Chris Blume 0b5e7d16c2 Treat invalid indices as transparent in gifs
Other browsers (including old Chrome) treat invalid palette indices as
transparent for gifs. And there are gifs in the wild which rely on this.

As an example, if the palette only has 64 entries (0-63) then index 64
is treated as transparent.


Change-Id: I15e8919a953387506c9ac5945c3ae6a2b90189ab
Reviewed-by: Leon Scroggins <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Blume <>
2017-09-27 21:03:41 +00:00

395 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkCodec.h"
#include "SkCommonFlags.h"
#include "SkImageEncoder.h"
#include "SkOSPath.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include "sk_tool_utils.h"
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
static void write_bm(const char* name, const SkBitmap& bm) {
if (FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) {
SkString filename = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_writePath[0], name);
SkFILEWStream file(filename.c_str());
if (!SkEncodeImage(&file, bm, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, 100)) {
SkDebugf("failed to write '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
DEF_TEST(Codec_trunc, r) {
sk_sp<SkData> data(GetResourceAsData("box.gif"));
if (!data) {
SkCodec::MakeFromData(SkData::MakeSubset(data.get(), 0, 23))->getFrameInfo();
// 565 does not support alpha, but there is no reason for it not to support an
// animated image with a frame that has alpha but then blends onto an opaque
// frame making the result opaque. Test that we can decode such a frame.
DEF_TEST(Codec_565, r) {
sk_sp<SkData> data(GetResourceAsData("blendBG.webp"));
if (!data) {
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(std::move(data)));
auto info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kRGB_565_SkColorType);
SkBitmap bm;
SkCodec::Options options;
options.fFrameIndex = 1;
options.fPriorFrame = SkCodec::kNone;
const auto result = codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
static bool restore_previous(const SkCodec::FrameInfo& info) {
return info.fDisposalMethod == SkCodecAnimation::DisposalMethod::kRestorePrevious;
DEF_TEST(Codec_frames, r) {
#define kOpaque SkEncodedInfo::kOpaque_Alpha
#define kUnpremul SkEncodedInfo::kUnpremul_Alpha
#define kBinary SkEncodedInfo::kBinary_Alpha
#define kKeep SkCodecAnimation::DisposalMethod::kKeep
#define kRestoreBG SkCodecAnimation::DisposalMethod::kRestoreBGColor
#define kRestorePrev SkCodecAnimation::DisposalMethod::kRestorePrevious
static const struct {
const char* fName;
int fFrameCount;
// One less than fFramecount, since the first frame is always
// independent.
std::vector<int> fRequiredFrames;
// Same, since the first frame should match getEncodedInfo
std::vector<SkEncodedInfo::Alpha> fAlphas;
// The size of this one should match fFrameCount for animated, empty
// otherwise.
std::vector<int> fDurations;
int fRepetitionCount;
std::vector<SkCodecAnimation::DisposalMethod> fDisposalMethods;
} gRecs[] = {
{ "required.gif", 7,
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
{ kOpaque, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary },
{ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 },
{ kKeep, kRestoreBG, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kRestoreBG, kKeep } },
{ "alphabetAnim.gif", 13,
{ SkCodec::kNone, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, SkCodec::kNone,
SkCodec::kNone, 9, 10, 11 },
{ kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary,
kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary },
{ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 },
{ kKeep, kRestorePrev, kRestorePrev, kRestorePrev, kRestorePrev,
kRestoreBG, kKeep, kRestoreBG, kRestoreBG, kKeep, kKeep,
kRestoreBG, kKeep } },
{ "randPixelsAnim2.gif", 4,
// required frames
{ 0, 0, 1 },
// alphas
{ kOpaque, kOpaque, kOpaque },
// durations
{ 0, 1000, 170, 40 },
// repetition count
{ kKeep, kKeep, kRestorePrev, kKeep } },
{ "randPixelsAnim.gif", 13,
// required frames
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9 },
{ kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary,
kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary, kBinary },
// durations
{ 0, 1000, 170, 40, 220, 7770, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90 },
// repetition count
{ kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kRestoreBG, kRestoreBG, kRestoreBG,
kRestoreBG, kRestorePrev, kRestoreBG, kRestorePrev, kRestorePrev,
kRestorePrev, } },
{ "box.gif", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, { kKeep } },
{ "color_wheel.gif", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, { kKeep } },
{ "test640x479.gif", 4, { 0, 1, 2 },
{ kOpaque, kOpaque, kOpaque },
{ 200, 200, 200, 200 },
{ kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep } },
{ "colorTables.gif", 2, { 0 }, { kOpaque }, { 1000, 1000 }, 5,
{ kKeep, kKeep } },
{ "arrow.png", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "google_chrome.ico", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "brickwork-texture.jpg", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
#if defined(SK_CODEC_DECODES_RAW) && (!defined(_WIN32))
{ "dng_with_preview.dng", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "mandrill.wbmp", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "randPixels.bmp", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "yellow_rose.webp", 1, {}, {}, {}, 0, {} },
{ "webp-animated.webp", 3, { 0, 1 }, { kOpaque, kOpaque },
{ 1000, 500, 1000 }, SkCodec::kRepetitionCountInfinite,
{ kKeep, kKeep, kKeep } },
{ "blendBG.webp", 7, { 0, SkCodec::kNone, SkCodec::kNone, SkCodec::kNone,
4, 4 },
{ kOpaque, kOpaque, kUnpremul, kOpaque, kUnpremul, kUnpremul },
{ 525, 500, 525, 437, 609, 729, 444 }, 7,
{ kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep } },
{ "required.webp", 7,
{ 0, 1, 1, SkCodec::kNone, 4, 4 },
{ kOpaque, kUnpremul, kUnpremul, kOpaque, kOpaque, kOpaque },
{ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 },
{ kKeep, kRestoreBG, kKeep, kKeep, kKeep, kRestoreBG, kKeep } },
#undef kOpaque
#undef kUnpremul
#undef kBinary
#undef kKeep
#undef kRestorePrev
#undef kRestoreBG
for (const auto& rec : gRecs) {
sk_sp<SkData> data(GetResourceAsData(rec.fName));
if (!data) {
// Useful error statement, but sometimes people run tests without
// resources, and they do not want to see these messages.
//ERRORF(r, "Missing resources? Could not find '%s'", rec.fName);
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(data));
if (!codec) {
ERRORF(r, "Failed to create an SkCodec from '%s'", rec.fName);
SkCodec::FrameInfo frameInfo;
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !codec->getFrameInfo(0, &frameInfo));
const int repetitionCount = codec->getRepetitionCount();
if (repetitionCount != rec.fRepetitionCount) {
ERRORF(r, "%s repetition count does not match! expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, rec.fRepetitionCount, repetitionCount);
const int expected = rec.fFrameCount;
if (rec.fRequiredFrames.size() + 1 != static_cast<size_t>(expected)) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fRequiredFrames; expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected - 1, rec.fRequiredFrames.size());
if (expected > 1) {
if (rec.fDurations.size() != static_cast<size_t>(expected)) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fDurations; expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected, rec.fDurations.size());
if (rec.fAlphas.size() + 1 != static_cast<size_t>(expected)) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fAlphas; expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected - 1, rec.fAlphas.size());
if (rec.fDisposalMethods.size() != static_cast<size_t>(expected)) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' has wrong number entries in fDisposalMethods; "
"expected %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected, rec.fDisposalMethods.size());
enum class TestMode {
for (auto mode : { TestMode::kVector, TestMode::kIndividual }) {
// Re-create the codec to reset state and test parsing.
codec = SkCodec::MakeFromData(data);
int frameCount;
std::vector<SkCodec::FrameInfo> frameInfos;
switch (mode) {
case TestMode::kVector:
frameInfos = codec->getFrameInfo();
// getFrameInfo returns empty set for non-animated.
frameCount = frameInfos.empty() ? 1 : frameInfos.size();
case TestMode::kIndividual:
frameCount = codec->getFrameCount();
if (frameCount != expected) {
ERRORF(r, "'%s' expected frame count: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, expected, frameCount);
// From here on, we are only concerned with animated images.
if (1 == frameCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
SkCodec::FrameInfo frameInfo;
switch (mode) {
case TestMode::kVector:
frameInfo = frameInfos[i];
case TestMode::kIndividual:
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getFrameInfo(i, nullptr));
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getFrameInfo(i, &frameInfo));
if (rec.fDurations[i] != frameInfo.fDuration) {
ERRORF(r, "%s frame %i's durations do not match! expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, i, rec.fDurations[i], frameInfo.fDuration);
auto to_string = [](SkEncodedInfo::Alpha alpha) {
switch (alpha) {
case SkEncodedInfo::kUnpremul_Alpha:
return "unpremul";
case SkEncodedInfo::kOpaque_Alpha:
return "opaque";
case SkEncodedInfo::kBinary_Alpha:
return "binary";
return "unknown";
auto expectedAlpha = 0 == i ? codec->getEncodedInfo().alpha() : rec.fAlphas[i-1];
auto alpha = frameInfo.fAlpha;
if (expectedAlpha != alpha) {
ERRORF(r, "%s's frame %i has wrong alpha type! expected: %s\tactual: %s",
rec.fName, i, to_string(expectedAlpha), to_string(alpha));
if (0 == i) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, frameInfo.fRequiredFrame == SkCodec::kNone);
} else if (rec.fRequiredFrames[i-1] != frameInfo.fRequiredFrame) {
ERRORF(r, "%s's frame %i has wrong dependency! expected: %i\tactual: %i",
rec.fName, i, rec.fRequiredFrames[i-1], frameInfo.fRequiredFrame);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, frameInfo.fDisposalMethod == rec.fDisposalMethods[i]);
if (TestMode::kIndividual == mode) {
// No need to test decoding twice.
// Compare decoding in multiple ways:
// - Start from scratch for each frame. |codec| will have to decode the required frame
// (and any it depends on) to decode. This is stored in |cachedFrames|.
// - Provide the frame that a frame depends on, so |codec| just has to blend.
// - Provide a frame after the required frame, which will be covered up by the newest
// frame.
// All should look the same.
std::vector<SkBitmap> cachedFrames(frameCount);
const auto info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
auto decode = [&](SkBitmap* bm, int index, int cachedIndex) {
auto decodeInfo = info;
if (index > 0) {
auto alphaType = frameInfos[index].fAlpha == SkEncodedInfo::kOpaque_Alpha
? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType;
decodeInfo = info.makeAlphaType(alphaType);
if (cachedIndex != SkCodec::kNone) {
// First copy the pixels from the cached frame
const bool success = sk_tool_utils::copy_to(bm, kN32_SkColorType,
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, success);
SkCodec::Options opts;
opts.fFrameIndex = index;
opts.fPriorFrame = cachedIndex;
const auto result = codec->getPixels(decodeInfo, bm->getPixels(), bm->rowBytes(),
if (cachedIndex != SkCodec::kNone && restore_previous(frameInfos[cachedIndex])) {
if (result == SkCodec::kInvalidParameters) {
return true;
ERRORF(r, "Using a kRestorePrevious frame as fPriorFrame should fail");
return false;
if (result != SkCodec::kSuccess) {
ERRORF(r, "Failed to decode frame %i from %s when providing prior frame %i, "
"error %i", index, rec.fName, cachedIndex, result);
return result == SkCodec::kSuccess;
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
SkBitmap& cachedFrame = cachedFrames[i];
if (!decode(&cachedFrame, i, SkCodec::kNone)) {
const auto reqFrame = frameInfos[i].fRequiredFrame;
if (reqFrame == SkCodec::kNone) {
// Nothing to compare against.
for (int j = reqFrame; j < i; j++) {
SkBitmap frame;
if (restore_previous(frameInfos[j])) {
(void) decode(&frame, i, j);
if (!decode(&frame, i, j)) {
// Now verify they're equal.
const size_t rowLen = info.bytesPerPixel() * info.width();
for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
const void* cachedAddr = cachedFrame.getAddr(0, y);
SkASSERT(cachedAddr != nullptr);
const void* addr = frame.getAddr(0, y);
SkASSERT(addr != nullptr);
const bool lineMatches = memcmp(cachedAddr, addr, rowLen) == 0;
if (!lineMatches) {
SkString name = SkStringPrintf("cached_%i", i);
write_bm(name.c_str(), cachedFrame);
name = SkStringPrintf("frame_%i", i);
write_bm(name.c_str(), frame);
ERRORF(r, "%s's frame %i is different (starting from line %i) when "
"providing prior frame %i!", rec.fName, i, y, j);