"Constant" is an address space qualifier and can't be applied to a local variable. "Const" in GLSL (and hypothetically SkSL) is meant to apply to a constant expression regardless of address space. Our previous test was not finding any error because the optimizer was eliminating the constant expressions entirely. Change-Id: I6cfe8e2a621c79945b33e0166780d81e79890a1b Bug: skia:11304 Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/368517 Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <brianosman@google.com> Commit-Queue: John Stiles <johnstiles@google.com> Auto-Submit: John Stiles <johnstiles@google.com>
76 lines
2.5 KiB
76 lines
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OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Fragment %_entrypoint "_entrypoint" %sk_FragColor %sk_Clockwise
OpExecutionMode %_entrypoint OriginUpperLeft
OpName %sk_FragColor "sk_FragColor"
OpName %sk_Clockwise "sk_Clockwise"
OpName %_UniformBuffer "_UniformBuffer"
OpMemberName %_UniformBuffer 0 "colorGreen"
OpMemberName %_UniformBuffer 1 "colorRed"
OpName %_entrypoint "_entrypoint"
OpName %main "main"
OpName %c "c"
OpDecorate %sk_FragColor RelaxedPrecision
OpDecorate %sk_FragColor Location 0
OpDecorate %sk_FragColor Index 0
OpDecorate %sk_Clockwise RelaxedPrecision
OpDecorate %sk_Clockwise BuiltIn FrontFacing
OpMemberDecorate %_UniformBuffer 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %_UniformBuffer 0 RelaxedPrecision
OpMemberDecorate %_UniformBuffer 1 Offset 16
OpMemberDecorate %_UniformBuffer 1 RelaxedPrecision
OpDecorate %_UniformBuffer Block
OpDecorate %10 Binding 0
OpDecorate %10 DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %36 RelaxedPrecision
OpDecorate %39 RelaxedPrecision
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
%sk_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
%bool = OpTypeBool
%_ptr_Input_bool = OpTypePointer Input %bool
%sk_Clockwise = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_bool Input
%_UniformBuffer = OpTypeStruct %v4float %v4float
%_ptr_Uniform__UniformBuffer = OpTypePointer Uniform %_UniformBuffer
%10 = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform__UniformBuffer Uniform
%void = OpTypeVoid
%15 = OpTypeFunction %void
%18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
%24 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 %float_1
%v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4
%_ptr_Uniform_v4float = OpTypePointer Uniform %v4float
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%_entrypoint = OpFunction %void None %15
%16 = OpLabel
%17 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %main
OpStore %sk_FragColor %17
%main = OpFunction %v4float None %18
%19 = OpLabel
%c = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
%22 = OpExtInst %v4float %1 FAbs %24
OpStore %c %22
%25 = OpLoad %v4float %c
%26 = OpFOrdNotEqual %v4bool %24 %25
%28 = OpAny %bool %26
OpSelectionMerge %31 None
OpBranchConditional %28 %29 %30
%29 = OpLabel
%32 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_v4float %10 %int_1
%36 = OpLoad %v4float %32
OpReturnValue %36
%30 = OpLabel
%37 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_v4float %10 %int_0
%39 = OpLoad %v4float %37
OpReturnValue %39
%31 = OpLabel