bungeman f3c15b7cfc Move SkTemplates.h to private.
SkTemplates.h contains a number of Skia specific utilities which are
not designed for external use. In addition to reducing the external
support burden, this will allow Skia to freely refactor this file.

Review URL:
2015-08-19 11:56:48 -07:00

284 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkCodec_DEFINED
#define SkCodec_DEFINED
#include "../private/SkTemplates.h"
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkEncodedFormat.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkSize.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkData;
* Abstraction layer directly on top of an image codec.
class SkCodec : SkNoncopyable {
* If this stream represents an encoded image that we know how to decode,
* return an SkCodec that can decode it. Otherwise return NULL.
* If NULL is returned, the stream is deleted immediately. Otherwise, the
* SkCodec takes ownership of it, and will delete it when done with it.
static SkCodec* NewFromStream(SkStream*);
* If this data represents an encoded image that we know how to decode,
* return an SkCodec that can decode it. Otherwise return NULL.
* Will take a ref if it returns a codec, else will not affect the data.
static SkCodec* NewFromData(SkData*);
virtual ~SkCodec();
* Return the ImageInfo associated with this codec.
const SkImageInfo& getInfo() const { return fInfo; }
* Return a size that approximately supports the desired scale factor.
* The codec may not be able to scale efficiently to the exact scale
* factor requested, so return a size that approximates that scale.
* The returned value is the codec's suggestion for the closest valid
* scale that it can natively support
SkISize getScaledDimensions(float desiredScale) const {
// Negative and zero scales are errors.
SkASSERT(desiredScale > 0.0f);
if (desiredScale <= 0.0f) {
return SkISize::Make(0, 0);
// Upscaling is not supported. Return the original size if the client
// requests an upscale.
if (desiredScale >= 1.0f) {
return this->getInfo().dimensions();
return this->onGetScaledDimensions(desiredScale);
* Return (via desiredSubset) a subset which can decoded from this codec,
* or false if this codec cannot decode subsets or anything similar to
* desiredSubset.
* @param desiredSubset In/out parameter. As input, a desired subset of
* the original bounds (as specified by getInfo). If true is returned,
* desiredSubset may have been modified to a subset which is
* supported. Although a particular change may have been made to
* desiredSubset to create something supported, it is possible other
* changes could result in a valid subset.
* If false is returned, desiredSubset's value is undefined.
* @return true if this codec supports decoding desiredSubset (as
* returned, potentially modified)
bool getValidSubset(SkIRect* desiredSubset) const {
return this->onGetValidSubset(desiredSubset);
* Format of the encoded data.
SkEncodedFormat getEncodedFormat() const { return this->onGetEncodedFormat(); }
* Used to describe the result of a call to getPixels().
* Result is the union of possible results from subclasses.
enum Result {
* General return value for success.
* The input is incomplete. A partial image was generated.
* The generator cannot convert to match the request, ignoring
* dimensions.
* The generator cannot scale to requested size.
* Parameters (besides info) are invalid. e.g. NULL pixels, rowBytes
* too small, etc.
* The input did not contain a valid image.
* Fulfilling this request requires rewinding the input, which is not
* supported for this input.
* This method is not implemented by this generator.
* Whether or not the memory passed to getPixels is zero initialized.
enum ZeroInitialized {
* The memory passed to getPixels is zero initialized. The SkCodec
* may take advantage of this by skipping writing zeroes.
* The memory passed to getPixels has not been initialized to zero,
* so the SkCodec must write all zeroes to memory.
* This is the default. It will be used if no Options struct is used.
* Additional options to pass to getPixels.
struct Options {
: fZeroInitialized(kNo_ZeroInitialized)
, fSubset(NULL)
ZeroInitialized fZeroInitialized;
* If not NULL, represents a subset of the original image to decode.
* Must be within the bounds returned by getInfo().
* If the EncodedFormat is kWEBP_SkEncodedFormat (the only one which
* currently supports subsets), the top and left values must be even.
SkIRect* fSubset;
* Decode into the given pixels, a block of memory of size at
* least (info.fHeight - 1) * rowBytes + (info.fWidth *
* bytesPerPixel)
* Repeated calls to this function should give the same results,
* allowing the PixelRef to be immutable.
* @param info A description of the format (config, size)
* expected by the caller. This can simply be identical
* to the info returned by getInfo().
* This contract also allows the caller to specify
* different output-configs, which the implementation can
* decide to support or not.
* A size that does not match getInfo() implies a request
* to scale. If the generator cannot perform this scale,
* it will return kInvalidScale.
* If info is kIndex8_SkColorType, then the caller must provide storage for up to 256
* SkPMColor values in ctable. On success the generator must copy N colors into that storage,
* (where N is the logical number of table entries) and set ctableCount to N.
* If info is not kIndex8_SkColorType, then the last two parameters may be NULL. If ctableCount
* is not null, it will be set to 0.
* @return Result kSuccess, or another value explaining the type of failure.
Result getPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, const Options*,
SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount);
* Simplified version of getPixels() that asserts that info is NOT kIndex8_SkColorType and
* uses the default Options.
Result getPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes);
* Some images may initially report that they have alpha due to the format
* of the encoded data, but then never use any colors which have alpha
* less than 100%. This function can be called *after* decoding to
* determine if such an image truly had alpha. Calling it before decoding
* is undefined.
* FIXME: see
bool reallyHasAlpha() const {
return this->onReallyHasAlpha();
SkCodec(const SkImageInfo&, SkStream*);
virtual SkISize onGetScaledDimensions(float /* desiredScale */) const {
// By default, scaling is not supported.
return this->getInfo().dimensions();
virtual SkEncodedFormat onGetEncodedFormat() const = 0;
virtual Result onGetPixels(const SkImageInfo& info,
void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, const Options&,
SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount) = 0;
virtual bool onGetValidSubset(SkIRect* /* desiredSubset */) const {
// By default, subsets are not supported.
return false;
virtual bool onReallyHasAlpha() const { return false; }
* If the stream was previously read, attempt to rewind.
* If the stream needed to be rewound, call onRewind.
* @returns true if the codec is at the right position and can be used.
* false if there was a failure to rewind.
* Subclasses MUST call this function before reading the stream (e.g. in
* onGetPixels). If it returns false, onGetPixels should return
* kCouldNotRewind.
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT rewindIfNeeded();
* Called by rewindIfNeeded, if the stream needed to be rewound.
* Subclasses should do any set up needed after a rewind.
virtual bool onRewind() {
return true;
* Get method for the input stream
SkStream* stream() {
return fStream.get();
const SkImageInfo fInfo;
SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> fStream;
bool fNeedsRewind;
#endif // SkCodec_DEFINED