Brian Osman 8c3d183cc2 Rename SkSL 'srgb_unpremul' to just 'color'
Added comments to explain the semantics (both what's expected when you
set the uniform, and what you see in the shader). The old name was
confusing, because it sounded like you got an sRGB color in the shader.
This is terse, but I think it's the cleanest syntax - and for embedding
clients, they can use C++ (etc.) API to require that color uniforms are
assigned from color types.

Bug: skia:10479
Change-Id: If00ea754060494aaa83001a5b357687953de8a5f
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Sollenberger <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
2021-12-07 17:56:27 +00:00

792 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gm/gm.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkRRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
#include "include/effects/SkImageFilters.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "include/utils/SkRandom.h"
#include "tools/Resources.h"
enum RT_Flags {
kAnimate_RTFlag = 0x1,
kBench_RTFlag = 0x2,
kColorFilter_RTFlag = 0x4,
class RuntimeShaderGM : public skiagm::GM {
RuntimeShaderGM(const char* name, SkISize size, const char* sksl, uint32_t flags = 0)
: fName(name), fSize(size), fFlags(flags), fSkSL(sksl) {}
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
auto [effect, error] = (fFlags & kColorFilter_RTFlag)
? SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForColorFilter(fSkSL)
: SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(fSkSL);
if (!effect) {
SkDebugf("RuntimeShader error: %s\n", error.c_str());
fEffect = std::move(effect);
bool runAsBench() const override { return SkToBool(fFlags & kBench_RTFlag); }
SkString onShortName() override { return fName; }
SkISize onISize() override { return fSize; }
bool onAnimate(double nanos) override {
fSecs = nanos / (1000 * 1000 * 1000);
return SkToBool(fFlags & kAnimate_RTFlag);
SkString fName;
SkISize fSize;
uint32_t fFlags;
float fSecs = 0.0f;
SkString fSkSL;
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> fEffect;
class SimpleRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
SimpleRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("runtime_shader", {512, 256}, R"(
uniform half4 gColor;
half4 main(float2 p) {
return half4(p*(1.0/255), gColor.b, 1);
)", kBench_RTFlag) {}
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
SkMatrix localM;
localM.setRotate(90, 128, 128);
builder.uniform("gColor") = SkColor4f{1, 0, 0, 1};
SkPaint p;
p.setShader(builder.makeShader(&localM, true));
canvas->drawRect({0, 0, 256, 256}, p);
DEF_GM(return new SimpleRT;)
static sk_sp<SkShader> make_shader(sk_sp<SkImage> img, SkISize size) {
SkMatrix scale = SkMatrix::Scale(size.width() / (float)img->width(),
size.height() / (float)img->height());
return img->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(), scale);
static sk_sp<SkShader> make_threshold(SkISize size) {
auto info = SkImageInfo::Make(size.width(), size.height(), kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
auto surf = SkSurface::MakeRaster(info);
auto canvas = surf->getCanvas();
const SkScalar rad = 50;
SkColor colors[] = {SK_ColorBLACK, 0};
SkPaint paint;
paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeRadial({0,0}, rad, colors, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp));
SkPaint layerPaint;
const SkScalar sigma = 16.0f;
layerPaint.setImageFilter(SkImageFilters::Blur(sigma, sigma, nullptr));
canvas->saveLayer(nullptr, &layerPaint);
SkRandom rand;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
SkScalar x = rand.nextF() * size.width();
SkScalar y = rand.nextF() * size.height();
canvas->translate(x, y);
canvas->drawCircle(0, 0, rad, paint);
canvas->restore(); // apply the blur
return surf->makeImageSnapshot()->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions());
class ThresholdRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
ThresholdRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("threshold_rt", {256, 256}, R"(
uniform shader before_map;
uniform shader after_map;
uniform shader threshold_map;
uniform float cutoff;
uniform float slope;
float smooth_cutoff(float x) {
x = x * slope + (0.5 - slope * cutoff);
return clamp(x, 0, 1);
half4 main(float2 xy) {
half4 before = before_map.eval(xy);
half4 after = after_map.eval(xy);
float m = smooth_cutoff(threshold_map.eval(xy).a);
return mix(before, after, m);
)", kAnimate_RTFlag | kBench_RTFlag) {}
sk_sp<SkShader> fBefore, fAfter, fThreshold;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
const SkISize size = {256, 256};
fThreshold = make_threshold(size);
fBefore = make_shader(GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png"), size);
fAfter = make_shader(GetResourceAsImage("images/dog.jpg"), size);
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
builder.uniform("cutoff") = sin(fSecs) * 0.55f + 0.5f;
builder.uniform("slope") = 10.0f;
builder.child("before_map") = fBefore;
builder.child("after_map") = fAfter;
builder.child("threshold_map") = fThreshold;
SkPaint paint;
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, true));
canvas->drawRect({0, 0, 256, 256}, paint);
auto draw = [&](SkScalar x, SkScalar y, sk_sp<SkShader> shader) {
canvas->translate(x, y);
canvas->drawRect({0, 0, 256, 256}, paint);
draw(256, 0, fThreshold);
draw( 0, 256, fBefore);
draw(256, 256, fAfter);
DEF_GM(return new ThresholdRT;)
class SpiralRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
SpiralRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("spiral_rt", {512, 512}, R"(
uniform float rad_scale;
uniform float2 in_center;
layout(color) uniform float4 in_colors0;
layout(color) uniform float4 in_colors1;
half4 main(float2 p) {
float2 pp = p - in_center;
float radius = length(pp);
radius = sqrt(radius);
float angle = atan(pp.y / pp.x);
float t = (angle + 3.1415926/2) / (3.1415926);
t += radius * rad_scale;
t = fract(t);
return in_colors0 * (1-t) + in_colors1 * t;
)", kAnimate_RTFlag | kBench_RTFlag) {}
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
builder.uniform("rad_scale") = std::sin(fSecs * 0.5f + 2.0f) / 5;
builder.uniform("in_center") = SkV2{256, 256};
builder.uniform("in_colors0") = SkColors::kRed;
builder.uniform("in_colors1") = SkColors::kGreen;
SkPaint paint;
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, true));
canvas->drawRect({0, 0, 512, 512}, paint);
DEF_GM(return new SpiralRT;)
// Test case for sampling with both unmodified input coordinates, and explicit coordinates.
// The first version of suffered a bug where all samples of a child were treated
// as pass-through if *at least one* used the unmodified coordinates. This was detected & tracked
// in b/181092919. This GM is similar, and demonstrates the bug before the fix was applied.
class UnsharpRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
UnsharpRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("unsharp_rt", {512, 256}, R"(
uniform shader child;
half4 main(float2 xy) {
half4 c = child.eval(xy) * 5;
c -= child.eval(xy + float2( 1, 0));
c -= child.eval(xy + float2(-1, 0));
c -= child.eval(xy + float2( 0, 1));
c -= child.eval(xy + float2( 0, -1));
return c;
)") {}
sk_sp<SkImage> fMandrill;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
fMandrill = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png");
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
// First we draw the unmodified image
canvas->drawImage(fMandrill, 0, 0);
// Now draw the image with our unsharp mask applied
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
const SkSamplingOptions sampling(SkFilterMode::kNearest);
builder.child("child") = fMandrill->makeShader(sampling);
SkPaint paint;
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, true));
canvas->translate(256, 0);
canvas->drawRect({ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, paint);
DEF_GM(return new UnsharpRT;)
class ColorCubeRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
ColorCubeRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("color_cube_rt", {512, 512}, R"(
uniform shader child;
uniform shader color_cube;
uniform float rg_scale;
uniform float rg_bias;
uniform float b_scale;
uniform float inv_size;
half4 main(float2 xy) {
float4 c = unpremul(child.eval(xy));
// Map to cube coords:
float3 cubeCoords = float3(c.rg * rg_scale + rg_bias, c.b * b_scale);
// Compute slice coordinate
float2 coords1 = float2((floor(cubeCoords.b) + cubeCoords.r) * inv_size, cubeCoords.g);
float2 coords2 = float2(( ceil(cubeCoords.b) + cubeCoords.r) * inv_size, cubeCoords.g);
// Two bilinear fetches, plus a manual lerp for the third axis:
half4 color = mix(color_cube.eval(coords1), color_cube.eval(coords2),
// Premul again
color.rgb *= color.a;
return color;
)") {}
sk_sp<SkImage> fMandrill, fMandrillSepia, fIdentityCube, fSepiaCube;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
fMandrill = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png");
fMandrillSepia = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_sepia.png");
fIdentityCube = GetResourceAsImage("images/lut_identity.png");
fSepiaCube = GetResourceAsImage("images/lut_sepia.png");
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
// First we draw the unmodified image, and a copy that was sepia-toned in Photoshop:
canvas->drawImage(fMandrill, 0, 0);
canvas->drawImage(fMandrillSepia, 0, 256);
// LUT dimensions should be (kSize^2, kSize)
constexpr float kSize = 16.0f;
const SkSamplingOptions sampling(SkFilterMode::kLinear);
builder.uniform("rg_scale") = (kSize - 1) / kSize;
builder.uniform("rg_bias") = 0.5f / kSize;
builder.uniform("b_scale") = kSize - 1;
builder.uniform("inv_size") = 1.0f / kSize;
builder.child("child") = fMandrill->makeShader(sampling);
SkPaint paint;
// TODO: Should we add SkImage::makeNormalizedShader() to handle this automatically?
SkMatrix normalize = SkMatrix::Scale(1.0f / (kSize * kSize), 1.0f / kSize);
// Now draw the image with an identity color cube - it should look like the original
builder.child("color_cube") = fIdentityCube->makeShader(sampling, normalize);
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, true));
canvas->translate(256, 0);
canvas->drawRect({ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, paint);
// ... and with a sepia-tone color cube. This should match the sepia-toned image.
builder.child("color_cube") = fSepiaCube->makeShader(sampling, normalize);
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, true));
canvas->translate(0, 256);
canvas->drawRect({ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, paint);
DEF_GM(return new ColorCubeRT;)
// Same as above, but demonstrating how to implement this as a runtime color filter (that samples
// a shader child for the LUT).
class ColorCubeColorFilterRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
ColorCubeColorFilterRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("color_cube_cf_rt", {512, 512}, R"(
uniform shader color_cube;
uniform float rg_scale;
uniform float rg_bias;
uniform float b_scale;
uniform float inv_size;
half4 main(half4 inColor) {
float4 c = unpremul(inColor);
// Map to cube coords:
float3 cubeCoords = float3(c.rg * rg_scale + rg_bias, c.b * b_scale);
// Compute slice coordinate
float2 coords1 = float2((floor(cubeCoords.b) + cubeCoords.r) * inv_size, cubeCoords.g);
float2 coords2 = float2(( ceil(cubeCoords.b) + cubeCoords.r) * inv_size, cubeCoords.g);
// Two bilinear fetches, plus a manual lerp for the third axis:
half4 color = mix(color_cube.eval(coords1), color_cube.eval(coords2),
// Premul again
color.rgb *= color.a;
return color;
)", kColorFilter_RTFlag) {}
sk_sp<SkImage> fMandrill, fMandrillSepia, fIdentityCube, fSepiaCube;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
fMandrill = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png");
fMandrillSepia = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_sepia.png");
fIdentityCube = GetResourceAsImage("images/lut_identity.png");
fSepiaCube = GetResourceAsImage("images/lut_sepia.png");
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
// First we draw the unmodified image, and a copy that was sepia-toned in Photoshop:
canvas->drawImage(fMandrill, 0, 0);
canvas->drawImage(fMandrillSepia, 0, 256);
// LUT dimensions should be (kSize^2, kSize)
constexpr float kSize = 16.0f;
const SkSamplingOptions sampling(SkFilterMode::kLinear);
float uniforms[] = {
(kSize - 1) / kSize, // rg_scale
0.5f / kSize, // rg_bias
kSize - 1, // b_scale
1.0f / kSize, // inv_size
SkPaint paint;
// TODO: Should we add SkImage::makeNormalizedShader() to handle this automatically?
SkMatrix normalize = SkMatrix::Scale(1.0f / (kSize * kSize), 1.0f / kSize);
// Now draw the image with an identity color cube - it should look like the original
SkRuntimeEffect::ChildPtr children[] = {fIdentityCube->makeShader(sampling, normalize)};
SkData::MakeWithCopy(uniforms, sizeof(uniforms)), SkMakeSpan(children)));
canvas->drawImage(fMandrill, 256, 0, sampling, &paint);
// ... and with a sepia-tone color cube. This should match the sepia-toned image.
children[0] = fSepiaCube->makeShader(sampling, normalize);
SkData::MakeWithCopy(uniforms, sizeof(uniforms)), SkMakeSpan(children)));
canvas->drawImage(fMandrill, 256, 256, sampling, &paint);
DEF_GM(return new ColorCubeColorFilterRT;)
class DefaultColorRT : public RuntimeShaderGM {
DefaultColorRT() : RuntimeShaderGM("default_color_rt", {512, 256}, R"(
uniform shader child;
half4 main(float2 xy) {
return child.eval(xy);
)") {}
sk_sp<SkImage> fMandrill;
void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
fMandrill = GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png");
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
// First, we leave the child as null, so sampling it returns the default (paint) color
SkPaint paint;
paint.setColor4f({ 0.25f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f });
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, false));
canvas->drawRect({ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, paint);
// Now we bind an image shader as the child. This (by convention) scales by the paint alpha
builder.child("child") = fMandrill->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions());
paint.setColor4f({ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f });
paint.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, false));
canvas->translate(256, 0);
canvas->drawRect({ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, paint);
DEF_GM(return new DefaultColorRT;)
// Emits coverage for a rounded rectangle whose corners are superellipses defined by the boundary:
// x^n + y^n == 1
// Where x and y are normalized, clamped coordinates ranging from 0..1 inside the nearest corner's
// bounding box.
// See:
class ClipSuperRRect : public RuntimeShaderGM {
ClipSuperRRect(const char* name, float power) : RuntimeShaderGM(name, {500, 500}, R"(
uniform float power_minus1;
uniform float2 stretch_factor;
uniform float2x2 derivatives;
half4 main(float2 xy) {
xy = max(abs(xy) + stretch_factor, 0);
float2 exp_minus1 = pow(xy, power_minus1.xx); // If power == 3.5: xy * xy * sqrt(xy)
float f = dot(exp_minus1, xy) - 1; // f = x^n + y^n - 1
float2 grad = exp_minus1 * derivatives;
float fwidth = abs(grad.x) + abs(grad.y) + 1e-12; // 1e-12 to avoid a divide by zero.
return half4(saturate(.5 - f/fwidth)); // Approx coverage by riding the gradient to f=0.
)"), fPower(power) {}
void drawSuperRRect(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& superRRect, float radX, float radY,
SkColor color) {
SkPaint paint;
if (fPower == 2) {
// Draw a normal round rect for the sake of testing.
SkRRect rrect = SkRRect::MakeRectXY(superRRect, radX, radY);
canvas->drawRRect(rrect, paint);
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(fEffect);
builder.uniform("power_minus1") = fPower - 1;
// Size the corners such that the "apex" of our "super" rounded corner is in the same
// location that the apex of a circular rounded corner would be with the given radii. We
// define the apex as the point on the rounded corner that is 45 degrees between the
// horizontal and vertical edges.
float scale = (1 - SK_ScalarRoot2Over2) / (1 - exp2f(-1/fPower));
float cornerWidth = radX * scale;
float cornerHeight = radY * scale;
cornerWidth = std::min(cornerWidth, superRRect.width() * .5f);
cornerHeight = std::min(cornerHeight, superRRect.height() * .5f);
// The stretch factor controls how long the flat edge should be between rounded corners.
builder.uniform("stretch_factor") = SkV2{1 - superRRect.width()*.5f / cornerWidth,
1 - superRRect.height()*.5f / cornerHeight};
// Calculate a 2x2 "derivatives" matrix that the shader will use to find the gradient.
// f = s^n + t^n - 1 [s,t are "super" rounded corner coords in normalized 0..1 space]
// gradient = [df/dx df/dy] = [ns^(n-1) nt^(n-1)] * |ds/dx ds/dy|
// |dt/dx dt/dy|
// = [s^(n-1) t^(n-1)] * |n 0| * |ds/dx ds/dy|
// |0 n| |dt/dx dt/dy|
// = [s^(n-1) t^(n-1)] * |2n/cornerWidth 0| * mat2x2(canvasMatrix)^-1
// |0 2n/cornerHeight|
// = [s^(n-1) t^(n-1)] * "derivatives"
const SkMatrix& M = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
float a=M.getScaleX(), b=M.getSkewX(), c=M.getSkewY(), d=M.getScaleY();
float determinant = a*d - b*c;
float dx = fPower / (cornerWidth * determinant);
float dy = fPower / (cornerHeight * determinant);
builder.uniform("derivatives") = SkV4{d*dx, -c*dy, -b*dx, a*dy};
// This matrix will be inverted by the effect system, giving a matrix that converts local
// coordinates to (almost) coner coordinates. To get the rest of the way to the nearest
// corner's space, the shader will have to take the absolute value, add the stretch_factor,
// then clamp above zero.
SkMatrix cornerToLocal;
cornerToLocal.setScaleTranslate(cornerWidth, cornerHeight, superRRect.centerX(),
canvas->clipShader(builder.makeShader(&cornerToLocal, false));
// Bloat the outer edges of the rect we will draw so it contains all the antialiased pixels.
// Bloat by a full pixel instead of half in case Skia is in a mode that draws this rect with
// unexpected AA of its own.
float inverseDet = 1 / fabsf(determinant);
float bloatX = (fabsf(d) + fabsf(c)) * inverseDet;
float bloatY = (fabsf(b) + fabsf(a)) * inverseDet;
canvas->drawRect(superRRect.makeOutset(bloatX, bloatY), paint);
void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
SkRandom rand(2);
canvas->translate(canvas->imageInfo().width() / 2.f, canvas->imageInfo().height() / 2.f);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(-5, 25, 175, 100), 50, 30,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(95, 75, 125, 100), 30, 30,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 75, 150, 100), 40, 30,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(15, -20, 100, 100), 20, 20,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(140, -50, 90, 110), 25, 25,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(160, -60, 60, 90), 18, 18,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(220, -120, 60, 90), 18, 18,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
this->drawSuperRRect(canvas, SkRect::MakeXYWH(150, -129, 80, 160), 24, 39,
rand.nextU() | 0xff808080);
const float fPower;
DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow2", 2);)
// DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow3", 3);)
DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow3.5", 3.5);)
// DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow4", 4);)
// DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow4.5", 4.5);)
// DEF_GM(return new ClipSuperRRect("clip_super_rrect_pow5", 5);)
DEF_SIMPLE_GM(child_sampling_rt, canvas, 256,256) {
static constexpr char scale[] =
"uniform shader child;"
"half4 main(float2 xy) {"
" return child.eval(xy*0.1);"
SkPaint p;
auto surf = SkSurface::MakeRasterN32Premul(100,100);
surf->getCanvas()->drawLine(0, 0, 100, 100, p);
auto shader = surf->makeImageSnapshot()->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear));
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(scale)).effect);
builder.child("child") = shader;
p.setShader(builder.makeShader(nullptr, false));
static sk_sp<SkShader> normal_map_shader() {
// Produces a hemispherical normal:
static const char* kSrc = R"(
half4 main(vec2 p) {
p = (p / 256) * 2 - 1;
float p2 = dot(p, p);
vec3 v = (p2 > 1) ? vec3(0, 0, 1) : vec3(p, sqrt(1 - p2));
return (v * 0.5 + 0.5).xyz1;
auto effect = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(kSrc)).effect;
return effect->makeShader(nullptr, {}, nullptr, true);
static sk_sp<SkImage> normal_map_image() {
// Above, baked into an image:
auto info = SkImageInfo::Make(256, 256, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType);
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(info);
SkPaint p;
return surface->makeImageSnapshot();
static sk_sp<SkShader> normal_map_image_shader() {
return normal_map_image()->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions{});
static sk_sp<SkShader> normal_map_raw_image_shader() {
return normal_map_image()->makeRawShader(SkSamplingOptions{});
static sk_sp<SkImage> normal_map_unpremul_image() {
auto image = normal_map_image();
SkPixmap pm;
SkBitmap bmp;
// Copy all pixels over, but set alpha to 0
for (int y = 0; y < pm.height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < pm.width(); x++) {
*bmp.getAddr32(x, y) = *pm.addr32(x, y) & 0x00FFFFFF;
return bmp.asImage();
static sk_sp<SkShader> normal_map_unpremul_image_shader() {
return normal_map_unpremul_image()->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions{});
static sk_sp<SkShader> normal_map_raw_unpremul_image_shader() {
return normal_map_unpremul_image()->makeRawShader(SkSamplingOptions{});
static sk_sp<SkShader> lit_shader(sk_sp<SkShader> normals) {
// Simple N.L against a fixed, directional light:
static const char* kSrc = R"(
uniform shader normals;
half4 main(vec2 p) {
vec3 n = normalize(normals.eval(p).xyz * 2 - 1);
vec3 l = normalize(vec3(1, -1, 1));
return saturate(dot(n, l)).xxx1;
auto effect = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(SkString(kSrc)).effect;
return effect->makeShader(nullptr, &normals, 1, nullptr, true);
DEF_SIMPLE_GM(paint_alpha_normals_rt, canvas, 512,512) {
// Various draws, with non-opaque paint alpha. This demonstrates several issues around how
// paint alpha is applied differently on CPU (globally, after all shaders) and GPU (per shader,
// inconsistently). See:
// When this works, it will be a demo of applying paint alpha to fade out a complex effect.
auto draw_shader = [=](int x, int y, sk_sp<SkShader> shader) {
SkPaint p;
canvas->translate(x, y);
canvas->clipRect({0, 0, 256, 256});
draw_shader(0, 0, normal_map_shader());
draw_shader(0, 256, normal_map_image_shader());
draw_shader(256, 0, lit_shader(normal_map_shader()));
draw_shader(256, 256, lit_shader(normal_map_image_shader()));
DEF_SIMPLE_GM(raw_image_shader_normals_rt, canvas, 768, 512) {
// Demonstrates the utility of SkImage::makeRawShader, for non-color child shaders.
// First, make an offscreen surface, so we can control the destination color space:
auto surfInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(512, 512,
auto surface = canvas->makeSurface(surfInfo);
if (!surface) {
surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(surfInfo);
auto draw_shader = [](int x, int y, sk_sp<SkShader> shader, SkCanvas* canvas) {
SkPaint p;
canvas->translate(x, y);
canvas->clipRect({0, 0, 256, 256});
sk_sp<SkShader> colorNormals = normal_map_image_shader(),
rawNormals = normal_map_raw_image_shader();
// Draw our normal map as colors (will be color-rotated), and raw (untransformed)
draw_shader(0, 0, colorNormals, surface->getCanvas());
draw_shader(0, 256, rawNormals, surface->getCanvas());
// Now draw our lighting shader using the normal and raw versions of the normals as children.
// The top image will have the normals rotated (incorrectly), so the lighting is very dark.
draw_shader(256, 0, lit_shader(colorNormals), surface->getCanvas());
draw_shader(256, 256, lit_shader(rawNormals), surface->getCanvas());
// Now draw the offscreen surface back to our original canvas. If we do this naively, the image
// will be un-transformed back to the canvas' color space. That will have the effect of undoing
// the color spin on the upper-left, and APPLYING a color-spin on the bottom left. To preserve
// the intent of this GM (and make it draw consistently whether or not the original surface has
// a color space attached), we reinterpret the offscreen image as being in sRGB:
surface->makeImageSnapshot()->reinterpretColorSpace(SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()), 0, 0);
// Finally, to demonstrate that raw unpremul image shaders don't premul, draw lighting two more
// times, with an unpremul normal map (containing ZERO in the alpha channel). THe top will
// premultiply the normals, resulting in totally dark lighting. The bottom will retain the RGB
// encoded normals, even with zero alpha:
draw_shader(512, 0, lit_shader(normal_map_unpremul_image_shader()), canvas);
draw_shader(512, 256, lit_shader(normal_map_raw_unpremul_image_shader()), canvas);