
159 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/debug/debug-coverage.h"
#include "src/base/hashmap.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class SharedToCounterMap
: public base::TemplateHashMapImpl<SharedFunctionInfo*, uint32_t,
base::DefaultAllocationPolicy> {
typedef base::TemplateHashMapEntry<SharedFunctionInfo*, uint32_t> Entry;
inline void Add(SharedFunctionInfo* key, uint32_t count) {
Entry* entry = LookupOrInsert(key, Hash(key), []() { return 0; });
uint32_t old_count = entry->value;
if (UINT32_MAX - count < old_count) {
entry->value = UINT32_MAX;
} else {
entry->value = old_count + count;
inline uint32_t Get(SharedFunctionInfo* key) {
Entry* entry = Lookup(key, Hash(key));
if (entry == nullptr) return 0;
return entry->value;
static uint32_t Hash(SharedFunctionInfo* key) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(key));
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
namespace {
int StartPosition(SharedFunctionInfo* info) {
int start = info->function_token_position();
if (start == kNoSourcePosition) start = info->start_position();
return start;
bool CompareSharedFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo* a, SharedFunctionInfo* b) {
int a_start = StartPosition(a);
int b_start = StartPosition(b);
if (a_start == b_start) return a->end_position() > b->end_position();
return a_start < b_start;
} // anonymous namespace
Coverage* Coverage::Collect(Isolate* isolate, bool reset_count) {
SharedToCounterMap counter_map;
// Feed invocation count into the counter map.
if (isolate->IsCodeCoverageEnabled()) {
// Feedback vectors are already listed to prevent losing them to GC.
Handle<ArrayList> list =
for (int i = 0; i < list->Length(); i++) {
FeedbackVector* vector = FeedbackVector::cast(list->Get(i));
SharedFunctionInfo* shared = vector->shared_function_info();
uint32_t count = static_cast<uint32_t>(vector->invocation_count());
if (reset_count) vector->clear_invocation_count();
counter_map.Add(shared, count);
} else {
// Iterate the heap to find all feedback vectors and accumulate the
// invocation counts into the map for each shared function info.
HeapIterator heap_iterator(isolate->heap());
while (HeapObject* current_obj = heap_iterator.next()) {
if (!current_obj->IsFeedbackVector()) continue;
FeedbackVector* vector = FeedbackVector::cast(current_obj);
SharedFunctionInfo* shared = vector->shared_function_info();
if (!shared->IsSubjectToDebugging()) continue;
uint32_t count = static_cast<uint32_t>(vector->invocation_count());
if (reset_count) vector->clear_invocation_count();
counter_map.Add(shared, count);
// Iterate shared function infos of every script and build a mapping
// between source ranges and invocation counts.
Coverage* result = new Coverage();
Script::Iterator scripts(isolate);
while (Script* script = scripts.Next()) {
// Dismiss non-user scripts.
if (script->type() != Script::TYPE_NORMAL) continue;
// Create and add new script data.
Handle<Script> script_handle(script, isolate);
result->emplace_back(isolate, script_handle);
std::vector<CoverageFunction>* functions = &result->back().functions;
std::vector<SharedFunctionInfo*> sorted;
// Sort functions by start position, from outer to inner functions.
SharedFunctionInfo::ScriptIterator infos(script_handle);
while (SharedFunctionInfo* info = infos.Next()) {
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), CompareSharedFunctionInfo);
// Use sorted list to reconstruct function nesting.
for (SharedFunctionInfo* info : sorted) {
int start = StartPosition(info);
int end = info->end_position();
uint32_t count = counter_map.Get(info);
Handle<String> name(info->DebugName(), isolate);
functions->emplace_back(start, end, count, name);
return result;
void Coverage::TogglePrecise(Isolate* isolate, bool enable) {
if (enable) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
// Remove all optimized function. Optimized and inlined functions do not
// increment invocation count.
// Collect existing feedback vectors.
std::vector<Handle<FeedbackVector>> vectors;
HeapIterator heap_iterator(isolate->heap());
while (HeapObject* current_obj = heap_iterator.next()) {
if (!current_obj->IsFeedbackVector()) continue;
FeedbackVector* vector = FeedbackVector::cast(current_obj);
SharedFunctionInfo* shared = vector->shared_function_info();
if (!shared->IsSubjectToDebugging()) continue;
vectors.emplace_back(vector, isolate);
// Add collected feedback vectors to the root list lest we lose them to GC.
Handle<ArrayList> list =
ArrayList::New(isolate, static_cast<int>(vectors.size()));
for (const auto& vector : vectors) list = ArrayList::Add(list, vector);
} else {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8