raftias 026f223d86 Refactored SkColorSpace_A2B to allow arbitrary ordering of elements
This is essential for representing non-lutAtoBType A2B tags such as
lut16Type, lut8Type, mpet. Parsing of A2B0 tags was also moved ahead
of the TRC/XYZ-matrix parsing, as profiles examined with both tags
either had the TRC/XYZ tags as a fall-back or were incorrectly displayed
if only the TRC/XYZ tags were used.

This was submitted alone to reduce CL size. Tests that will use these changes will be introduced in the subsequent CLs that add on lut8/16Type A2B0 parsing. We already have lut16Type test images and these have been tested locally, but require additional code not submitted yet for lut16Type ICC profile parsing and A2B colorspace xforms.


2016-10-24 09:52:26 -07:00

286 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include "gm.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkColorSpace_Base.h"
#include "SkColorSpace_A2B.h"
#include "SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
#include "SkSRGB.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
static inline void interp_3d_clut(float dst[3], float src[3], const SkColorLookUpTable* colorLUT) {
// Call the src components x, y, and z.
uint8_t maxX = colorLUT->fGridPoints[0] - 1;
uint8_t maxY = colorLUT->fGridPoints[1] - 1;
uint8_t maxZ = colorLUT->fGridPoints[2] - 1;
// An approximate index into each of the three dimensions of the table.
float x = src[0] * maxX;
float y = src[1] * maxY;
float z = src[2] * maxZ;
// This gives us the low index for our interpolation.
int ix = sk_float_floor2int(x);
int iy = sk_float_floor2int(y);
int iz = sk_float_floor2int(z);
// Make sure the low index is not also the max index.
ix = (maxX == ix) ? ix - 1 : ix;
iy = (maxY == iy) ? iy - 1 : iy;
iz = (maxZ == iz) ? iz - 1 : iz;
// Weighting factors for the interpolation.
float diffX = x - ix;
float diffY = y - iy;
float diffZ = z - iz;
// Constants to help us navigate the 3D table.
// Ex: Assume x = a, y = b, z = c.
// table[a * n001 + b * n010 + c * n100] logically equals table[a][b][c].
const int n000 = 0;
const int n001 = 3 * colorLUT->fGridPoints[1] * colorLUT->fGridPoints[2];
const int n010 = 3 * colorLUT->fGridPoints[2];
const int n011 = n001 + n010;
const int n100 = 3;
const int n101 = n100 + n001;
const int n110 = n100 + n010;
const int n111 = n110 + n001;
// Base ptr into the table.
const float* ptr = &(colorLUT->table()[ix*n001 + iy*n010 + iz*n100]);
// The code below performs a tetrahedral interpolation for each of the three
// dst components. Once the tetrahedron containing the interpolation point is
// identified, the interpolation is a weighted sum of grid values at the
// vertices of the tetrahedron. The claim is that tetrahedral interpolation
// provides a more accurate color conversion.
// I have one test image, and visually I can't tell the difference between
// tetrahedral and trilinear interpolation. In terms of computation, the
// tetrahedral code requires more branches but less computation. The
// SampleICC library provides an option for the client to choose either
// tetrahedral or trilinear.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (diffZ < diffY) {
if (diffZ < diffX) {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n110] - ptr[n010]) +
diffY * (ptr[n010] - ptr[n000]) +
diffX * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n110]));
} else if (diffY < diffX) {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n011]) +
diffY * (ptr[n011] - ptr[n001]) +
diffX * (ptr[n001] - ptr[n000]));
} else {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n011]) +
diffY * (ptr[n010] - ptr[n000]) +
diffX * (ptr[n011] - ptr[n010]));
} else {
if (diffZ < diffX) {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n101] - ptr[n001]) +
diffY * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n101]) +
diffX * (ptr[n001] - ptr[n000]));
} else if (diffY < diffX) {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n100] - ptr[n000]) +
diffY * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n101]) +
diffX * (ptr[n101] - ptr[n100]));
} else {
dst[i] = (ptr[n000] + diffZ * (ptr[n100] - ptr[n000]) +
diffY * (ptr[n110] - ptr[n100]) +
diffX * (ptr[n111] - ptr[n110]));
// Increment the table ptr in order to handle the next component.
// Note that this is the how table is designed: all of nXXX
// variables are multiples of 3 because there are 3 output
// components.
* This tests decoding from a Lab source image and displays on the left
* the image as raw RGB values, and on the right a Lab PCS.
* It currently does NOT apply a/b/m-curves, as in the .icc profile
* We are testing it on these are all identity transforms.
class LabPCSDemoGM : public skiagm::GM {
: fWidth(1080)
, fHeight(480)
SkString onShortName() override {
return SkString("labpcsdemo");
SkISize onISize() override {
return SkISize::Make(fWidth, fHeight);
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
const char* filename = "brickwork-texture.jpg";
renderImage(canvas, filename, 0, false);
renderImage(canvas, filename, 1, true);
void renderImage(SkCanvas* canvas, const char* filename, int col, bool convertLabToXYZ) {
SkBitmap bitmap;
SkStream* stream(GetResourceAsStream(filename));
if (stream == nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream));
// srgb_lab_pcs.icc is an elaborate way to specify sRGB but uses
// Lab as the PCS, so we can take any arbitrary image that should
// be sRGB and this should show a reasonable image
const SkString iccFilename(GetResourcePath("icc_profiles/srgb_lab_pcs.icc"));
sk_sp<SkData> iccData = SkData::MakeFromFileName(iccFilename.c_str());
if (iccData == nullptr) {
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = SkColorSpace::MakeICC(iccData->bytes(), iccData->size());
const int imageWidth = codec->getInfo().width();
const int imageHeight = codec->getInfo().height();
// Using nullptr as the color space instructs the codec to decode in legacy mode,
// meaning that we will get the raw encoded bytes without any color correction.
SkImageInfo imageInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(imageWidth, imageHeight, kN32_SkColorType,
kOpaque_SkAlphaType, nullptr);
codec->getPixels(imageInfo, bitmap.getPixels(), bitmap.rowBytes());
if (convertLabToXYZ) {
SkASSERT(SkColorSpace_Base::Type::kA2B == as_CSB(colorSpace)->type());
SkColorSpace_A2B& cs = *static_cast<SkColorSpace_A2B*>(colorSpace.get());
const SkColorLookUpTable* colorLUT = nullptr;
bool printConversions = false;
// We're skipping evaluating the TRCs and the matrix here since they aren't
// in the ICC profile initially used here.
for (size_t e = 0; e < cs.count(); ++e) {
switch (cs.element(e).type()) {
case SkColorSpace_A2B::Element::Type::kGammaNamed:
SkASSERT(kLinear_SkGammaNamed == cs.element(e).gammaNamed());
case SkColorSpace_A2B::Element::Type::kGammas:
case SkColorSpace_A2B::Element::Type::kCLUT:
colorLUT = &cs.element(e).colorLUT();
case SkColorSpace_A2B::Element::Type::kMatrix:
for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x) {
uint32_t& p = *bitmap.getAddr32(x, y);
const int r = SkColorGetR(p);
const int g = SkColorGetG(p);
const int b = SkColorGetB(p);
if (printConversions) {
SkColorSpacePrintf("\nraw = (%d, %d, %d)\t", r, g, b);
float lab[4] = { r * (1.f/255.f), g * (1.f/255.f), b * (1.f/255.f), 1.f };
interp_3d_clut(lab, lab, colorLUT);
// Lab has ranges [0,100] for L and [-128,127] for a and b
// but the ICC profile loader stores as [0,1]. The ICC
// specifies an offset of -128 to convert.
// note: formula could be adjusted to remove this conversion,
// but for now let's keep it like this for clarity until
// an optimized version is added.
lab[0] *= 100.f;
lab[1] = 255.f * lab[1] - 128.f;
lab[2] = 255.f * lab[2] - 128.f;
if (printConversions) {
SkColorSpacePrintf("Lab = < %f, %f, %f >\n", lab[0], lab[1], lab[2]);
// convert from Lab to XYZ
float Y = (lab[0] + 16.f) * (1.f/116.f);
float X = lab[1] * (1.f/500.f) + Y;
float Z = Y - (lab[2] * (1.f/200.f));
float cubed;
cubed = X*X*X;
if (cubed > 0.008856f)
X = cubed;
X = (X - (16.f/116.f)) * (1.f/7.787f);
cubed = Y*Y*Y;
if (cubed > 0.008856f)
Y = cubed;
Y = (Y - (16.f/116.f)) * (1.f/7.787f);
cubed = Z*Z*Z;
if (cubed > 0.008856f)
Z = cubed;
Z = (Z - (16.f/116.f)) * (1.f/7.787f);
// adjust to D50 illuminant
X *= 0.96422f;
Y *= 1.00000f;
Z *= 0.82521f;
if (printConversions) {
SkColorSpacePrintf("XYZ = (%4f, %4f, %4f)\t", X, Y, Z);
// convert XYZ -> linear sRGB
Sk4f lRGB( 3.1338561f*X - 1.6168667f*Y - 0.4906146f*Z,
-0.9787684f*X + 1.9161415f*Y + 0.0334540f*Z,
0.0719453f*X - 0.2289914f*Y + 1.4052427f*Z,
// and apply sRGB gamma
Sk4i sRGB = sk_linear_to_srgb(lRGB);
if (printConversions) {
SkColorSpacePrintf("sRGB = (%d, %d, %d)\n", sRGB[0], sRGB[1], sRGB[2]);
p = SkColorSetRGB(sRGB[0], sRGB[1], sRGB[2]);
const int freeWidth = fWidth - 2*imageWidth;
const int freeHeight = fHeight - imageHeight;
static_cast<SkScalar>((col+1) * (freeWidth / 3) + col*imageWidth),
static_cast<SkScalar>(freeHeight / 2));
const int fWidth;
const int fHeight;
typedef skiagm::GM INHERITED;
DEF_GM( return new LabPCSDemoGM; )