: ext = "ico"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kJPEG: ext = "jpg"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG: ext = "png"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kDNG: ext = "dng"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kWBMP: ext = "wbmp"; break;
case SkEncodedImageFormat::kWEBP: ext = "webp"; break;
// This should be unreachable because we cannot create a codec if we do not know
// the image type.
auto writeImage = [&] (const char* name, int num) {
SkString path;
path.appendf("%s/%s%d.%s", gOutputDir, name, num, ext.c_str());
SkFILEWStream file(path.c_str());
file.write(ptr, len);
SkDebugf("%s\n", path.c_str());
if (FLAGS_testDecode) {
SkBitmap bitmap;
SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(
info, bitmap.getPixels(), bitmap.rowBytes());
switch (result) {
case SkCodec::kSuccess:
case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
SkDebugf("Decoding failed for %s\n", skpName.c_str());
if (FLAGS_writeFailedImages) {
writeImage("unknown", gSkpToUnknownCount[skpName]);
if (FLAGS_writeImages) {
writeImage("", gKnown);
static bool get_images_from_file(const SkString& file) {
Sniffer sniff(file.c_str());
auto stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(file.c_str());
SkDeserialProcs procs;
procs.fImageProc = [](const void* data, size_t size, void* ctx) -> sk_sp<SkImage> {
((Sniffer*)ctx)->sniff(data, size);
return nullptr;
procs.fImageCtx = &sniff;
return SkPicture::MakeFromStream(stream.get(), &procs) != nullptr;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
"Usage: get_images_from_skps -s <dir of skps> -o <dir for output images> --testDecode "
"-j <output JSON path> --writeImages, --writeFailedImages\n");
SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);
const char* inputs = FLAGS_skps[0];
gOutputDir = FLAGS_out[0];
if (!sk_isdir(gOutputDir)) {
return 1;
if (sk_isdir(inputs)) {
SkOSFile::Iter iter(inputs, "skp");
for (SkString file;; ) {
if (!get_images_from_file(SkOSPath::Join(inputs, file.c_str()))) {
return 2;
} else {
if (!get_images_from_file(SkString(inputs))) {
return 2;
JSON results are written out in the following format:
"failures": {
"skp1": 12,
"skp4": 2,
"unsupported": {
"skp9": 13,
"skp17": 3,
"totalFailures": 32,
"totalUnsupported": 9,
"totalSuccesses": 21,
Json::Value fRoot;
int totalFailures = 0;
for(auto it = gSkpToUnknownCount.cbegin(); it != gSkpToUnknownCount.cend(); ++it)
SkDebugf("%s %d\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second);
totalFailures += it->second;
fRoot["failures"][it->first.c_str()] = it->second;
fRoot["totalFailures"] = totalFailures;
int totalUnsupported = 0;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
for (const auto& unsupported : gSkpToUnsupportedCount) {
SkDebugf("%s %d\n", unsupported.first.c_str(), unsupported.second);
totalUnsupported += unsupported.second;
fRoot["unsupported"][unsupported.first] = unsupported.second;
fRoot["totalUnsupported"] = totalUnsupported;
fRoot["totalSuccesses"] = gKnown;
SkDebugf("%d known, %d failures, %d unsupported\n", gKnown, totalFailures, totalUnsupported);
if (totalFailures > 0 || totalUnsupported > 0) {
if (!FLAGS_failuresJsonPath.isEmpty()) {
SkDebugf("Writing failures to %s\n", FLAGS_failuresJsonPath[0]);
SkFILEWStream stream(FLAGS_failuresJsonPath[0]);
return 0;