skia2/tests/GLProgramsTest.cpp a34995e18b Implement SkColorFilter as a GrGLEffect
Adds GrEffect::willUseInputColor() which indicates whether or not the
input color affects the output of the effect. This is needed for
certain Xfermodes, such as kSrc_Mode. For these modes the color filter
will not use the input color.

An effect with GrEffect::willUseInputColor() true will cause all color
or coverage effects before it to be discarded, as their computations
cannot affect the output. In these cases program is marked as having
white input color.

This fixes an assert when Skia is compiled in a mode that prefers
using uniforms instead of attributes for constants. (Flags
attributes hides the problem where the fragment shader does not need
input color for color filters that ignore DST part of the filter. The
assert would be hit when uniform manager tries to bind an uniform which
has been optimized away by the shader compiler.

Adds specific GrGLSLExpr4 and GrGLSLExpr1 classes. This way the GLSL
expressions like "(v - src.a)" can remain somewhat readable in form of
"(v - src.a())". The GrGLSLExpr<typename> template implements the
generic functionality, GrGLSLExprX is the specialization that exposes
the type-safe interface to this functionality.

Also adds operators so that GLSL binary operators of the form
"(float * vecX)" can be expressed in C++. Before only the equivalent
"(vecX * float)" was possible. This reverts the common blending
calculations to more conventional order, such as "(1-a) * c" instead of
"c * (1-a)".

Changes GrGLSLExpr1::OnesStr from 1 to 1.0 in order to preserve the
color filter blending formula string the same (with the exception of
variable name change).

Shaders change in case of input color being needed:
 -   vec4 filteredColor;
 -   filteredColor = (((1.0 - uFilterColor.a) * output_Stage0) + uFilterColor);
 -   fsColorOut = filteredColor;
 +   vec4 output_Stage1;
 +   { // Stage 1: ModeColorFilterEffect
 +   output_Stage1 = (((1.0 - uFilterColor_Stage1.a) * output_Stage0) + uFilterColor_Stage1);
 +   }
 +   fsColorOut = output_Stage1;

Shaders change in case of input color being not needed:
 -uniform vec4 uFilterColor;
 -in vec4 vColor;
 +uniform vec4 uFilterColor_Stage0;
  out vec4 fsColorOut;
  void main() {
 -   vec4 filteredColor;
 -   filteredColor = uFilterColor;
 -   fsColorOut = filteredColor;
 +   vec4 output_Stage0;
 +   { // Stage 0: ModeColorFilterEffect
 +   output_Stage0 = uFilterColor_Stage0;
 +   }
 +   fsColorOut = output_Stage0;


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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2013-10-23 05:42:03 +00:00

274 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a GPU-backend specific test. It relies on static intializers to work
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "gl/GrGpuGL.h"
#include "GrBackendEffectFactory.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
#include "GrDrawEffect.h"
#include "effects/GrConfigConversionEffect.h"
#include "SkChecksum.h"
#include "SkRandom.h"
#include "Test.h"
void GrGLProgramDesc::setRandom(SkRandom* random,
const GrGpuGL* gpu,
const GrRenderTarget* dstRenderTarget,
const GrTexture* dstCopyTexture,
const GrEffectStage* stages[],
int numColorStages,
int numCoverageStages,
int currAttribIndex) {
int numEffects = numColorStages + numCoverageStages;
size_t keyLength = KeyLength(numEffects);
*this->atOffset<uint32_t, kLengthOffset>() = static_cast<uint32_t>(keyLength);
memset(this->header(), 0, kHeaderSize);
KeyHeader* header = this->header();
header->fEmitsPointSize = random->nextBool();
header->fPositionAttributeIndex = 0;
// if the effects have used up all off the available attributes,
// don't try to use color or coverage attributes as input
do {
header->fColorInput = static_cast<GrGLProgramDesc::ColorInput>(
} while (GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt <= currAttribIndex &&
kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput);
header->fColorAttributeIndex = (header->fColorInput == kAttribute_ColorInput) ?
currAttribIndex++ :
do {
header->fCoverageInput = static_cast<GrGLProgramDesc::ColorInput>(
} while (GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt <= currAttribIndex &&
kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput);
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = (header->fCoverageInput == kAttribute_ColorInput) ?
currAttribIndex++ :
header->fExperimentalGS = gpu->caps()->geometryShaderSupport() && random->nextBool();
header->fDiscardIfZeroCoverage = random->nextBool();
bool useLocalCoords = random->nextBool() && currAttribIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt;
header->fLocalCoordAttributeIndex = useLocalCoords ? currAttribIndex++ : -1;
header->fColorEffectCnt = numColorStages;
header->fCoverageEffectCnt = numCoverageStages;
bool dstRead = false;
bool fragPos = false;
bool vertexCode = false;
int numStages = numColorStages + numCoverageStages;
for (int s = 0; s < numStages; ++s) {
const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory = (*stages[s]->getEffect())->getFactory();
GrDrawEffect drawEffect(*stages[s], useLocalCoords);
this->effectKeys()[s] = factory.glEffectKey(drawEffect, gpu->glCaps());
if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->willReadDstColor()) {
dstRead = true;
if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->willReadFragmentPosition()) {
fragPos = true;
if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->hasVertexCode()) {
vertexCode = true;
if (dstRead) {
header->fDstReadKey = GrGLShaderBuilder::KeyForDstRead(dstCopyTexture, gpu->glCaps());
} else {
header->fDstReadKey = 0;
if (fragPos) {
header->fFragPosKey = GrGLShaderBuilder::KeyForFragmentPosition(dstRenderTarget,
} else {
header->fFragPosKey = 0;
header->fHasVertexCode = vertexCode ||
useLocalCoords ||
kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput ||
kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput;
CoverageOutput coverageOutput;
bool illegalCoverageOutput;
do {
coverageOutput = static_cast<CoverageOutput>(random->nextULessThan(kCoverageOutputCnt));
illegalCoverageOutput = (!gpu->caps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() &&
CoverageOutputUsesSecondaryOutput(coverageOutput)) ||
(!dstRead && kCombineWithDst_CoverageOutput == coverageOutput);
} while (illegalCoverageOutput);
header->fCoverageOutput = coverageOutput;
*this->checksum() = 0;
*this->checksum() = SkChecksum::Compute(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fKey.get()), keyLength);
fInitialized = true;
bool GrGpuGL::programUnitTest(int maxStages) {
GrTextureDesc dummyDesc;
dummyDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrTextureFlagBit;
dummyDesc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;
dummyDesc.fWidth = 34;
dummyDesc.fHeight = 18;
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> dummyTexture1(this->createTexture(dummyDesc, NULL, 0));
dummyDesc.fFlags = kNone_GrTextureFlags;
dummyDesc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
dummyDesc.fWidth = 16;
dummyDesc.fHeight = 22;
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> dummyTexture2(this->createTexture(dummyDesc, NULL, 0));
static const int NUM_TESTS = 512;
SkRandom random;
for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TESTS; ++t) {
#if 0
GrPrintf("\nTest Program %d\n-------------\n", t);
static const int stop = -1;
if (t == stop) {
int breakpointhere = 9;
GrGLProgramDesc pdesc;
int currAttribIndex = 1; // we need to always leave room for position
int currTextureCoordSet = 0;
int attribIndices[2];
GrTexture* dummyTextures[] = {dummyTexture1.get(), dummyTexture2.get()};
int numStages = random.nextULessThan(maxStages + 1);
int numColorStages = random.nextULessThan(numStages + 1);
int numCoverageStages = numStages - numColorStages;
SkAutoSTMalloc<8, const GrEffectStage*> stages(numStages);
bool useFixedFunctionTexturing = this->shouldUseFixedFunctionTexturing();
for (int s = 0; s < numStages;) {
SkAutoTUnref<const GrEffectRef> effect(GrEffectTestFactory::CreateStage(
int numAttribs = (*effect)->numVertexAttribs();
// If adding this effect would exceed the max attrib count then generate a
// new random effect.
if (currAttribIndex + numAttribs > GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt) {
// If adding this effect would exceed the max texture coord set count then generate a
// new random effect.
if (useFixedFunctionTexturing && !(*effect)->hasVertexCode()) {
int numTransforms = (*effect)->numTransforms();
if (currTextureCoordSet + numTransforms > this->glCaps().maxFixedFunctionTextureCoords()) {
currTextureCoordSet += numTransforms;
useFixedFunctionTexturing = useFixedFunctionTexturing && !(*effect)->hasVertexCode();
for (int i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) {
attribIndices[i] = currAttribIndex++;
GrEffectStage* stage = SkNEW_ARGS(GrEffectStage,
(effect.get(), attribIndices[0], attribIndices[1]));
stages[s] = stage;
const GrTexture* dstTexture = random.nextBool() ? dummyTextures[0] : dummyTextures[1];
SkAutoTUnref<GrGLProgram> program(GrGLProgram::Create(this,
stages + numColorStages));
for (int s = 0; s < numStages; ++s) {
if (NULL == program.get()) {
return false;
return true;
static void GLProgramsTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, GrContextFactory* factory) {
for (int type = 0; type < GrContextFactory::kLastGLContextType; ++type) {
GrContext* context = factory->get(static_cast<GrContextFactory::GLContextType>(type));
if (NULL != context) {
GrGpuGL* gpu = static_cast<GrGpuGL*>(context->getGpu());
int maxStages = 6;
// Some long shaders run out of temporary registers in the D3D compiler on ANGLE.
if (type == GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GLContextType) {
maxStages = 3;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gpu->programUnitTest(maxStages));
#include "TestClassDef.h"
DEFINE_GPUTESTCLASS("GLPrograms", GLProgramsTestClass, GLProgramsTest)
// This is evil evil evil. The linker may throw away whole translation units as dead code if it
// thinks none of the functions are called. It will do this even if there are static initializers
// in the unit that could pass pointers to functions from the unit out to other translation units!
// We force some of the effects that would otherwise be discarded to link here.
#include "SkLightingImageFilter.h"
#include "SkMagnifierImageFilter.h"
#include "SkColorMatrixFilter.h"
#include "SkBitmapAlphaThresholdShader.h"
void forceLinking();
void forceLinking() {
SkLightingImageFilter::CreateDistantLitDiffuse(SkPoint3(0,0,0), 0, 0, 0);
SkMagnifierImageFilter mag(SkRect::MakeWH(SK_Scalar1, SK_Scalar1), SK_Scalar1);
SkScalar matrix[20];
SkColorMatrixFilter cmf(matrix);
SkBitmapAlphaThresholdShader::Create(SkBitmap(), SkRegion(), 0x80);