Mike Klein 912947737a Use __rdtsc on Windows.
This seems to be ~100x higher resolution than QueryPerformanceCounter.  AFAIK, all our Windows perf bots have constant_tsc, so we can be a bit more direct about using rdtsc directly: it'll always tick at the max CPU frequency.

Now, the question remains, what is the max CPU frequency to divide through by?  It looks like QueryPerformanceFrequency actually gives the CPU frequency in kHz, suspiciously exactly what we need to divide through to get elapsed milliseconds.  That was a freebie.

I did some before/after comparison on slow benchmarks.  Timings look the same.  Going to land this without review tonight to see what happens on the bots; happy to review carefully tomorrow.


Review URL:
2014-07-16 19:59:32 -04:00

382 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "Benchmark.h"
#include "CrashHandler.h"
#include "ResultsWriter.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkCommandLineFlags.h"
#include "SkForceLinking.h"
#include "SkGraphics.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
GrContextFactory gGrFactory;
DEFINE_bool(runOnce, true, "Run each benchmark just once?");
DEFINE_bool(runOnce, false, "Run each benchmark just once?");
DEFINE_int32(samples, 10, "Number of samples to measure for each bench.");
DEFINE_int32(overheadLoops, 100000, "Loops to estimate timer overhead.");
DEFINE_double(overheadGoal, 0.0001,
"Loop until timer overhead is at most this fraction of our measurments.");
DEFINE_string(match, "", "The usual filters on file names of benchmarks to measure.");
DEFINE_bool2(quiet, q, false, "Print only bench name and minimum sample.");
DEFINE_bool2(verbose, v, false, "Print all samples.");
DEFINE_string(config, "nonrendering 8888 gpu", "Configs to measure. Options: "
"565 8888 gpu nonrendering debug nullgpu msaa4 msaa16 nvprmsaa4 nvprmsaa16 angle");
DEFINE_double(gpuMs, 5, "Target bench time in millseconds for GPU.");
DEFINE_int32(gpuFrameLag, 5, "Overestimate of maximum number of frames GPU allows to lag.");
DEFINE_bool(cpu, true, "Master switch for CPU-bound work.");
DEFINE_bool(gpu, true, "Master switch for GPU-bound work.");
DEFINE_string(outResultsFile, "", "If given, write results here as JSON.");
DEFINE_bool(resetGpuContext, true, "Reset the GrContext before running each bench.");
static SkString humanize(double ms) {
if (ms > 1e+3) return SkStringPrintf("%.3gs", ms/1e3);
if (ms < 1e-3) return SkStringPrintf("%.3gns", ms*1e6);
if (ms < 1) return SkStringPrintf("%.3gus", ms*1e3);
if (ms < 1) return SkStringPrintf("%.3gµs", ms*1e3);
return SkStringPrintf("%.3gms", ms);
static double time(int loops, Benchmark* bench, SkCanvas* canvas, SkGLContextHelper* gl) {
WallTimer timer;
if (bench) {
bench->draw(loops, canvas);
if (canvas) {
if (gl) {
SK_GL(*gl, Flush());
return timer.fWall;
static double estimate_timer_overhead() {
double overhead = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_overheadLoops; i++) {
overhead += time(1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return overhead / FLAGS_overheadLoops;
static int cpu_bench(const double overhead, Benchmark* bench, SkCanvas* canvas, double* samples) {
// First figure out approximately how many loops of bench it takes to make overhead negligible.
double bench_plus_overhead;
do {
bench_plus_overhead = time(1, bench, canvas, NULL);
} while (bench_plus_overhead < overhead);
// Later we'll just start and stop the timer once but loop N times.
// We'll pick N to make timer overhead negligible:
// overhead
// ------------------------- < FLAGS_overheadGoal
// overhead + N * Bench Time
// where bench_plus_overhead ≈ overhead + Bench Time.
// Doing some math, we get:
// (overhead / FLAGS_overheadGoal) - overhead
// ------------------------------------------ < N
// bench_plus_overhead - overhead)
// Luckily, this also works well in practice. :)
const double numer = overhead / FLAGS_overheadGoal - overhead;
const double denom = bench_plus_overhead - overhead;
const int loops = FLAGS_runOnce ? 1 : (int)ceil(numer / denom);
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_samples; i++) {
samples[i] = time(loops, bench, canvas, NULL) / loops;
return loops;
static int gpu_bench(SkGLContextHelper* gl,
Benchmark* bench,
SkCanvas* canvas,
double* samples) {
// Make sure we're done with whatever came before.
SK_GL(*gl, Finish());
// First, figure out how many loops it'll take to get a frame up to FLAGS_gpuMs.
int loops = 1;
if (!FLAGS_runOnce) {
double elapsed = 0;
do {
loops *= 2;
// If the GPU lets frames lag at all, we need to make sure we're timing
// _this_ round, not still timing last round. We force this by looping
// more times than any reasonable GPU will allow frames to lag.
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_gpuFrameLag; i++) {
elapsed = time(loops, bench, canvas, gl);
} while (elapsed < FLAGS_gpuMs);
// We've overshot at least a little. Scale back linearly.
loops = (int)ceil(loops * FLAGS_gpuMs / elapsed);
// Might as well make sure we're not still timing our calibration.
SK_GL(*gl, Finish());
// Pretty much the same deal as the calibration: do some warmup to make
// sure we're timing steady-state pipelined frames.
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_gpuFrameLag; i++) {
time(loops, bench, canvas, gl);
// Now, actually do the timing!
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_samples; i++) {
samples[i] = time(loops, bench, canvas, gl) / loops;
return loops;
static SkString to_lower(const char* str) {
SkString lower(str);
for (size_t i = 0; i < lower.size(); i++) {
lower[i] = tolower(lower[i]);
return lower;
struct Target {
const char* config;
Benchmark::Backend backend;
SkAutoTDelete<SkSurface> surface;
SkGLContextHelper* gl;
// If bench is enabled for backend/config, returns a Target* for them, otherwise NULL.
static Target* is_enabled(Benchmark* bench, Benchmark::Backend backend, const char* config) {
if (!bench->isSuitableFor(backend)) {
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_config.count(); i++) {
if (to_lower(FLAGS_config[i]).equals(config)) {
Target* target = new Target;
target->config = config;
target->backend = backend;
return target;
return NULL;
// Append all targets that are suitable for bench.
static void create_targets(Benchmark* bench, SkTDArray<Target*>* targets) {
const int w = bench->getSize().fX,
h = bench->getSize().fY;
const SkImageInfo _8888 = { w, h, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType },
_565 = { w, h, kRGB_565_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType };
#define CPU_TARGET(config, backend, code) \
if (Target* t = is_enabled(bench, Benchmark::backend, #config)) { \
t->surface.reset(code); \
targets->push(t); \
if (FLAGS_cpu) {
CPU_TARGET(nonrendering, kNonRendering_Backend, NULL)
CPU_TARGET(8888, kRaster_Backend, SkSurface::NewRaster(_8888))
CPU_TARGET(565, kRaster_Backend, SkSurface::NewRaster(_565))
#define GPU_TARGET(config, ctxType, info, samples) \
if (Target* t = is_enabled(bench, Benchmark::kGPU_Backend, #config)) { \
t->surface.reset(SkSurface::NewRenderTarget(gGrFactory.get(ctxType), info, samples)); \
t->gl = gGrFactory.getGLContext(ctxType); \
targets->push(t); \
if (FLAGS_gpu) {
GPU_TARGET(gpu, GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType, _8888, 0)
GPU_TARGET(msaa4, GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType, _8888, 4)
GPU_TARGET(msaa16, GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType, _8888, 16)
GPU_TARGET(nvprmsaa4, GrContextFactory::kNVPR_GLContextType, _8888, 4)
GPU_TARGET(nvprmsaa16, GrContextFactory::kNVPR_GLContextType, _8888, 16)
GPU_TARGET(debug, GrContextFactory::kDebug_GLContextType, _8888, 0)
GPU_TARGET(nullgpu, GrContextFactory::kNull_GLContextType, _8888, 0)
GPU_TARGET(angle, GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GLContextType, _8888, 0)
static void fill_static_options(ResultsWriter* log) {
#if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN32)
log->option("system", "WIN32");
#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC)
log->option("system", "MAC");
#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID)
log->option("system", "ANDROID");
#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX)
log->option("system", "UNIX");
log->option("system", "other");
#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
log->option("build", "DEBUG");
log->option("build", "RELEASE");
int tool_main(int argc, char** argv);
int tool_main(int argc, char** argv) {
SkAutoGraphics ag;
SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);
if (FLAGS_runOnce) {
FLAGS_samples = 1;
FLAGS_gpuFrameLag = 0;
MultiResultsWriter log;
SkAutoTDelete<JSONResultsWriter> json;
if (!FLAGS_outResultsFile.isEmpty()) {
CallEnd<MultiResultsWriter> ender(log);
const double overhead = estimate_timer_overhead();
SkDebugf("Timer overhead: %s\n", humanize(overhead).c_str());
SkAutoTMalloc<double> samples(FLAGS_samples);
if (FLAGS_runOnce) {
SkDebugf("--runOnce is true; times would only be misleading so we won't print them.\n");
} else if (FLAGS_verbose) {
// No header.
} else if (FLAGS_quiet) {
} else {
for (const BenchRegistry* r = BenchRegistry::Head(); r != NULL; r = r->next()) {
SkAutoTDelete<Benchmark> bench(r->factory()(NULL));
if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, bench->getName())) {
log.bench(bench->getName(), bench->getSize().fX, bench->getSize().fY);
SkTDArray<Target*> targets;
create_targets(bench.get(), &targets);
for (int j = 0; j < targets.count(); j++) {
SkCanvas* canvas = targets[j]->surface.get() ? targets[j]->surface->getCanvas() : NULL;
const char* config = targets[j]->config;
const int loops =
Benchmark::kGPU_Backend == targets[j]->backend
? gpu_bench(targets[j]->gl, bench.get(), canvas, samples.get())
cpu_bench( overhead, bench.get(), canvas, samples.get());
if (loops == 0) {
SkDebugf("Unable to time %s\t%s (overhead %s)\n",
bench->getName(), config, humanize(overhead).c_str());
Stats stats(samples.get(), FLAGS_samples);
log.timer("min_ms", stats.min);
log.timer("median_ms", stats.median);
log.timer("mean_ms", stats.mean);
log.timer("max_ms", stats.max);
log.timer("stddev_ms", sqrt(stats.var));
if (FLAGS_runOnce) {
if (targets.count() == 1) {
config = ""; // Only print the config if we run the same bench on more than one.
SkDebugf("%s\t%s\n", bench->getName(), config);
} else if (FLAGS_verbose) {
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_samples; i++) {
SkDebugf("%s ", humanize(samples[i]).c_str());
SkDebugf("%s\n", bench->getName());
} else if (FLAGS_quiet) {
if (targets.count() == 1) {
config = ""; // Only print the config if we run the same bench on more than one.
SkDebugf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", humanize(stats.median).c_str(), bench->getName(), config);
} else {
const double stddev_percent = 100 * sqrt(stats.var) / stats.mean;
, loops
, humanize(stats.min).c_str()
, humanize(stats.median).c_str()
, humanize(stats.mean).c_str()
, humanize(stats.max).c_str()
, stddev_percent
, stats.plot.c_str()
, config
, bench->getName()
if (FLAGS_resetGpuContext) {
return 0;
#if !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
return tool_main(argc, (char**) argv);