scroggo 1c005e4a38 Create a scanline decoder without creating a codec
Prior to this CL, if a client wanted to decode scanlines, they had to
create an SkCodec in order to get an SkScanlineDecoder. This introduces
complications if input data is not easily shared between the two

Instead, add methods to SkScanlineDecoder for creating a new one from
input data, and remove the creation functions from SkCodec.

Update DM and tests.

Review URL:
2015-08-04 09:24:45 -07:00

1166 lines
42 KiB

* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "nanobench.h"
#include "Benchmark.h"
#include "CodecBench.h"
#include "CrashHandler.h"
#include "DecodingBench.h"
#include "GMBench.h"
#include "ProcStats.h"
#include "ResultsWriter.h"
#include "RecordingBench.h"
#include "SKPAnimationBench.h"
#include "SKPBench.h"
#include "SubsetBenchPriv.h"
#include "SubsetSingleBench.h"
#include "SubsetTranslateBench.h"
#include "SubsetZoomBench.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "SkBBoxHierarchy.h"
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkCommonFlags.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkForceLinking.h"
#include "SkGraphics.h"
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkPictureRecorder.h"
#include "SkPictureUtils.h"
#include "SkScanlineDecoder.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "SkTaskGroup.h"
#include "nanobenchAndroid.h"
#include "gl/GrGLDefines.h"
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
SkAutoTDelete<GrContextFactory> gGrFactory;
struct GrContextOptions;
static const int kTimedSampling = 0;
static const int kAutoTuneLoops = 0;
static const int kDefaultLoops =
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
static SkString loops_help_txt() {
SkString help;
help.printf("Number of times to run each bench. Set this to %d to auto-"
"tune for each bench. Timings are only reported when auto-tuning.",
return help;
static SkString to_string(int n) {
SkString str;
return str;
DEFINE_int32(loops, kDefaultLoops, loops_help_txt().c_str());
DEFINE_int32(samples, 10, "Number of samples to measure for each bench.");
DEFINE_string(samplingTime, "0", "Amount of time to run each bench. Takes precedence over samples."
"Must be \"0\", \"%%lfs\", or \"%%lfms\"");
DEFINE_int32(overheadLoops, 100000, "Loops to estimate timer overhead.");
DEFINE_double(overheadGoal, 0.0001,
"Loop until timer overhead is at most this fraction of our measurments.");
DEFINE_double(gpuMs, 5, "Target bench time in millseconds for GPU.");
DEFINE_int32(gpuFrameLag, 5, "If unknown, estimated maximum number of frames GPU allows to lag.");
DEFINE_bool(gpuCompressAlphaMasks, false, "Compress masks generated from falling back to "
"software path rendering.");
DEFINE_string(outResultsFile, "", "If given, write results here as JSON.");
DEFINE_int32(maxCalibrationAttempts, 3,
"Try up to this many times to guess loops for a bench, or skip the bench.");
DEFINE_int32(maxLoops, 1000000, "Never run a bench more times than this.");
DEFINE_string(clip, "0,0,1000,1000", "Clip for SKPs.");
DEFINE_string(scales, "1.0", "Space-separated scales for SKPs.");
DEFINE_string(zoom, "1.0,0", "Comma-separated zoomMax,zoomPeriodMs factors for a periodic SKP zoom "
"function that ping-pongs between 1.0 and zoomMax.");
DEFINE_bool(bbh, true, "Build a BBH for SKPs?");
DEFINE_bool(mpd, true, "Use MultiPictureDraw for the SKPs?");
DEFINE_bool(loopSKP, true, "Loop SKPs like we do for micro benches?");
DEFINE_int32(flushEvery, 10, "Flush --outResultsFile every Nth run.");
DEFINE_bool(resetGpuContext, true, "Reset the GrContext before running each test.");
DEFINE_bool(gpuStats, false, "Print GPU stats after each gpu benchmark?");
static SkString humanize(double ms) {
if (FLAGS_verbose) return SkStringPrintf("%llu", (uint64_t)(ms*1e6));
return HumanizeMs(ms);
#define HUMANIZE(ms) humanize(ms).c_str()
bool Target::init(SkImageInfo info, Benchmark* bench) {
if (Benchmark::kRaster_Backend == config.backend) {
if (!this->surface.get()) {
return false;
return true;
bool Target::capturePixels(SkBitmap* bmp) {
SkCanvas* canvas = this->getCanvas();
if (!canvas) {
return false;
if (!canvas->readPixels(bmp, 0, 0)) {
SkDebugf("Can't read canvas pixels.\n");
return false;
return true;
struct GPUTarget : public Target {
explicit GPUTarget(const Config& c) : Target(c), gl(NULL) { }
SkGLContext* gl;
void setup() override {
// Make sure we're done with whatever came before.
SK_GL(*this->gl, Finish());
void endTiming() override {
if (this->gl) {
SK_GL(*this->gl, Flush());
void fence() override {
SK_GL(*this->gl, Finish());
bool needsFrameTiming(int* maxFrameLag) const override {
if (!this->gl->getMaxGpuFrameLag(maxFrameLag)) {
// Frame lag is unknown.
*maxFrameLag = FLAGS_gpuFrameLag;
return true;
bool init(SkImageInfo info, Benchmark* bench) override {
uint32_t flags = this->config.useDFText ? SkSurfaceProps::kUseDistanceFieldFonts_Flag : 0;
SkSurfaceProps props(flags, SkSurfaceProps::kLegacyFontHost_InitType);
SkSurface::kNo_Budgeted, info,
this->config.samples, &props));
this->gl = gGrFactory->getGLContext(this->config.ctxType);
if (!this->surface.get()) {
return false;
if (!this->gl->fenceSyncSupport()) {
SkDebugf("WARNING: GL context for config \"%s\" does not support fence sync. "
"Timings might not be accurate.\n", this->;
return true;
void fillOptions(ResultsWriter* log) override {
const GrGLubyte* version;
SK_GL_RET(*this->gl, version, GetString(GR_GL_VERSION));
log->configOption("GL_VERSION", (const char*)(version));
SK_GL_RET(*this->gl, version, GetString(GR_GL_RENDERER));
log->configOption("GL_RENDERER", (const char*) version);
SK_GL_RET(*this->gl, version, GetString(GR_GL_VENDOR));
log->configOption("GL_VENDOR", (const char*) version);
SK_GL_RET(*this->gl, version, GetString(GR_GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION));
log->configOption("GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION", (const char*) version);
static double time(int loops, Benchmark* bench, Target* target) {
SkCanvas* canvas = target->getCanvas();
if (canvas) {
WallTimer timer;
canvas = target->beginTiming(canvas);
bench->draw(loops, canvas);
if (canvas) {
return timer.fWall;
static double estimate_timer_overhead() {
double overhead = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_overheadLoops; i++) {
WallTimer timer;
overhead += timer.fWall;
return overhead / FLAGS_overheadLoops;
static int detect_forever_loops(int loops) {
// look for a magic run-forever value
if (loops < 0) {
loops = SK_MaxS32;
return loops;
static int clamp_loops(int loops) {
if (loops < 1) {
SkDebugf("ERROR: clamping loops from %d to 1. "
"There's probably something wrong with the bench.\n", loops);
return 1;
if (loops > FLAGS_maxLoops) {
SkDebugf("WARNING: clamping loops from %d to FLAGS_maxLoops, %d.\n", loops, FLAGS_maxLoops);
return FLAGS_maxLoops;
return loops;
static bool write_canvas_png(Target* target, const SkString& filename) {
if (filename.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (target->getCanvas() &&
kUnknown_SkColorType == target->getCanvas()->imageInfo().colorType()) {
return false;
SkBitmap bmp;
if (!target->capturePixels(&bmp)) {
return false;
SkString dir = SkOSPath::Dirname(filename.c_str());
if (!sk_mkdir(dir.c_str())) {
SkDebugf("Can't make dir %s.\n", dir.c_str());
return false;
SkFILEWStream stream(filename.c_str());
if (!stream.isValid()) {
SkDebugf("Can't write %s.\n", filename.c_str());
return false;
if (!SkImageEncoder::EncodeStream(&stream, bmp, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100)) {
SkDebugf("Can't encode a PNG.\n");
return false;
return true;
static int kFailedLoops = -2;
static int setup_cpu_bench(const double overhead, Target* target, Benchmark* bench) {
// First figure out approximately how many loops of bench it takes to make overhead negligible.
double bench_plus_overhead = 0.0;
int round = 0;
int loops = bench->calculateLoops(FLAGS_loops);
if (kAutoTuneLoops == loops) {
while (bench_plus_overhead < overhead) {
if (round++ == FLAGS_maxCalibrationAttempts) {
SkDebugf("WARNING: Can't estimate loops for %s (%s vs. %s); skipping.\n",
bench->getUniqueName(), HUMANIZE(bench_plus_overhead), HUMANIZE(overhead));
return kFailedLoops;
bench_plus_overhead = time(1, bench, target);
// Later we'll just start and stop the timer once but loop N times.
// We'll pick N to make timer overhead negligible:
// overhead
// ------------------------- < FLAGS_overheadGoal
// overhead + N * Bench Time
// where bench_plus_overhead ≈ overhead + Bench Time.
// Doing some math, we get:
// (overhead / FLAGS_overheadGoal) - overhead
// ------------------------------------------ < N
// bench_plus_overhead - overhead)
// Luckily, this also works well in practice. :)
if (kAutoTuneLoops == loops) {
const double numer = overhead / FLAGS_overheadGoal - overhead;
const double denom = bench_plus_overhead - overhead;
loops = (int)ceil(numer / denom);
loops = clamp_loops(loops);
} else {
loops = detect_forever_loops(loops);
return loops;
static int setup_gpu_bench(Target* target, Benchmark* bench, int maxGpuFrameLag) {
// First, figure out how many loops it'll take to get a frame up to FLAGS_gpuMs.
int loops = bench->calculateLoops(FLAGS_loops);
if (kAutoTuneLoops == loops) {
loops = 1;
double elapsed = 0;
do {
if (1<<30 == loops) {
// We're about to wrap. Something's wrong with the bench.
loops = 0;
loops *= 2;
// If the GPU lets frames lag at all, we need to make sure we're timing
// _this_ round, not still timing last round.
for (int i = 0; i < maxGpuFrameLag; i++) {
elapsed = time(loops, bench, target);
} while (elapsed < FLAGS_gpuMs);
// We've overshot at least a little. Scale back linearly.
loops = (int)ceil(loops * FLAGS_gpuMs / elapsed);
loops = clamp_loops(loops);
// Make sure we're not still timing our calibration.
} else {
loops = detect_forever_loops(loops);
// Pretty much the same deal as the calibration: do some warmup to make
// sure we're timing steady-state pipelined frames.
for (int i = 0; i < maxGpuFrameLag - 1; i++) {
time(loops, bench, target);
return loops;
static SkString to_lower(const char* str) {
SkString lower(str);
for (size_t i = 0; i < lower.size(); i++) {
lower[i] = tolower(lower[i]);
return lower;
static bool is_cpu_config_allowed(const char* name) {
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_config.count(); i++) {
if (to_lower(FLAGS_config[i]).equals(name)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool is_gpu_config_allowed(const char* name, GrContextFactory::GLContextType ctxType,
int sampleCnt) {
if (!is_cpu_config_allowed(name)) {
return false;
if (const GrContext* ctx = gGrFactory->get(ctxType)) {
return sampleCnt <= ctx->caps()->maxSampleCount();
return false;
#define kBogusGLContextType GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType
#define kBogusGLContextType 0
// Append all configs that are enabled and supported.
static void create_configs(SkTDArray<Config>* configs) {
#define CPU_CONFIG(name, backend, color, alpha) \
if (is_cpu_config_allowed(#name)) { \
Config config = { #name, Benchmark::backend, color, alpha, 0, \
kBogusGLContextType, false }; \
configs->push(config); \
if (FLAGS_cpu) {
CPU_CONFIG(nonrendering, kNonRendering_Backend, kUnknown_SkColorType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType)
CPU_CONFIG(8888, kRaster_Backend, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType)
CPU_CONFIG(565, kRaster_Backend, kRGB_565_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType)
#define GPU_CONFIG(name, ctxType, samples, useDFText) \
if (is_gpu_config_allowed(#name, GrContextFactory::ctxType, samples)) { \
Config config = { \
#name, \
Benchmark::kGPU_Backend, \
kN32_SkColorType, \
kPremul_SkAlphaType, \
samples, \
GrContextFactory::ctxType, \
useDFText }; \
configs->push(config); \
if (FLAGS_gpu) {
GPU_CONFIG(gpu, kNative_GLContextType, 0, false)
GPU_CONFIG(msaa4, kNative_GLContextType, 4, false)
GPU_CONFIG(msaa16, kNative_GLContextType, 16, false)
GPU_CONFIG(nvprmsaa4, kNVPR_GLContextType, 4, false)
GPU_CONFIG(nvprmsaa16, kNVPR_GLContextType, 16, false)
GPU_CONFIG(gpudft, kNative_GLContextType, 0, true)
GPU_CONFIG(debug, kDebug_GLContextType, 0, false)
GPU_CONFIG(nullgpu, kNull_GLContextType, 0, false)
#ifdef SK_ANGLE
GPU_CONFIG(angle, kANGLE_GLContextType, 0, false)
GPU_CONFIG(mesa, kMESA_GLContextType, 0, false)
if (is_cpu_config_allowed("hwui")) {
Config config = { "hwui", Benchmark::kHWUI_Backend, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, 0, kBogusGLContextType, false };
// If bench is enabled for config, returns a Target* for it, otherwise NULL.
static Target* is_enabled(Benchmark* bench, const Config& config) {
if (!bench->isSuitableFor(config.backend)) {
return NULL;
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(bench->getSize().fX, bench->getSize().fY,
config.color, config.alpha);
Target* target = NULL;
switch (config.backend) {
case Benchmark::kGPU_Backend:
target = new GPUTarget(config);
case Benchmark::kHWUI_Backend:
target = new HWUITarget(config, bench);
target = new Target(config);
if (!target->init(info, bench)) {
delete target;
return NULL;
return target;
* Returns true if set up for a subset decode succeeds, false otherwise
* If the set-up succeeds, the width and height parameters will be set
static bool valid_subset_bench(const SkString& path, SkColorType colorType, bool useCodec,
int* width, int* height) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> encoded(SkData::NewFromFileName(path.c_str()));
SkAutoTDelete<SkMemoryStream> stream(new SkMemoryStream(encoded));
// Check that we can create a codec or image decoder.
if (useCodec) {
SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.detach()));
if (NULL == codec) {
SkDebugf("Could not create codec for %s. Skipping bench.\n", path.c_str());
return false;
// These will be initialized by SkCodec if the color type is kIndex8 and
// unused otherwise.
SkPMColor colors[256];
int colorCount;
const SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(colorType);
SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> row(SkNEW_ARRAY(uint8_t, info.minRowBytes()));
SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(SkScanlineDecoder::NewFromData(encoded));
if (NULL == scanlineDecoder || scanlineDecoder->start(info, NULL,
colors, &colorCount) != SkCodec::kSuccess)
SkDebugf("Could not create scanline decoder for %s with color type %s. "
"Skipping bench.\n", path.c_str(), get_color_name(colorType));
return false;
*width = info.width();
*height = info.height();
} else {
SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream));
if (NULL == decoder) {
SkDebugf("Could not create decoder for %s. Skipping bench.\n", path.c_str());
return false;
//FIXME: See
if (kIndex_8_SkColorType == colorType || kGray_8_SkColorType == colorType) {
SkDebugf("Cannot use image subset decoder for %s with color type %s. "
"Skipping bench.\n", path.c_str(), get_color_name(colorType));
return false;
if (!decoder->buildTileIndex(stream.detach(), width, height)) {
SkDebugf("Could not build tile index for %s. Skipping bench.\n", path.c_str());
return false;
// Check if the image is large enough for a meaningful subset benchmark.
if (*width <= 512 && *height <= 512) {
// This should not print a message since it is not an error.
return false;
return true;
static void cleanup_run(Target* target) {
if (FLAGS_abandonGpuContext) {
if (FLAGS_resetGpuContext || FLAGS_abandonGpuContext) {
class BenchmarkStream {
BenchmarkStream() : fBenches(BenchRegistry::Head())
, fGMs(skiagm::GMRegistry::Head())
, fCurrentRecording(0)
, fCurrentScale(0)
, fCurrentSKP(0)
, fCurrentUseMPD(0)
, fCurrentCodec(0)
, fCurrentImage(0)
, fCurrentSubsetImage(0)
, fCurrentColorType(0)
, fCurrentSubsetType(0)
, fUseCodec(0)
, fCurrentAnimSKP(0) {
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_skps.count(); i++) {
if (SkStrEndsWith(FLAGS_skps[i], ".skp")) {
fSKPs.push_back() = FLAGS_skps[i];
} else {
SkOSFile::Iter it(FLAGS_skps[i], ".skp");
SkString path;
while ( {
fSKPs.push_back() = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_skps[0], path.c_str());
if (4 != sscanf(FLAGS_clip[0], "%d,%d,%d,%d",
&fClip.fLeft, &fClip.fTop, &fClip.fRight, &fClip.fBottom)) {
SkDebugf("Can't parse %s from --clip as an SkIRect.\n", FLAGS_clip[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_scales.count(); i++) {
if (1 != sscanf(FLAGS_scales[i], "%f", &fScales.push_back())) {
SkDebugf("Can't parse %s from --scales as an SkScalar.\n", FLAGS_scales[i]);
if (2 != sscanf(FLAGS_zoom[0], "%f,%lf", &fZoomMax, &fZoomPeriodMs)) {
SkDebugf("Can't parse %s from --zoom as a zoomMax,zoomPeriodMs.\n", FLAGS_zoom[0]);
if (FLAGS_mpd) {
fUseMPDs.push_back() = true;
fUseMPDs.push_back() = false;
// Prepare the images for decoding
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_images.count(); i++) {
const char* flag = FLAGS_images[i];
if (sk_isdir(flag)) {
// If the value passed in is a directory, add all the images
SkOSFile::Iter it(flag);
SkString file;
while ( {
fImages.push_back() = SkOSPath::Join(flag, file.c_str());
} else if (sk_exists(flag)) {
// Also add the value if it is a single image
fImages.push_back() = flag;
// Choose the candidate color types for image decoding
const SkColorType colorTypes[] =
{ kN32_SkColorType,
kGray_8_SkColorType };
fColorTypes.push_back_n(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colorTypes), colorTypes);
static bool ReadPicture(const char* path, SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture>* pic) {
// Not strictly necessary, as it will be checked again later,
// but helps to avoid a lot of pointless work if we're going to skip it.
if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, path)) {
return false;
SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(path));
if (stream.get() == NULL) {
SkDebugf("Could not read %s.\n", path);
return false;
if (pic->get() == NULL) {
SkDebugf("Could not read %s as an SkPicture.\n", path);
return false;
return true;
Benchmark* next() {
if (fBenches) {
Benchmark* bench = fBenches->factory()(NULL);
fBenches = fBenches->next();
fSourceType = "bench";
fBenchType = "micro";
return bench;
while (fGMs) {
SkAutoTDelete<skiagm::GM> gm(fGMs->factory()(NULL));
fGMs = fGMs->next();
if (gm->runAsBench()) {
fSourceType = "gm";
fBenchType = "micro";
return SkNEW_ARGS(GMBench, (gm.detach()));
// First add all .skps as RecordingBenches.
while (fCurrentRecording < fSKPs.count()) {
const SkString& path = fSKPs[fCurrentRecording++];
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic;
if (!ReadPicture(path.c_str(), &pic)) {
SkString name = SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str());
fSourceType = "skp";
fBenchType = "recording";
fSKPBytes = static_cast<double>(SkPictureUtils::ApproximateBytesUsed(pic));
fSKPOps = pic->approximateOpCount();
return SkNEW_ARGS(RecordingBench, (name.c_str(), pic.get(), FLAGS_bbh));
// Then once each for each scale as SKPBenches (playback).
while (fCurrentScale < fScales.count()) {
while (fCurrentSKP < fSKPs.count()) {
const SkString& path = fSKPs[fCurrentSKP];
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic;
if (!ReadPicture(path.c_str(), &pic)) {
while (fCurrentUseMPD < fUseMPDs.count()) {
if (FLAGS_bbh) {
// The SKP we read off disk doesn't have a BBH. Re-record so it grows one.
SkRTreeFactory factory;
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
static const int kFlags = SkPictureRecorder::kComputeSaveLayerInfo_RecordFlag;
fUseMPDs[fCurrentUseMPD] ? kFlags : 0));
SkString name = SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str());
fSourceType = "skp";
fBenchType = "playback";
return SkNEW_ARGS(SKPBench,
(name.c_str(), pic.get(), fClip, fScales[fCurrentScale],
fUseMPDs[fCurrentUseMPD++], FLAGS_loopSKP));
fCurrentUseMPD = 0;
fCurrentSKP = 0;
// Now loop over each skp again if we have an animation
if (fZoomMax != 1.0f && fZoomPeriodMs > 0) {
while (fCurrentAnimSKP < fSKPs.count()) {
const SkString& path = fSKPs[fCurrentAnimSKP];
SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic;
if (!ReadPicture(path.c_str(), &pic)) {
SkString name = SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str());
SkAutoTUnref<SKPAnimationBench::Animation> animation(
SKPAnimationBench::CreateZoomAnimation(fZoomMax, fZoomPeriodMs));
return SkNEW_ARGS(SKPAnimationBench, (name.c_str(), pic.get(), fClip, animation,
for (; fCurrentCodec < fImages.count(); fCurrentCodec++) {
const SkString& path = fImages[fCurrentCodec];
SkAutoTUnref<SkData> encoded(SkData::NewFromFileName(path.c_str()));
SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromData(encoded));
if (!codec) {
// Nothing to time.
SkDebugf("Cannot find codec for %s\n", path.c_str());
while (fCurrentColorType < fColorTypes.count()) {
const SkColorType colorType = fColorTypes[fCurrentColorType];
// Make sure we can decode to this color type.
SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(colorType);
SkAlphaType alphaType;
if (!SkColorTypeValidateAlphaType(colorType, info.alphaType(),
&alphaType)) {
if (alphaType != info.alphaType()) {
info = info.makeAlphaType(alphaType);
const size_t rowBytes = info.minRowBytes();
SkAutoMalloc storage(info.getSafeSize(rowBytes));
// Used if fCurrentColorType is kIndex_8_SkColorType
int colorCount = 256;
SkPMColor colors[256];
const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(
info, storage.get(), rowBytes, NULL, colors,
switch (result) {
case SkCodec::kSuccess:
case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
return new CodecBench(SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str()),
encoded, colorType);
case SkCodec::kInvalidConversion:
// This is okay. Not all conversions are valid.
// This represents some sort of failure.
fCurrentColorType = 0;
// Run the DecodingBenches
while (fCurrentImage < fImages.count()) {
while (fCurrentColorType < fColorTypes.count()) {
const SkString& path = fImages[fCurrentImage];
SkColorType colorType = fColorTypes[fCurrentColorType];
// Check if the image decodes to the right color type
// before creating the benchmark
SkBitmap bitmap;
if (SkImageDecoder::DecodeFile(path.c_str(), &bitmap,
colorType, SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode)
&& bitmap.colorType() == colorType) {
return new DecodingBench(path, colorType);
fCurrentColorType = 0;
// Run the SubsetBenches
bool useCodecOpts[] = { true, false };
while (fUseCodec < 2) {
bool useCodec = useCodecOpts[fUseCodec];
while (fCurrentSubsetImage < fImages.count()) {
while (fCurrentColorType < fColorTypes.count()) {
const SkString& path = fImages[fCurrentSubsetImage];
SkColorType colorType = fColorTypes[fCurrentColorType];
while (fCurrentSubsetType <= kLast_SubsetType) {
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int currentSubsetType = fCurrentSubsetType++;
if (valid_subset_bench(path, colorType, useCodec, &width, &height)) {
switch (currentSubsetType) {
case kTopLeft_SubsetType:
return new SubsetSingleBench(path, colorType, width/3,
height/3, 0, 0, useCodec);
case kTopRight_SubsetType:
return new SubsetSingleBench(path, colorType, width/3,
height/3, 2*width/3, 0, useCodec);
case kMiddle_SubsetType:
return new SubsetSingleBench(path, colorType, width/3,
height/3, width/3, height/3, useCodec);
case kBottomLeft_SubsetType:
return new SubsetSingleBench(path, colorType, width/3,
height/3, 0, 2*height/3, useCodec);
case kBottomRight_SubsetType:
return new SubsetSingleBench(path, colorType, width/3,
height/3, 2*width/3, 2*height/3, useCodec);
case kTranslate_SubsetType:
return new SubsetTranslateBench(path, colorType, 512, 512,
case kZoom_SubsetType:
return new SubsetZoomBench(path, colorType, 512, 512,
} else {
fCurrentSubsetType = 0;
fCurrentColorType = 0;
fCurrentSubsetImage = 0;
return NULL;
void fillCurrentOptions(ResultsWriter* log) const {
log->configOption("source_type", fSourceType);
log->configOption("bench_type", fBenchType);
if (0 == strcmp(fSourceType, "skp")) {
SkStringPrintf("%d %d %d %d", fClip.fLeft, fClip.fTop,
fClip.fRight, fClip.fBottom).c_str());
log->configOption("scale", SkStringPrintf("%.2g", fScales[fCurrentScale]).c_str());
if (fCurrentUseMPD > 0) {
SkASSERT(1 == fCurrentUseMPD || 2 == fCurrentUseMPD);
log->configOption("multi_picture_draw", fUseMPDs[fCurrentUseMPD-1] ? "true" : "false");
if (0 == strcmp(fBenchType, "recording")) {
log->metric("bytes", fSKPBytes);
log->metric("ops", fSKPOps);
enum SubsetType {
kTopLeft_SubsetType = 0,
kTopRight_SubsetType = 1,
kMiddle_SubsetType = 2,
kBottomLeft_SubsetType = 3,
kBottomRight_SubsetType = 4,
kTranslate_SubsetType = 5,
kZoom_SubsetType = 6,
kLast_SubsetType = kZoom_SubsetType
const BenchRegistry* fBenches;
const skiagm::GMRegistry* fGMs;
SkIRect fClip;
SkTArray<SkScalar> fScales;
SkTArray<SkString> fSKPs;
SkTArray<bool> fUseMPDs;
SkTArray<SkString> fImages;
SkTArray<SkColorType> fColorTypes;
SkScalar fZoomMax;
double fZoomPeriodMs;
double fSKPBytes, fSKPOps;
const char* fSourceType; // What we're benching: bench, GM, SKP, ...
const char* fBenchType; // How we bench it: micro, recording, playback, ...
int fCurrentRecording;
int fCurrentScale;
int fCurrentSKP;
int fCurrentUseMPD;
int fCurrentCodec;
int fCurrentImage;
int fCurrentSubsetImage;
int fCurrentColorType;
int fCurrentSubsetType;
int fUseCodec;
int fCurrentAnimSKP;
int nanobench_main();
int nanobench_main() {
SkAutoGraphics ag;
SkTaskGroup::Enabler enabled(FLAGS_threads);
GrContextOptions grContextOpts;
grContextOpts.fDrawPathToCompressedTexture = FLAGS_gpuCompressAlphaMasks;
gGrFactory.reset(SkNEW_ARGS(GrContextFactory, (grContextOpts)));
if (FLAGS_veryVerbose) {
FLAGS_verbose = true;
double samplingTimeMs = 0;
if (0 != strcmp("0", FLAGS_samplingTime[0])) {
SkSTArray<8, char> timeUnit;
timeUnit.push_back_n(static_cast<int>(strlen(FLAGS_samplingTime[0])) + 1);
if (2 != sscanf(FLAGS_samplingTime[0], "%lf%s", &samplingTimeMs, timeUnit.begin()) ||
(0 != strcmp("s", timeUnit.begin()) && 0 != strcmp("ms", timeUnit.begin()))) {
SkDebugf("Invalid --samplingTime \"%s\". Must be \"0\", \"%%lfs\", or \"%%lfms\"\n",
if (0 == strcmp("s", timeUnit.begin())) {
samplingTimeMs *= 1000;
if (samplingTimeMs) {
FLAGS_samples = kTimedSampling;
if (kAutoTuneLoops != FLAGS_loops) {
FLAGS_samples = 1;
FLAGS_gpuFrameLag = 0;
if (!FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) {
SkDebugf("Writing files to %s.\n", FLAGS_writePath[0]);
if (!sk_mkdir(FLAGS_writePath[0])) {
SkDebugf("Could not create %s. Files won't be written.\n", FLAGS_writePath[0]);
FLAGS_writePath.set(0, NULL);
SkAutoTDelete<ResultsWriter> log(SkNEW(ResultsWriter));
if (!FLAGS_outResultsFile.isEmpty()) {
if (1 == FLAGS_properties.count() % 2) {
SkDebugf("ERROR: --properties must be passed with an even number of arguments.\n");
return 1;
for (int i = 1; i < FLAGS_properties.count(); i += 2) {
log->property(FLAGS_properties[i-1], FLAGS_properties[i]);
if (1 == FLAGS_key.count() % 2) {
SkDebugf("ERROR: --key must be passed with an even number of arguments.\n");
return 1;
for (int i = 1; i < FLAGS_key.count(); i += 2) {
log->key(FLAGS_key[i-1], FLAGS_key[i]);
const double overhead = estimate_timer_overhead();
SkDebugf("Timer overhead: %s\n", HUMANIZE(overhead));
SkTArray<double> samples;
if (kAutoTuneLoops != FLAGS_loops) {
SkDebugf("Fixed number of loops; times would only be misleading so we won't print them.\n");
} else if (FLAGS_quiet) {
} else if (kTimedSampling == FLAGS_samples) {
} else {
FLAGS_samples, "samples");
SkTDArray<Config> configs;
int runs = 0;
BenchmarkStream benchStream;
while (Benchmark* b = {
SkAutoTDelete<Benchmark> bench(b);
if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, bench->getUniqueName())) {
if (!configs.isEmpty()) {
log->bench(bench->getUniqueName(), bench->getSize().fX, bench->getSize().fY);
for (int i = 0; i < configs.count(); ++i) {
Target* target = is_enabled(b, configs[i]);
if (!target) {
// During HWUI output this canvas may be NULL.
SkCanvas* canvas = target->getCanvas();
const char* config = target->;
int maxFrameLag;
const int loops = target->needsFrameTiming(&maxFrameLag)
? setup_gpu_bench(target, bench.get(), maxFrameLag)
: setup_cpu_bench(overhead, target, bench.get());
if (kTimedSampling != FLAGS_samples) {
for (int s = 0; s < FLAGS_samples; s++) {
samples[s] = time(loops, bench, target) / loops;
} else if (samplingTimeMs) {
if (FLAGS_verbose) {
SkDebugf("Begin sampling %s for %ims\n",
bench->getUniqueName(), static_cast<int>(samplingTimeMs));
WallTimer timer;
do {
samples.push_back(time(loops, bench, target) / loops);
} while (timer.fWall < samplingTimeMs);
if (Benchmark::kNonRendering_Backend != target->config.backend &&
!FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty() && FLAGS_writePath[0]) {
SkString pngFilename = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_writePath[0], config);
pngFilename = SkOSPath::Join(pngFilename.c_str(), bench->getUniqueName());
write_canvas_png(target, pngFilename);
if (kFailedLoops == loops) {
// Can't be timed. A warning note has already been printed.
Stats stats(samples);
log->configOption("name", bench->getName());
log->metric("min_ms", stats.min);
if (runs++ % FLAGS_flushEvery == 0) {
if (kAutoTuneLoops != FLAGS_loops) {
if (configs.count() == 1) {
config = ""; // Only print the config if we run the same bench on more than one.
, sk_tools::getCurrResidentSetSizeMB()
, sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB()
, bench->getUniqueName()
, config);
} else if (FLAGS_quiet) {
if (configs.count() == 1) {
config = ""; // Only print the config if we run the same bench on more than one.
SkDebugf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", HUMANIZE(stats.median), bench->getUniqueName(), config);
} else {
const double stddev_percent = 100 * sqrt(stats.var) / stats.mean;
, sk_tools::getCurrResidentSetSizeMB()
, sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB()
, loops
, HUMANIZE(stats.min)
, HUMANIZE(stats.median)
, HUMANIZE(stats.mean)
, HUMANIZE(stats.max)
, stddev_percent
, kTimedSampling != FLAGS_samples ? stats.plot.c_str()
: to_string(samples.count()).c_str()
, config
, bench->getUniqueName()
if (FLAGS_gpuStats &&
Benchmark::kGPU_Backend == configs[i].backend) {
if (FLAGS_verbose) {
SkDebugf("Samples: ");
for (int i = 0; i < samples.count(); i++) {
SkDebugf("%s ", HUMANIZE(samples[i]));
SkDebugf("%s\n", bench->getUniqueName());
log->bench("memory_usage", 0,0);
log->metric("max_rss_mb", sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB());
// Make sure we clean up the global GrContextFactory here, otherwise we might race with the
// SkEventTracer destructor
return 0;
#if !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);
return nanobench_main();