djsollen c87dd2ce96 Enable unused param checking for public includes.
This CL cleans up the existing violations and enables the
build time check to ensure that we don't regress.

The motiviation behind this change is to allow clients who include
our headers to be able to build with this warning enabled.

Review URL:
2014-11-14 11:11:46 -08:00

450 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkStream_DEFINED
#define SkStream_DEFINED
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
class SkData;
class SkStream;
class SkStreamRewindable;
class SkStreamSeekable;
class SkStreamAsset;
class SkStreamMemory;
* SkStream -- abstraction for a source of bytes. Subclasses can be backed by
* memory, or a file, or something else.
* Classic "streams" APIs are sort of async, in that on a request for N
* bytes, they may return fewer than N bytes on a given call, in which case
* the caller can "try again" to get more bytes, eventually (modulo an error)
* receiving their total N bytes.
* Skia streams behave differently. They are effectively synchronous, and will
* always return all N bytes of the request if possible. If they return fewer
* (the read() call returns the number of bytes read) then that means there is
* no more data (at EOF or hit an error). The caller should *not* call again
* in hopes of fulfilling more of the request.
class SK_API SkStream : public SkRefCnt { //TODO: remove SkRefCnt
* Attempts to open the specified file, and return a stream to it (using
* mmap if available). On success, the caller must call unref() on the
* returned object. On failure, returns NULL.
static SkStreamAsset* NewFromFile(const char path[]);
/** Reads or skips size number of bytes.
* If buffer == NULL, skip size bytes, return how many were skipped.
* If buffer != NULL, copy size bytes into buffer, return how many were copied.
* @param buffer when NULL skip size bytes, otherwise copy size bytes into buffer
* @param size the number of bytes to skip or copy
* @return the number of bytes actually read.
virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
/** Skip size number of bytes.
* @return the actual number bytes that could be skipped.
size_t skip(size_t size) {
return this->read(NULL, size);
/** Returns true when all the bytes in the stream have been read.
* This may return true early (when there are no more bytes to be read)
* or late (after the first unsuccessful read).
virtual bool isAtEnd() const = 0;
int8_t readS8();
int16_t readS16();
int32_t readS32();
uint8_t readU8() { return (uint8_t)this->readS8(); }
uint16_t readU16() { return (uint16_t)this->readS16(); }
uint32_t readU32() { return (uint32_t)this->readS32(); }
bool readBool() { return this->readU8() != 0; }
SkScalar readScalar();
size_t readPackedUInt();
/** Rewinds to the beginning of the stream. Returns true if the stream is known
* to be at the beginning after this call returns.
virtual bool rewind() { return false; }
/** Duplicates this stream. If this cannot be done, returns NULL.
* The returned stream will be positioned at the beginning of its data.
virtual SkStreamRewindable* duplicate() const { return NULL; }
/** Returns true if this stream can report it's current position. */
virtual bool hasPosition() const { return false; }
/** Returns the current position in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns 0. */
virtual size_t getPosition() const { return 0; }
/** Seeks to an absolute position in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns false.
* If an attempt is made to seek past the end of the stream, the position will be set
* to the end of the stream.
virtual bool seek(size_t /*position*/) { return false; }
/** Seeks to an relative offset in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns false.
* If an attempt is made to move to a position outside the stream, the position will be set
* to the closest point within the stream (beginning or end).
virtual bool move(long /*offset*/) { return false; }
/** Duplicates this stream. If this cannot be done, returns NULL.
* The returned stream will be positioned the same as this stream.
virtual SkStreamSeekable* fork() const { return NULL; }
/** Returns true if this stream can report it's total length. */
virtual bool hasLength() const { return false; }
/** Returns the total length of the stream. If this cannot be done, returns 0. */
virtual size_t getLength() const { return 0; }
/** Returns the starting address for the data. If this cannot be done, returns NULL. */
//TODO: replace with virtual const SkData* getData()
virtual const void* getMemoryBase() { return NULL; }
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
/** SkStreamRewindable is a SkStream for which rewind and duplicate are required. */
class SK_API SkStreamRewindable : public SkStream {
virtual bool rewind() SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual SkStreamRewindable* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
/** SkStreamSeekable is a SkStreamRewindable for which position, seek, move, and fork are required. */
class SK_API SkStreamSeekable : public SkStreamRewindable {
virtual SkStreamSeekable* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual bool hasPosition() const SK_OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual size_t getPosition() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual bool seek(size_t position) SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual bool move(long offset) SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual SkStreamSeekable* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
/** SkStreamAsset is a SkStreamSeekable for which getLength is required. */
class SK_API SkStreamAsset : public SkStreamSeekable {
virtual SkStreamAsset* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual SkStreamAsset* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual bool hasLength() const SK_OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual size_t getLength() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
/** SkStreamMemory is a SkStreamAsset for which getMemoryBase is required. */
class SK_API SkStreamMemory : public SkStreamAsset {
virtual SkStreamMemory* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual SkStreamMemory* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual const void* getMemoryBase() SK_OVERRIDE = 0;
class SK_API SkWStream : SkNoncopyable {
virtual ~SkWStream();
/** Called to write bytes to a SkWStream. Returns true on success
@param buffer the address of at least size bytes to be written to the stream
@param size The number of bytes in buffer to write to the stream
@return true on success
virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
virtual void newline();
virtual void flush();
virtual size_t bytesWritten() const = 0;
// helpers
bool write8(U8CPU);
bool write16(U16CPU);
bool write32(uint32_t);
bool writeText(const char text[]);
bool writeDecAsText(int32_t);
bool writeBigDecAsText(int64_t, int minDigits = 0);
bool writeHexAsText(uint32_t, int minDigits = 0);
bool writeScalarAsText(SkScalar);
bool writeBool(bool v) { return this->write8(v); }
bool writeScalar(SkScalar);
bool writePackedUInt(size_t);
bool writeStream(SkStream* input, size_t length);
* This returns the number of bytes in the stream required to store
* 'value'.
static int SizeOfPackedUInt(size_t value);
#include "SkString.h"
#include <stdio.h>
struct SkFILE;
/** A stream that wraps a C FILE* file stream. */
class SK_API SkFILEStream : public SkStreamAsset {
/** Initialize the stream by calling sk_fopen on the specified path.
* This internal stream will be closed in the destructor.
explicit SkFILEStream(const char path[] = NULL);
enum Ownership {
/** Initialize the stream with an existing C file stream.
* While this stream exists, it assumes exclusive access to the C file stream.
* The C file stream will be closed in the destructor unless the caller specifies
* kCallerRetains_Ownership.
explicit SkFILEStream(FILE* file, Ownership ownership = kCallerPasses_Ownership);
virtual ~SkFILEStream();
/** Returns true if the current path could be opened. */
bool isValid() const { return fFILE != NULL; }
/** Close the current file, and open a new file with the specified path.
* If path is NULL, just close the current file.
void setPath(const char path[]);
virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isAtEnd() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool rewind() SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkStreamAsset* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t getPosition() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool seek(size_t position) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool move(long offset) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkStreamAsset* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t getLength() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual const void* getMemoryBase() SK_OVERRIDE;
SkString fName;
Ownership fOwnership;
// fData is lazilly initialized when needed.
mutable SkAutoTUnref<SkData> fData;
typedef SkStreamAsset INHERITED;
class SK_API SkMemoryStream : public SkStreamMemory {
/** We allocate (and free) the memory. Write to it via getMemoryBase() */
SkMemoryStream(size_t length);
/** If copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data. */
SkMemoryStream(const void* data, size_t length, bool copyData = false);
/** Use the specified data as the memory for this stream.
* The stream will call ref() on the data (assuming it is not NULL).
virtual ~SkMemoryStream();
/** Resets the stream to the specified data and length,
just like the constructor.
if copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data
virtual void setMemory(const void* data, size_t length,
bool copyData = false);
/** Replace any memory buffer with the specified buffer. The caller
must have allocated data with sk_malloc or sk_realloc, since it
will be freed with sk_free.
void setMemoryOwned(const void* data, size_t length);
/** Return the stream's data in a SkData.
* The caller must call unref() when it is finished using the data.
SkData* copyToData() const;
* Use the specified data as the memory for this stream.
* The stream will call ref() on the data (assuming it is not NULL).
* The function returns the data parameter as a convenience.
SkData* setData(SkData*);
void skipToAlign4();
const void* getAtPos();
size_t peek() const { return fOffset; }
virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isAtEnd() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool rewind() SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkMemoryStream* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t getPosition() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool seek(size_t position) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool move(long offset) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkMemoryStream* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t getLength() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual const void* getMemoryBase() SK_OVERRIDE;
SkData* fData;
size_t fOffset;
typedef SkStreamMemory INHERITED;
class SK_API SkFILEWStream : public SkWStream {
SkFILEWStream(const char path[]);
virtual ~SkFILEWStream();
/** Returns true if the current path could be opened.
bool isValid() const { return fFILE != NULL; }
virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void flush() SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t bytesWritten() const SK_OVERRIDE;
typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
class SkMemoryWStream : public SkWStream {
SkMemoryWStream(void* buffer, size_t size);
virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t bytesWritten() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fBytesWritten; }
char* fBuffer;
size_t fMaxLength;
size_t fBytesWritten;
typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
class SK_API SkDynamicMemoryWStream : public SkWStream {
virtual ~SkDynamicMemoryWStream();
virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t bytesWritten() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fBytesWritten; }
// random access write
// modifies stream and returns true if offset + size is less than or equal to getOffset()
bool write(const void* buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
bool read(void* buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
size_t getOffset() const { return fBytesWritten; }
// copy what has been written to the stream into dst
void copyTo(void* dst) const;
* Return a copy of the data written so far. This call is responsible for
* calling unref() when they are finished with the data.
SkData* copyToData() const;
/** Reset, returning a reader stream with the current content. */
SkStreamAsset* detachAsStream();
/** Reset the stream to its original, empty, state. */
void reset();
void padToAlign4();
struct Block;
Block* fHead;
Block* fTail;
size_t fBytesWritten;
mutable SkData* fCopy; // is invalidated if we write after it is created
void invalidateCopy();
// For access to the Block type.
friend class SkBlockMemoryStream;
friend class SkBlockMemoryRefCnt;
typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
class SK_API SkDebugWStream : public SkWStream {
SkDebugWStream() : fBytesWritten(0) {}
// overrides
virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void newline() SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t bytesWritten() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fBytesWritten; }
size_t fBytesWritten;
typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
// for now
typedef SkFILEStream SkURLStream;