mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 12:50:06 +00:00
to avoid unncessary error message generation, check the first some characters before parsing it. It makes parsing process faster and is also helpful to generate more accurate error messages.
1755 lines
66 KiB
1755 lines
66 KiB
// Copyright Toru Niina 2017.
// Distributed under the MIT License.
#include "result.hpp"
#include "region.hpp"
#include "combinator.hpp"
#include "lexer.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
namespace toml
namespace detail
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<boolean, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_boolean(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_boolean::invoke(loc))
const auto reg = token.unwrap();
if (reg.str() == "true") {return ok(std::make_pair(true, reg));}
else if(reg.str() == "false") {return ok(std::make_pair(false, reg));}
else // internal error.
throw toml::internal_error(format_underline(
"[error] toml::parse_boolean: internal error",
{{std::addressof(reg), "invalid token"}}));
loc.reset(first); //rollback
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_boolean: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a boolean"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<integer, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_binary_integer(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_bin_int::invoke(loc))
auto str = token.unwrap().str();
assert(str.size() > 2); // minimum -> 0b1
integer retval(0), base(1);
for(auto i(str.rbegin()), e(str.rend() - 2); i!=e; ++i)
if (*i == '1'){retval += base; base *= 2;}
else if(*i == '0'){base *= 2;}
else if(*i == '_'){/* do nothing. */}
else // internal error.
throw toml::internal_error(format_underline(
"[error] toml::parse_integer: internal error",
{{std::addressof(token.unwrap()), "invalid token"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(retval, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_binary_integer:",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not an integer"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<integer, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_octal_integer(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_oct_int::invoke(loc))
auto str = token.unwrap().str();
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '_'), str.end());
str.erase(str.begin()); str.erase(str.begin()); // remove `0o` prefix
std::istringstream iss(str);
integer retval(0);
iss >> std::oct >> retval;
return ok(std::make_pair(retval, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_octal_integer:",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not an integer"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<integer, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_hexadecimal_integer(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_hex_int::invoke(loc))
auto str = token.unwrap().str();
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '_'), str.end());
str.erase(str.begin()); str.erase(str.begin()); // remove `0x` prefix
std::istringstream iss(str);
integer retval(0);
iss >> std::hex >> retval;
return ok(std::make_pair(retval, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_hexadecimal_integer",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not an integer"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<integer, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_integer(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(first != loc.end() && *first == '0')
const auto second = std::next(first);
if(second == loc.end()) // the token is just zero.
return ok(std::make_pair(0, region<Container>(loc, first, second)));
if(*second == 'b') {return parse_binary_integer (loc);} // 0b1100
if(*second == 'o') {return parse_octal_integer (loc);} // 0o775
if(*second == 'x') {return parse_hexadecimal_integer(loc);} // 0xC0FFEE
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_integer: "
"leading zero in an Integer is not allowed.",
{{std::addressof(loc), "leading zero"}}));
else if(std::isalpha(*second))
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_integer: "
"unknown integer prefix appeared.",
{{std::addressof(loc), "none of 0x, 0o, 0b"}}));
if(const auto token = lex_dec_int::invoke(loc))
auto str = token.unwrap().str();
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '_'), str.end());
std::istringstream iss(str);
integer retval(0);
iss >> retval;
return ok(std::make_pair(retval, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_integer: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not an integer"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<floating, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_floating(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_float::invoke(loc))
auto str = token.unwrap().str();
if(str == "inf" || str == "+inf")
return ok(std::make_pair(
std::numeric_limits<floating>::infinity(), token.unwrap()));
throw std::domain_error("toml::parse_floating: inf value found"
" but the current environment does not support inf. Please"
" make sure that the floating-point implementation conforms"
" IEEE 754/ISO 60559 international standard.");
else if(str == "-inf")
return ok(std::make_pair(
-std::numeric_limits<floating>::infinity(), token.unwrap()));
throw std::domain_error("toml::parse_floating: inf value found"
" but the current environment does not support inf. Please"
" make sure that the floating-point implementation conforms"
" IEEE 754/ISO 60559 international standard.");
else if(str == "nan" || str == "+nan")
return ok(std::make_pair(
std::numeric_limits<floating>::quiet_NaN(), token.unwrap()));
else if(std::numeric_limits<floating>::has_signaling_NaN)
return ok(std::make_pair(
std::numeric_limits<floating>::signaling_NaN(), token.unwrap()));
throw std::domain_error("toml::parse_floating: NaN value found"
" but the current environment does not support NaN. Please"
" make sure that the floating-point implementation conforms"
" IEEE 754/ISO 60559 international standard.");
else if(str == "-nan")
return ok(std::make_pair(
-std::numeric_limits<floating>::quiet_NaN(), token.unwrap()));
else if(std::numeric_limits<floating>::has_signaling_NaN)
return ok(std::make_pair(
-std::numeric_limits<floating>::signaling_NaN(), token.unwrap()));
throw std::domain_error("toml::parse_floating: NaN value found"
" but the current environment does not support NaN. Please"
" make sure that the floating-point implementation conforms"
" IEEE 754/ISO 60559 international standard.");
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '_'), str.end());
std::istringstream iss(str);
floating v(0.0);
iss >> v;
return ok(std::make_pair(v, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_floating: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a float"}}));
template<typename Container, typename Container2>
std::string read_utf8_codepoint(const region<Container>& reg,
/* for err msg */ const location<Container2>& loc)
const auto str = reg.str().substr(1);
std::uint_least32_t codepoint;
std::istringstream iss(str);
iss >> std::hex >> codepoint;
std::string character;
if(codepoint < 0x80) // U+0000 ... U+0079 ; just an ASCII.
character += static_cast<char>(codepoint);
else if(codepoint < 0x800) //U+0080 ... U+07FF
// 110yyyyx 10xxxxxx; 0x3f == 0b0011'1111
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0xC0| codepoint >> 6);
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint & 0x3F));
else if(codepoint < 0x10000) // U+0800...U+FFFF
if(0xD800 <= codepoint && codepoint <= 0xDFFF)
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::read_utf8_codepoint: codepoints in the range "
"[0xD800, 0xDFFF] are not valid UTF-8.", {{
std::addressof(loc), "not a valid UTF-8 codepoint"
assert(codepoint < 0xD800 || 0xDFFF < codepoint);
// 1110yyyy 10yxxxxx 10xxxxxx
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0xE0| codepoint >> 12);
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint >> 6 & 0x3F));
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint & 0x3F));
else if(codepoint < 0x110000) // U+010000 ... U+10FFFF
// 11110yyy 10yyxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0xF0| codepoint >> 18);
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint >> 12 & 0x3F));
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint >> 6 & 0x3F));
character += static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80|(codepoint & 0x3F));
else // out of UTF-8 region
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::read_utf8_codepoint:"
" input codepoint is too large.",
{{std::addressof(loc), "should be in [0x00..0x10FFFF]"}}));
return character;
template<typename Container>
result<std::string, std::string> parse_escape_sequence(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(first == loc.end() || *first != '\\')
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_escape_sequence: ", {{
std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a backslash \"\\\""}}));
case '\\':{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\\"));}
case '"' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\""));}
case 'b' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\b"));}
case 't' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\t"));}
case 'n' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\n"));}
case 'f' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\f"));}
case 'r' :{loc.advance(); return ok(std::string("\r"));}
case 'u' :
if(const auto token = lex_escape_unicode_short::invoke(loc))
return ok(read_utf8_codepoint(token.unwrap(), loc));
return err(format_underline("[error] parse_escape_sequence: "
"invalid token found in UTF-8 codepoint uXXXX.",
{{std::addressof(loc), token.unwrap_err()}}));
case 'U':
if(const auto token = lex_escape_unicode_long::invoke(loc))
return ok(read_utf8_codepoint(token.unwrap(), loc));
return err(format_underline("[error] parse_escape_sequence: "
"invalid token found in UTF-8 codepoint Uxxxxxxxx",
{{std::addressof(loc), token.unwrap_err()}}));
const auto msg = format_underline("[error] parse_escape_sequence: "
"unknown escape sequence appeared.", {{std::addressof(loc),
"escape sequence is one of \\, \", b, t, n, f, r, uxxxx, Uxxxxxxxx"}},
/* Hints = */{"if you want to write backslash as just one backslash, "
"use literal string like: regex = '<\\i\\c*\\s*>'"});
return err(msg);
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<toml::string, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_ml_basic_string(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_ml_basic_string::invoke(loc))
auto inner_loc = loc;
std::string retval;
auto delim = lex_ml_basic_string_delim::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_ml_basic_string: invalid token",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be \"\"\""}}));
// immediate newline is ignored (if exists)
/* discard return value */ lex_newline::invoke(inner_loc);
delim = err("tmp");
using lex_unescaped_seq = repeat<
either<lex_ml_basic_unescaped, lex_newline>, unlimited>;
if(auto unescaped = lex_unescaped_seq::invoke(inner_loc))
retval += unescaped.unwrap().str();
if(auto escaped = parse_escape_sequence(inner_loc))
retval += escaped.unwrap();
if(auto esc_nl = lex_ml_basic_escaped_newline::invoke(inner_loc))
// ignore newline after escape until next non-ws char
if(inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_ml_basic_string: unexpected end of region",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "not sufficient token"}}));
delim = lex_ml_basic_string_delim::invoke(inner_loc);
return ok(std::make_pair(toml::string(retval), token.unwrap()));
return err(token.unwrap_err());
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<toml::string, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_basic_string(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_basic_string::invoke(loc))
auto inner_loc = loc;
auto quot = lex_quotation_mark::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] parse_basic_string: "
"invalid token", {{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be \""}}));
std::string retval;
quot = err("tmp");
using lex_unescaped_seq = repeat<lex_basic_unescaped, unlimited>;
if(auto unescaped = lex_unescaped_seq::invoke(inner_loc))
retval += unescaped.unwrap().str();
if(auto escaped = parse_escape_sequence(inner_loc))
retval += escaped.unwrap();
if(inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_ml_basic_string: unexpected end of region",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "not sufficient token"}}));
quot = lex_quotation_mark::invoke(inner_loc);
return ok(std::make_pair(toml::string(retval), token.unwrap()));
loc.reset(first); // rollback
return err(token.unwrap_err());
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<toml::string, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_ml_literal_string(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_ml_literal_string::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto open = lex_ml_literal_string_delim::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_ml_literal_string: invalid token",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be '''"}}));
// immediate newline is ignored (if exists)
/* discard return value */ lex_newline::invoke(inner_loc);
const auto body = lex_ml_literal_body::invoke(inner_loc);
const auto close = lex_ml_literal_string_delim::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_ml_literal_string: invalid token",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be '''"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(
toml::string(body.unwrap().str(), toml::string_t::literal),
loc.reset(first); // rollback
return err(token.unwrap_err());
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<toml::string, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_literal_string(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_literal_string::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto open = lex_apostrophe::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_literal_string: invalid token",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be '"}}));
const auto body = repeat<lex_literal_char, unlimited>::invoke(inner_loc);
const auto close = lex_apostrophe::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"parse_literal_string: invalid token",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be '"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(
toml::string(body.unwrap().str(), toml::string_t::literal),
loc.reset(first); // rollback
return err(token.unwrap_err());
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<toml::string, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_string(location<Container>& loc)
if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *(loc.iter()) == '"')
if(loc.iter() + 1 != loc.end() && *(loc.iter() + 1) == '"' &&
loc.iter() + 2 != loc.end() && *(loc.iter() + 2) == '"')
return parse_ml_basic_string(loc);
return parse_basic_string(loc);
else if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *(loc.iter()) == '\'')
if(loc.iter() + 1 != loc.end() && *(loc.iter() + 1) == '\'' &&
loc.iter() + 2 != loc.end() && *(loc.iter() + 2) == '\'')
return parse_ml_literal_string(loc);
return parse_literal_string(loc);
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_string: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a string"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<local_date, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_local_date(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_local_date::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto y = lex_date_fullyear::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!y || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end() || *inner_loc.iter() != '-')
const std::string msg = y.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg) {return msg;}, "should be `-`");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_inner_local_date: invalid year format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
const auto m = lex_date_month::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!m || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end() || *inner_loc.iter() != '-')
const std::string msg = m.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg) {return msg;}, "should be `-`");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_date: invalid month format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
const auto d = lex_date_mday::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_date: invalid day format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), d.unwrap_err()}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(local_date(
static_cast<std::int16_t>(from_string<int>(y.unwrap().str(), 0)),
static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(m.unwrap().str(), 0)-1)),
static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(d.unwrap().str(), 0))),
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_local_date: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a local_date"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<local_time, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_local_time(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_local_time::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto h = lex_time_hour::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!h || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end() || *inner_loc.iter() != ':')
const std::string msg = h.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg) {return msg;}, "should be `:`");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_time: invalid year format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
const auto m = lex_time_minute::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!m || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end() || *inner_loc.iter() != ':')
const std::string msg = m.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg) {return msg;}, "should be `:`");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_time: invalid month format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
const auto s = lex_time_second::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_time: invalid second format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), s.unwrap_err()}}));
local_time time(
static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(h.unwrap().str(), 0)),
static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(m.unwrap().str(), 0)),
static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(s.unwrap().str(), 0)), 0, 0);
const auto before_secfrac = inner_loc.iter();
if(const auto secfrac = lex_time_secfrac::invoke(inner_loc))
auto sf = secfrac.unwrap().str();
sf.erase(sf.begin()); // sf.front() == '.'
switch(sf.size() % 3)
case 2: sf += '0'; break;
case 1: sf += "00"; break;
case 0: break;
default: break;
if(sf.size() >= 6)
time.millisecond = from_string<std::int16_t>(sf.substr(0, 3), 0);
time.microsecond = from_string<std::int16_t>(sf.substr(3, 3), 0);
else if(sf.size() >= 3)
time.millisecond = from_string<std::int16_t>(sf, 0);
time.microsecond = 0;
if(before_secfrac != inner_loc.iter())
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_time: invalid subsecond format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), secfrac.unwrap_err()}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(time, token.unwrap()));
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_local_time: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a local_time"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<local_datetime, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_local_datetime(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_local_date_time::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto date = parse_local_date(inner_loc);
if(!date || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
const std::string msg = date.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg) {return msg;}, "date, not datetime");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_datetime: invalid datetime format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
const char delim = *(inner_loc.iter());
if(delim != 'T' && delim != 't' && delim != ' ')
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_datetime: invalid datetime format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `T` or ` ` (space)"}}));
const auto time = parse_local_time(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_local_datetime: invalid datetime format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "invalid time fomrat"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(
local_datetime(date.unwrap().first, time.unwrap().first),
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_local_datetime: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a local_datetime"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<offset_datetime, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_offset_datetime(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(const auto token = lex_offset_date_time::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto datetime = parse_local_datetime(inner_loc);
if(!datetime || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
const std::string msg = datetime.map_err_or_else(
[](const std::string& msg){return msg;}, "date, not datetime");
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_offset_datetime: invalid datetime format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), msg}}));
time_offset offset(0, 0);
if(const auto ofs = lex_time_numoffset::invoke(inner_loc))
const auto str = ofs.unwrap().str();
if(str.front() == '+')
offset.hour = static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(str.substr(1,2), 0));
offset.minute = static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(str.substr(4,2), 0));
offset.hour = -static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(str.substr(1,2), 0));
offset.minute = -static_cast<std::int8_t>(from_string<int>(str.substr(4,2), 0));
else if(*inner_loc.iter() != 'Z' && *inner_loc.iter() != 'z')
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error]: "
"toml::parse_offset_datetime: invalid datetime format",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `Z` or `+HH:MM`"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(offset_datetime(datetime.unwrap().first, offset),
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_offset_datetime: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a local_datetime"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<key, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_simple_key(location<Container>& loc)
if(const auto bstr = parse_basic_string(loc))
return ok(std::make_pair(bstr.unwrap().first.str, bstr.unwrap().second));
if(const auto lstr = parse_literal_string(loc))
return ok(std::make_pair(lstr.unwrap().first.str, lstr.unwrap().second));
if(const auto bare = lex_unquoted_key::invoke(loc))
const auto reg = bare.unwrap();
return ok(std::make_pair(reg.str(), reg));
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_simple_key: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not a simple key"}}));
// dotted key become vector of keys
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<std::vector<key>, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_key(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
// dotted key -> foo.bar.baz whitespaces are allowed
if(const auto token = lex_dotted_key::invoke(loc))
const auto reg = token.unwrap();
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), reg.str());
std::vector<key> keys;
while(inner_loc.iter() != inner_loc.end())
if(const auto k = parse_simple_key(inner_loc))
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::detail::parse_key: dotted key contains invalid key",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), k.unwrap_err()}}));
if(inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
else if(*inner_loc.iter() == '.')
inner_loc.advance(); // to skip `.`
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key: "
"dotted key contains invalid key ",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `.`"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(keys, reg));
// simple key -> foo
if(const auto smpl = parse_simple_key(loc))
return ok(std::make_pair(std::vector<key>(1, smpl.unwrap().first),
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "is not a valid key"}}));
// forward-decl to implement parse_array and parse_table
template<typename Container>
result<value, std::string> parse_value(location<Container>&);
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<array, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_array(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(loc.iter() == loc.end())
return err("[error] toml::parse_array: input is empty");
if(*loc.iter() != '[')
return err("[error] toml::parse_array: token is not an array");
using lex_ws_comment_newline = repeat<
either<lex_wschar, lex_newline, lex_comment>, unlimited>;
array retval;
while(loc.iter() != loc.end())
lex_ws_comment_newline::invoke(loc); // skip
if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *loc.iter() == ']')
loc.advance(); // skip ']'
return ok(std::make_pair(retval,
region<Container>(loc, first, loc.iter())));
if(auto val = parse_value(loc))
if(!retval.empty() && retval.front().type() != val.as_ok().type())
auto array_start_loc = loc;
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_array: "
"type of elements should be the same each other.", {
{std::addressof(array_start_loc), "array starts here"},
"value has type " + stringize(retval.front().type())
"value has different type, " + stringize(val.unwrap().type())
auto array_start_loc = loc;
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_array: "
"value having invalid format appeared in an array", {
{std::addressof(array_start_loc), "array starts here"},
{std::addressof(loc), "it is not a valid value."}
using lex_array_separator = sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, character<','>>;
const auto sp = lex_array_separator::invoke(loc);
if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *loc.iter() == ']')
loc.advance(); // skip ']'
return ok(std::make_pair(retval,
region<Container>(loc, first, loc.iter())));
auto array_start_loc = loc;
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_array:"
" missing array separator `,` after a value", {
{std::addressof(array_start_loc), "array starts here"},
{std::addressof(loc), "should be `,`"}
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_array: "
"array did not closed by `]`",
{{std::addressof(loc), "should be closed"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<std::pair<std::vector<key>, region<Container>>, value>, std::string>
parse_key_value_pair(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
auto key_reg = parse_key(loc);
std::string msg = std::move(key_reg.unwrap_err());
// if the next token is keyvalue-separator, it means that there are no
// key. then we need to show error as "empty key is not allowed".
if(const auto keyval_sep = lex_keyval_sep::invoke(loc))
msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key_value_pair: "
"empty key is not allowed.",
{{std::addressof(loc), "key expected before '='"}});
return err(std::move(msg));
const auto kvsp = lex_keyval_sep::invoke(loc);
std::string msg;
// if the line contains '=' after the invalid sequence, possibly the
// error is in the key (like, invalid character in bare key).
const auto line_end = std::find(loc.iter(), loc.end(), '\n');
if(std::find(loc.iter(), line_end, '=') != line_end)
msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key_value_pair: "
"invalid format for key",
{{std::addressof(loc), "invalid character in key"}},
{"Did you forget '.' to separate dotted-key?",
"Allowed characters for bare key are [0-9a-zA-Z_-]."});
else // if not, the error is lack of key-value separator.
msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key_value_pair: "
"missing key-value separator `=`",
{{std::addressof(loc), "should be `=`"}});
return err(std::move(msg));
const auto after_kvsp = loc.iter(); // err msg
auto val = parse_value(loc);
std::string msg;
// check there is something not a comment/whitespace after `=`
if(sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, maybe<lex_comment>, lex_newline>::invoke(loc))
msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_key_value_pair: "
"missing value after key-value separator '='",
{{std::addressof(loc), "expected value, but got nothing"}});
else // there is something not a comment/whitespace, so invalid format.
msg = std::move(val.unwrap_err());
return err(msg);
return ok(std::make_pair(std::move(key_reg.unwrap()),
// for error messages.
template<typename InputIterator>
std::string format_dotted_keys(InputIterator first, const InputIterator last)
typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value,"");
std::string retval(*first++);
for(; first != last; ++first)
retval += '.';
retval += *first;
return retval;
// forward decl for is_valid_forward_table_definition
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<std::vector<key>, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_table_key(location<Container>& loc);
// The following toml file is allowed.
// ```toml
// [a.b.c] # here, table `a` has element `b`.
// foo = "bar"
// [a] # merge a = {baz = "qux"} to a = {b = {...}}
// baz = "qux"
// ```
// But the following is not allowed.
// ```toml
// [a]
// b.c.foo = "bar"
// [a] # error! the same table [a] defined!
// baz = "qux"
// ```
// The following is neither allowed.
// ```toml
// a = { b.c.foo = "bar"}
// [a] # error! the same table [a] defined!
// baz = "qux"
// ```
// Here, it parses region of `tab->at(k)` as a table key and check the depth
// of the key. If the key region points deeper node, it would be allowed.
// Otherwise, the key points the same node. It would be rejected.
template<typename Iterator>
bool is_valid_forward_table_definition(const value& fwd,
Iterator key_first, Iterator key_curr, Iterator key_last)
location<std::string> def("internal", detail::get_region(fwd).str());
if(const auto tabkeys = parse_table_key(def))
// table keys always contains all the nodes from the root.
const auto& tks = tabkeys.unwrap().first;
if(std::size_t(std::distance(key_first, key_last)) == tks.size() &&
std::equal(tks.begin(), tks.end(), key_first))
// the keys are equivalent. it is not allowed.
return false;
// the keys are not equivalent. it is allowed.
return true;
if(const auto dotkeys = parse_key(def))
// consider the following case.
// [a]
// b.c = {d = 42}
// [a.b.c]
// e = 2.71
// this defines the table [a.b.c] twice. no?
// a dotted key starts from the node representing a table in which the
// dotted key belongs to.
const auto& dks = dotkeys.unwrap().first;
if(std::size_t(std::distance(key_curr, key_last)) == dks.size() &&
std::equal(dks.begin(), dks.end(), key_curr))
// the keys are equivalent. it is not allowed.
return false;
// the keys are not equivalent. it is allowed.
return true;
return false;
template<typename InputIterator, typename Container>
result<bool, std::string>
insert_nested_key(table& root, const toml::value& v,
InputIterator iter, const InputIterator last,
region<Container> key_reg,
const bool is_array_of_table = false)
typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value,"");
const auto first = iter;
assert(iter != last);
table* tab = std::addressof(root);
for(; iter != last; ++iter) // search recursively
const key& k = *iter;
if(std::next(iter) == last) // k is the last key
// XXX if the value is array-of-tables, there can be several
// tables that are in the same array. in that case, we need to
// find the last element and insert it to there.
if(tab->count(k) == 1) // there is already an array of table
// show special err msg for conflicting table
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: array of table (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last),
"\") cannot be defined"), {
"table already defined"},
"this conflicts with the previous table"}
else if(!(tab->at(k).is(value_t::Array)))
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: array of table (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last), "\") collides with"
" existing value"), {
concat_to_string("this ", tab->at(k).type(),
" value already exists")},
"while inserting this array-of-tables"}
array& a = tab->at(k).template cast<toml::value_t::Array>();
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: array of table (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last), "\") collides with"
" existing value"), {
concat_to_string("this ", tab->at(k).type(),
" value already exists")},
"while inserting this array-of-tables"}
// avoid conflicting array of table like the following.
// ```toml
// a = [{b = 42}] # define a as an array of *inline* tables
// [[a]] # a is an array of *multi-line* tables
// b = 54
// ```
// Here, from the type information, these cannot be detected
// bacause inline table is also a table.
// But toml v0.5.0 explicitly says it is invalid. The above
// array-of-tables has a static size and appending to the
// array is invalid.
// In this library, multi-line table value has a region
// that points to the key of the table (e.g. [[a]]). By
// comparing the first two letters in key, we can detect
// the array-of-table is inline or multiline.
if(detail::get_region(a.front()).str().substr(0,2) != "[[")
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: array of table (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last), "\") collides with"
" existing array-of-tables"), {
concat_to_string("this ", tab->at(k).type(),
" value has static size")},
"appending it to the statically sized array"}
return ok(true);
else // if not, we need to create the array of table
toml::value aot(toml::array(1, v), key_reg);
tab->insert(std::make_pair(k, aot));
return ok(true);
} // end if(array of table)
if(tab->count(k) == 1)
if(tab->at(k).is(value_t::Table) && v.is(value_t::Table))
tab->at(k), first, iter, last))
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: table (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last),
"\") already exists."), {
"table already exists here"},
"table defined twice"}
// to allow the following toml file.
// [a.b.c]
// d = 42
// [a]
// e = 2.71
auto& t = tab->at(k).cast<value_t::Table>();
for(const auto& kv : v.cast<value_t::Table>())
t[kv.first] = kv.second;
detail::change_region(tab->at(k), key_reg);
return ok(true);
else if(v.is(value_t::Table) &&
tab->at(k).is(value_t::Array) &&
tab->at(k).cast<value_t::Array>().size() > 0 &&
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: array of tables (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last), "\") already exists."), {
"array of tables defined here"},
"table conflicts with the previous array of table"}
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: value (\"",
format_dotted_keys(first, last), "\") already exists."), {
"value already exists here"},
"value defined twice"}
tab->insert(std::make_pair(k, v));
return ok(true);
// if there is no corresponding value, insert it first.
// related: you don't need to write
// # [x]
// # [x.y]
// to write
// [x.y.z]
if(tab->count(k) == 0)
(*tab)[k] = toml::value(toml::table{}, key_reg);
// type checking...
tab = std::addressof((*tab)[k].template cast<value_t::Table>());
else if(tab->at(k).is(value_t::Array)) // inserting to array-of-tables?
array& a = (*tab)[k].template cast<value_t::Array>();
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: target (",
format_dotted_keys(first, std::next(iter)),
") is neither table nor an array of tables"), {
concat_to_string("actual type is ", a.back().type())},
{std::addressof(get_region(v)), "inserting this"}
tab = std::addressof(a.back().template cast<value_t::Table>());
throw syntax_error(format_underline(concat_to_string(
"[error] toml::insert_value: target (",
format_dotted_keys(first, std::next(iter)),
") is neither table nor an array of tables"), {
concat_to_string("actual type is ", tab->at(k).type())},
{std::addressof(get_region(v)), "inserting this"}
return err(std::string("toml::detail::insert_nested_key: never reach here"));
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<table, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_inline_table(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
table retval;
if(!(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *loc.iter() == '{'))
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_inline_table: ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "the next token is not an inline table"}}));
// it starts from "{". it should be formatted as inline-table
while(loc.iter() != loc.end())
if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *loc.iter() == '}')
loc.advance(); // skip `}`
return ok(std::make_pair(
retval, region<Container>(loc, first, loc.iter())));
const auto kv_r = parse_key_value_pair(loc);
return err(kv_r.unwrap_err());
const std::vector<key>& keys = kv_r.unwrap().first.first;
const region<Container>& key_reg = kv_r.unwrap().first.second;
const value& val = kv_r.unwrap().second;
const auto inserted =
insert_nested_key(retval, val, keys.begin(), keys.end(), key_reg);
throw internal_error("[error] toml::parse_inline_table: "
"failed to insert value into table: " + inserted.unwrap_err());
using lex_table_separator = sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, character<','>>;
const auto sp = lex_table_separator::invoke(loc);
if(loc.iter() != loc.end() && *loc.iter() == '}')
loc.advance(); // skip `}`
return ok(std::make_pair(
retval, region<Container>(loc, first, loc.iter())));
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml:::parse_inline_table: missing table separator `,` ",
{{std::addressof(loc), "should be `,`"}}));
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_inline_table: "
"inline table did not closed by `}`",
{{std::addressof(loc), "should be closed"}}));
template<typename Container>
result<value, std::string> parse_value(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(first == loc.end())
return err(format_underline("[error] toml::parse_value: input is empty",
{{std::addressof(loc), ""}}));
if(auto r = parse_string (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_array (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_inline_table (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_boolean (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_offset_datetime(loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_local_datetime (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_local_date (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_local_time (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_floating (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
if(auto r = parse_integer (loc))
{return ok(value(std::move(r.unwrap().first), std::move(r.unwrap().second)));}
const auto msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_value: "
"unknown token appeared", {{std::addressof(loc), "unknown"}});
return err(msg);
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<std::vector<key>, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_table_key(location<Container>& loc)
if(auto token = lex_std_table::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto open = lex_std_table_open::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!open || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_table_key: no `[`",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `[`"}}));
// to skip [ a . b . c ]
// ^----------- this whitespace
const auto keys = parse_key(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_table_key: invalid key",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "not key"}}));
// to skip [ a . b . c ]
// ^-- this whitespace
const auto close = lex_std_table_close::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_table_key: no `]`",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `]`"}}));
// after [table.key], newline or EOF(empty table) requried.
if(loc.iter() != loc.end())
using lex_newline_after_table_key =
sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, maybe<lex_comment>, lex_newline>;
const auto nl = lex_newline_after_table_key::invoke(loc);
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_table_key: newline required after [table.key]",
{{std::addressof(loc), "expected newline"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(keys.unwrap().first, token.unwrap()));
return err(token.unwrap_err());
template<typename Container>
result<std::pair<std::vector<key>, region<Container>>, std::string>
parse_array_table_key(location<Container>& loc)
if(auto token = lex_array_table::invoke(loc))
location<std::string> inner_loc(loc.name(), token.unwrap().str());
const auto open = lex_array_table_open::invoke(inner_loc);
if(!open || inner_loc.iter() == inner_loc.end())
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_array_table_key: no `[[`",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `[[`"}}));
const auto keys = parse_key(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_array_table_key: invalid key",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "not a key"}}));
const auto close = lex_array_table_close::invoke(inner_loc);
throw internal_error(format_underline("[error] "
"toml::parse_table_key: no `]]`",
{{std::addressof(inner_loc), "should be `]]`"}}));
// after [[table.key]], newline or EOF(empty table) requried.
if(loc.iter() != loc.end())
using lex_newline_after_table_key =
sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, maybe<lex_comment>, lex_newline>;
const auto nl = lex_newline_after_table_key::invoke(loc);
throw syntax_error(format_underline("[error] toml::"
"parse_array_table_key: newline required after [[table.key]]",
{{std::addressof(loc), "expected newline"}}));
return ok(std::make_pair(keys.unwrap().first, token.unwrap()));
return err(token.unwrap_err());
// parse table body (key-value pairs until the iter hits the next [tablekey])
template<typename Container>
result<table, std::string> parse_ml_table(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(first == loc.end())
return ok(toml::table{});
// XXX at lest one newline is needed.
using skip_line = repeat<
sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, maybe<lex_comment>, lex_newline>, at_least<1>>;
table tab;
while(loc.iter() != loc.end())
const auto before = loc.iter();
if(const auto tmp = parse_array_table_key(loc)) // next table found
return ok(tab);
if(const auto tmp = parse_table_key(loc)) // next table found
return ok(tab);
if(const auto kv = parse_key_value_pair(loc))
const std::vector<key>& keys = kv.unwrap().first.first;
const region<Container>& key_reg = kv.unwrap().first.second;
const value& val = kv.unwrap().second;
const auto inserted =
insert_nested_key(tab, val, keys.begin(), keys.end(), key_reg);
return err(inserted.unwrap_err());
return err(kv.unwrap_err());
// comment lines are skipped by the above function call.
// However, since the `skip_line` requires at least 1 newline, it fails
// if the file ends with ws and/or comment without newline.
// `skip_line` matches `ws? + comment? + newline`, not `ws` or `comment`
// itself. To skip the last ws and/or comment, call lexers.
// It does not matter if these fails, so the return value is discarded.
// skip_line is (whitespace? comment? newline)_{1,}. multiple empty lines
// and comments after the last key-value pairs are allowed.
const auto newline = skip_line::invoke(loc);
if(!newline && loc.iter() != loc.end())
const auto before = loc.iter();
lex_ws::invoke(loc); // skip whitespace
const auto msg = format_underline("[error] toml::parse_table: "
"invalid line format", {{std::addressof(loc), concat_to_string(
"expected newline, but got '", show_char(*loc.iter()), "'.")}});
return err(msg);
// the skip_lines only matches with lines that includes newline.
// to skip the last line that includes comment and/or whitespace
// but no newline, call them one more time.
return ok(tab);
template<typename Container>
result<table, std::string> parse_toml_file(location<Container>& loc)
const auto first = loc.iter();
if(first == loc.end())
return ok(toml::table{});
table data;
// root object is also a table, but without [tablename]
if(auto tab = parse_ml_table(loc))
data = std::move(tab.unwrap());
else // failed (empty table is regarded as success in parse_ml_table)
return err(tab.unwrap_err());
while(loc.iter() != loc.end())
// here, the region of [table] is regarded as the table-key because
// the table body is normally too big and it is not so informative
// if the first key-value pair of the table is shown in the error
// message.
if(const auto tabkey = parse_array_table_key(loc))
const auto tab = parse_ml_table(loc);
if(!tab){return err(tab.unwrap_err());}
const auto& keys = tabkey.unwrap().first;
const auto& reg = tabkey.unwrap().second;
const auto inserted = insert_nested_key(data,
toml::value(tab.unwrap(), reg),
keys.begin(), keys.end(), reg,
/*is_array_of_table=*/ true);
if(!inserted) {return err(inserted.unwrap_err());}
if(const auto tabkey = parse_table_key(loc))
const auto tab = parse_ml_table(loc);
if(!tab){return err(tab.unwrap_err());}
const auto& keys = tabkey.unwrap().first;
const auto& reg = tabkey.unwrap().second;
const auto inserted = insert_nested_key(data,
toml::value(tab.unwrap(), reg), keys.begin(), keys.end(), reg);
if(!inserted) {return err(inserted.unwrap_err());}
return err(format_underline("[error]: toml::parse_toml_file: "
"unknown line appeared", {{std::addressof(loc), "unknown format"}}));
return ok(data);
} // detail
inline table parse(std::istream& is, std::string fname = "unknown file")
const auto beg = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
const auto end = is.tellg();
const auto fsize = end - beg;
// read whole file as a sequence of char
std::vector<char> letters(fsize);
is.read(letters.data(), fsize);
loc(std::move(fname), std::move(letters));
// skip BOM if exists.
// XXX component of BOM (like 0xEF) exceeds the representable range of
// signed char, so on some (actually, most) of the environment, these cannot
// be compared to char. However, since we are always out of luck, we need to
// check our chars are equivalent to BOM. To do this, first we need to
// convert char to unsigned char to guarantee the comparability.
if(loc.source()->size() >= 3)
std::array<unsigned char, 3> BOM;
std::memcpy(BOM.data(), loc.source()->data(), 3);
if(BOM[0] == 0xEF && BOM[1] == 0xBB && BOM[2] == 0xBF)
loc.advance(3); // BOM found. skip.
const auto data = detail::parse_toml_file(loc);
throw syntax_error(data.unwrap_err());
return data.unwrap();
inline table parse(const std::string& fname)
std::ifstream ifs(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
throw std::runtime_error("toml::parse: file open error -> " + fname);
return parse(ifs, fname);
} // toml
#endif// TOML11_PARSER_HPP