If a batch fails, we've got to rerun everything (or at least from the failure on), but when it's merely unknown hashes, no need to rerun what's produced hashes we know already. Small tweak to FM to keep all the printed source names exactly what's passed in, keeping the whole path for skp/svg/image files. This means zero bookkeeping needed to know what to rerun when parsing that output. Change-Id: I1e7ed3ee51158b68a6bdd3152560f3a282109576 Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/365818 Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <mtklein@google.com>
654 lines
24 KiB
654 lines
24 KiB
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gm/gm.h"
#include "include/codec/SkCodec.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkGraphics.h"
#include "include/core/SkPicture.h"
#include "include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"
#include "include/docs/SkPDFDocument.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrContextOptions.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "include/private/SkTHash.h"
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGDOM.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkMD5.h"
#include "src/core/SkOSFile.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h"
#include "src/utils/SkOSPath.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "tools/AutoreleasePool.h"
#include "tools/CrashHandler.h"
#include "tools/HashAndEncode.h"
#include "tools/ToolUtils.h"
#include "tools/flags/CommandLineFlags.h"
#include "tools/flags/CommonFlags.h"
#include "tools/gpu/BackendSurfaceFactory.h"
#include "tools/gpu/GrContextFactory.h"
#include "tools/gpu/MemoryCache.h"
#include "tools/trace/EventTracingPriv.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKOTTIE)
#include "modules/skottie/include/Skottie.h"
#include "modules/skresources/include/SkResources.h"
using sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory;
static DEFINE_bool(listGMs , false, "Print GM names and exit.");
static DEFINE_bool(listTests, false, "Print unit test names and exit.");
static DEFINE_string2(sources, s, "", "Which GMs, .skps, or images to draw.");
static DEFINE_string2(backend, b, "", "Backend used to create a canvas to draw into.");
static DEFINE_string(ct , "8888", "The color type for any raster backend.");
static DEFINE_string(at , "premul", "The alpha type for any raster backend.");
static DEFINE_string(gamut , "srgb", "The color gamut for any raster backend.");
static DEFINE_string(tf , "srgb", "The transfer function for any raster backend.");
static DEFINE_bool (legacy, false, "Use a null SkColorSpace instead of --gamut and --tf?");
static DEFINE_bool (skvm , false, "Use SkVMBlitter when supported?");
static DEFINE_bool (jit , true, "JIT SkVM?");
static DEFINE_bool (dylib , false, "JIT SkVM via dylib?");
static DEFINE_int (samples , 0, "Samples per pixel in GPU backends.");
static DEFINE_bool (stencils, true, "If false, avoid stencil buffers in GPU backends.");
static DEFINE_bool (dit , false, "Use device-independent text in GPU backends.");
static DEFINE_string(surf , "default", "Backing store for GPU backend surfaces.");
static DEFINE_bool( preAbandonGpuContext, false, "Abandon the GrContext before drawing.");
static DEFINE_bool( abandonGpuContext, false, "Abandon the GrContext after drawing.");
static DEFINE_bool(releaseAndAbandonGpuContext, false,
"Release all GPU resources and abandon the GrContext after drawing.");
static DEFINE_bool(decodeToDst, false,
"Decode images to destination format rather than suggested natural format.");
static DEFINE_double(rasterDPI, SK_ScalarDefaultRasterDPI,
"DPI for rasterized content in vector backends like --backend pdf.");
static DEFINE_bool(PDFA, false, "Create PDF/A with --backend pdf?");
static DEFINE_bool (cpuDetect, true, "Detect CPU features for runtime optimizations?");
static DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, "", "Write .pngs to this directory if set.");
static DEFINE_bool (quick, false, "Skip image hashing and encoding?");
static DEFINE_string(writeShaders, "", "Write GLSL shaders to this directory if set.");
static DEFINE_string(key, "", "Metadata passed through to .png encoder and .json output.");
static DEFINE_string(properties, "", "Metadata passed through to .png encoder and .json output.");
template <typename T>
struct FlagOption {
const char* label;
T value;
template <typename T, int N>
static bool parse_flag(const CommandLineFlags::StringArray& flag,
const char* flag_name,
const FlagOption<T> (&array)[N],
T* value) {
for (auto entry : array) {
if (flag.contains(entry.label)) {
*value = entry.value;
return true;
fprintf(stderr, "Known values for --%s:\n", flag_name);
for (auto entry : array) {
fprintf(stderr, " --%s %s\n", flag_name, entry.label);
return false;
struct Result {
enum { Ok, Skip, Fail} status;
SkString failure;
static const Result ok = {Result::Ok, {}},
skip = {Result::Skip, {}};
static Result fail(const char* why) {
return { Result::Fail, SkString(why) };
template <typename... Args>
static Result fail(const char* whyFmt, Args... args) {
return { Result::Fail, SkStringPrintf(whyFmt, args...) };
struct Source {
SkString name;
SkISize size;
std::function<Result(SkCanvas*)> draw;
std::function<void(GrContextOptions*)> tweak = [](GrContextOptions*){};
static void init(Source* source, std::shared_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm) {
source->size = gm->getISize();
source->tweak = [gm](GrContextOptions* options) { gm->modifyGrContextOptions(options); };
source->draw = [gm](SkCanvas* canvas) {
auto direct = GrAsDirectContext(canvas->recordingContext());
SkString err;
switch (gm->gpuSetup(direct, canvas, &err)) {
case skiagm::DrawResult::kOk : break;
case skiagm::DrawResult::kSkip: return skip;
case skiagm::DrawResult::kFail: return fail(err.c_str());
switch (gm->draw(canvas, &err)) {
case skiagm::DrawResult::kOk: break;
case skiagm::DrawResult::kSkip: return skip;
case skiagm::DrawResult::kFail: return fail(err.c_str());
return ok;
static void init(Source* source, sk_sp<SkPicture> pic) {
source->size = pic->cullRect().roundOut().size();
source->draw = [pic](SkCanvas* canvas) {
return ok;
static void init(Source* source, std::shared_ptr<SkCodec> codec) {
source->size = codec->dimensions();
source->draw = [codec](SkCanvas* canvas) {
SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo();
if (FLAGS_decodeToDst) {
info = canvas->imageInfo().makeDimensions(info.dimensions());
auto [image, result] = codec->getImage(info);
if (image) {
canvas->drawImage(image, 0,0);
return ok;
return fail("codec->getPixels() failed: %d\n", result);
static void init(Source* source, sk_sp<SkSVGDOM> svg) {
if (svg->containerSize().isEmpty()) {
source->size = svg->containerSize().toCeil();
source->draw = [svg](SkCanvas* canvas) {
return ok;
#if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKOTTIE)
static void init(Source* source, sk_sp<skottie::Animation> animation) {
source->size = {1000,1000};
source->draw = [animation](SkCanvas* canvas) {
// Draw frames in a shuffled order to exercise nonlinear frame progression.
// The film strip will still be in time order, just drawn out of order.
const int order[] = { 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 };
const int tiles = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(order);
const float dim = 1000.0f / tiles;
const float dt = 1.0f / (tiles*tiles - 1);
for (int y : order)
for (int x : order) {
SkRect dst = {x*dim, y*dim, (x+1)*dim, (y+1)*dim};
SkAutoCanvasRestore _(canvas, /*doSave=*/true);
canvas->clipRect(dst, /*doAntiAlias=*/true);
canvas->concat(SkMatrix::RectToRect(SkRect::MakeSize(animation->size()), dst,
float t = (y*tiles + x) * dt;
return ok;
static void init(Source* source, const skiatest::Test& test) {
source->size = {1,1};
source->draw = [test](SkCanvas* canvas) {
struct Reporter : public skiatest::Reporter {
SkString msg;
void reportFailed(const skiatest::Failure& failure) override {
msg += failure.toString();
msg += "\n";
} reporter;
test.run(&reporter, GrContextOptions{});
if (reporter.msg.isEmpty()) {
return ok;
return fail(reporter.msg.c_str());
static sk_sp<SkImage> draw_with_cpu(std::function<bool(SkCanvas*)> draw,
SkImageInfo info) {
if (sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(info)) {
if (draw(surface->getCanvas())) {
return surface->makeImageSnapshot();
return nullptr;
static sk_sp<SkData> draw_as_skp(std::function<bool(SkCanvas*)> draw,
SkImageInfo info) {
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
if (draw(recorder.beginRecording(info.width(), info.height()))) {
return recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture()->serialize();
return nullptr;
static sk_sp<SkData> draw_as_pdf(std::function<bool(SkCanvas*)> draw,
SkImageInfo info,
SkString name) {
SkPDF::Metadata metadata;
metadata.fTitle = name;
metadata.fCreator = "Skia/FM";
metadata.fRasterDPI = FLAGS_rasterDPI;
metadata.fPDFA = FLAGS_PDFA;
SkDynamicMemoryWStream stream;
if (sk_sp<SkDocument> doc = SkPDF::MakeDocument(&stream, metadata)) {
if (draw(doc->beginPage(info.width(), info.height()))) {
return stream.detachAsData();
return nullptr;
static sk_sp<SkImage> draw_with_gpu(std::function<bool(SkCanvas*)> draw,
SkImageInfo info,
GrContextFactory::ContextType api,
GrContextFactory* factory) {
enum class SurfaceType { kDefault, kBackendTexture, kBackendRenderTarget };
const FlagOption<SurfaceType> kSurfaceTypes[] = {
{ "default", SurfaceType::kDefault },
{ "betex" , SurfaceType::kBackendTexture },
{ "bert" , SurfaceType::kBackendRenderTarget },
SurfaceType surfaceType;
if (!parse_flag(FLAGS_surf, "surf", kSurfaceTypes, &surfaceType)) {
return nullptr;
auto overrides = GrContextFactory::ContextOverrides::kNone;
if (!FLAGS_stencils) { overrides |= GrContextFactory::ContextOverrides::kAvoidStencilBuffers; }
auto context = factory->getContextInfo(api, overrides).directContext();
uint32_t flags = FLAGS_dit ? SkSurfaceProps::kUseDeviceIndependentFonts_Flag
: 0;
SkSurfaceProps props(flags, kRGB_H_SkPixelGeometry);
sk_sp<SkSurface> surface;
switch (surfaceType) {
case SurfaceType::kDefault:
surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(context,
case SurfaceType::kBackendTexture:
surface = sk_gpu_test::MakeBackendTextureSurface(context,
case SurfaceType::kBackendRenderTarget:
surface = sk_gpu_test::MakeBackendRenderTargetSurface(context,
if (!surface) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create GPU surface.\n");
return nullptr;
if (FLAGS_preAbandonGpuContext) {
sk_sp<SkImage> image;
if (draw(surface->getCanvas())) {
image = surface->makeImageSnapshot();
if (FLAGS_abandonGpuContext) {
} else if (FLAGS_releaseAndAbandonGpuContext) {
return image;
extern bool gUseSkVMBlitter;
extern bool gSkVMAllowJIT;
extern bool gSkVMJITViaDylib;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
CommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);
if (FLAGS_cpuDetect) {
gUseSkVMBlitter = FLAGS_skvm;
gSkVMAllowJIT = FLAGS_jit;
gSkVMJITViaDylib = FLAGS_dylib;
GrContextOptions baseOptions;
sk_gpu_test::MemoryCache memoryCache;
if (!FLAGS_writeShaders.isEmpty()) {
baseOptions.fPersistentCache = &memoryCache;
baseOptions.fShaderCacheStrategy = GrContextOptions::ShaderCacheStrategy::kBackendSource;
SkTHashMap<SkString, skiagm::GMFactory> gm_factories;
for (skiagm::GMFactory factory : skiagm::GMRegistry::Range()) {
std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm{factory()};
if (FLAGS_listGMs) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", gm->getName());
} else {
gm_factories.set(SkString{gm->getName()}, factory);
SkTHashMap<SkString, const skiatest::Test*> tests;
for (const skiatest::Test& test : skiatest::TestRegistry::Range()) {
if (test.needsGpu) {
continue; // TODO
if (FLAGS_listTests) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", test.name);
} else {
tests.set(SkString{test.name}, &test);
if (FLAGS_listGMs || FLAGS_listTests) {
return 0;
if (FLAGS_sources.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Please give me something to run using -s/--sources!\n");
return 1;
SkTArray<Source> sources;
for (const SkString& name : FLAGS_sources) {
Source* source = &sources.push_back();
source->name = name;
if (skiagm::GMFactory* factory = gm_factories.find(name)) {
std::shared_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm{(*factory)()};
init(source, std::move(gm));
if (const skiatest::Test** test = tests.find(name)) {
init(source, **test);
if (sk_sp<SkData> blob = SkData::MakeFromFileName(name.c_str())) {
if (name.endsWith(".skp")) {
if (sk_sp<SkPicture> pic = SkPicture::MakeFromData(blob.get())) {
init(source, pic);
} else if (name.endsWith(".svg")) {
SkMemoryStream stream{blob};
if (sk_sp<SkSVGDOM> svg = SkSVGDOM::MakeFromStream(stream)) {
init(source, svg);
#if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKOTTIE)
else if (name.endsWith(".json")) {
const SkString dir = SkOSPath::Dirname(name.c_str());
if (sk_sp<skottie::Animation> animation = skottie::Animation::Builder()
.make((const char*)blob->data(), blob->size())) {
init(source, animation);
else if (std::shared_ptr<SkCodec> codec = SkCodec::MakeFromData(blob)) {
init(source, codec);
fprintf(stderr, "Don't understand source '%s'... bailing out.\n", name.c_str());
return 1;
enum NonGpuBackends {
kCPU_Backend = -1,
kSKP_Backend = -2,
kPDF_Backend = -3,
const FlagOption<int> kBackends[] = {
{ "cpu" , kCPU_Backend },
{ "skp" , kSKP_Backend },
{ "pdf" , kPDF_Backend },
{ "gl" , GrContextFactory::kGL_ContextType },
{ "gles" , GrContextFactory::kGLES_ContextType },
{ "angle_d3d9_es2" , GrContextFactory::kANGLE_D3D9_ES2_ContextType },
{ "angle_d3d11_es2", GrContextFactory::kANGLE_D3D11_ES2_ContextType },
{ "angle_d3d11_es3", GrContextFactory::kANGLE_D3D11_ES3_ContextType },
{ "angle_gl_es2" , GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GL_ES2_ContextType },
{ "angle_gl_es3" , GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GL_ES3_ContextType },
{ "commandbuffer" , GrContextFactory::kCommandBuffer_ContextType },
{ "vk" , GrContextFactory::kVulkan_ContextType },
{ "mtl" , GrContextFactory::kMetal_ContextType },
{ "mock" , GrContextFactory::kMock_ContextType },
const FlagOption<SkColorType> kColorTypes[] = {
{ "a8", kAlpha_8_SkColorType },
{ "g8", kGray_8_SkColorType },
{ "565", kRGB_565_SkColorType },
{ "4444", kARGB_4444_SkColorType },
{ "8888", kN32_SkColorType },
{ "888x", kRGB_888x_SkColorType },
{ "1010102", kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType },
{ "101010x", kRGB_101010x_SkColorType },
{ "bgra1010102", kBGRA_1010102_SkColorType },
{ "bgr101010x", kBGR_101010x_SkColorType },
{ "f16norm", kRGBA_F16Norm_SkColorType },
{ "f16", kRGBA_F16_SkColorType },
{ "f32", kRGBA_F32_SkColorType },
{ "rgba", kRGBA_8888_SkColorType },
{ "bgra", kBGRA_8888_SkColorType },
{ "16161616", kR16G16B16A16_unorm_SkColorType },
const FlagOption<SkAlphaType> kAlphaTypes[] = {
{ "premul", kPremul_SkAlphaType },
{ "unpremul", kUnpremul_SkAlphaType },
const FlagOption<skcms_Matrix3x3> kGamuts[] = {
{ "srgb", SkNamedGamut::kSRGB },
{ "p3", SkNamedGamut::kDisplayP3 },
{ "rec2020", SkNamedGamut::kRec2020 },
{ "adobe", SkNamedGamut::kAdobeRGB },
{ "narrow", gNarrow_toXYZD50},
const FlagOption<skcms_TransferFunction> kTransferFunctions[] = {
{ "srgb" , SkNamedTransferFn::kSRGB },
{ "rec2020", SkNamedTransferFn::kRec2020 },
{ "2.2" , SkNamedTransferFn::k2Dot2 },
{ "linear" , SkNamedTransferFn::kLinear },
int backend;
SkColorType ct;
SkAlphaType at;
skcms_Matrix3x3 gamut;
skcms_TransferFunction tf;
if (!parse_flag(FLAGS_backend, "backend", kBackends , &backend) ||
!parse_flag(FLAGS_ct , "ct" , kColorTypes , &ct) ||
!parse_flag(FLAGS_at , "at" , kAlphaTypes , &at) ||
!parse_flag(FLAGS_gamut , "gamut" , kGamuts , &gamut) ||
!parse_flag(FLAGS_tf , "tf" , kTransferFunctions, &tf)) {
return 1;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs = FLAGS_legacy ? nullptr
: SkColorSpace::MakeRGB(tf,gamut);
const SkImageInfo unsized_info = SkImageInfo::Make(0,0, ct,at,cs);
AutoreleasePool pool;
for (auto source : sources) {
const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
fprintf(stdout, "%50s", source.name.c_str());
const SkImageInfo info = unsized_info.makeDimensions(source.size);
auto draw = [&source](SkCanvas* canvas) {
Result result = source.draw(canvas);
switch (result.status) {
case Result::Ok: break;
case Result::Skip: return false;
case Result::Fail:
SK_ABORT("%s", result.failure.c_str());
return true;
GrContextOptions options = baseOptions;
GrContextFactory factory(options); // N.B. factory must outlive image
sk_sp<SkImage> image;
sk_sp<SkData> blob;
const char* ext = ".png";
switch (backend) {
case kCPU_Backend:
image = draw_with_cpu(draw, info);
case kSKP_Backend:
blob = draw_as_skp(draw, info);
ext = ".skp";
case kPDF_Backend:
blob = draw_as_pdf(draw, info, source.name);
ext = ".pdf";
image = draw_with_gpu(draw, info, (GrContextFactory::ContextType)backend, &factory);
if (!image && !blob) {
fprintf(stdout, "\tskipped\n");
// We read back a bitmap even when --quick is set and we won't use it,
// to keep us honest about deferred work, flushing pipelines, etc.
SkBitmap bitmap;
if (image && !image->asLegacyBitmap(&bitmap)) {
SK_ABORT("SkImage::asLegacyBitmap() failed.");
SkString md5;
if (!FLAGS_quick) {
HashAndEncode hashAndEncode{bitmap};
SkMD5 hash;
if (image) {
} else {
hash.write(blob->data(), blob->size());
SkMD5::Digest digest = hash.finish();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
md5.appendf("%02x", digest.data[i]);
if (!FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) {
SkString path = SkStringPrintf("%s/%s%s",
FLAGS_writePath[0], source.name.c_str(), ext);
SkFILEWStream file(path.c_str());
if (image) {
if (!hashAndEncode.encodePNG(&file, md5.c_str(),
FLAGS_key, FLAGS_properties)) {
SK_ABORT("Could not write .png.");
} else {
file.write(blob->data(), blob->size());
const auto elapsed = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
fprintf(stdout, "\t%s\t%7dms\n",
if (!FLAGS_writeShaders.isEmpty()) {
GrBackendApi api =
memoryCache.writeShadersToDisk(FLAGS_writeShaders[0], api);
return 0;