2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --experimental-wasm-gc
let tableTypes = {
"anyref": kWasmAnyRef,
"eqref": kWasmEqRef,
"dataref": kWasmDataRef,
"arrayref": kWasmArrayRef,
// Test table consistency check.
for (let [typeName, type] of Object.entries(tableTypes)) {
print("TestTableTypeCheck_" + typeName);
let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
const size = 10;
builder.addImportedTable("imports", "table", size, size, type);
for (let typeName2 in tableTypes) {
let table = new WebAssembly.Table({
initial: size, maximum: size, element: typeName2
if (typeName == typeName2) {
builder.instantiate({ imports: { table } });
} else {
let err = 'WebAssembly.Instance(): Import #0 module="imports" ' +
'function="table" error: imported table does not match the ' +
'expected type';
assertThrows(() => builder.instantiate({ imports: { table } }),
// Test table usage from JS and Wasm.
for (let [typeName, type] of Object.entries(tableTypes)) {
print("TestImportedTable_" + typeName);
let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
const size = 10;
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const maxSize = 15;
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let table = new WebAssembly.Table({
2022-08-26 09:19:43 +00:00
initial: size, maximum: maxSize, element: typeName
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
let creatorSig = builder.addType(makeSig([], [type]));
2022-08-30 10:54:55 +00:00
let creatorAnySig = builder.addType(makeSig([], [kWasmAnyRef]));
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let struct = builder.addStruct([makeField(kWasmI32, false)]);
let array = builder.addArray(kWasmI32, true);
2022-08-26 09:19:43 +00:00
builder.addImportedTable("imports", "table", size, maxSize, type);
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
makeSig([kWasmI32, wasmRefType(creatorSig)], []))
kExprLocalGet, 0,
kExprLocalGet, 1,
2022-08-30 16:48:43 +00:00
kExprCallRef, creatorSig,
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
kExprTableSet, 0,
builder.addFunction("tableGet", makeSig([kWasmI32], [kWasmExternRef]))
kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprTableGet, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprExternExternalize,
let getValSig = makeSig([kWasmI32], [kWasmI32]);
builder.addFunction("tableGetStructVal", getValSig)
kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprTableGet, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprRefAsData,
kGCPrefix, kExprRefCastStatic, struct,
kGCPrefix, kExprStructGet, struct, 0,
builder.addFunction("tableGetArrayVal", getValSig)
kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprTableGet, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprRefAsData,
kGCPrefix, kExprRefCastStatic, array,
kExprI32Const, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprArrayGet, array,
makeSig([wasmRefType(creatorSig)], [kWasmExternRef]))
kExprLocalGet, 0,
2022-08-30 16:48:43 +00:00
kExprCallRef, creatorSig,
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
kGCPrefix, kExprExternExternalize,
2022-08-30 10:54:55 +00:00
makeSig([wasmRefType(creatorAnySig)], [kWasmExternRef]))
kExprLocalGet, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprExternExternalize,
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
let blockSig = builder.addType(makeSig([kWasmAnyRef], [kWasmEqRef]));
let castExternToEqRef = [
kGCPrefix, kExprExternInternalize,
kExprBlock, blockSig,
kGCPrefix, kExprBrOnI31, 0,
kGCPrefix, kExprBrOnData, 0,
// non-data, non-i31
kExprUnreachable, // conversion failure
// TODO(7748): Directly compare the externrefs in JS once
// FLAG_wasm_gc_js_interop is supported.
makeSig([kWasmExternRef, kWasmExternRef], [kWasmI32]))
kExprLocalGet, 0,
kExprLocalGet, 1,
builder.addFunction("createNull", creatorSig)
.addBody([kExprRefNull, kNullRefCode])
2022-08-30 10:54:55 +00:00
let i31Sig = typeName != "dataref" && typeName != "arrayref"
? creatorSig : creatorAnySig;
builder.addFunction("createI31", i31Sig)
.addBody([kExprI32Const, 12, kGCPrefix, kExprI31New])
let structSig = typeName != "arrayref" ? creatorSig : creatorAnySig;
builder.addFunction("createStruct", structSig)
.addBody([kExprI32Const, 12, kGCPrefix, kExprStructNew, struct])
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
builder.addFunction("createArray", creatorSig)
kExprI32Const, 12,
2022-08-25 14:16:56 +00:00
kGCPrefix, kExprArrayNewFixed, array, 1
2022-08-22 15:14:10 +00:00
let instance = builder.instantiate({ imports: { table } });
let wasm = instance.exports;
// Set null.
table.set(0, null);
assertEquals(null, wasm.tableGet(0));
assertEquals(null, table.get(0));
wasm.tableSet(1, wasm.createNull);
assertEquals(null, wasm.tableGet(1));
assertEquals(null, table.get(1));
// Set i31.
if (typeName != "dataref" && typeName != "arrayref") {
table.set(2, wasm.exported(wasm.createI31));
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(2), wasm.tableGet(2)));
wasm.tableSet(3, wasm.createI31);
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(3), wasm.tableGet(3)));
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(2), table.get(3))); // The same smi.
// Set struct.
if (typeName != "arrayref") {
table.set(4, wasm.exported(wasm.createStruct));
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(4), wasm.tableGet(4)));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetStructVal(4));
wasm.tableSet(5, wasm.createStruct);
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(5), wasm.tableGet(5)));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetStructVal(5));
assertEquals(0, wasm.eq(table.get(4), table.get(5))); // Not the same.
// Set array.
table.set(6, wasm.exported(wasm.createArray));
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(6), wasm.tableGet(6)));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetArrayVal(6));
wasm.tableSet(7, wasm.createArray);
assertEquals(1, wasm.eq(table.get(7), wasm.tableGet(7)));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetArrayVal(7));
assertEquals(0, wasm.eq(table.get(6), table.get(7))); // Not the same.
// Ensure all objects are externalized, so they can be handled by JS.
for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
2022-08-26 09:19:43 +00:00
if (typeName != "arrayref") {
// Grow table with explicit value.
table.grow(2, wasm.exported(wasm.createStruct));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetStructVal(size));
assertEquals(12, wasm.tableGetStructVal(size + 1));
assertTraps(kTrapTableOutOfBounds, () => wasm.tableGetStructVal(size + 2));
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// Grow by 1 without initial value.
table.grow(1, null);
table.grow(1, undefined);
// Set from JS with wrapped wasm value of incompatible type.
let invalidValues = {
"anyref": [],
"eqref": [],
"dataref": ["I31"],
"arrayref": ["I31", "Struct"],
for (let invalidType of invalidValues[typeName]) {
print(`Test invalid type ${invalidType} for ${typeName}`);
let invalid_value = wasm.exportedAny(wasm[`create${invalidType}`]);
assertThrows(() => table.grow(1, invalid_value), TypeError);
assertThrows(() => table.set(1, invalid_value), TypeError);
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