skia2/bench/InterpBench.cpp 19069a2822 fix warnings on Mac in bench
Fix these class of warnings:
- unused functions
- unused locals
- sign mismatch
- missing function prototypes
- missing newline at end of file
- 64 to 32 bit truncation

The changes prefer to link in dead code in the debug build
with 'if (false)' than to comment it out, but trivial cases
are commented out or sometimes deleted if it appears to be
a copy/paste error.
Review URL:

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2012-06-06 12:11:45 +00:00

167 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "SkBenchmark.h"
#include "SkColorPriv.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkRandom.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkPaint.h"
#define TILE(x, width) (((x) & 0xFFFF) * width >> 16)
class InterpBench : public SkBenchmark {
enum {
kBuffer = 128,
kLoop = 20000
SkString fName;
int16_t fDst[kBuffer];
float fFx, fDx;
InterpBench(void* param, const char name[]) : INHERITED(param) {
fName.printf("interp_%s", name);
fFx = 3.3f;
fDx = 0.1257f;
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float x, float dx, int count) = 0;
virtual int mulLoopCount() const { return 1; }
virtual const char* onGetName() {
return fName.c_str();
virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
int n = SkBENCHLOOP(kLoop * this->mulLoopCount());
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this->performTest(fDst, fFx, fDx, kBuffer);
typedef SkBenchmark INHERITED;
class Fixed16D16Interp : public InterpBench {
Fixed16D16Interp(void* param) : INHERITED(param, "16.16") {}
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float fx, float dx, int count) SK_OVERRIDE {
SkFixed curr = SkFloatToFixed(fx);
SkFixed step = SkFloatToFixed(dx);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
dst[i + 0] = TILE(curr, count); curr += step;
dst[i + 1] = TILE(curr, count); curr += step;
dst[i + 2] = TILE(curr, count); curr += step;
dst[i + 3] = TILE(curr, count); curr += step;
typedef InterpBench INHERITED;
class Fixed32D32Interp : public InterpBench {
Fixed32D32Interp(void* param) : INHERITED(param, "32.32") {}
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float fx, float dx, int count) SK_OVERRIDE {
int64_t curr = (int64_t)(fx * 65536 * 655536);
int64_t step = (int64_t)(dx * 65536 * 655536);
SkFixed tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
tmp = (SkFixed)(curr >> 16);
dst[i + 0] = TILE(tmp, count);
curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed)(curr >> 16);
dst[i + 1] = TILE(tmp, count);
curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed)(curr >> 16);
dst[i + 2] = TILE(tmp, count);
curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed)(curr >> 16);
dst[i + 3] = TILE(tmp, count);
curr += step;
typedef InterpBench INHERITED;
class Fixed16D48Interp : public InterpBench {
Fixed16D48Interp(void* param) : INHERITED(param, "16.48") {}
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float fx, float dx, int count) SK_OVERRIDE {
int64_t curr = (int64_t)(fx * 65536 * 655536 * 65536);
int64_t step = (int64_t)(dx * 65536 * 655536 * 65536);
SkFixed tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
tmp = (SkFixed) (curr >> 32); dst[i + 0] = TILE(tmp, count); curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed) (curr >> 32); dst[i + 1] = TILE(tmp, count); curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed) (curr >> 32); dst[i + 2] = TILE(tmp, count); curr += step;
tmp = (SkFixed) (curr >> 32); dst[i + 3] = TILE(tmp, count); curr += step;
typedef InterpBench INHERITED;
class FloatInterp : public InterpBench {
FloatInterp(void* param) : INHERITED(param, "float") {}
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float fx, float dx, int count) SK_OVERRIDE {
SkFixed tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
tmp = SkFloatToFixed(fx); dst[i + 0] = TILE(tmp, count); fx += dx;
tmp = SkFloatToFixed(fx); dst[i + 1] = TILE(tmp, count); fx += dx;
tmp = SkFloatToFixed(fx); dst[i + 2] = TILE(tmp, count); fx += dx;
tmp = SkFloatToFixed(fx); dst[i + 3] = TILE(tmp, count); fx += dx;
typedef InterpBench INHERITED;
class DoubleInterp : public InterpBench {
DoubleInterp(void* param) : INHERITED(param, "double") {}
virtual void performTest(int16_t dst[], float fx, float dx, int count) SK_OVERRIDE {
double ffx = fx;
double ddx = dx;
SkFixed tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
tmp = SkDoubleToFixed(ffx); dst[i + 0] = TILE(tmp, count); ffx += ddx;
tmp = SkDoubleToFixed(ffx); dst[i + 1] = TILE(tmp, count); ffx += ddx;
tmp = SkDoubleToFixed(ffx); dst[i + 2] = TILE(tmp, count); ffx += ddx;
tmp = SkDoubleToFixed(ffx); dst[i + 3] = TILE(tmp, count); ffx += ddx;
typedef InterpBench INHERITED;
static SkBenchmark* M0(void* p) { return new Fixed16D16Interp(p); }
static SkBenchmark* M1(void* p) { return new Fixed32D32Interp(p); }
static SkBenchmark* M2(void* p) { return new Fixed16D48Interp(p); }
static SkBenchmark* M3(void* p) { return new FloatInterp(p); }
static SkBenchmark* M4(void* p) { return new DoubleInterp(p); }
static BenchRegistry gReg0(M0);
static BenchRegistry gReg1(M1);
static BenchRegistry gReg2(M2);
static BenchRegistry gReg3(M3);
static BenchRegistry gReg4(M4);