Matt Turner a8689e3d4d Give a human-intelligible message if gn generates a warning
If gn generates an otherwise harmless warning, will fail
to parse the gn-generated JSON because gn prints both the warning and
the JSON to stdout. Though prints the output of gn if
JSON parsing fails, a human investigating this failure is likely to
assume that the warning they see is from the build system, not from, and is not related to the failure.

For example, this warning about an argument which has no effect breaks
the build:

    WARNING at build arg file (use "gn args <out_dir>" to edit):36:36: Build argument has no effect.
    skia_skqp_global_error_tolerance = 8

Change-Id: Iafa7252ba161e4def1438f5d9480b64fdaa887d2
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
2022-02-23 18:40:03 +00:00

108 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Finds all public sources in include directories then write them to skia.h.
# Also write skia.h.deps, which Ninja uses to track dependencies. It's the
# very same mechanism Ninja uses to know which .h files affect which .cpp files.
gn = sys.argv[1]
absolute_source = sys.argv[2]
skia_h = sys.argv[3]
include_dirs = sys.argv[4:]
absolute_source = os.path.normpath(absolute_source)
include_dirs = [os.path.join(os.path.normpath(include_dir), '')
for include_dir in include_dirs]
include_dirs.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
gn_desc_cmd = [gn, 'desc', '.', '--root=%s' % absolute_source, '--format=json',
desc_json_txt = ''
desc_json_txt = subprocess.check_output(gn_desc_cmd).decode('utf-8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if desc_json_txt.startswith('WARNING'):
print('\ngn generated a warning when we asked for JSON output.',
'To see the warning, run this command from the out_dir:',
'(you may need to quote the * argument)\n',
' '.join(gn_desc_cmd),
'\n', sep='\n')
desc_json = {}
desc_json = json.loads(desc_json_txt)
except ValueError:
sources = set()
for target in desc_json.values():
# We'll use `public` headers if they're listed, or pull them from `sources`
# if not. GN sneaks in a default "public": "*" into the JSON if you don't
# set one explicitly.
search_list = target.get('public')
if search_list == '*':
search_list = target.get('sources', [])
for name in search_list:
sources.add(os.path.join(absolute_source, os.path.normpath(name[2:])))
Header = collections.namedtuple('Header', ['absolute', 'include'])
headers = {}
for source in sources:
source_as_include = [os.path.relpath(source, absolute_source)
for include_dir in include_dirs
if source.startswith(include_dir)]
if not source_as_include:
statinfo = os.stat(source)
key = str(statinfo.st_ino) + ':' + str(statinfo.st_dev)
# On Windows os.stat st_ino is 0 until 3.3.4 and st_dev is 0 until 3.4.0.
if key == '0:0':
key = source
include_path = source_as_include[0]
if key not in headers or len(include_path) < len(headers[key].include):
headers[key] = Header(source, include_path)
headers = sorted(headers.values(), key=lambda x: x.include)
with open(skia_h, 'w') as f:
f.write('// skia.h generated by GN.\n')
f.write('#ifndef skia_h_DEFINED\n')
f.write('#define skia_h_DEFINED\n')
for header in headers:
f.write('#include "' + header.include + '"\n')
with open(skia_h + '.deps', 'w') as f:
f.write(skia_h + ':')
for header in headers:
f.write(' ' + header.absolute)
# Temporary: during development this file wrote skia.h.d, not skia.h.deps,
# and I think we have some bad versions of those files laying around.
if os.path.exists(skia_h + '.d'):
os.remove(skia_h + '.d')