scroggo f9d610179d There can be only one (SkRandom)!
Remove SkLCGRandom. We already decided the new one was better, which is
why we wrote the new SkRandom.

Convert GMs that were using SkLCGRandom to use the improved SkRandom.
Motivated by the fact that these GMs draw differently on some runs. We
believe this to be a result of using the old SkLCGRandom.

Add each of the tests that were using SkLCGRandom to ignore-tests.txt,
since we expect they'll draw differently using SkRandom.

Move a trimmed down version of SkLCGRandom into SkDiscretePathEffect.
In order to preserve the old behavior, trim down SkLCGRandom to only
the methods used by SkDiscretePathEffect, and hide it in
SkDiscretePathEffect's cpp file.


Review URL:
2014-12-15 12:54:51 -08:00

184 lines
5.2 KiB

* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkRandom_DEFINED
#define SkRandom_DEFINED
#include "SkScalar.h"
/** \class SkRandom
Utility class that implements pseudo random 32bit numbers using Marsaglia's
multiply-with-carry "mother of all" algorithm. Unlike rand(), this class holds
its own state, so that multiple instances can be used with no side-effects.
Has a large period and all bits are well-randomized.
class SkRandom {
SkRandom() { init(0); }
SkRandom(uint32_t seed) { init(seed); }
SkRandom(const SkRandom& rand) : fK(rand.fK), fJ(rand.fJ) {}
SkRandom& operator=(const SkRandom& rand) {
fK = rand.fK;
fJ = rand.fJ;
return *this;
/** Return the next pseudo random number as an unsigned 32bit value.
uint32_t nextU() {
fK = kKMul*(fK & 0xffff) + (fK >> 16);
fJ = kJMul*(fJ & 0xffff) + (fJ >> 16);
return (((fK << 16) | (fK >> 16)) + fJ);
/** Return the next pseudo random number as a signed 32bit value.
int32_t nextS() { return (int32_t)this->nextU(); }
/** Return the next pseudo random number as an unsigned 16bit value.
U16CPU nextU16() { return this->nextU() >> 16; }
/** Return the next pseudo random number as a signed 16bit value.
S16CPU nextS16() { return this->nextS() >> 16; }
* Returns value [0...1) as an IEEE float
float nextF() {
unsigned int floatint = 0x3f800000 | (this->nextU() >> 9);
float f = SkBits2Float(floatint) - 1.0f;
return f;
* Returns value [min...max) as a float
float nextRangeF(float min, float max) {
return min + this->nextF() * (max - min);
/** Return the next pseudo random number, as an unsigned value of
at most bitCount bits.
@param bitCount The maximum number of bits to be returned
uint32_t nextBits(unsigned bitCount) {
SkASSERT(bitCount > 0 && bitCount <= 32);
return this->nextU() >> (32 - bitCount);
/** Return the next pseudo random unsigned number, mapped to lie within
[min, max] inclusive.
uint32_t nextRangeU(uint32_t min, uint32_t max) {
SkASSERT(min <= max);
uint32_t range = max - min + 1;
if (0 == range) {
return this->nextU();
} else {
return min + this->nextU() % range;
/** Return the next pseudo random unsigned number, mapped to lie within
[0, count).
uint32_t nextULessThan(uint32_t count) {
SkASSERT(count > 0);
return this->nextRangeU(0, count - 1);
/** Return the next pseudo random number expressed as an unsigned SkFixed
in the range [0..SK_Fixed1).
SkFixed nextUFixed1() { return this->nextU() >> 16; }
/** Return the next pseudo random number expressed as a signed SkFixed
in the range (-SK_Fixed1..SK_Fixed1).
SkFixed nextSFixed1() { return this->nextS() >> 15; }
/** Return the next pseudo random number expressed as a SkScalar
in the range [0..SK_Scalar1).
SkScalar nextUScalar1() { return SkFixedToScalar(this->nextUFixed1()); }
/** Return the next pseudo random number expressed as a SkScalar
in the range [min..max).
SkScalar nextRangeScalar(SkScalar min, SkScalar max) {
return this->nextUScalar1() * (max - min) + min;
/** Return the next pseudo random number expressed as a SkScalar
in the range (-SK_Scalar1..SK_Scalar1).
SkScalar nextSScalar1() { return SkFixedToScalar(this->nextSFixed1()); }
/** Return the next pseudo random number as a bool.
bool nextBool() { return this->nextU() >= 0x80000000; }
/** A biased version of nextBool().
bool nextBiasedBool(SkScalar fractionTrue) {
SkASSERT(fractionTrue >= 0 && fractionTrue <= SK_Scalar1);
return this->nextUScalar1() <= fractionTrue;
* Return the next pseudo random number as a signed 64bit value.
int64_t next64() {
int64_t hi = this->nextS();
return (hi << 32) | this->nextU();
/** Reset the random object.
void setSeed(uint32_t seed) { init(seed); }
// Initialize state variables with LCG.
// We must ensure that both J and K are non-zero, otherwise the
// multiply-with-carry step will forevermore return zero.
void init(uint32_t seed) {
fK = NextLCG(seed);
if (0 == fK) {
fK = NextLCG(fK);
fJ = NextLCG(fK);
if (0 == fJ) {
fJ = NextLCG(fJ);
SkASSERT(0 != fK && 0 != fJ);
static uint32_t NextLCG(uint32_t seed) { return kMul*seed + kAdd; }
// See "Numerical Recipes in C", 1992 page 284 for these constants
// For the LCG that sets the initial state from a seed
enum {
kMul = 1664525,
kAdd = 1013904223
// Constants for the multiply-with-carry steps
enum {
kKMul = 30345,
kJMul = 18000,
uint32_t fK;
uint32_t fJ;