Brian Salomon dcfca431e3 Use GrContextFactories that produce a single GrContext in unit tests.
This is to alleviate problems due to the command buffer getting bent out of shape when the current
OpenGL context is switched out from under it (because we ran a test with a native GL context). This,
however is not a full solution. More changes will be required to ensure that after running each
command buffer or native test we bind the null context. This does allow us to take a step in that
direction without breaking anything too badly. Moreover, there is no real benefit to reusing a

Modifies DEF_GPUTEST to take GrContextOptions rather than a factory to use. Tests were already using
their own factories anyway.

In tests that use GrContextFactory the factory instance is moved to the inner loop.

Modifies gpucts and skia_test to not use persistent GrContextFactories.

Change-Id: Ie7a36793545c775f2f30653ead6fec93a3d22717
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
2017-11-15 22:03:07 +00:00

250 lines
9.2 KiB

* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skiatest_Test_DEFINED
#define skiatest_Test_DEFINED
#include "../tools/Registry.h"
#include "SkClipOpPriv.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
namespace sk_gpu_test {
class GrContextFactory;
class ContextInfo;
class GLTestContext;
} // namespace sk_gpu_test
class GrContext;
struct GrContextOptions;
namespace skiatest {
SkString GetTmpDir();
struct Failure {
Failure(const char* f, int l, const char* c, const SkString& m)
: fileName(f), lineNo(l), condition(c), message(m) {}
const char* fileName;
int lineNo;
const char* condition;
SkString message;
SkString toString() const;
class Reporter : SkNoncopyable {
virtual ~Reporter() {}
virtual void bumpTestCount();
virtual void reportFailed(const skiatest::Failure&) = 0;
virtual bool allowExtendedTest() const;
virtual bool verbose() const;
virtual void* stats() const { return nullptr; }
void reportFailedWithContext(const skiatest::Failure& f) {
SkString fullMessage = f.message;
if (!fContextStack.empty()) {
fullMessage.append(" [");
for (int i = 0; i < fContextStack.count(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
fullMessage.append(", ");
this->reportFailed(skiatest::Failure(f.fileName, f.lineNo, f.condition, fullMessage));
void push(const SkString& message) {
void pop() {
SkTArray<SkString> fContextStack;
#define REPORT_FAILURE(reporter, cond, message) \
reporter->reportFailedWithContext(skiatest::Failure(__FILE__, __LINE__, cond, message))
class ReporterContext : SkNoncopyable {
ReporterContext(Reporter* reporter, const SkString& message) : fReporter(reporter) {
~ReporterContext() {
Reporter* fReporter;
typedef void (*TestProc)(skiatest::Reporter*, const GrContextOptions&);
typedef void (*ContextOptionsProc)(GrContextOptions*);
struct Test {
Test(const char* n, bool g, TestProc p, ContextOptionsProc optionsProc = nullptr)
: name(n), needsGpu(g), proc(p), fContextOptionsProc(optionsProc) {}
const char* name;
bool needsGpu;
TestProc proc;
ContextOptionsProc fContextOptionsProc;
void modifyGrContextOptions(GrContextOptions* options) {
if (fContextOptionsProc) {
void run(skiatest::Reporter* r, const GrContextOptions& options) const {
TRACE_EVENT1("test", TRACE_FUNC, "name", this->name/*these are static*/);
this->proc(r, options);
typedef sk_tools::Registry<Test> TestRegistry;
Use the following macros to make use of the skiatest classes, e.g.
#include "Test.h"
DEF_TEST(TestName, reporter) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, x == 15);
REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(reporter, x == 15, "x should be 15");
if (x != 15) {
ERRORF(reporter, "x should be 15, but is %d", x);
using GrContextFactoryContextType = sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory::ContextType;
using GrContextFactoryContextType = int;
typedef void GrContextTestFn(Reporter*, const sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo&);
typedef bool GrContextTypeFilterFn(GrContextFactoryContextType);
extern bool IsGLContextType(GrContextFactoryContextType);
extern bool IsVulkanContextType(GrContextFactoryContextType);
extern bool IsRenderingGLContextType(GrContextFactoryContextType);
extern bool IsNullGLContextType(GrContextFactoryContextType);
void RunWithGPUTestContexts(GrContextTestFn*, GrContextTypeFilterFn*, Reporter*,
const GrContextOptions&);
/** Timer provides wall-clock duration since its creation. */
class Timer {
/** Starts the timer. */
/** Nanoseconds since creation. */
double elapsedNs() const;
/** Milliseconds since creation. */
double elapsedMs() const;
/** Milliseconds since creation as an integer.
Behavior is undefined for durations longer than SK_MSecMax.
SkMSec elapsedMsInt() const;
double fStartNanos;
} // namespace skiatest
#define REPORTER_ASSERT(r, cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) { \
REPORT_FAILURE(r, #cond, SkString()); \
} \
} while (0)
#define REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(r, cond, message) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) { \
REPORT_FAILURE(r, #cond, SkString(message)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define ERRORF(r, ...) \
do { \
REPORT_FAILURE(r, "", SkStringPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)); \
} while (0)
#define INFOF(REPORTER, ...) \
do { \
if ((REPORTER)->verbose()) { \
SkDebugf(__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
#define DEF_TEST(name, reporter) \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter*, const GrContextOptions&); \
skiatest::TestRegistry name##TestRegistry(skiatest::Test(#name, false, test_##name)); \
void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const GrContextOptions&)
#define DEF_GPUTEST(name, reporter, options) \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter*, const GrContextOptions&); \
skiatest::TestRegistry name##TestRegistry(skiatest::Test(#name, true, test_##name)); \
void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const GrContextOptions& options)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, context_filter, reporter, context_info, options_filter) \
static void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter*, const sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo& context_info); \
static void test_gpu_contexts_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, \
const GrContextOptions& options) { \
skiatest::RunWithGPUTestContexts(test_##name, context_filter, reporter, options); \
} \
skiatest::TestRegistry name##TestRegistry( \
skiatest::Test(#name, true, test_gpu_contexts_##name, options_filter)); \
void test_##name(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo& context_info)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_ALL_CONTEXTS(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, nullptr, reporter, context_info, nullptr)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory::IsRenderingContext, \
reporter, context_info, nullptr)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_ALL_GL_CONTEXTS(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, &skiatest::IsGLContextType, \
reporter, context_info, nullptr)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_GL_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, &skiatest::IsRenderingGLContextType, \
reporter, context_info, nullptr)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_NULLGL_CONTEXT(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, &skiatest::IsNullGLContextType, \
reporter, context_info, nullptr)
#define DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_VULKAN_CONTEXT(name, reporter, context_info) \
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_CONTEXTS(name, &skiatest::IsVulkanContextType, \
reporter, context_info, nullptr)
do { \
SkDynamicMemoryWStream testStream; \
sk_sp<SkDocument> testDoc(SkDocument::MakePDF(&testStream)); \
if (!testDoc) { \
INFOF(REPORTER, "PDF disabled; %s test skipped.", #TEST_NAME); \
return; \
} \
} while (false)