ToruNiina 3624e4b690 fix: put comment just after non-table values
When non-table value is passed to the `operator<<`, it assumes that the
original C++ code looks like the following.

std::cout << "key = " << v << std::endl;

In this case, the comment associated to `v` should be put just after
`v`, not before.
key = # comment <= bad

key = "value" # comment <= good

So, if `v` is not a table it would put comments just after the value.
2019-06-28 17:53:19 +09:00

720 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright Toru Niina 2019.
// Distributed under the MIT License.
#include "value.hpp"
#include "lexer.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <cstdio>
namespace toml
// This function serialize a key. It checks a string is a bare key and
// escapes special characters if the string is not compatible to a bare key.
// ```cpp
// std::string k("non.bare.key"); // the key itself includes `.`s.
// std::string formatted = toml::format_key(k);
// assert(formatted == "\"non.bare.key\"");
// ```
// This function is exposed to make it easy to write a user-defined serializer.
// Since toml restricts characters available in a bare key, generally a string
// should be escaped. But checking whether a string needs to be surrounded by
// a `"` and escaping some special character is boring.
inline std::string format_key(const toml::key& key)
detail::location<toml::key> loc(key, key);
if(loc.iter() == loc.end())
return key; // all the tokens are consumed. the key is unquoted-key.
std::string token("\"");
for(const char c : key)
case '\\': {token += "\\\\"; break;}
case '\"': {token += "\\\""; break;}
case '\b': {token += "\\b"; break;}
case '\t': {token += "\\t"; break;}
case '\f': {token += "\\f"; break;}
case '\n': {token += "\\n"; break;}
case '\r': {token += "\\r"; break;}
default : {token += c; break;}
token += "\"";
return token;
template<typename Comment,
template<typename ...> class Table,
template<typename ...> class Array>
struct serializer
using value_type = basic_value<Comment, Table, Array>;
using key_type = typename value_type::key_type ;
using comment_type = typename value_type::comment_type ;
using boolean_type = typename value_type::boolean_type ;
using integer_type = typename value_type::integer_type ;
using floating_type = typename value_type::floating_type ;
using string_type = typename value_type::string_type ;
using local_time_type = typename value_type::local_time_type ;
using local_date_type = typename value_type::local_date_type ;
using local_datetime_type = typename value_type::local_datetime_type ;
using offset_datetime_type = typename value_type::offset_datetime_type;
using array_type = typename value_type::array_type ;
using table_type = typename value_type::table_type ;
serializer(const std::size_t w = 80u,
const int float_prec = std::numeric_limits<toml::floating>::max_digits10,
const bool can_be_inlined = false,
std::vector<toml::key> ks = {})
: can_be_inlined_(can_be_inlined), float_prec_(float_prec), width_(w),
~serializer() = default;
std::string operator()(const boolean_type& b) const
return b ? "true" : "false";
std::string operator()(const integer_type i) const
return std::to_string(i);
std::string operator()(const floating_type f) const
const auto fmt = "%.*g";
const auto bsz = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, this->float_prec_, f);
// +1 for null character(\0)
std::vector<char> buf(static_cast<std::size_t>(bsz + 1), '\0');
std::snprintf(, buf.size(), fmt, this->float_prec_, f);
std::string token(buf.begin(), std::prev(buf.end()));
if(token.back() == '.') // 1. => 1.0
token += '0';
const auto e = std::find_if(
token.cbegin(), token.cend(), [](const char c) noexcept -> bool {
return c == 'e' || c == 'E';
const auto has_exponent = (token.cend() != e);
const auto has_fraction = (token.cend() != std::find(
token.cbegin(), token.cend(), '.'));
if(!has_exponent && !has_fraction)
// the resulting value does not have any float specific part!
token += ".0";
return token;
return token; // there is no exponent part. just return it.
// zero-prefix in an exponent is NOT allowed in TOML.
// remove it if it exists.
bool sign_exists = false;
std::size_t zero_prefix = 0;
for(auto iter = std::next(e), iend = token.cend(); iter != iend; ++iter)
if(*iter == '+' || *iter == '-'){sign_exists = true; continue;}
if(*iter == '0'){zero_prefix += 1;}
else {break;}
if(zero_prefix != 0)
const auto offset = std::distance(token.cbegin(), e) +
(sign_exists ? 2 : 1);
token.erase(static_cast<typename std::string::size_type>(offset),
return token;
std::string operator()(const string_type& s) const
if(s.kind == string_t::basic)
if(std::find(s.str.cbegin(), s.str.cend(), '\n') != s.str.cend())
// if linefeed is contained, make it multiline-string.
const std::string open("\"\"\"\n");
const std::string close("\\\n\"\"\"");
return open + this->escape_ml_basic_string(s.str) + close;
// no linefeed. try to make it oneline-string.
std::string oneline = this->escape_basic_string(s.str);
if(oneline.size() + 2 < width_ || width_ < 2)
const std::string quote("\"");
return quote + oneline + quote;
// the line is too long compared to the specified width.
// split it into multiple lines.
std::string token("\"\"\"\n");
if(oneline.size() < width_)
token += oneline;
else if( == '\\')
token += oneline.substr(0, width_-2);
token += "\\\n";
oneline.erase(0, width_-2);
token += oneline.substr(0, width_-1);
token += "\\\n";
oneline.erase(0, width_-1);
return token + std::string("\\\n\"\"\"");
else // the string `s` is literal-string.
if(std::find(s.str.cbegin(), s.str.cend(), '\n') != s.str.cend() ||
std::find(s.str.cbegin(), s.str.cend(), '\'') != s.str.cend() )
const std::string open("'''\n");
const std::string close("'''");
return open + s.str + close;
const std::string quote("'");
return quote + s.str + quote;
std::string operator()(const local_date_type& d) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << d;
return oss.str();
std::string operator()(const local_time_type& t) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << t;
return oss.str();
std::string operator()(const local_datetime_type& dt) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << dt;
return oss.str();
std::string operator()(const offset_datetime_type& odt) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << odt;
return oss.str();
std::string operator()(const array_type& v) const
if(!v.empty() && v.front().is_table())// v is an array of tables
// if it's not inlined, we need to add `[[table.key]]`.
// but if it can be inlined,
// ```
// table.key = [
// {...},
// # comment
// {...},
// ]
// ```
std::string token;
token += this->serialize_key(keys_.back());
token += " = ";
bool failed = false;
token += "[\n";
for(const auto& item : v)
// if an element of the table has a comment, the table
// cannot be inlined.
failed = true;
for(const auto& c : item.comments())
token += '#';
token += c;
token += '\n';
const auto t = this->make_inline_table(item.as_table());
if(t.size() + 1 > width_ || // +1 for the last comma {...},
std::find(t.cbegin(), t.cend(), '\n') != t.cend())
failed = true;
token += t;
token += ",\n";
token += "]\n";
return token;
// if failed, serialize them as [[array.of.tables]].
std::string token;
for(const auto& item : v)
for(const auto& c : item.comments())
token += '#';
token += c;
token += '\n';
token += "[[";
token += this->serialize_dotted_key(keys_);
token += "]]\n";
token += this->make_multiline_table(item.as_table());
return token;
return std::string("[]");
// not an array of tables. normal array.
// first, try to make it inline if none of the elements have a comment.
const auto inl = this->make_inline_array(v);
if(inl.size() < this->width_ &&
std::find(inl.cbegin(), inl.cend(), '\n') == inl.cend())
return inl;
// if the length exceeds this->width_, print multiline array.
// key = [
// # ...
// 42,
// ...
// ]
std::string token;
std::string current_line;
token += "[\n";
for(const auto& item : v)
// if comment exists, the element must be the only element in the line.
// e.g. the following is not allowed.
// ```toml
// array = [
// # comment for what?
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
// ]
// ```
if(current_line.back() != '\n')
current_line += '\n';
token += current_line;
for(const auto& c : item.comments())
token += '#';
token += c;
token += '\n';
token += toml::visit(*this, item);
if(token.back() == '\n') {token.pop_back();}
token += ",\n";
std::string next_elem;
next_elem += toml::visit(*this, item);
// comma before newline.
if(next_elem.back() == '\n') {next_elem.pop_back();}
// if current line does not exceeds the width limit, continue.
if(current_line.size() + next_elem.size() + 1 < this->width_)
current_line += next_elem;
current_line += ',';
else if(current_line.empty())
// if current line was empty, force put the next_elem because
// next_elem is not splittable
token += next_elem;
token += ",\n";
// current_line is kept empty
else // reset current_line
assert(current_line.back() == ',');
token += current_line;
token += '\n';
current_line = next_elem;
current_line += ',';
if(current_line.back() != '\n') {current_line += '\n';}
token += current_line;
token += "]\n";
return token;
// templatize for any table-like container
std::string operator()(const table_type& v) const
// if an element has a comment, then it can't be inlined.
// table = {# how can we write a comment for this? key = "value"}
if(this->can_be_inlined_ && !(this->has_comment_inside(v)))
std::string token;
token += this->serialize_key(this->keys_.back());
token += " = ";
token += this->make_inline_table(v);
if(token.size() < this->width_)
return token;
std::string token;
token += '[';
token += this->serialize_dotted_key(keys_);
token += "]\n";
token += this->make_multiline_table(v);
return token;
std::string serialize_key(const toml::key& key) const
return ::toml::format_key(key);
std::string serialize_dotted_key(const std::vector<toml::key>& keys) const
std::string token;
if(keys.empty()){return token;}
for(const auto& k : keys)
token += this->serialize_key(k);
token += '.';
token.erase(token.size() - 1, 1); // remove trailing `.`
return token;
std::string escape_basic_string(const std::string& s) const
//XXX assuming `s` is a valid utf-8 sequence.
std::string retval;
for(const char c : s)
case '\\': {retval += "\\\\"; break;}
case '\"': {retval += "\\\""; break;}
case '\b': {retval += "\\b"; break;}
case '\t': {retval += "\\t"; break;}
case '\f': {retval += "\\f"; break;}
case '\n': {retval += "\\n"; break;}
case '\r': {retval += "\\r"; break;}
default : {retval += c; break;}
return retval;
std::string escape_ml_basic_string(const std::string& s) const
std::string retval;
for(auto i=s.cbegin(), e=s.cend(); i!=e; ++i)
case '\\': {retval += "\\\\"; break;}
case '\"': {retval += "\\\""; break;}
case '\b': {retval += "\\b"; break;}
case '\t': {retval += "\\t"; break;}
case '\f': {retval += "\\f"; break;}
case '\n': {retval += "\n"; break;}
case '\r':
if(std::next(i) != e && *std::next(i) == '\n')
retval += "\r\n";
retval += "\\r";
default: {retval += *i; break;}
return retval;
// if an element of a table or an array has a comment, it cannot be inlined.
bool has_comment_inside(const array_type& a) const noexcept
for(const auto& v : a)
if(!v.comments().empty()) {return true;}
return false;
bool has_comment_inside(const table_type& t) const noexcept
for(const auto& kv : t)
if(!kv.second.comments().empty()) {return true;}
return false;
std::string make_inline_array(const array_type& v) const
std::string token;
token += '[';
bool is_first = true;
for(const auto& item : v)
if(is_first) {is_first = false;} else {token += ',';}
token += visit(serializer(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(),
this->float_prec_, true), item);
token += ']';
return token;
std::string make_inline_table(const table_type& v) const
std::string token;
token += '{';
bool is_first = true;
for(const auto& kv : v)
// in inline tables, trailing comma is not allowed (toml-lang #569).
if(is_first) {is_first = false;} else {token += ',';}
token += this->serialize_key(kv.first);
token += '=';
token += visit(serializer(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(),
this->float_prec_, true), kv.second);
token += '}';
return token;
std::string make_multiline_table(const table_type& v) const
std::string token;
// print non-table stuff first. because after printing [], the
// remaining non-table values will be assigned into [], not [foo]
for(const auto kv : v)
if(kv.second.is_table() || is_array_of_tables(kv.second))
for(const auto& c : kv.second.comments())
token += '#';
token += c;
token += '\n';
const auto key_and_sep = this->serialize_key(kv.first) + " = ";
const auto residual_width = (this->width_ > key_and_sep.size()) ?
this->width_ - key_and_sep.size() : 0;
token += key_and_sep;
token += visit(serializer(residual_width, this->float_prec_, true),
if(token.back() != '\n')
token += '\n';
// normal tables / array of tables
// after multiline table appeared, the other tables cannot be inline
// because the table would be assigned into the table.
// [foo]
// ...
// bar = {...} # <- bar will be a member of [foo].
bool multiline_table_printed = false;
for(const auto& kv : v)
if(!kv.second.is_table() && !is_array_of_tables(kv.second))
continue; // other stuff are already serialized. skip them.
std::vector<toml::key> ks(this->keys_);
auto tmp = visit(serializer(
this->width_, this->float_prec_, !multiline_table_printed, ks),
if((!multiline_table_printed) &&
std::find(tmp.cbegin(), tmp.cend(), '\n') != tmp.cend())
multiline_table_printed = true;
// still inline tables only.
tmp += '\n';
for(const auto& c : kv.second.comments())
token += '#';
token += c;
token += '\n';
token += tmp;
return token;
bool is_array_of_tables(const value_type& v) const
if(!v.is_array()) {return false;}
const auto& a = v.as_array();
return !a.empty() && a.front().is_table();
bool can_be_inlined_;
int float_prec_;
std::size_t width_;
std::vector<toml::key> keys_;
template<typename C,
template<typename ...> class M, template<typename ...> class V>
format(const basic_value<C, M, V>& v, std::size_t w = 80u,
int fprec = std::numeric_limits<toml::floating>::max_digits10,
bool force_inline = false)
// if value is a table, it is considered to be a root object.
// the root object can't be an inline table.
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << v.comments();
oss << '\n'; // to split the file comment from the first element
oss << visit(serializer<C, M, V>(w, fprec, false), v);
return oss.str();
return visit(serializer<C, M, V>(w, fprec, force_inline), v);
template<typename charT, typename traits, typename C,
template<typename ...> class M, template<typename ...> class V>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const basic_value<C, M, V>& v)
// get status of std::setw().
const auto w = static_cast<std::size_t>(os.width());
const int fprec = static_cast<int>(os.precision());
if(v.is_table() && !v.comments().empty())
os << v.comments();
os << '\n'; // to split the file comment from the first element
// the root object can't be an inline table. so pass `false`.
os << visit(serializer<C, M, V>(w, fprec, false), v);
// if v is a non-table value, and has only one comment, then
// put a comment just after a value. in the following way.
// ```toml
// key = "value" # comment.
// ```
// Since the top-level toml object is a table, one who want to put a
// non-table toml value must use this in a following way.
// ```cpp
// toml::value v;
// std::cout << "user-defined-key = " << v << std::endl;
// ```
// In this case, it is impossible to put comments before key-value pair.
// The only way to preserve comments is to put all of them after a value.
if(!v.is_table() && !v.comments().empty())
os << " #";
for(const auto& c : v.comments()) {os << c;}
return os;
} // toml