mtklein 172b45518a Clean up SkDynamicAnnotations.
Unprotected reads -> relaxed reads.
    Unprotected write -> relaxed write.

The only unprotected write we had was in SkTraceEvent, which it looks like we nabbed from Chrome at some point and changed only to silence TSAN.  Chrome's version uses AtomicWord / NoBarrier_Load / NoBarrier_Store, which boils down to the same as here, intptr_t / relaxed load / relaxed store.

This leaves one place where we're lying a bit to TSAN, in include/core/SkLazyPtr.h where we're doing a data-dependent consume load.  We're telling TSAN it's consume, but telling any other compiler to compile it as relaxed, given how they all upgrade consume to acquire.  This eliminates a barrier for us on ARM.  How do you guys deal with this?  Just use a consume memory order, take the hit, and hope compilers get smarter one day?


No public API changes.

Review URL:
2015-03-12 05:27:46 -07:00

180 lines
6.6 KiB

* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkLazyPtr_DEFINED
#define SkLazyPtr_DEFINED
/** Declare a lazily-chosen static pointer (or array of pointers) of type T.
* Example usage:
* Foo* GetSingletonFoo() {
* SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR(Foo, singleton); // Created with SkNEW, destroyed with SkDELETE.
* return singleton.get();
* }
* These macros take an optional T* (*Create)() and void (*Destroy)(T*) at the end.
* If not given, we'll use SkNEW and SkDELETE.
* These options are most useful when T doesn't have a public constructor or destructor.
* Create comes first, so you may use a custom Create with a default Destroy, but not vice versa.
* Foo* CustomCreate() { return ...; }
* void CustomDestroy(Foo* ptr) { ... }
* Foo* GetSingletonFooWithCustomCleanup() {
* SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR(Foo, singleton, CustomCreate, CustomDestroy);
* return singleton.get();
* }
* If you have a bunch of related static pointers of the same type, you can
* declare an array of lazy pointers together, and we'll pass the index to Create().
* Foo* CreateFoo(int i) { return ...; }
* Foo* GetCachedFoo(Foo::Enum enumVal) {
* SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR_ARRAY(Foo, Foo::kEnumCount, cachedFoos, CreateFoo);
* return cachedFoos[enumVal];
* }
* You can think of SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR as a cheaper specialization of
* SkOnce. There is no mutex or extra storage used past the pointer itself.
* We may call Create more than once, but all threads will see the same pointer
* returned from get(). Any extra calls to Create will be cleaned up.
* These macros must be used in a global scope, not in function scope or as a class member.
#define SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR(T, name, ...) \
namespace {} static Private::SkStaticLazyPtr<T, ##__VA_ARGS__> name
#define SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR_ARRAY(T, name, N, ...) \
namespace {} static Private::SkStaticLazyPtrArray<T, N, ##__VA_ARGS__> name
// namespace {} forces these macros to only be legal in global scopes. Chrome has thread-safety
// problems with them in function-local statics because it uses -fno-threadsafe-statics, and even
// in builds with threadsafe statics, those threadsafe statics are just unnecessary overhead.
// Everything below here is private implementation details. Don't touch, don't even look.
#include "SkAtomics.h"
// See FIXME below.
class SkFontConfigInterfaceDirect;
namespace Private {
// Set *dst to ptr if *dst is NULL. Returns value of *dst, destroying ptr if not swapped in.
// Issues acquire memory barrier on failure, release on success.
template <typename P, void (*Destroy)(P)>
static P try_cas(P* dst, P ptr) {
P prev = NULL;
if (sk_atomic_compare_exchange(dst, &prev, ptr,
sk_memory_order_release/*on success*/,
sk_memory_order_acquire/*on failure*/)) {
// We need a release barrier before returning ptr. The compare_exchange provides it.
return ptr;
} else {
// We need an acquire barrier before returning prev. The compare_exchange provided it.
return prev;
template <typename T> T* sk_new() { return SkNEW(T); }
template <typename T> void sk_delete(T* ptr) { SkDELETE(ptr); }
// We're basing these implementations here on this article:
// Because the users of SkLazyPtr and SkLazyPtrArray will read the pointers
// _through_ our atomically set pointer, there is a data dependency between our
// atomic and the guarded data, and so we only need writer-releases /
// reader-consumes memory pairing rather than the more general write-releases /
// reader-acquires convention.
// This is nice, because a consume load is free on all our platforms: x86,
// ARM, MIPS. In contrast, an acquire load issues a memory barrier on non-x86.
template <typename T>
T consume_load(T* ptr) {
// TSAN gets anxious if we don't tell it what we're actually doing, a consume load.
return sk_atomic_load(ptr, sk_memory_order_consume);
// All current compilers blindly upgrade consume memory order to acquire memory order.
// For our purposes, though, no memory barrier is required, so we lie and use relaxed.
return sk_atomic_load(ptr, sk_memory_order_relaxed);
// This has no constructor and must be zero-initalized (the macro above does this).
template <typename T, T* (*Create)() = sk_new<T>, void (*Destroy)(T*) = sk_delete<T> >
class SkStaticLazyPtr {
T* get() {
// If fPtr has already been filled, we need a consume barrier when loading it.
// If not, we need a release barrier when setting it. try_cas will do that.
T* ptr = consume_load(&fPtr);
return ptr ? ptr : try_cas<T*, Destroy>(&fPtr, Create());
T* fPtr;
template <typename T> T* sk_new_arg(int i) { return SkNEW_ARGS(T, (i)); }
// This has no constructor and must be zero-initalized (the macro above does this).
template <typename T, int N, T* (*Create)(int) = sk_new_arg<T>, void (*Destroy)(T*) = sk_delete<T> >
class SkStaticLazyPtrArray {
T* operator[](int i) {
SkASSERT(i >= 0 && i < N);
// If fPtr has already been filled, we need an consume barrier when loading it.
// If not, we need a release barrier when setting it. try_cas will do that.
T* ptr = consume_load(&fArray[i]);
return ptr ? ptr : try_cas<T*, Destroy>(&fArray[i], Create(i));
T* fArray[N];
} // namespace Private
// This version is suitable for use as a class member.
// It's much the same as above except:
// - it has a constructor to zero itself;
// - it has a destructor to clean up;
// - get() calls SkNew(T) to create the pointer;
// - get(functor) calls functor to create the pointer.
template <typename T, void (*Destroy)(T*) = Private::sk_delete<T> >
class SkLazyPtr : SkNoncopyable {
SkLazyPtr() : fPtr(NULL) {}
~SkLazyPtr() { if (fPtr) { Destroy((T*)fPtr); } }
T* get() const {
T* ptr = Private::consume_load(&fPtr);
return ptr ? ptr : Private::try_cas<T*, Destroy>(&fPtr, SkNEW(T));
template <typename Create>
T* get(const Create& create) const {
T* ptr = Private::consume_load(&fPtr);
return ptr ? ptr : Private::try_cas<T*, Destroy>(&fPtr, create());
mutable T* fPtr;