
1046 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/conversions-inl.h"
#include "src/conversions.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/hashmap.h"
#include "src/list.h"
#include "src/preparse-data.h"
#include "src/preparse-data-format.h"
#include "src/preparser.h"
#include "src/unicode.h"
#include "src/utils.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
void PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* message, const char* arg,
ParseErrorType error_type) {
ReportMessageAt(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos, message, arg, error_type);
void PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(int start_pos, int end_pos,
const char* message, const char* arg,
ParseErrorType error_type) {
pre_parser_->log_->LogMessage(start_pos, end_pos, message, arg, error_type);
PreParserIdentifier PreParserTraits::GetSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
if (scanner->current_token() == Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD) {
return PreParserIdentifier::FutureReserved();
} else if (scanner->current_token() ==
return PreParserIdentifier::FutureStrictReserved();
} else if (scanner->current_token() == Token::LET) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Let();
} else if (scanner->current_token() == Token::STATIC) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Static();
} else if (scanner->current_token() == Token::YIELD) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Yield();
if (scanner->UnescapedLiteralMatches("eval", 4)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Eval();
if (scanner->UnescapedLiteralMatches("arguments", 9)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Arguments();
if (scanner->LiteralMatches("prototype", 9)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Prototype();
if (scanner->LiteralMatches("constructor", 11)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Constructor();
return PreParserIdentifier::Default();
PreParserIdentifier PreParserTraits::GetNumberAsSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Default();
PreParserExpression PreParserTraits::ExpressionFromString(
int pos, Scanner* scanner, PreParserFactory* factory) {
if (scanner->UnescapedLiteralMatches("use strict", 10)) {
return PreParserExpression::UseStrictStringLiteral();
} else if (scanner->UnescapedLiteralMatches("use strong", 10)) {
return PreParserExpression::UseStrongStringLiteral();
return PreParserExpression::StringLiteral();
PreParserExpression PreParserTraits::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
return pre_parser_->ParseV8Intrinsic(ok);
PreParserExpression PreParserTraits::ParseFunctionLiteral(
PreParserIdentifier name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
bool name_is_strict_reserved, FunctionKind kind,
int function_token_position, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
FunctionLiteral::ArityRestriction arity_restriction, bool* ok) {
return pre_parser_->ParseFunctionLiteral(
name, function_name_location, name_is_strict_reserved, kind,
function_token_position, type, arity_restriction, ok);
PreParser::PreParseResult PreParser::PreParseLazyFunction(
LanguageMode language_mode, FunctionKind kind, ParserRecorder* log) {
log_ = log;
// Lazy functions always have trivial outer scopes (no with/catch scopes).
Scope* top_scope = NewScope(scope_, SCRIPT_SCOPE);
PreParserFactory top_factory(NULL);
FunctionState top_state(&function_state_, &scope_, top_scope, kNormalFunction,
Scope* function_scope = NewScope(scope_, FUNCTION_SCOPE);
PreParserFactory function_factory(NULL);
FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, function_scope, kind,
DCHECK_EQ(Token::LBRACE, scanner()->current_token());
bool ok = true;
int start_position = peek_position();
if (stack_overflow()) return kPreParseStackOverflow;
if (!ok) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(Token::RBRACE, scanner()->peek());
if (is_strict(scope_->language_mode())) {
int end_pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
CheckStrictOctalLiteral(start_position, end_pos, &ok);
return kPreParseSuccess;
PreParserExpression PreParserTraits::ParseClassLiteral(
PreParserIdentifier name, Scanner::Location class_name_location,
bool name_is_strict_reserved, int pos, bool* ok) {
return pre_parser_->ParseClassLiteral(name, class_name_location,
name_is_strict_reserved, pos, ok);
// Preparsing checks a JavaScript program and emits preparse-data that helps
// a later parsing to be faster.
// See preparser-data.h for the data.
// The PreParser checks that the syntax follows the grammar for JavaScript,
// and collects some information about the program along the way.
// The grammar check is only performed in order to understand the program
// sufficiently to deduce some information about it, that can be used
// to speed up later parsing. Finding errors is not the goal of pre-parsing,
// rather it is to speed up properly written and correct programs.
// That means that contextual checks (like a label being declared where
// it is used) are generally omitted.
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseStatementListItem(bool* ok) {
// ECMA 262 6th Edition
// StatementListItem[Yield, Return] :
// Statement[?Yield, ?Return]
// Declaration[?Yield]
// Declaration[Yield] :
// HoistableDeclaration[?Yield]
// ClassDeclaration[?Yield]
// LexicalDeclaration[In, ?Yield]
// HoistableDeclaration[Yield, Default] :
// FunctionDeclaration[?Yield, ?Default]
// GeneratorDeclaration[?Yield, ?Default]
// LexicalDeclaration[In, Yield] :
// LetOrConst BindingList[?In, ?Yield] ;
switch (peek()) {
case Token::FUNCTION:
return ParseFunctionDeclaration(ok);
case Token::CLASS:
return ParseClassDeclaration(ok);
case Token::CONST:
return ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, ok);
case Token::LET:
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
return ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, ok);
// Fall through.
return ParseStatement(ok);
void PreParser::ParseStatementList(int end_token, bool* ok) {
// SourceElements ::
// (Statement)* <end_token>
bool directive_prologue = true;
while (peek() != end_token) {
if (directive_prologue && peek() != Token::STRING) {
directive_prologue = false;
Token::Value token = peek();
Scanner::Location old_super_loc = function_state_->super_call_location();
Statement statement = ParseStatementListItem(ok);
if (!*ok) return;
Scanner::Location super_loc = function_state_->super_call_location();
if (is_strong(language_mode()) &&
i::IsConstructor(function_state_->kind()) &&
!old_super_loc.IsValid() && super_loc.IsValid() &&
token != Token::SUPER) {
ReportMessageAt(super_loc, "strong_super_call_nested");
*ok = false;
if (directive_prologue) {
if (statement.IsUseStrictLiteral()) {
static_cast<LanguageMode>(scope_->language_mode() | STRICT_BIT));
} else if (statement.IsUseStrongLiteral() && allow_strong_mode()) {
scope_->language_mode() | STRICT_BIT | STRONG_BIT));
} else if (!statement.IsStringLiteral()) {
directive_prologue = false;
#define CHECK_OK ok); \
if (!*ok) return Statement::Default(); \
#define DUMMY ) // to make indentation work
#undef DUMMY
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseStatement(bool* ok) {
// Statement ::
// EmptyStatement
// ...
return ParseSubStatement(ok);
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseSubStatement(bool* ok) {
// Statement ::
// Block
// VariableStatement
// EmptyStatement
// ExpressionStatement
// IfStatement
// IterationStatement
// ContinueStatement
// BreakStatement
// ReturnStatement
// WithStatement
// LabelledStatement
// SwitchStatement
// ThrowStatement
// TryStatement
// DebuggerStatement
// Note: Since labels can only be used by 'break' and 'continue'
// statements, which themselves are only valid within blocks,
// iterations or 'switch' statements (i.e., BreakableStatements),
// labels can be simply ignored in all other cases; except for
// trivial labeled break statements 'label: break label' which is
// parsed into an empty statement.
// Keep the source position of the statement
switch (peek()) {
case Token::LBRACE:
return ParseBlock(ok);
case Token::SEMICOLON:
if (is_strong(language_mode())) {
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
return Statement::Default();
case Token::IF:
return ParseIfStatement(ok);
case Token::DO:
return ParseDoWhileStatement(ok);
case Token::WHILE:
return ParseWhileStatement(ok);
case Token::FOR:
return ParseForStatement(ok);
case Token::CONTINUE:
return ParseContinueStatement(ok);
case Token::BREAK:
return ParseBreakStatement(ok);
case Token::RETURN:
return ParseReturnStatement(ok);
case Token::WITH:
return ParseWithStatement(ok);
case Token::SWITCH:
return ParseSwitchStatement(ok);
case Token::THROW:
return ParseThrowStatement(ok);
case Token::TRY:
return ParseTryStatement(ok);
case Token::FUNCTION: {
Scanner::Location start_location = scanner()->peek_location();
Statement statement = ParseFunctionDeclaration(CHECK_OK);
Scanner::Location end_location = scanner()->location();
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
} else {
return statement;
case Token::DEBUGGER:
return ParseDebuggerStatement(ok);
case Token::VAR:
return ParseVariableStatement(kStatement, ok);
case Token::CONST:
// In ES6 CONST is not allowed as a Statement, only as a
// LexicalDeclaration, however we continue to allow it in sloppy mode for
// backwards compatibility.
if (is_sloppy(language_mode())) {
return ParseVariableStatement(kStatement, ok);
// Fall through.
return ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(ok);
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseFunctionDeclaration(bool* ok) {
// FunctionDeclaration ::
// 'function' Identifier '(' FormalParameterListopt ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
// GeneratorDeclaration ::
// 'function' '*' Identifier '(' FormalParameterListopt ')'
// '{' FunctionBody '}'
Expect(Token::FUNCTION, CHECK_OK);
int pos = position();
bool is_generator = Check(Token::MUL);
bool is_strict_reserved = false;
Identifier name = ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
&is_strict_reserved, CHECK_OK);
ParseFunctionLiteral(name, scanner()->location(), is_strict_reserved,
is_generator ? FunctionKind::kGeneratorFunction
: FunctionKind::kNormalFunction,
pos, FunctionLiteral::DECLARATION,
FunctionLiteral::NORMAL_ARITY, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::FunctionDeclaration();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseClassDeclaration(bool* ok) {
Expect(Token::CLASS, CHECK_OK);
if (!allow_harmony_sloppy() && is_sloppy(language_mode())) {
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
int pos = position();
bool is_strict_reserved = false;
Identifier name =
ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(&is_strict_reserved, CHECK_OK);
ParseClassLiteral(name, scanner()->location(), is_strict_reserved, pos,
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseBlock(bool* ok) {
// Block ::
// '{' Statement* '}'
// Note that a Block does not introduce a new execution scope!
// (ECMA-262, 3rd, 12.2)
Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
} else {
Expect(Token::RBRACE, ok);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseVariableStatement(
VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
bool* ok) {
// VariableStatement ::
// VariableDeclarations ';'
Statement result = ParseVariableDeclarations(var_context,
return result;
// If the variable declaration declares exactly one non-const
// variable, then *var is set to that variable. In all other cases,
// *var is untouched; in particular, it is the caller's responsibility
// to initialize it properly. This mechanism is also used for the parsing
// of 'for-in' loops.
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseVariableDeclarations(
VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
VariableDeclarationProperties* decl_props,
int* num_decl,
bool* ok) {
// VariableDeclarations ::
// ('var' | 'const') (Identifier ('=' AssignmentExpression)?)+[',']
// The ES6 Draft Rev3 specifies the following grammar for const declarations
// ConstDeclaration ::
// const ConstBinding (',' ConstBinding)* ';'
// ConstBinding ::
// Identifier '=' AssignmentExpression
// TODO(ES6):
// ConstBinding ::
// BindingPattern '=' AssignmentExpression
bool require_initializer = false;
bool is_strict_const = false;
if (peek() == Token::VAR) {
if (is_strong(language_mode())) {
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
ReportMessageAt(location, "strong_var");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
} else if (peek() == Token::CONST) {
// TODO(ES6): The ES6 Draft Rev4 section 12.2.2 reads:
// ConstDeclaration : const ConstBinding (',' ConstBinding)* ';'
// * It is a Syntax Error if the code that matches this production is not
// contained in extended code.
// However disallowing const in sloppy mode will break compatibility with
// existing pages. Therefore we keep allowing const with the old
// non-harmony semantics in sloppy mode.
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
DCHECK(var_context != kStatement);
is_strict_const = true;
require_initializer = var_context != kForStatement;
} else if (peek() == Token::LET && is_strict(language_mode())) {
DCHECK(var_context != kStatement);
} else {
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
// The scope of a var/const declared variable anywhere inside a function
// is the entire function (ECMA-262, 3rd, 10.1.3, and 12.2). The scope
// of a let declared variable is the scope of the immediately enclosing
// block.
int nvars = 0; // the number of variables declared
do {
// Parse variable name.
if (nvars > 0) Consume(Token::COMMA);
Make strict more error messages about "eval" and "arguments" less specific. We used to have error messages which provide context, like "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", but for other illegal words we only have non-context specific error messages like "Unexpected reserved word". Providing the context makes the code unnecessarily complex, since every individual place must remember to check for eval or arguments. This CL produces a unified error message ("Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"), and puts the error reporting to (Pre)Parser::ParseIdentifier. Notes: - The module feature is so experimental, that I decided to not allow "eval" or "arguments" as module-related identifiers in the strict mode (even though this check wasn't there before). - Unfortunately, there were some inconsistencies, since it was the responsibility of the caller of ParseIdentifier to check "eval" and "arguments" and some places didn't have the check for no good reason. This CL is supposed to keep backward compatibility and *not* introduce any new errors. - ECMA allows "eval" and "arguments" as labels even in strict mode. (Syntax: "LabelledStatement: Identifier : Statement", and no strict mode restrictions on Identifier are listed.) - Tests which compare error message strings will fail, and need to be updated. BUG=3126 LOG=N R=ulan@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/152813005 git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@19112 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-02-05 16:26:48 +00:00
ParseIdentifier(kDontAllowEvalOrArguments, CHECK_OK);
if (peek() == Token::ASSIGN || require_initializer ||
// require initializers for multiple consts.
(is_strict_const && peek() == Token::COMMA)) {
Expect(Token::ASSIGN, CHECK_OK);
ParseAssignmentExpression(var_context != kForStatement, CHECK_OK);
if (decl_props != NULL) *decl_props = kHasInitializers;
} while (peek() == Token::COMMA);
if (num_decl != NULL) *num_decl = nvars;
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(bool* ok) {
// ExpressionStatement | LabelledStatement ::
// Expression ';'
// Identifier ':' Statement
switch (peek()) {
case Token::FUNCTION:
case Token::LBRACE:
UNREACHABLE(); // Always handled by the callers.
case Token::CLASS:
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
// TODO(arv): Handle `let [`
// https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3847
bool starts_with_identifier = peek_any_identifier();
Expression expr = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
// Even if the expression starts with an identifier, it is not necessarily an
// identifier. For example, "foo + bar" starts with an identifier but is not
// an identifier.
if (starts_with_identifier && expr.IsIdentifier() && peek() == Token::COLON) {
// Expression is a single identifier, and not, e.g., a parenthesized
// identifier.
DCHECK(is_sloppy(language_mode()) ||
return ParseStatement(ok);
// Preparsing is disabled for extensions (because the extension details
// aren't passed to lazily compiled functions), so we don't
// accept "native function" in the preparser.
// Parsed expression statement.
// Detect attempts at 'let' declarations in sloppy mode.
if (peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER && is_sloppy(language_mode()) &&
expr.IsIdentifier() && expr.AsIdentifier().IsLet()) {
ReportMessage("sloppy_lexical", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
return Statement::ExpressionStatement(expr);
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseIfStatement(bool* ok) {
// IfStatement ::
// 'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement ('else' Statement)?
Expect(Token::IF, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
if (peek() == Token::ELSE) {
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseContinueStatement(bool* ok) {
// ContinueStatement ::
// 'continue' [no line terminator] Identifier? ';'
Expect(Token::CONTINUE, CHECK_OK);
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() &&
tok != Token::SEMICOLON &&
tok != Token::RBRACE &&
tok != Token::EOS) {
Make strict more error messages about "eval" and "arguments" less specific. We used to have error messages which provide context, like "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", but for other illegal words we only have non-context specific error messages like "Unexpected reserved word". Providing the context makes the code unnecessarily complex, since every individual place must remember to check for eval or arguments. This CL produces a unified error message ("Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"), and puts the error reporting to (Pre)Parser::ParseIdentifier. Notes: - The module feature is so experimental, that I decided to not allow "eval" or "arguments" as module-related identifiers in the strict mode (even though this check wasn't there before). - Unfortunately, there were some inconsistencies, since it was the responsibility of the caller of ParseIdentifier to check "eval" and "arguments" and some places didn't have the check for no good reason. This CL is supposed to keep backward compatibility and *not* introduce any new errors. - ECMA allows "eval" and "arguments" as labels even in strict mode. (Syntax: "LabelledStatement: Identifier : Statement", and no strict mode restrictions on Identifier are listed.) - Tests which compare error message strings will fail, and need to be updated. BUG=3126 LOG=N R=ulan@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/152813005 git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@19112 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-02-05 16:26:48 +00:00
// ECMA allows "eval" or "arguments" as labels even in strict mode.
ParseIdentifier(kAllowEvalOrArguments, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseBreakStatement(bool* ok) {
// BreakStatement ::
// 'break' [no line terminator] Identifier? ';'
Expect(Token::BREAK, CHECK_OK);
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() &&
tok != Token::SEMICOLON &&
tok != Token::RBRACE &&
tok != Token::EOS) {
Make strict more error messages about "eval" and "arguments" less specific. We used to have error messages which provide context, like "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", but for other illegal words we only have non-context specific error messages like "Unexpected reserved word". Providing the context makes the code unnecessarily complex, since every individual place must remember to check for eval or arguments. This CL produces a unified error message ("Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"), and puts the error reporting to (Pre)Parser::ParseIdentifier. Notes: - The module feature is so experimental, that I decided to not allow "eval" or "arguments" as module-related identifiers in the strict mode (even though this check wasn't there before). - Unfortunately, there were some inconsistencies, since it was the responsibility of the caller of ParseIdentifier to check "eval" and "arguments" and some places didn't have the check for no good reason. This CL is supposed to keep backward compatibility and *not* introduce any new errors. - ECMA allows "eval" and "arguments" as labels even in strict mode. (Syntax: "LabelledStatement: Identifier : Statement", and no strict mode restrictions on Identifier are listed.) - Tests which compare error message strings will fail, and need to be updated. BUG=3126 LOG=N R=ulan@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/152813005 git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@19112 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-02-05 16:26:48 +00:00
// ECMA allows "eval" or "arguments" as labels even in strict mode.
ParseIdentifier(kAllowEvalOrArguments, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseReturnStatement(bool* ok) {
// ReturnStatement ::
// 'return' [no line terminator] Expression? ';'
// Consume the return token. It is necessary to do before
// reporting any errors on it, because of the way errors are
// reported (underlining).
Expect(Token::RETURN, CHECK_OK);
// An ECMAScript program is considered syntactically incorrect if it
// contains a return statement that is not within the body of a
// function. See ECMA-262, section 12.9, page 67.
// This is not handled during preparsing.
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() &&
tok != Token::SEMICOLON &&
tok != Token::RBRACE &&
tok != Token::EOS) {
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseWithStatement(bool* ok) {
// WithStatement ::
// 'with' '(' Expression ')' Statement
Expect(Token::WITH, CHECK_OK);
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "strict_mode_with");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
Scope* with_scope = NewScope(scope_, WITH_SCOPE);
BlockState block_state(&scope_, with_scope);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseSwitchStatement(bool* ok) {
// SwitchStatement ::
// 'switch' '(' Expression ')' '{' CaseClause* '}'
Expect(Token::SWITCH, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
Token::Value token = peek();
while (token != Token::RBRACE) {
if (token == Token::CASE) {
Expect(Token::CASE, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
} else {
Expect(Token::DEFAULT, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::COLON, CHECK_OK);
token = peek();
while (token != Token::CASE &&
token != Token::DEFAULT &&
token != Token::RBRACE) {
token = peek();
Expect(Token::RBRACE, ok);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseDoWhileStatement(bool* ok) {
// DoStatement ::
// 'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';'
Expect(Token::DO, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::WHILE, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, ok);
if (peek() == Token::SEMICOLON) Consume(Token::SEMICOLON);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseWhileStatement(bool* ok) {
// WhileStatement ::
// 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement
Expect(Token::WHILE, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseForStatement(bool* ok) {
// ForStatement ::
// 'for' '(' Expression? ';' Expression? ';' Expression? ')' Statement
Expect(Token::FOR, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
bool is_let_identifier_expression = false;
if (peek() != Token::SEMICOLON) {
ForEachStatement::VisitMode visit_mode;
if (peek() == Token::VAR || peek() == Token::CONST ||
(peek() == Token::LET && is_strict(language_mode()))) {
bool is_lexical = peek() == Token::LET ||
(peek() == Token::CONST && is_strict(language_mode()));
int decl_count;
VariableDeclarationProperties decl_props = kHasNoInitializers;
kForStatement, &decl_props, &decl_count, CHECK_OK);
bool has_initializers = decl_props == kHasInitializers;
bool accept_IN = decl_count == 1 && !(is_lexical && has_initializers);
bool accept_OF = !has_initializers;
if (accept_IN && CheckInOrOf(accept_OF, &visit_mode, ok)) {
if (!*ok) return Statement::Default();
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
} else {
Expression lhs = ParseExpression(false, CHECK_OK);
is_let_identifier_expression =
lhs.IsIdentifier() && lhs.AsIdentifier().IsLet();
if (CheckInOrOf(lhs.IsIdentifier(), &visit_mode, ok)) {
if (!*ok) return Statement::Default();
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
// Parsed initializer at this point.
// Detect attempts at 'let' declarations in sloppy mode.
if (peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER && is_sloppy(language_mode()) &&
is_let_identifier_expression) {
ReportMessage("sloppy_lexical", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
if (peek() != Token::SEMICOLON) {
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
if (peek() != Token::RPAREN) {
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseThrowStatement(bool* ok) {
// ThrowStatement ::
// 'throw' [no line terminator] Expression ';'
Expect(Token::THROW, CHECK_OK);
if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext()) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "newline_after_throw");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseTryStatement(bool* ok) {
// TryStatement ::
// 'try' Block Catch
// 'try' Block Finally
// 'try' Block Catch Finally
// Catch ::
// 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' Block
// Finally ::
// 'finally' Block
Expect(Token::TRY, CHECK_OK);
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (tok != Token::CATCH && tok != Token::FINALLY) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "no_catch_or_finally");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
if (tok == Token::CATCH) {
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
Make strict more error messages about "eval" and "arguments" less specific. We used to have error messages which provide context, like "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", but for other illegal words we only have non-context specific error messages like "Unexpected reserved word". Providing the context makes the code unnecessarily complex, since every individual place must remember to check for eval or arguments. This CL produces a unified error message ("Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"), and puts the error reporting to (Pre)Parser::ParseIdentifier. Notes: - The module feature is so experimental, that I decided to not allow "eval" or "arguments" as module-related identifiers in the strict mode (even though this check wasn't there before). - Unfortunately, there were some inconsistencies, since it was the responsibility of the caller of ParseIdentifier to check "eval" and "arguments" and some places didn't have the check for no good reason. This CL is supposed to keep backward compatibility and *not* introduce any new errors. - ECMA allows "eval" and "arguments" as labels even in strict mode. (Syntax: "LabelledStatement: Identifier : Statement", and no strict mode restrictions on Identifier are listed.) - Tests which compare error message strings will fail, and need to be updated. BUG=3126 LOG=N R=ulan@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/152813005 git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@19112 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-02-05 16:26:48 +00:00
ParseIdentifier(kDontAllowEvalOrArguments, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
Scope* with_scope = NewScope(scope_, WITH_SCOPE);
BlockState block_state(&scope_, with_scope);
tok = peek();
if (tok == Token::FINALLY) {
return Statement::Default();
PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseDebuggerStatement(bool* ok) {
// In ECMA-262 'debugger' is defined as a reserved keyword. In some browser
// contexts this is used as a statement which invokes the debugger as if a
// break point is present.
// DebuggerStatement ::
// 'debugger' ';'
Expect(Token::DEBUGGER, CHECK_OK);
return Statement::Default();
#undef CHECK_OK
#define CHECK_OK ok); \
if (!*ok) return Expression::Default(); \
#define DUMMY ) // to make indentation work
#undef DUMMY
PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
Identifier function_name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
bool name_is_strict_reserved, FunctionKind kind, int function_token_pos,
FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type,
FunctionLiteral::ArityRestriction arity_restriction, bool* ok) {
// Function ::
// '(' FormalParameterList? ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
// Parse function body.
bool outer_is_script_scope = scope_->is_script_scope();
Scope* function_scope = NewScope(scope_, FUNCTION_SCOPE);
PreParserFactory factory(NULL);
FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, function_scope, kind,
// FormalParameterList ::
// '(' (Identifier)*[','] ')'
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
int start_position = position();
DuplicateFinder duplicate_finder(scanner()->unicode_cache());
// We don't yet know if the function will be strict, so we cannot yet produce
// errors for parameter names or duplicates. However, we remember the
// locations of these errors if they occur and produce the errors later.
Scanner::Location eval_args_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
Scanner::Location dupe_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
Scanner::Location reserved_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
bool is_rest = false;
bool done = arity_restriction == FunctionLiteral::GETTER_ARITY ||
(peek() == Token::RPAREN &&
arity_restriction != FunctionLiteral::SETTER_ARITY);
while (!done) {
bool is_strict_reserved = false;
is_rest = peek() == Token::ELLIPSIS && allow_harmony_rest_params();
if (is_rest) {
Identifier param_name =
ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(&is_strict_reserved, CHECK_OK);
if (!eval_args_error_loc.IsValid() && param_name.IsEvalOrArguments()) {
eval_args_error_loc = scanner()->location();
if (!reserved_error_loc.IsValid() && is_strict_reserved) {
reserved_error_loc = scanner()->location();
int prev_value = scanner()->FindSymbol(&duplicate_finder, 1);
if (!dupe_error_loc.IsValid() && prev_value != 0) {
dupe_error_loc = scanner()->location();
if (arity_restriction == FunctionLiteral::SETTER_ARITY) break;
done = (peek() == Token::RPAREN);
if (!done) {
if (is_rest) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(), "param_after_rest");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
Expect(Token::COMMA, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
// See Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral for more information about lazy parsing
// and lazy compilation.
bool is_lazily_parsed =
(outer_is_script_scope && allow_lazy() && !parenthesized_function_);
parenthesized_function_ = false;
Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
if (is_lazily_parsed) {
} else {
ParseStatementList(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
// Validate name and parameter names. We can do this only after parsing the
// function, since the function can declare itself strict.
CheckFunctionName(language_mode(), kind, function_name,
name_is_strict_reserved, function_name_location, CHECK_OK);
const bool use_strict_params = is_rest || IsConciseMethod(kind);
CheckFunctionParameterNames(language_mode(), use_strict_params,
eval_args_error_loc, dupe_error_loc,
reserved_error_loc, CHECK_OK);
if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
int end_position = scanner()->location().end_pos;
CheckStrictOctalLiteral(start_position, end_position, CHECK_OK);
if (is_strong(language_mode()) && IsSubclassConstructor(kind)) {
if (!function_state.super_call_location().IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "strong_super_call_missing",
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
return Expression::Default();
void PreParser::ParseLazyFunctionLiteralBody(bool* ok) {
int body_start = position();
ParseStatementList(Token::RBRACE, ok);
if (!*ok) return;
// Position right after terminal '}'.
DCHECK_EQ(Token::RBRACE, scanner()->peek());
int body_end = scanner()->peek_location().end_pos;
log_->LogFunction(body_start, body_end,
function_state_->expected_property_count(), language_mode(),
PreParserExpression PreParser::ParseClassLiteral(
PreParserIdentifier name, Scanner::Location class_name_location,
bool name_is_strict_reserved, int pos, bool* ok) {
// All parts of a ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression are strict code.
if (name_is_strict_reserved) {
ReportMessageAt(class_name_location, "unexpected_strict_reserved");
*ok = false;
return EmptyExpression();
if (IsEvalOrArguments(name)) {
ReportMessageAt(class_name_location, "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return EmptyExpression();
Scope* scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
BlockState block_state(&scope_, scope);
static_cast<LanguageMode>(scope_->language_mode() | STRICT_BIT));
// TODO(marja): Make PreParser use scope names too.
// scope_->SetScopeName(name);
bool has_extends = Check(Token::EXTENDS);
if (has_extends) {
ClassLiteralChecker checker(this);
bool has_seen_constructor = false;
Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
if (Check(Token::SEMICOLON)) continue;
const bool in_class = true;
const bool is_static = false;
bool is_computed_name = false; // Classes do not care about computed
// property names here.
ParsePropertyDefinition(&checker, in_class, has_extends, is_static,
&is_computed_name, &has_seen_constructor, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
return Expression::Default();
PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
// CallRuntime ::
// '%' Identifier Arguments
Expect(Token::MOD, CHECK_OK);
if (!allow_natives()) {
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
Make strict more error messages about "eval" and "arguments" less specific. We used to have error messages which provide context, like "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", but for other illegal words we only have non-context specific error messages like "Unexpected reserved word". Providing the context makes the code unnecessarily complex, since every individual place must remember to check for eval or arguments. This CL produces a unified error message ("Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode"), and puts the error reporting to (Pre)Parser::ParseIdentifier. Notes: - The module feature is so experimental, that I decided to not allow "eval" or "arguments" as module-related identifiers in the strict mode (even though this check wasn't there before). - Unfortunately, there were some inconsistencies, since it was the responsibility of the caller of ParseIdentifier to check "eval" and "arguments" and some places didn't have the check for no good reason. This CL is supposed to keep backward compatibility and *not* introduce any new errors. - ECMA allows "eval" and "arguments" as labels even in strict mode. (Syntax: "LabelledStatement: Identifier : Statement", and no strict mode restrictions on Identifier are listed.) - Tests which compare error message strings will fail, and need to be updated. BUG=3126 LOG=N R=ulan@chromium.org Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/152813005 git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@19112 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-02-05 16:26:48 +00:00
// Allow "eval" or "arguments" for backward compatibility.
ParseIdentifier(kAllowEvalOrArguments, CHECK_OK);
return Expression::Default();
#undef CHECK_OK
} } // v8::internal