robertphillips 8abb370aca Have GrSurfaceProxys and GrGpuResources draw from the same pool of unique ids
The idea here is that, for wrapped Proxy objects, we want the uniqueID to reflect that of the wrapped object. For this to work the IDs for the non-wrapped versions can't conflict with GrGpuResource's pool of IDs.

Split off of: (Start using RenderTargetProxy (omnibus))


2016-08-31 14:04:06 -07:00

224 lines
9.5 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Test.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrDrawContext.h"
#include "GrGpu.h"
#include "GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
#include "GrTextureProvider.h"
static bool check_rect(GrDrawContext* dc, const SkIRect& rect, uint32_t expectedValue,
uint32_t* actualValue, int* failX, int* failY) {
GrRenderTarget* rt = dc->accessRenderTarget();
int w = rect.width();
int h = rect.height();
SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint32_t> pixels(new uint32_t[w * h]);
memset(pixels.get(), ~expectedValue, sizeof(uint32_t) * w * h);
rt->readPixels(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, w, h, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, pixels.get());
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
uint32_t pixel = pixels.get()[y * w + x];
if (pixel != expectedValue) {
*actualValue = pixel;
*failX = x + rect.fLeft;
*failY = y + rect.fTop;
return false;
return true;
static bool reset_dc(sk_sp<GrDrawContext>* dc, GrContext* context, int w, int h) {
SkDEBUGCODE(uint32_t oldID = 0;)
if (*dc) {
SkDEBUGCODE(oldID = (*dc)->accessRenderTarget()->uniqueID();)
*dc = context->makeDrawContext(SkBackingFit::kExact, w, h, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, nullptr);
SkASSERT((*dc)->accessRenderTarget()->uniqueID() != oldID);
return *dc != nullptr;
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(ClearBatch, reporter, ctxInfo) {
GrContext* context = ctxInfo.grContext();
static const int kW = 10;
static const int kH = 10;
SkIRect fullRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(kW, kH);
sk_sp<GrDrawContext> drawContext;
// A rectangle that is inset by one on all sides and the 1-pixel wide rectangles that surround
// it.
SkIRect mid1Rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, kW-2, kH-2);
SkIRect outerLeftEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 1, kH);
SkIRect outerTopEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, kW, 1);
SkIRect outerRightEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(kW-1, 0, 1, kH);
SkIRect outerBottomEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, kH-1, kW, 1);
// A rectangle that is inset by two on all sides and the 1-pixel wide rectangles that surround
// it.
SkIRect mid2Rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2, 2, kW-4, kH-4);
SkIRect innerLeftEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, 1, kH-2);
SkIRect innerTopEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, kW-2, 1);
SkIRect innerRightEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(kW-2, 1, 1, kH-2);
SkIRect innerBottomEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, kH-2, kW-2, 1);
uint32_t actualValue;
int failX, failY;
static const GrColor kColor1 = 0xABCDEF01;
static const GrColor kColor2 = ~kColor1;
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Check a full clear
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Check two full clears, same color
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Check two full clears, different colors
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor2, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Test a full clear followed by a same color inset clear
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Test a inset clear followed by same color full clear
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Test a full clear followed by a different color inset clear
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), mid1Rect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Test a inset clear followed by a different full clear
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Check three nested clears from largest to smallest where outermost and innermost are same
// color.
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid2Rect, kColor1, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), mid2Rect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), innerLeftEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), innerTopEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), innerRightEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), innerBottomEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, context, kW, kH)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
// Swap the order of the second two clears in the above test.
drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid2Rect, kColor1, false);
drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), mid1Rect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
failX, failY);
if (!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
!check_rect(drawContext.get(), outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
failX, failY);