scroggo e71b1a1496 Report repetition count in SkCodec
Add a new accessor to retrieve the repetition count.

Remove constants (and corresponding copyright) in SkCodecAnimation.
These may make sense for the calling code, but are not needed here.

kRepetitionCountInfinite corresponds to Blink's kAnimationLoopInfinite.
Move cLoopCountNotSeen to private. It is used to determine whether we
still need to parse. Add a new enum to the parse query - only parse
enough to determine the repetition count.

Unlike Chromium, SkGifCodec does not account for deleting the reader
(which SkGifCodec does not do) or failed decodes.

Add a test.


2016-11-01 08:28:28 -07:00

152 lines
5.9 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
DEF_TEST(Codec_frames, r) {
static const struct {
const char* fName;
size_t fFrameCount;
// One less than fFramecount, since the first frame is always
// independent.
std::vector<size_t> fRequiredFrames;
// The size of this one should match fFrameCount for animated, empty
// otherwise.
std::vector<size_t> fDurations;
int fRepetitionCount;
} gRecs[] = {
{ "box.gif", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "color_wheel.gif", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "test640x479.gif", 4, { 0, 1, 2 }, { 200, 200, 200, 200 },
SkCodec::kRepetitionCountInfinite },
{ "colorTables.gif", 2, { 0 }, { 1000, 1000 }, 5 },
{ "arrow.png", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "google_chrome.ico", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "brickwork-texture.jpg", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
#if defined(SK_CODEC_DECODES_RAW) && (!defined(_WIN32))
{ "dng_with_preview.dng", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "mandrill.wbmp", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "randPixels.bmp", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
{ "yellow_rose.webp", 1, {}, {}, 0 },
for (auto rec : gRecs) {
std::unique_ptr<SkStream> stream(GetResourceAsStream(rec.fName));
if (!stream) {
// Useful error statement, but sometimes people run tests without
// resources, and they do not want to see these messages.
//ERRORF(r, "Missing resources? Could not find '%s'", rec.fName);
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.release()));
if (!codec) {
ERRORF(r, "Failed to create an SkCodec from '%s'", rec.fName);
const int repetitionCount = codec->getRepetitionCount();
if (repetitionCount != rec.fRepetitionCount) {
ERRORF(r, "%s repetition count does not match! expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, rec.fRepetitionCount, repetitionCount);
const size_t expected = rec.fFrameCount;
const auto frameInfos = codec->getFrameInfo();
// getFrameInfo returns empty set for non-animated.
const size_t frameCount = frameInfos.size() == 0 ? 1 : frameInfos.size();
if (frameCount != expected) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' expected frame count: %i\tactual: %i", rec.fName, expected, frameCount);
if (rec.fRequiredFrames.size() + 1 != expected) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fRequiredFrames; expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected, rec.fRequiredFrames.size() + 1);
if (1 == frameCount) {
// From here on, we are only concerned with animated images.
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, frameInfos[0].fRequiredFrame == SkCodec::kNone);
for (size_t i = 1; i < frameCount; i++) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rec.fRequiredFrames[i-1] == frameInfos[i].fRequiredFrame);
// Compare decoding in two ways:
// 1. Provide the frame that a frame depends on, so the codec just has to blend.
// (in the array cachedFrames)
// 2. Do not provide the frame that a frame depends on, so the codec has to decode all the
// way back to a key-frame. (in a local variable uncachedFrame)
// The two should look the same.
std::vector<SkBitmap> cachedFrames(frameCount);
const auto& info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
auto decode = [&](SkBitmap* bm, bool cached, size_t index) {
if (cached) {
// First copy the pixels from the cached frame
const size_t requiredFrame = frameInfos[index].fRequiredFrame;
if (requiredFrame != SkCodec::kNone) {
const bool success = cachedFrames[requiredFrame].copyTo(bm);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, success);
SkCodec::Options opts;
opts.fFrameIndex = index;
opts.fHasPriorFrame = cached;
const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(info, bm->getPixels(), bm->rowBytes(),
&opts, nullptr, nullptr);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
SkBitmap& cachedFrame = cachedFrames[i];
decode(&cachedFrame, true, i);
SkBitmap uncachedFrame;
decode(&uncachedFrame, false, i);
// Now verify they're equal.
const size_t rowLen = info.bytesPerPixel() * info.width();
for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
const void* cachedAddr = cachedFrame.getAddr(0, y);
SkASSERT(cachedAddr != nullptr);
const void* uncachedAddr = uncachedFrame.getAddr(0, y);
SkASSERT(uncachedAddr != nullptr);
const bool lineMatches = memcmp(cachedAddr, uncachedAddr, rowLen) == 0;
if (!lineMatches) {
ERRORF(r, "%s's frame %i is different depending on caching!", rec.fName, i);
if (rec.fDurations.size() != expected) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fDurations; expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected, rec.fDurations.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rec.fDurations[i] == frameInfos[i].fDuration);