2019-03-16 14:19:47 +09:00

321 lines
9.9 KiB

// Copyright Toru Niina 2017.
// Distributed under the MIT License.
#include "exception.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <iomanip>
namespace toml
namespace detail
// helper function to avoid std::string(0, 'c')
template<typename Iterator>
std::string make_string(Iterator first, Iterator last)
if(first == last) {return "";}
return std::string(first, last);
inline std::string make_string(std::size_t len, char c)
if(len == 0) {return "";}
return std::string(len, c);
// region in a container, normally in a file content.
// shared_ptr points the resource that the iter points.
// combinators returns this.
// it will be used to generate better error messages.
struct region_base
region_base() = default;
virtual ~region_base() = default;
region_base(const region_base&) = default;
region_base(region_base&& ) = default;
region_base& operator=(const region_base&) = default;
region_base& operator=(region_base&& ) = default;
virtual bool is_ok() const noexcept {return false;}
virtual std::string str() const {return std::string("unknown region");}
virtual std::string name() const {return std::string("unknown file");}
virtual std::string line() const {return std::string("unknown line");}
virtual std::string line_num() const {return std::string("?");}
virtual std::size_t before() const noexcept {return 0;}
virtual std::size_t size() const noexcept {return 0;}
virtual std::size_t after() const noexcept {return 0;}
// location in a container, normally in a file content.
// shared_ptr points the resource that the iter points.
// it can be used not only for resource handling, but also error message.
// it can be considered as a region that contains only one character.
template<typename Container>
struct location final : public region_base
static_assert(std::is_same<char, typename Container::value_type>::value,"");
using const_iterator = typename Container::const_iterator;
using source_ptr = std::shared_ptr<const Container>;
location(std::string name, Container cont)
: source_(std::make_shared<Container>(std::move(cont))),
source_name_(std::move(name)), iter_(source_->cbegin())
location(const location&) = default;
location(location&&) = default;
location& operator=(const location&) = default;
location& operator=(location&&) = default;
~location() = default;
bool is_ok() const noexcept override {return static_cast<bool>(source_);}
const_iterator& iter() noexcept {return iter_;}
const_iterator iter() const noexcept {return iter_;}
const_iterator begin() const noexcept {return source_->cbegin();}
const_iterator end() const noexcept {return source_->cend();}
std::string str() const override {return make_string(1, *this->iter());}
std::string name() const override {return source_name_;}
std::string line_num() const override
return std::to_string(1+std::count(this->begin(), this->iter(), '\n'));
std::string line() const override
return make_string(this->line_begin(), this->line_end());
const_iterator line_begin() const noexcept
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
return std::find(reverse_iterator(this->iter()),
reverse_iterator(this->begin()), '\n').base();
const_iterator line_end() const noexcept
return std::find(this->iter(), this->end(), '\n');
// location is always points a character. so the size is 1.
std::size_t size() const noexcept override
return 1u;
std::size_t before() const noexcept override
return std::distance(this->line_begin(), this->iter());
std::size_t after() const noexcept override
return std::distance(this->iter(), this->line_end());
source_ptr const& source() const& noexcept {return source_;}
source_ptr&& source() && noexcept {return std::move(source_);}
source_ptr source_;
std::string source_name_;
const_iterator iter_;
template<typename Container>
struct region final : public region_base
static_assert(std::is_same<char, typename Container::value_type>::value,"");
using const_iterator = typename Container::const_iterator;
using source_ptr = std::shared_ptr<const Container>;
// delete default constructor. source_ never be null.
region() = delete;
region(const location<Container>& loc)
: source_(loc.source()), source_name_(,
first_(loc.iter()), last_(loc.iter())
region(location<Container>&& loc)
: source_(loc.source()), source_name_(,
first_(loc.iter()), last_(loc.iter())
region(const location<Container>& loc, const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
: source_(loc.source()), source_name_(, first_(f), last_(l)
region(location<Container>&& loc, const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
: source_(loc.source()), source_name_(, first_(f), last_(l)
region(const region&) = default;
region(region&&) = default;
region& operator=(const region&) = default;
region& operator=(region&&) = default;
~region() = default;
region& operator+=(const region& other)
if(this->begin() != other.begin() || this->end() != other.end() ||
this->last_ != other.first_)
throw internal_error("invalid region concatenation");
this->last_ = other.last_;
return *this;
bool is_ok() const noexcept override {return static_cast<bool>(source_);}
std::string str() const override {return make_string(first_, last_);}
std::string line() const override
return make_string(this->line_begin(),
std::find(this->line_begin(), this->last(), '\n'));
return make_string(this->line_begin(), this->line_end());
std::string line_num() const override
return std::to_string(1 + std::count(this->begin(), this->first(), '\n'));
std::size_t size() const noexcept override
return std::distance(first_, last_);
std::size_t before() const noexcept override
return std::distance(this->line_begin(), this->first());
std::size_t after() const noexcept override
return std::distance(this->last(), this->line_end());
bool contain_newline() const noexcept
return std::find(this->first(), this->last(), '\n') != this->last();
const_iterator line_begin() const noexcept
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
return std::find(reverse_iterator(this->first()),
reverse_iterator(this->begin()), '\n').base();
const_iterator line_end() const noexcept
return std::find(this->last(), this->end(), '\n');
const_iterator begin() const noexcept {return source_->cbegin();}
const_iterator end() const noexcept {return source_->cend();}
const_iterator first() const noexcept {return first_;}
const_iterator last() const noexcept {return last_;}
source_ptr const& source() const& noexcept {return source_;}
source_ptr&& source() && noexcept {return std::move(source_);}
std::string name() const override {return source_name_;}
source_ptr source_;
std::string source_name_;
const_iterator first_, last_;
// to show a better error message.
inline std::string format_underline(const std::string& message,
std::vector<std::pair<region_base const*, std::string>> reg_com,
std::vector<std::string> helps = {})
#ifdef _WIN32
const auto newline = "\r\n";
const char newline = '\n';
const auto line_num_width = std::max_element(reg_com.begin(), reg_com.end(),
[](std::pair<region_base const*, std::string> const& lhs,
std::pair<region_base const*, std::string> const& rhs)
return lhs.first->line_num().size() < rhs.first->line_num().size();
std::ostringstream retval;
retval << message << newline;
for(std::size_t i=0; i<reg_com.size(); ++i)
if(i!=0 &&>name() ==>name())
retval << newline << " ..." << newline;
if(i != 0) {retval << newline;}
retval << " --> " <<>name() << newline;
const region_base* const reg =;
const std::string& comment =;
retval << ' ' << std::setw(line_num_width) << reg->line_num();
retval << " | " << reg->line() << newline;
retval << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ');
retval << " | " << make_string(reg->before(), ' ');
if(reg->size() == 1)
// invalid
// ^------
retval << '^';
retval << make_string(reg->after(), '-');
// invalid
// ~~~~~~~
retval << make_string(reg->size(), '~');
retval << ' ';
retval << comment;
if(helps.size() != 0)
retval << newline;
retval << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ');
retval << " | ";
for(const auto help : helps)
retval << newline;
retval << "Hint: ";
retval << help;
return retval.str();
} // detail
} // toml
#endif// TOML11_REGION_H