ToruNiina 573a6f1d81 test: use JSON format_key to format a key in JSON
The rule to format a basic string and a key is different. `"""` cannot
be used with JSON keys. Also, toml key is basically not wrapped by `"`.
So we need a function to format a key in JSON.
2020-02-06 01:28:37 +09:00

147 lines
4.1 KiB

#include "toml.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
struct json_serializer
void operator()(toml::boolean v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"bool\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(toml::integer v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"integer\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(toml::floating v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"float\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::string& v)
// since toml11 automatically convert string to multiline string that is
// valid only in TOML, we need to format the string to make it valid in
// JSON.
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\""
<< this->escape_string(v.str) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::local_time& v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"local_time\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::local_date& v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"local_date\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::local_datetime& v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"local_datetime\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::offset_datetime& v)
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"datetime\",\"value\":\"" << toml::value(v) << "\"}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::array& v)
if(!v.empty() && v.front().is_table())
std::cout << '[';
bool is_first = true;
for(const auto& elem : v)
if(!is_first) {std::cout << ", ";}
is_first = false;
toml::visit(*this, elem);
std::cout << ']';
std::cout << "{\"type\":\"array\",\"value\":[";
bool is_first = true;
for(const auto& elem : v)
if(!is_first) {std::cout << ", ";}
is_first = false;
toml::visit(*this, elem);
std::cout << "]}";
return ;
void operator()(const toml::table& v)
std::cout << '{';
bool is_first = true;
for(const auto& elem : v)
if(!is_first) {std::cout << ", ";}
is_first = false;
std::cout << this->format_key(elem.first) << ':';
toml::visit(*this, elem.second);
std::cout << '}';
return ;
std::string escape_string(const std::string& s) const
std::string retval;
for(const char c : s)
case '\\': {retval += "\\\\"; break;}
case '\"': {retval += "\\\""; break;}
case '\b': {retval += "\\b"; break;}
case '\t': {retval += "\\t"; break;}
case '\f': {retval += "\\f"; break;}
case '\n': {retval += "\\n"; break;}
case '\r': {retval += "\\r"; break;}
default : {retval += c; break;}
return retval;
std::string format_key(const std::string& s) const
const auto quote("\"");
return quote + escape_string(s) + quote;
int main()
std::vector<char> buf;
std::string bufstr(buf.begin(), buf.end());
std::istringstream ss(bufstr);
const auto data = toml::parse(ss);
std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10);
toml::visit(json_serializer(), data);
return 0;
catch(const toml::syntax_error& err)
std::cout << "what(): " << err.what() << std::endl;
return 1;