Brian Osman ee6aa80e88 New zero length path GM
I replaced the previous once, because I think this covers
everything it was testing, and lots more. It renders many
combinations of parameters, and automatically detects if
the results are correct or not. Each test is color coded,
and the overall image is tinted with gold's red/green to
make triaging easy.

Adds four new top-level GMs (single and double contour,
with and without AA). Each one tests several more params:
- Cap type
- Stroke width
- Path structure (M vs ML vs MZ vs MLZ)
- Different verbs (L vs Q vs C vs A)

Bug: skia:6781
Change-Id: Ie81b4417101fea0b439cb094a65257dc06b6b5c0
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
2017-07-13 17:17:02 +00:00

250 lines
8.2 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
#include "SkColorPriv.h"
#include "SkImage.h"
#include "SkParsePath.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "gm.h"
// GM to test combinations of stroking zero length paths with different caps and other settings
// Variables:
// * Antialiasing: On, Off
// * Caps: Butt, Round, Square
// * Stroke width: 0, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 15, 25
// * Path form: M, ML, MLZ, MZ
// * Path contours: 1 or 2
// * Path verbs: Line, Quad, Cubic, Conic
// Each test is drawn to a 50x20 offscreen surface, and expected to produce some number (0 - 2) of
// visible pieces of cap geometry. These are counted by scanning horizontally for peaks (blobs).
static bool draw_path_cell(SkCanvas* canvas, SkImage* img, int expectedCaps) {
// Draw the image
canvas->drawImage(img, 0, 0);
int w = img->width(), h = img->height();
// Read the pixels back
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(w, h);
SkAutoPixmapStorage pmap;
SkAssertResult(img->readPixels(pmap, 0, 0));
// To account for rasterization differences, we scan the middle two rows [y, y+1] of the image
SkASSERT(h % 2 == 0);
int y = (h - 1) / 2;
bool inBlob = false;
int numBlobs = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
// We drew white-on-black. We can look for any non-zero value. Just check red.
// And we care if either row is non-zero, so just add them to simplify everything.
uint32_t v = SkGetPackedR32(*pmap.addr32(x, y)) + SkGetPackedR32(*pmap.addr32(x, y + 1));
if (!inBlob && v) {
inBlob = SkToBool(v);
SkPaint outline;
if (numBlobs == expectedCaps) {
outline.setColor(0xFF007F00); // Green
} else if (numBlobs > expectedCaps) {
outline.setColor(0xFF7F7F00); // Yellow -- more geometry than expected
} else {
outline.setColor(0xFF7F0000); // Red -- missing some geometry
canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h), outline);
return numBlobs == expectedCaps;
static const SkPaint::Cap kCaps[] = {
static const SkScalar kWidths[] = { 0.0f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.1f, 15.0f, 25.0f };
// Full set of path structures for single contour case (each primitive with and without a close)
static const char* kAllVerbs[] = {
"z ",
"l 0 0 ",
"l 0 0 z ",
"q 0 0 0 0 ",
"q 0 0 0 0 z ",
"c 0 0 0 0 0 0 ",
"c 0 0 0 0 0 0 z ",
"a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ",
"a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z "
// Reduced set of path structures for double contour case, to keep total number of cases down
static const char* kSomeVerbs[] = {
"z ",
"l 0 0 ",
"l 0 0 z ",
"q 0 0 0 0 ",
"q 0 0 0 0 z ",
static const int kCellWidth = 50;
static const int kCellHeight = 20;
static const int kCellPad = 2;
static const int kNumRows = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kCaps) * SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kWidths);
static const int kNumColumns = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAllVerbs);
static const int kTotalWidth = kNumColumns * (kCellWidth + kCellPad) + kCellPad;
static const int kTotalHeight = kNumRows * (kCellHeight + kCellPad) + kCellPad;
static const int kDblContourNumColums = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kSomeVerbs) * SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kSomeVerbs);
static const int kDblContourTotalWidth = kDblContourNumColums * (kCellWidth + kCellPad) + kCellPad;
// 50% transparent versions of the colors used for positive/negative triage icons on
static const SkColor kFailureRed = 0x7FE7298A;
static const SkColor kSuccessGreen = 0x7F1B9E77;
static void draw_zero_length_capped_paths(SkCanvas* canvas, bool aa) {
canvas->translate(kCellPad, kCellPad);
SkImageInfo info = canvas->imageInfo().makeWH(kCellWidth, kCellHeight);
auto surface = canvas->makeSurface(info);
if (!surface) {
surface = SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(kCellWidth, kCellHeight);
SkPaint paint;
int numFailedTests = 0;
for (auto cap : kCaps) {
for (auto width : kWidths) {
for (auto verb : kAllVerbs) {
SkString pathStr;
pathStr.appendf("M %f %f ", (kCellWidth - 1) * 0.5f, (kCellHeight - 1) * 0.5f);
if (verb) {
SkPath path;
SkParsePath::FromSVGString(pathStr.c_str(), &path);
surface->getCanvas()->drawPath(path, paint);
auto img = surface->makeImageSnapshot();
// All cases should draw one cap, except for butt capped, and dangling moves
// (without a verb or close), which shouldn't draw anything.
int expectedCaps = ((SkPaint::kButt_Cap == cap) || !verb) ? 0 : 1;
if (!draw_path_cell(canvas, img.get(), expectedCaps)) {
canvas->translate(kCellWidth + kCellPad, 0);
canvas->translate(0, kCellHeight + kCellPad);
canvas->drawColor(numFailedTests > 0 ? kFailureRed : kSuccessGreen);
DEF_SIMPLE_GM_BG(zero_length_paths_aa, canvas, kTotalWidth, kTotalHeight, SK_ColorBLACK) {
draw_zero_length_capped_paths(canvas, true);
DEF_SIMPLE_GM_BG(zero_length_paths_bw, canvas, kTotalWidth, kTotalHeight, SK_ColorBLACK) {
draw_zero_length_capped_paths(canvas, false);
static void draw_zero_length_capped_paths_dbl_contour(SkCanvas* canvas, bool aa) {
canvas->translate(kCellPad, kCellPad);
SkImageInfo info = canvas->imageInfo().makeWH(kCellWidth, kCellHeight);
auto surface = canvas->makeSurface(info);
if (!surface) {
surface = SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(kCellWidth, kCellHeight);
SkPaint paint;
int numFailedTests = 0;
for (auto cap : kCaps) {
for (auto width : kWidths) {
for (auto firstVerb : kSomeVerbs) {
for (auto secondVerb : kSomeVerbs) {
int expectedCaps = 0;
SkString pathStr;
pathStr.append("M 9.5 9.5 ");
if (firstVerb) {
pathStr.append("M 40.5 9.5 ");
if (secondVerb) {
SkPath path;
SkParsePath::FromSVGString(pathStr.c_str(), &path);
surface->getCanvas()->drawPath(path, paint);
auto img = surface->makeImageSnapshot();
if (SkPaint::kButt_Cap == cap) {
expectedCaps = 0;
if (!draw_path_cell(canvas, img.get(), expectedCaps)) {
canvas->translate(kCellWidth + kCellPad, 0);
canvas->translate(0, kCellHeight + kCellPad);
canvas->drawColor(numFailedTests > 0 ? kFailureRed : kSuccessGreen);
DEF_SIMPLE_GM_BG(zero_length_paths_dbl_aa, canvas, kDblContourTotalWidth, kTotalHeight,
SK_ColorBLACK) {
draw_zero_length_capped_paths_dbl_contour(canvas, true);
DEF_SIMPLE_GM_BG(zero_length_paths_dbl_bw, canvas, kDblContourTotalWidth, kTotalHeight,
SK_ColorBLACK) {
draw_zero_length_capped_paths_dbl_contour(canvas, false);