sdefresne e3fa811657 [GN] Add support for disabling opts via SK_BUILD_NO_OPTS define.
When targetting iOS and using gyp to generate the build files, it is not
possible to select files to build depending on the architecture. Due to
that, the skia code was disabling all optimisation when SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS
was defined.

Since it is possible to select the correct optimised version when using
gn, this pessimisation is hurting the build. Introduce a new define to
disable the optimisation SK_BUILD_NO_OPTS. It will be used by Chromium
when building skia for iOS with gyp but not gn.

Define SK_BUILD_NO_OPTS along-side SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS for all files that
look like build configuration (Xcode projects, gyp configuration files,
public.bzl) in order to avoid introducing breakage on those builds.


2016-06-01 07:08:56 -07:00

174 lines
5.5 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <tuple>
#include "Benchmark.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "SkCpu.h"
#include "SkImage.h"
#include "SkImage_Base.h"
#include "SkNx.h"
#include "SkOpts.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#define INNER_LOOPS 10
namespace sk_default {
extern void brute_force_srcover_srgb_srgb(
uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* const srcStart, int ndst, const int nsrc);
class SrcOverVSkOptsBruteForce {
static SkString Name() { return SkString{"VSkOptsBruteForce"}; }
static bool WorksOnCpu() { return true; }
static void BlendN(uint32_t* dst, int count, const uint32_t* src) {
sk_default::brute_force_srcover_srgb_srgb(dst, src, count, count);
namespace sk_default {
extern void trivial_srcover_srgb_srgb(
uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* const srcStart, int ndst, const int nsrc);
class SrcOverVSkOptsTrivial {
static SkString Name() { return SkString{"VSkOptsTrivial"}; }
static bool WorksOnCpu() { return true; }
static void BlendN(uint32_t* dst, int count, const uint32_t* src) {
sk_default::trivial_srcover_srgb_srgb(dst, src, count, count);
namespace sk_default {
extern void best_non_simd_srcover_srgb_srgb(
uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* const srcStart, int ndst, const int nsrc);
class SrcOverVSkOptsNonSimdCore {
static SkString Name() { return SkString{"VSkOptsNonSimdCore"}; }
static bool WorksOnCpu() { return true; }
static void BlendN(uint32_t* dst, int count, const uint32_t* src) {
sk_default::best_non_simd_srcover_srgb_srgb(dst, src, count, count);
namespace sk_default {
extern void srcover_srgb_srgb(
uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* const srcStart, int ndst, const int nsrc);
class SrcOverVSkOptsDefault {
static SkString Name() { return SkString{"VSkOptsDefault"}; }
static bool WorksOnCpu() { return true; }
static void BlendN(uint32_t* dst, int count, const uint32_t* src) {
sk_default::srcover_srgb_srgb(dst, src, count, count);
namespace sk_sse41 {
extern void srcover_srgb_srgb(
uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* const srcStart, int ndst, const int nsrc);
class SrcOverVSkOptsSSE41 {
static SkString Name() { return SkString{"VSkOptsSSE41"}; }
static bool WorksOnCpu() { return SkCpu::Supports(SkCpu::SSE41); }
static void BlendN(uint32_t* dst, int count, const uint32_t* src) {
sk_sse41::srcover_srgb_srgb(dst, src, count, count);
template <typename Blender>
class LinearSrcOverBench : public Benchmark {
LinearSrcOverBench(const char* fileName) : fFileName(fileName) {
fName = "LinearSrcOver";
bool isSuitableFor(Backend backend) override {
return backend == kNonRendering_Backend && Blender::WorksOnCpu();
const char* onGetName() override { return fName.c_str(); }
void onPreDraw(SkCanvas*) override {
if (!fPixmap.addr()) {
sk_sp<SkImage> image = GetResourceAsImage(fFileName.c_str());
SkBitmap bm;
if (!as_IB(image)->getROPixels(&bm)) {
SkFAIL("Could not read resource");
fCount = fPixmap.rowBytesAsPixels();
memset(fDst.get(), 0, fPixmap.rowBytes());
void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas*) override {
SkASSERT(fPixmap.colorType() == kN32_SkColorType);
const int width = fPixmap.rowBytesAsPixels();
for (int i = 0; i < loops * INNER_LOOPS; ++i) {
const uint32_t* src = fPixmap.addr32();
for (int y = 0; y < fPixmap.height(); y++) {
Blender::BlendN(fDst.get(), width, src);
src += width;
void onPostDraw(SkCanvas*) override {
// Make sure the compiler does not optimize away the operation.
volatile uint32_t v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++) {
v ^= fDst[i];
int fCount;
SkAutoTArray<uint32_t> fDst;
SkString fFileName;
SkString fName;
SkPixmap fPixmap;
typedef Benchmark INHERITED;
#if defined(SK_CPU_X86) && !defined(SK_BUILD_NO_OPTS)
#define BENCHES(fileName) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsBruteForce>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsTrivial>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsNonSimdCore>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsDefault>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsSSE41>(fileName); )
#define BENCHES(fileName) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsBruteForce>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsTrivial>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsNonSimdCore>(fileName); ) \
DEF_BENCH( return new LinearSrcOverBench<SrcOverVSkOptsDefault>(fileName); )