csmartdalton 0d28e574ac Fix caching of sample locations
The original caching logic for sample locations wishfully assumed that
the GPU would always use the same sample pattern for render targets
that had the same number of samples. It turns out we can't rely on
that. This change improves the caching logic to handle mismatched
simple patterns with the same count, and adds a unit test that
emulates different sample patterns observed on real hardware.


2016-07-06 09:59:43 -07:00

194 lines
6.7 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "SkPoint.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include <vector>
#include "GrRenderTargetPriv.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGpu.h"
#include "gl/debug/DebugGLTestContext.h"
typedef std::vector<SkPoint> SamplePattern;
static const SamplePattern kTestPatterns[] = {
SamplePattern{ // Intel on mac, msaa8, offscreen.
{0.562500, 0.312500},
{0.437500, 0.687500},
{0.812500, 0.562500},
{0.312500, 0.187500},
{0.187500, 0.812500},
{0.062500, 0.437500},
{0.687500, 0.937500},
{0.937500, 0.062500}
SamplePattern{ // Intel on mac, msaa8, on-screen.
{0.562500, 0.687500},
{0.437500, 0.312500},
{0.812500, 0.437500},
{0.312500, 0.812500},
{0.187500, 0.187500},
{0.062500, 0.562500},
{0.687500, 0.062500},
{0.937500, 0.937500}
SamplePattern{ // NVIDIA, msaa16.
{0.062500, 0.000000},
{0.250000, 0.125000},
{0.187500, 0.375000},
{0.437500, 0.312500},
{0.500000, 0.062500},
{0.687500, 0.187500},
{0.750000, 0.437500},
{0.937500, 0.250000},
{0.000000, 0.500000},
{0.312500, 0.625000},
{0.125000, 0.750000},
{0.375000, 0.875000},
{0.562500, 0.562500},
{0.812500, 0.687500},
{0.625000, 0.812500},
{0.875000, 0.937500}
SamplePattern{ // NVIDIA, mixed samples, 16:1.
{0.250000, 0.125000},
{0.625000, 0.812500},
{0.500000, 0.062500},
{0.812500, 0.687500},
{0.187500, 0.375000},
{0.875000, 0.937500},
{0.125000, 0.750000},
{0.750000, 0.437500},
{0.937500, 0.250000},
{0.312500, 0.625000},
{0.437500, 0.312500},
{0.000000, 0.500000},
{0.375000, 0.875000},
{0.687500, 0.187500},
{0.062500, 0.000000},
{0.562500, 0.562500}
constexpr int numTestPatterns = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kTestPatterns);
class TestSampleLocationsInterface : public SkNoncopyable {
virtual void overrideSamplePattern(const SamplePattern&) = 0;
virtual ~TestSampleLocationsInterface() {}
GrRenderTarget* SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT create_render_target(GrContext* ctx, GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
int numSamples) {
GrSurfaceDesc desc;
desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
desc.fOrigin = origin;
desc.fWidth = 100;
desc.fHeight = 100;
desc.fConfig = kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
desc.fSampleCnt = numSamples;
return ctx->textureProvider()->createTexture(desc, SkBudgeted::kNo, 0, 0)->asRenderTarget();
void assert_equal(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SamplePattern& pattern,
const GrGpu::MultisampleSpecs& specs, bool flipY) {
if ((int)pattern.size() != specs.fEffectiveSampleCnt) {
REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(reporter, false, "Sample pattern has wrong number of samples.");
for (int i = 0; i < specs.fEffectiveSampleCnt; ++i) {
SkPoint expectedLocation = specs.fSampleLocations[i];
if (flipY) {
expectedLocation.fY = 1 - expectedLocation.fY;
if (pattern[i] != expectedLocation) {
REPORTER_ASSERT_MESSAGE(reporter, false, "Sample pattern has wrong sample location.");
void test_sampleLocations(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, TestSampleLocationsInterface* testInterface,
GrContext* ctx) {
SkRandom rand;
SkAutoTUnref<GrRenderTarget> bottomUps[numTestPatterns];
SkAutoTUnref<GrRenderTarget> topDowns[numTestPatterns];
for (int i = 0; i < numTestPatterns; ++i) {
int numSamples = (int)kTestPatterns[i].size();
GrAlwaysAssert(numSamples > 1 && SkIsPow2(numSamples));
bottomUps[i].reset(create_render_target(ctx, kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
rand.nextRangeU(1 + numSamples / 2, numSamples)));
topDowns[i].reset(create_render_target(ctx, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
rand.nextRangeU(1 + numSamples / 2, numSamples)));
// Ensure all sample locations get queried and/or cached properly.
GrStencilSettings dummyStencil;
for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 2; ++repeat) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTestPatterns; ++i) {
assert_equal(reporter, kTestPatterns[i],
topDowns[i]->renderTargetPriv().getMultisampleSpecs(dummyStencil), false);
assert_equal(reporter, kTestPatterns[i],
bottomUps[i]->renderTargetPriv().getMultisampleSpecs(dummyStencil), true);
class GLTestSampleLocationsInterface : public TestSampleLocationsInterface, public GrGLInterface {
GLTestSampleLocationsInterface() : fTestContext(sk_gpu_test::CreateDebugGLTestContext()) {
fStandard = fTestContext->gl()->fStandard;
fExtensions = fTestContext->gl()->fExtensions;
fFunctions = fTestContext->gl()->fFunctions;
fFunctions.fGetIntegerv = [&](GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params) {
if (GR_GL_SAMPLES == pname) {
*params = (int)fSamplePattern.size();
} else {
fTestContext->gl()->fFunctions.fGetIntegerv(pname, params);
fFunctions.fGetMultisamplefv = [&](GrGLenum pname, GrGLuint index, GrGLfloat* val) {
GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_SAMPLE_POSITION == pname);
val[0] = fSamplePattern[index].fX;
val[1] = fSamplePattern[index].fY;
operator GrBackendContext() {
return reinterpret_cast<GrBackendContext>(static_cast<GrGLInterface*>(this));
void overrideSamplePattern(const SamplePattern& newPattern) override {
fSamplePattern = newPattern;
SkAutoTDelete<sk_gpu_test::GLTestContext> fTestContext;
SamplePattern fSamplePattern;
DEF_GPUTEST(GLSampleLocations, reporter, /*factory*/) {
GLTestSampleLocationsInterface testInterface;
SkAutoTUnref<GrContext> ctx(GrContext::Create(kOpenGL_GrBackend, testInterface));
test_sampleLocations(reporter, &testInterface, ctx);