Moritz Klammler 10fd14f8b9 Consistent unit test header inclusion order
This patch consistently changes the inclusion order for unit test files
to the following:

 1. The header of the unit under test (using <> includes).
 2. The unit_test.hpp header (using "" includes).
 3. Any additional auxiliary test headers (using "" includes and sorted alphabetically).
 4. Additional system headers needed for the test (using <> includes and sorted alphabetically).
 5. Conditionally included system headers (using <> includes).

Putting the unit under test's header at the very beginning has the
advantage of also testing that the header is self-contained.  It also
makes it very quick to tell what unit is tested in this file.
2022-09-29 19:02:52 +02:00

539 lines
22 KiB

#include <toml.hpp>
#include "unit_test.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string_view>
using test_value_types = std::tuple<
toml::basic_value<toml::discard_comments, std::map, std::deque>,
toml::basic_value<toml::preserve_comments, std::map, std::deque>
namespace test
template<typename charT, typename traits, typename T, typename Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const std::vector<T, Alloc>& v)
os << "[ ";
for(const auto& i : v) {os << i << ' ';}
os << ']';
return os;
template<typename charT, typename traits, typename T, typename Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const std::deque<T, Alloc>& v)
os << "[ ";
for(const auto& i : v) {os << i << ' ';}
os << ']';
return os;
template<typename charT, typename traits, typename T, typename Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const std::list<T, Alloc>& v)
os << "[ ";
for(const auto& i : v) {os << i << ' ';}
os << ']';
return os;
template<typename charT, typename traits,
typename Key, typename Value, typename Comp, typename Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
const std::map<Key, Value, Comp, Alloc>& v)
os << "[ ";
for(const auto& i : v) {os << '{' << i.first << ", " << i.second << "} ";}
os << ']';
return os;
template<typename charT, typename traits,
typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash, typename Eq, typename Alloc>
std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
const std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Eq, Alloc>& v)
os << "[ ";
for(const auto& i : v) {os << '{' << i.first << ", " << i.second << "} ";}
os << ']';
return os;
} // test
#define TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(toml_type, init_expr, opt_expr)\
{ \
using namespace test; \
const toml::toml_type init init_expr ; \
const toml::toml_type opt opt_expr ; \
const value_type v{{"key", init}}; \
BOOST_TEST(init != opt); \
BOOST_TEST(init == toml::find_or(v, "key", opt)); \
} \
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(test_find_or_exact, value_type, test_value_types)
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(boolean, ( true), (false))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(integer, ( 42), ( 54))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(floating, ( 3.14), ( 2.71))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(string, ("foo"), ("bar"))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(local_time, (12, 30, 45), (6, 0, 30))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_EXACT(local_date, (2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1),
(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45), toml::time_offset( 9, 0)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30), toml::time_offset(-3, 0))
const typename value_type::array_type init{1,2,3,4,5};
const typename value_type::array_type opt {6,7,8,9,10};
const value_type v{{"key", init}};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt);
BOOST_TEST(init == toml::find_or(v, "key", opt));
const typename value_type::table_type init{{"key1", 42}, {"key2", "foo"}};
const typename value_type::table_type opt {{"key1", 54}, {"key2", "bar"}};
const value_type v{{"key", init}};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt);
BOOST_TEST(init == toml::find_or(v, "key", opt));
#define TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(toml_type, init_expr, opt_expr) \
{ \
using namespace test; \
const toml::toml_type init init_expr ; \
toml::toml_type opt opt_expr ; \
value_type v{{"key", init}}; \
BOOST_TEST(init != opt); \
const auto moved = toml::find_or(std::move(v), "key", std::move(opt));\
BOOST_TEST(init == moved); \
} \
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(test_find_or_move, value_type, test_value_types)
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(boolean, ( true), (false))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(integer, ( 42), ( 54))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(floating, ( 3.14), ( 2.71))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(string, ("foo"), ("bar"))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(local_time, (12, 30, 45), (6, 0, 30))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MOVE(local_date, (2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1),
(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45), toml::time_offset( 9, 0)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30), toml::time_offset(-3, 0))
typename value_type::array_type init{1,2,3,4,5};
typename value_type::array_type opt {6,7,8,9,10};
value_type v{{"key", init}};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt);
const auto moved = toml::find_or(std::move(v), "key", std::move(opt));
BOOST_TEST(init == moved);
typename value_type::table_type init{{"key1", 42}, {"key2", "foo"}};
typename value_type::table_type opt {{"key1", 54}, {"key2", "bar"}};
value_type v{{"key", init}};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt);
const auto moved = toml::find_or(std::move(v), "key", std::move(opt));
BOOST_TEST(init == moved);
#define TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(toml_type, init_expr, opt_expr)\
{ \
using namespace test; \
const toml::toml_type init init_expr ; \
toml::toml_type opt1 opt_expr ; \
toml::toml_type opt2 opt_expr ; \
value_type v{{"key", init}}; \
BOOST_TEST(init != opt1); \
toml::find_or(v, "key", opt2) = opt1; \
BOOST_TEST(opt1 == toml::find<toml::toml_type>(v, "key"));\
} \
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(test_find_or_modify, value_type, test_value_types)
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(boolean, ( true), (false))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(integer, ( 42), ( 54))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(floating, ( 3.14), ( 2.71))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(string, ("foo"), ("bar"))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(local_time, (12, 30, 45), (6, 0, 30))
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_MODIFY(local_date, (2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1),
(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30))
(toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1), toml::local_time(12, 30, 45), toml::time_offset( 9, 0)),
(toml::local_date(1999, toml::month_t::Jan, 2), toml::local_time( 6, 0, 30), toml::time_offset(-3, 0))
typename value_type::array_type init{1,2,3,4,5};
typename value_type::array_type opt1{6,7,8,9,10};
typename value_type::array_type opt2{6,7,8,9,10};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt1);
value_type v{{"key", init}};
toml::find_or(v, "key", opt2) = opt1;
BOOST_TEST(opt1 == toml::find<typename value_type::array_type>(v, "key"));
typename value_type::table_type init{{"key1", 42}, {"key2", "foo"}};
typename value_type::table_type opt1{{"key1", 54}, {"key2", "bar"}};
typename value_type::table_type opt2{{"key1", 54}, {"key2", "bar"}};
value_type v{{"key", init}};
BOOST_TEST(init != opt1);
toml::find_or(v, "key", opt2) = opt1;
BOOST_TEST(opt1 == toml::find<typename value_type::table_type>(v, "key"));
#define TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(init_type, opt_type) \
{ \
using namespace test; \
value_type v(init_type); \
BOOST_TEST(opt_type == toml::find_or(v, "key", opt_type));\
} \
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(test_find_or_fallback, value_type, test_value_types)
const toml::boolean boolean (true);
const toml::integer integer (42);
const toml::floating floating (3.14);
const toml::string string ("foo");
const toml::local_time local_time (12, 30, 45);
const toml::local_date local_date (2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1);
const toml::local_datetime local_datetime (
toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1),
toml::local_time(12, 30, 45));
const toml::offset_datetime offset_datetime(
toml::local_date(2019, toml::month_t::Apr, 1),
toml::local_time(12, 30, 45), toml::time_offset( 9, 0));
using array_type = typename value_type::array_type;
using table_type = typename value_type::table_type;
const array_type array{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
const table_type table{{"key1", 42}, {"key2", "foo"}};
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(boolean, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(integer, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(floating, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(string, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_time, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_date, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(local_datetime, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, array );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(offset_datetime, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(array, table );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, boolean );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, integer );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, floating );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, string );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, local_time );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, local_date );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, local_datetime );
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, offset_datetime);
TOML11_TEST_FIND_OR_FALLBACK(table, array );
toml::value v{{"num", 42}};
BOOST_TEST(42u == toml::find_or(v, "num", 0u));
BOOST_TEST(0u == toml::find_or(v, "foo", 0u));
toml::value v{{"num", 42}};
const auto moved = toml::find_or(std::move(v), "num", 0u);
BOOST_TEST(42u == moved);
toml::value v{{"num", 42}};
const auto moved = toml::find_or(std::move(v), "foo", 0u);
BOOST_TEST(0u == moved);
toml::value v1{{"key", 42}};
toml::value v2{{"key", 3.14}};
BOOST_TEST(2.71f == toml::find_or(v1, "key", 2.71f));
const double ref(3.14);
BOOST_TEST(static_cast<float>(ref) == toml::find_or(v2, "key", 2.71f));
toml::value v1{{"key", 42}};
toml::value v2{{"key", 3.14}};
const auto moved1 = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", 2.71f);
const auto moved2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", 2.71f);
BOOST_TEST(2.71f == moved1);
const double ref(3.14);
BOOST_TEST(static_cast<float>(ref) == moved2);
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key", 42}};
std::string s1("bazqux");
const std::string s2("bazqux");
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == toml::find_or(v1, "key", s1));
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == toml::find_or(v2, "key", s1));
std::string& v1r = toml::find_or(v1, "key", s1);
std::string& s1r = toml::find_or(v2, "key", s1);
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == v1r);
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == s1r);
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == toml::find_or(v1, "key", s2));
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == toml::find_or(v2, "key", s2));
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", std::move(s1)));
s1 = "bazqux"; // restoring moved value
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", std::move(s1)));
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key", 42}};
std::string s1("bazqux");
const auto moved1 = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", s1);
const auto moved2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", s1);
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == moved1);
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == moved2);
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key", 42}};
std::string s1("bazqux");
std::string s2("bazqux");
const auto moved1 = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", std::move(s1));
const auto moved2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", std::move(s2));
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == moved1);
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == moved2);
// string literal
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key",42}};
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == toml::find_or(v1, "key", "bazqux"));
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == toml::find_or(v2, "key", "bazqux"));
const char* lit = "bazqux";
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == toml::find_or(v1, "key", lit));
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == toml::find_or(v2, "key", lit));
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key",42}};
const auto moved1 = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", "bazqux");
const auto moved2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", "bazqux");
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == moved1);
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == moved2);
toml::value v1 = toml::table{{"key", "foobar"}};
toml::value v2 = toml::table{{"key",42}};
const char* lit = "bazqux";
const auto moved1 = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", lit);
const auto moved2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key", lit);
BOOST_TEST("foobar" == moved1);
BOOST_TEST("bazqux" == moved2);
using map_type = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
const toml::value v1{
{"key", {{"key", "value"}}}
const auto key = toml::find_or(v1, "key", map_type{});
const auto key2 = toml::find_or(v1, "key2", map_type{});
BOOST_TEST(key.size() == 1u);
BOOST_TEST("key") == "value");
toml::value v1{
{"key", {{"key", "value"}}}
const auto key = toml::find_or<map_type>(v1, "key", map_type{});
const auto key2 = toml::find_or<map_type>(v1, "key2", map_type{});
BOOST_TEST(key.size() == 1u);
BOOST_TEST("key") == "value");
toml::value v1{
{"key", {{"key", "value"}}}
toml::value v2(v1);
const auto key = toml::find_or(std::move(v1), "key", map_type{});
const auto key2 = toml::find_or(std::move(v2), "key2", map_type{});
BOOST_TEST(key.size() == 1u);
BOOST_TEST("key") == "value");
toml::value v1{
{"key", {{"key", "value"}}}
toml::value v2(v1);
const auto key = toml::find_or<map_type>(std::move(v1), "key", map_type{});
const auto key2 = toml::find_or<map_type>(std::move(v2), "key2", map_type{});
BOOST_TEST(key.size() == 1u);
BOOST_TEST("key") == "value");