Brian Salomon cf75b00ff0 Make ref manipulation public on surface proxies.
Now that our system supports more flexible and later creation of GrPiplines, GrOps should be able to access these methods without the redundant state variables incurred when using GrGpuResourceRef.

Change-Id: Ib9c025e1134617f96b9ebbb153c78e51c63914bf
Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
2017-08-16 15:42:58 +00:00

423 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrSurfaceProxy_DEFINED
#define GrSurfaceProxy_DEFINED
#include "GrGpuResource.h"
#include "GrSurface.h"
#include "SkRect.h"
class GrBackendTexture;
class GrCaps;
class GrOpList;
class GrRenderTargetOpList;
class GrRenderTargetProxy;
class GrResourceProvider;
class GrSurfaceContext;
class GrSurfaceProxyPriv;
class GrTextureOpList;
class GrTextureProxy;
// This class replicates the functionality GrIORef<GrSurface> but tracks the
// utilitization for later resource allocation (for the deferred case) and
// forwards on the utilization in the wrapped case
class GrIORefProxy : public SkNoncopyable {
void ref() const {
if (fTarget) {
void unref() const {
if (fTarget) {
void validate() const {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkASSERT(fRefCnt >= 0);
SkASSERT(fPendingReads >= 0);
SkASSERT(fPendingWrites >= 0);
SkASSERT(fRefCnt + fPendingReads + fPendingWrites >= 1);
if (fTarget) {
// The backing GrSurface can have more refs than the proxy if the proxy
// started off wrapping an external resource (that came in with refs).
// The GrSurface should never have fewer refs than the proxy however.
SkASSERT(fTarget->fRefCnt >= fRefCnt);
SkASSERT(fTarget->fPendingReads >= fPendingReads);
SkASSERT(fTarget->fPendingWrites >= fPendingWrites);
int32_t getProxyRefCnt_TestOnly() const;
int32_t getBackingRefCnt_TestOnly() const;
int32_t getPendingReadCnt_TestOnly() const;
int32_t getPendingWriteCnt_TestOnly() const;
void addPendingRead() const {
if (fTarget) {
void completedRead() const {
if (fTarget) {
void addPendingWrite() const {
if (fTarget) {
void completedWrite() const {
if (fTarget) {
GrIORefProxy() : fTarget(nullptr), fRefCnt(1), fPendingReads(0), fPendingWrites(0) {}
GrIORefProxy(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface) : fRefCnt(1), fPendingReads(0), fPendingWrites(0) {
// Since we're manually forwarding on refs & unrefs we don't want sk_sp doing
// anything extra.
fTarget = surface.release();
virtual ~GrIORefProxy() {
// We don't unref 'fTarget' here since the 'unref' method will already
// have forwarded on the unref call that got use here.
// This GrIORefProxy was deferred before but has just been instantiated. To
// make all the reffing & unreffing work out we now need to transfer any deferred
// refs & unrefs to the new GrSurface
void transferRefs() {
fTarget->fRefCnt += (fRefCnt-1); // don't xfer the proxy's creation ref
fTarget->fPendingReads += fPendingReads;
fTarget->fPendingWrites += fPendingWrites;
bool internalHasPendingIO() const {
if (fTarget) {
return fTarget->internalHasPendingIO();
return SkToBool(fPendingWrites | fPendingReads);
bool internalHasPendingWrite() const {
if (fTarget) {
return fTarget->internalHasPendingWrite();
return SkToBool(fPendingWrites);
// For deferred proxies this will be null. For wrapped proxies it will point to the
// wrapped resource.
GrSurface* fTarget;
// This class is used to manage conversion of refs to pending reads/writes.
friend class GrSurfaceProxyRef;
template <typename, GrIOType> friend class GrPendingIOResource;
void didRemoveRefOrPendingIO() const {
if (0 == fPendingReads && 0 == fPendingWrites && 0 == fRefCnt) {
delete this;
mutable int32_t fRefCnt;
mutable int32_t fPendingReads;
mutable int32_t fPendingWrites;
class GrSurfaceProxy : public GrIORefProxy {
static sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> MakeWrapped(sk_sp<GrSurface>, GrSurfaceOrigin);
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> MakeWrapped(sk_sp<GrTexture>, GrSurfaceOrigin);
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> MakeDeferred(GrResourceProvider*,
const GrSurfaceDesc&, SkBackingFit,
SkBudgeted, uint32_t flags = 0);
* Creates a proxy that will be mipmapped.
* @param desc Description of the texture properties.
* @param budgeted Does the texture count against the resource cache budget?
* @param texels A contiguous array of mipmap levels
* @param mipLevelCount The amount of elements in the texels array
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> MakeDeferredMipMap(GrResourceProvider*,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, SkBudgeted budgeted,
const GrMipLevel texels[], int mipLevelCount,
SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode mipColorMode =
// TODO: need to refine ownership semantics of 'srcData' if we're in completely
// deferred mode
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> MakeDeferred(GrResourceProvider*,
const GrSurfaceDesc&, SkBudgeted,
const void* srcData, size_t rowBytes);
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> MakeWrappedBackend(GrContext*, GrBackendTexture&, GrSurfaceOrigin);
GrSurfaceOrigin origin() const {
SkASSERT(kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fOrigin || kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fOrigin);
return fOrigin;
int width() const { return fWidth; }
int height() const { return fHeight; }
GrPixelConfig config() const { return fConfig; }
class UniqueID {
static UniqueID InvalidID() {
return UniqueID(uint32_t(SK_InvalidUniqueID));
// wrapped
explicit UniqueID(const GrGpuResource::UniqueID& id) : fID(id.asUInt()) { }
// deferred
UniqueID() : fID(GrGpuResource::CreateUniqueID()) { }
uint32_t asUInt() const { return fID; }
bool operator==(const UniqueID& other) const {
return fID == other.fID;
bool operator!=(const UniqueID& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
void makeInvalid() { fID = SK_InvalidUniqueID; }
bool isInvalid() const { return SK_InvalidUniqueID == fID; }
explicit UniqueID(uint32_t id) : fID(id) {}
uint32_t fID;
* The contract for the uniqueID is:
* for wrapped resources:
* the uniqueID will match that of the wrapped resource
* for deferred resources:
* the uniqueID will be different from the real resource, when it is allocated
* the proxy's uniqueID will not change across the instantiate call
* the uniqueIDs of the proxies and the resources draw from the same pool
* What this boils down to is that the uniqueID of a proxy can be used to consistently
* track/identify a proxy but should never be used to distinguish between
* resources and proxies - beware!
UniqueID uniqueID() const { return fUniqueID; }
UniqueID underlyingUniqueID() const {
if (fTarget) {
return UniqueID(fTarget->uniqueID());
return fUniqueID;
virtual bool instantiate(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider) = 0;
* Helper that gets the width and height of the surface as a bounding rectangle.
SkRect getBoundsRect() const { return SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height()); }
* @return the texture proxy associated with the surface proxy, may be NULL.
virtual GrTextureProxy* asTextureProxy() { return nullptr; }
virtual const GrTextureProxy* asTextureProxy() const { return nullptr; }
* @return the render target proxy associated with the surface proxy, may be NULL.
virtual GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() { return nullptr; }
virtual const GrRenderTargetProxy* asRenderTargetProxy() const { return nullptr; }
* Does the resource count against the resource budget?
SkBudgeted isBudgeted() const { return fBudgeted; }
void setLastOpList(GrOpList* opList);
GrOpList* getLastOpList() { return fLastOpList; }
GrRenderTargetOpList* getLastRenderTargetOpList();
GrTextureOpList* getLastTextureOpList();
* Retrieves the amount of GPU memory that will be or currently is used by this resource
* in bytes. It is approximate since we aren't aware of additional padding or copies made
* by the driver.
* @return the amount of GPU memory used in bytes
size_t gpuMemorySize() const {
if (fTarget) {
return fTarget->gpuMemorySize();
if (kInvalidGpuMemorySize == fGpuMemorySize) {
fGpuMemorySize = this->onUninstantiatedGpuMemorySize();
SkASSERT(kInvalidGpuMemorySize != fGpuMemorySize);
return fGpuMemorySize;
// Helper function that creates a temporary SurfaceContext to perform the copy
// It always returns a kExact-backed proxy bc it is used when converting an SkSpecialImage
// to an SkImage. The copy is is not a render target and not multisampled.
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> Copy(GrContext*, GrSurfaceProxy* src,
SkIRect srcRect, SkBudgeted);
// Copy the entire 'src'
// It always returns a kExact-backed proxy bc it is used in SkGpuDevice::snapSpecial
static sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> Copy(GrContext* context, GrSurfaceProxy* src,
SkBudgeted budgeted);
// Test-only entry point - should decrease in use as proxies propagate
static sk_sp<GrSurfaceContext> TestCopy(GrContext* context, const GrSurfaceDesc& dstDesc,
GrSurfaceProxy* srcProxy);
bool isWrapped_ForTesting() const;
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate(GrContext*) const;)
// Provides access to functions that aren't part of the public API.
GrSurfaceProxyPriv priv();
const GrSurfaceProxyPriv priv() const;
// Deferred version
GrSurfaceProxy(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, SkBackingFit fit, SkBudgeted budgeted, uint32_t flags)
: fConfig(desc.fConfig)
, fWidth(desc.fWidth)
, fHeight(desc.fHeight)
, fOrigin(desc.fOrigin)
, fFit(fit)
, fBudgeted(budgeted)
, fFlags(flags)
, fNeedsClear(SkToBool(desc.fFlags & kPerformInitialClear_GrSurfaceFlag))
, fGpuMemorySize(kInvalidGpuMemorySize)
, fLastOpList(nullptr) {
// Note: this ctor pulls a new uniqueID from the same pool at the GrGpuResources
// Wrapped version
GrSurfaceProxy(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface, GrSurfaceOrigin origin, SkBackingFit fit);
virtual ~GrSurfaceProxy();
friend class GrSurfaceProxyPriv;
// Methods made available via GrSurfaceProxyPriv
bool hasPendingIO() const {
return this->internalHasPendingIO();
bool hasPendingWrite() const {
return this->internalHasPendingWrite();
void computeScratchKey(GrScratchKey*) const;
virtual sk_sp<GrSurface> createSurface(GrResourceProvider*) const = 0;
void assign(sk_sp<GrSurface> surface);
sk_sp<GrSurface> createSurfaceImpl(GrResourceProvider*, int sampleCnt, bool needsStencil,
GrSurfaceFlags flags, bool isMipMapped,
SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode mipColorMode) const;
bool instantiateImpl(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider, int sampleCnt, bool needsStencil,
GrSurfaceFlags flags, bool isMipMapped,
SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode mipColorMode);
// For wrapped resources, 'fConfig', 'fWidth', 'fHeight', and 'fOrigin; will always be filled in
// from the wrapped resource.
GrPixelConfig fConfig;
int fWidth;
int fHeight;
GrSurfaceOrigin fOrigin;
SkBackingFit fFit; // always exact for wrapped resources
mutable SkBudgeted fBudgeted; // set from the backing resource for wrapped resources
// mutable bc of SkSurface/SkImage wishy-washiness
const uint32_t fFlags;
const UniqueID fUniqueID; // set from the backing resource for wrapped resources
static const size_t kInvalidGpuMemorySize = ~static_cast<size_t>(0);
SkDEBUGCODE(size_t getRawGpuMemorySize_debugOnly() const { return fGpuMemorySize; })
virtual size_t onUninstantiatedGpuMemorySize() const = 0;
bool fNeedsClear;
// This entry is lazily evaluated so, when the proxy wraps a resource, the resource
// will be called but, when the proxy is deferred, it will compute the answer itself.
// If the proxy computes its own answer that answer is checked (in debug mode) in
// the instantiation method.
mutable size_t fGpuMemorySize;
// The last opList that wrote to or is currently going to write to this surface
// The opList can be closed (e.g., no surface context is currently bound
// to this proxy).
// This back-pointer is required so that we can add a dependancy between
// the opList used to create the current contents of this surface
// and the opList of a destination surface to which this one is being drawn or copied.
// This pointer is unreffed. OpLists own a ref on their surface proxies.
GrOpList* fLastOpList;
typedef GrIORefProxy INHERITED;