Fix core.gni to use not use Assembler for none cpu. Right now, there are no outputs because we aren't compiling dm or nanobench. However, this still compiles the skia library and creates two executables, so it's a good canary for a real WASM build. Additional note: the two executables in question don't draw anything to the screen via GL, which is still not possible with Skia+WASM. Bug: skia: Change-Id: I0d767467e94e40d01070e34223dd90e96f1c96f2 Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: Kevin Lubick <> Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <> Reviewed-by: Eric Boren <>
339 lines
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339 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for managing assets."""
import argparse
import json
import os
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
INFRA_BOTS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir)))
sys.path.insert(0, INFRA_BOTS_DIR)
import utils
import zip_utils
ASSETS_DIR = os.path.join(INFRA_BOTS_DIR, 'assets')
SKIA_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(INFRA_BOTS_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir))
CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME_TMPL = 'skia/bots/%s'
DEFAULT_GS_BUCKET = 'skia-buildbots'
GS_SUBDIR_TMPL = 'gs://%s/assets/%s'
GS_PATH_TMPL = '%s/'
TAG_PROJECT_SKIA = 'project:skia'
WHICH = 'where' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'which'
ZIP_BLACKLIST = ['.git', '.svn', '*.pyc', '.DS_STORE']
class CIPDStore(object):
"""Wrapper object for CIPD."""
def __init__(self, cipd_url=DEFAULT_CIPD_SERVICE_URL):
self._cipd = 'cipd'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
self._cipd = 'cipd.bat'
self._cipd_url = cipd_url
def _check_setup(self):
"""Verify that we have the CIPD binary and that we're authenticated."""
self._run(['auth-info'], specify_service_url=False)
except OSError:
raise Exception('CIPD binary not found on your path (typically in '
'depot_tools). You may need to update depot_tools.')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise Exception('CIPD not authenticated. You may need to run:\n\n'
'$ %s auth-login' % self._cipd)
def _run(self, cmd, specify_service_url=True):
"""Run the given command."""
cipd_args = []
if specify_service_url:
cipd_args.extend(['--service-url', self._cipd_url])
if os.getenv('USE_CIPD_GCE_AUTH'):
# Enable automatic GCE authentication. For context see
cipd_args.extend(['-service-account-json', ':gce'])
+ cmd
+ cipd_args
def _json_output(self, cmd):
"""Run the given command, return the JSON output."""
with utils.tmp_dir():
json_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output.json')
self._run(cmd + ['--json-output', json_output])
with open(json_output) as f:
parsed = json.load(f)
return parsed.get('result', [])
def _search(self, pkg_name):
res = self._json_output(['search', pkg_name, '--tag', TAG_PROJECT_SKIA])
return [r['instance_id'] for r in res]
def _describe(self, pkg_name, instance_id):
"""Obtain details about the given package and instance ID."""
return self._json_output(['describe', pkg_name, '--version', instance_id])
def get_available_versions(self, name):
"""List available versions of the asset."""
pkg_name = CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME_TMPL % name
versions = []
for instance_id in self._search(pkg_name):
details = self._describe(pkg_name, instance_id)
for tag in details.get('tags'):
tag_name = tag.get('tag', '')
if tag_name.startswith(TAG_VERSION_PREFIX):
trimmed = tag_name[len(TAG_VERSION_PREFIX):]
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Found package instance with invalid version '
'tag: %s' % tag_name)
return versions
def upload(self, name, version, target_dir):
"""Create a CIPD package."""
'--name', CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME_TMPL % name,
'--in', target_dir,
'--tag', TAG_VERSION_TMPL % version,
'--compression-level', '1',
'-verification-timeout', '30m0s',
def download(self, name, version, target_dir):
"""Download a CIPD package."""
pkg_name = CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME_TMPL % name
version_tag = TAG_VERSION_TMPL % version
target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
with utils.tmp_dir():
infile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'input')
with open(infile, 'w') as f:
f.write('%s %s' % (pkg_name, version_tag))
'--root', target_dir,
'--list', infile,
def delete_contents(self, name):
"""Delete data for the given asset."""
self._run(['pkg-delete', CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME_TMPL % name])
class GSStore(object):
"""Wrapper object for interacting with Google Storage."""
def __init__(self, gsutil=None, bucket=DEFAULT_GS_BUCKET):
if gsutil:
gsutil = os.path.abspath(gsutil)
gsutil = subprocess.check_output([WHICH, 'gsutil']).rstrip()
self._gsutil = [gsutil]
if gsutil.endswith('.py'):
self._gsutil = ['python', gsutil]
self._gs_bucket = bucket
def copy(self, src, dst):
"""Copy src to dst."""
subprocess.check_call(self._gsutil + ['cp', src, dst])
def list(self, path):
"""List objects in the given path."""
return subprocess.check_output(self._gsutil + ['ls', path]).splitlines()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# If the prefix does not exist, we'll get an error, which is okay.
return []
def get_available_versions(self, name):
"""Return the existing version numbers for the asset."""
files = self.list(GS_SUBDIR_TMPL % (self._gs_bucket, name))
bnames = [os.path.basename(f) for f in files]
suffix = '.zip'
versions = [int(f[:-len(suffix)]) for f in bnames if f.endswith(suffix)]
return versions
def upload(self, name, version, target_dir):
"""Upload to GS."""
target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
with utils.tmp_dir():
zip_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '' % version)
|, zip_file, blacklist=ZIP_BLACKLIST)
gs_path = GS_PATH_TMPL % (GS_SUBDIR_TMPL % (self._gs_bucket, name),
self.copy(zip_file, gs_path)
def download(self, name, version, target_dir):
"""Download from GS."""
gs_path = GS_PATH_TMPL % (GS_SUBDIR_TMPL % (self._gs_bucket, name),
target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
with utils.tmp_dir():
zip_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '' % version)
self.copy(gs_path, zip_file)
zip_utils.unzip(zip_file, target_dir)
def delete_contents(self, name):
"""Delete data for the given asset."""
gs_path = GS_SUBDIR_TMPL % (self._gs_bucket, name)
attempt_delete = True
subprocess.check_call(self._gsutil + ['ls', gs_path])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
attempt_delete = False
if attempt_delete:
subprocess.check_call(self._gsutil + ['rm', '-rf', gs_path])
class MultiStore(object):
"""Wrapper object which uses CIPD as the primary store and GS for backup."""
def __init__(self, cipd_url=DEFAULT_CIPD_SERVICE_URL,
gsutil=None, gs_bucket=DEFAULT_GS_BUCKET):
self._cipd = CIPDStore(cipd_url=cipd_url)
self._gs = GSStore(gsutil=gsutil, bucket=gs_bucket)
def get_available_versions(self, name):
return self._cipd.get_available_versions(name)
def upload(self, name, version, target_dir):
self._cipd.upload(name, version, target_dir)
self._gs.upload(name, version, target_dir)
def download(self, name, version, target_dir):
|, version, target_dir)
def delete_contents(self, name):
def _prompt(prompt):
"""Prompt for input, return result."""
return raw_input(prompt)
class Asset(object):
def __init__(self, name, store):
self._store = store
self._name = name
self._dir = os.path.join(ASSETS_DIR, self._name)
def version_file(self):
"""Return the path to the version file for this asset."""
return os.path.join(self._dir, VERSION_FILENAME)
def get_current_version(self):
"""Obtain the current version of the asset."""
if not os.path.isfile(self.version_file):
return -1
with open(self.version_file) as f:
return int(
def get_available_versions(self):
"""Return the existing version numbers for this asset."""
return self._store.get_available_versions(self._name)
def get_next_version(self):
"""Find the next available version number for the asset."""
versions = self.get_available_versions()
if len(versions) == 0:
return 0
return versions[-1] + 1
def download_version(self, version, target_dir):
"""Download the specified version of the asset."""
|, version, target_dir)
def download_current_version(self, target_dir):
"""Download the version of the asset specified in its version file."""
v = self.get_current_version()
self.download_version(v, target_dir)
def upload_new_version(self, target_dir, commit=False):
"""Upload a new version and update the version file for the asset."""
version = self.get_next_version()
self._store.upload(self._name, version, target_dir)
def _write_version():
with open(self.version_file, 'w') as f:
subprocess.check_call([utils.GIT, 'add', self.version_file])
with utils.chdir(SKIA_DIR):
if commit:
with utils.git_branch():
utils.GIT, 'commit', '-m', 'Update %s version' % self._name])
subprocess.check_call([utils.GIT, 'cl', 'upload', '--bypass-hooks'])
def add(cls, name, store):
"""Add an asset."""
asset = cls(name, store)
if os.path.isdir(asset._dir):
raise Exception('Asset %s already exists!' % asset._name)
print 'Creating asset in %s' % asset._dir
def copy_script(script):
src = os.path.join(ASSETS_DIR, 'scripts', script)
dst = os.path.join(asset._dir, script)
print 'Creating %s' % dst
shutil.copy(src, dst)
subprocess.check_call([utils.GIT, 'add', dst])
for script in ('', '', ''):
resp = _prompt('Add script to automate creation of this asset? (y/n) ')
if resp == 'y':
print 'You will need to add implementation to the creation script.'
print 'Successfully created asset %s.' % asset._name
return asset
def remove(self, remove_in_store=False):
"""Remove this asset."""
# Ensure that the asset exists.
if not os.path.isdir(self._dir):
raise Exception('Asset %s does not exist!' % self._name)
# Cleanup the store.
if remove_in_store:
# Remove the asset.
subprocess.check_call([utils.GIT, 'rm', '-rf', self._dir])
if os.path.isdir(self._dir):