#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE "test_format_error" #ifdef UNITTEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_EXIST #include #else #define BOOST_TEST_NO_LIB #include #endif #include // to check it successfully compiles. it does not check the formatted string. BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_1_value) { toml::value val(42); { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error", val, "this is a value"); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error", val, "this is a value", {"this is a hint"}); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_2_values) { toml::value v1(42); toml::value v2(3.14); { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error with two values", v1, "this is the answer", v2, "this is the pi"); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error with two values", v1, "this is the answer", v2, "this is the pi", {"hint"}); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_3_values) { toml::value v1(42); toml::value v2(3.14); toml::value v3("foo"); { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error with two values", v1, "this is the answer", v2, "this is the pi", v3, "this is a meta-syntactic variable"); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } { const std::string pretty_error = toml::format_error("[error] test error with two values", v1, "this is the answer", v2, "this is the pi", v3, "this is a meta-syntactic variable", {"hint 1", "hint 2"}); std::cout << pretty_error << std::endl; } }