Brian Osman 986563bcff Add Gray8 pixel config
This is still just linear (non-sRGB), but adding sRGB will
be the next step. I've verified that this is really making
R8 textures when uploading Gray8 bitmaps. Tests pass, and
the all_bitmap_configs GM still renders correctly (unlike
when we just mapped Gray8 to Alpha8).

This adds another pixel config, which could grow our cache
footprint, but the benefits of not using 4bpp for 1bpp data
should outweigh that?

Re-land of,
with fixes for Vulkan.


Change-Id: Ia763c276808be28027ed0005ee4b88637306583f
Reviewed-by: Greg Daniel <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
2017-01-10 20:37:09 +00:00

117 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrSwizzle_DEFINED
#define GrSwizzle_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "SkRandom.h"
/** Represents a rgba swizzle. It can be converted either into a string or a eight bit int.
Currently there is no way to specify an arbitrary swizzle, just some static swizzles and an
assignment operator. That could be relaxed. */
class GrSwizzle {
char fSwiz[5];
uint8_t fKey;
static constexpr int CToI(char c) {
return ('r' == c) ? (GrColor_SHIFT_R / 8) :
('g' == c) ? (GrColor_SHIFT_G / 8) :
('b' == c) ? (GrColor_SHIFT_B / 8) :
('a' == c) ? (GrColor_SHIFT_A / 8) : -1;
static constexpr char IToC(int idx) {
return (8 * idx) == GrColor_SHIFT_R ? 'r' :
(8 * idx) == GrColor_SHIFT_G ? 'g' :
(8 * idx) == GrColor_SHIFT_B ? 'b' :
(8 * idx) == GrColor_SHIFT_A ? 'a' : 'x';
constexpr GrSwizzle(const char c[4])
: fSwiz{c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], 0}
, fKey((CToI(c[0]) << 0) | (CToI(c[1]) << 2) | (CToI(c[2]) << 4) | (CToI(c[3]) << 6)) {}
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(char[4]) == sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t* asUIntPtr() { return SkTCast<uint32_t*>(fSwiz); }
uint32_t asUInt() const { return *SkTCast<const uint32_t*>(fSwiz); }
GrSwizzle() { *this = RGBA(); }
GrSwizzle(const GrSwizzle& that) { *this = that; }
GrSwizzle& operator=(const GrSwizzle& that) {
memcpy(this, &that, sizeof(GrSwizzle));
return *this;
/** Recreates a GrSwizzle from the output of asKey() */
void setFromKey(uint8_t key) {
fKey = key;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
fSwiz[i] = IToC(key & 3);
key >>= 2;
SkASSERT(fSwiz[4] == 0);
bool operator==(const GrSwizzle& that) const { return this->asUInt() == that.asUInt(); }
bool operator!=(const GrSwizzle& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
/** Compact representation of the swizzle suitable for a key. */
uint8_t asKey() const { return fKey; }
/** 4 char null terminated string consisting only of chars 'r', 'g', 'b', 'a'. */
const char* c_str() const { return fSwiz; }
/** Applies this swizzle to the input color and returns the swizzled color. */
GrColor applyTo(GrColor color) const {
int idx;
uint32_t key = fKey;
// Index of the input color that should be mapped to output r.
idx = (key & 3);
uint32_t outR = (color >> idx * 8) & 0xFF;
key >>= 2;
idx = (key & 3);
uint32_t outG = (color >> idx * 8) & 0xFF;
key >>= 2;
idx = (key & 3);
uint32_t outB = (color >> idx * 8) & 0xFF;
key >>= 2;
idx = (key & 3);
uint32_t outA = (color >> idx * 8) & 0xFF;
return GrColorPackRGBA(outR, outG, outB, outA);
static GrSwizzle RGBA() { return GrSwizzle("rgba"); }
static GrSwizzle AAAA() { return GrSwizzle("aaaa"); }
static GrSwizzle RRRR() { return GrSwizzle("rrrr"); }
static GrSwizzle RRRA() { return GrSwizzle("rrra"); }
static GrSwizzle BGRA() { return GrSwizzle("bgra"); }
static GrSwizzle CreateRandom(SkRandom* random) {
switch (random->nextU() % 4) {
case 0:
return RGBA();
case 1:
return BGRA();
case 2:
return RRRR();
case 3:
return AAAA();
SkFAIL("Mod is broken?!?");
return RGBA();