@ -195,10 +195,12 @@ class UserSettings {
// Store the required data from the blocks JSON.
class BlocksData {
view: RangeView;
blockBorders: Set<number>;
blockInstructionCountMap: Map<number, number>;
constructor(blocks: Array<SequenceBlock>) {
constructor(view: RangeView, blocks: Array<SequenceBlock>) {
this.view = view;
this.blockBorders = new Set<number>();
this.blockInstructionCountMap = new Map<number, number>();
for (const block of blocks) {
@ -212,9 +214,23 @@ class BlocksData {
return ((position + 1) % C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION) == 0;
public isBlockBorder(position: number): boolean {
public isInstructionIdOnBlockBorder(instrId: number) {
return this.view.instructionRangeHandler.isLastInstruction(instrId)
|| this.blockBorders.has(instrId);
public isBlockBorder(position: number) {
const border = Math.floor(position / C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION);
return this.isInstructionBorder(position) && this.blockBorders.has(border);
return this.view.instructionRangeHandler.isLastPosition(position)
|| (this.isInstructionBorder(position) && this.blockBorders.has(border));
public isIndexInstructionBorder(index: number) {
return this.isInstructionBorder(this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getPositionFromIndex(index));
public isIndexBlockBorder(index: number) {
return this.isBlockBorder(this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getPositionFromIndex(index));
@ -240,13 +256,14 @@ class Divs {
yAxis: HTMLElement;
grid: HTMLElement;
constructor(userSettings: UserSettings) {
constructor(userSettings: UserSettings, instructionRangeString: string) {
this.container = document.getElementById(C.RANGES_PANE_ID);
this.resizerBar = document.getElementById(C.RESIZER_RANGES_ID);
this.snapper = document.getElementById(C.SHOW_HIDE_RANGES_ID);
this.content = document.createElement("div");
this.content.id = "ranges-content";
this.content.appendChild(this.elementForTitle(userSettings, instructionRangeString));
this.showOnLoad = document.createElement("div");
this.showOnLoad.style.visibility = "hidden";
@ -268,10 +285,10 @@ class Divs {
public elementForTitle(userSettings: UserSettings): HTMLElement {
public elementForTitle(userSettings: UserSettings, instructionRangeString: string): HTMLElement {
const titleEl = createElement("div", "range-title-div");
const titleBar = createElement("div", "range-title");
titleBar.appendChild(createElement("div", "", "Live Ranges"));
titleBar.appendChild(createElement("div", "", "Live Ranges for " + instructionRangeString));
const titleHelp = createElement("div", "range-title-help", "?");
titleHelp.title = "Each row represents a single TopLevelLiveRange (or two if deferred exists)."
+ "\nEach interval belongs to a LiveRange contained within that row's TopLevelLiveRange."
@ -310,23 +327,25 @@ class RowConstructor {
// easily combined into a single row.
construct(grid: Grid, row: number, registerIndex: number, ranges: [Range, Range],
getElementForEmptyPosition: (position: number) => HTMLElement,
callbackForInterval: (position: number, interval: HTMLElement) => void): void {
const positions = new Array<HTMLElement>(this.view.numPositions);
callbackForInterval: (position: number, interval: HTMLElement) => void): boolean {
// Construct all of the new intervals.
const intervalMap = this.elementsForIntervals(registerIndex, ranges);
for (let position = 0; position < this.view.numPositions; ++position) {
const interval = intervalMap.get(position);
if (intervalMap.size == 0) return false;
const positions = new Array<HTMLElement>(this.view.instructionRangeHandler.numPositions);
for (let column = 0; column < this.view.instructionRangeHandler.numPositions; ++column) {
const interval = intervalMap.get(column);
if (interval === undefined) {
positions[position] = getElementForEmptyPosition(position);
positions[column] = getElementForEmptyPosition(column);
} else {
callbackForInterval(position, interval);
callbackForInterval(column, interval);
const intervalPositionElements = this.view.getPositionElementsFromInterval(interval);
for (let j = 0; j < intervalPositionElements.length; ++j) {
// Point positionsArray to the new elements.
positions[position + j] = (intervalPositionElements[j] as HTMLElement);
const intervalColumn = column + j;
// Point positions to the new elements.
positions[intervalColumn] = (intervalPositionElements[j] as HTMLElement);
position += intervalPositionElements.length - 1;
column += intervalPositionElements.length - 1;
@ -336,6 +355,7 @@ class RowConstructor {
if (!range) continue;
this.setUses(grid, row, range);
return true;
// This is the main function used to build new intervals.
@ -348,7 +368,12 @@ class RowConstructor {
for (const childRange of range.childRanges) {
const tooltip = childRange.getTooltip(registerIndex);
for (const [index, intervalNums] of childRange.intervals.entries()) {
const interval = new Interval(intervalNums);
let interval = new Interval(intervalNums);
if (!this.view.instructionRangeHandler.showAllPositions) {
if (!this.view.instructionRangeHandler.isIntervalInRange(interval)) continue;
interval =
const intervalEl = this.elementForInterval(childRange, interval, tooltip,
index, range.isDeferred);
intervalMap.set(interval.start, intervalEl);
@ -377,9 +402,9 @@ class RowConstructor {
for (let i = interval.start; i < interval.end; ++i) {
const classes = "range-position range-interval-position range-empty" +
(this.view.blocksData.isBlockBorder(i) ? " range-block-border"
: this.view.blocksData.isInstructionBorder(i) ? " range-instr-border" : "");
? " range-block-border"
: this.view.blocksData.isIndexInstructionBorder(i) ? " range-instr-border" : "");
const positionEl = createElement("div", classes, "_");
positionEl.style.gridColumn = String(i - interval.start + 1);
@ -408,13 +433,17 @@ class RowConstructor {
// Allows a cleaner display of the interval text when displayed vertically.
const spanElBehind = createElement("span", "range-interval-text range-interval-text-behind");
this.view.stringConstructor.setIntervalString(spanEl, spanElBehind, tooltip, numCells);
return {main: spanEl, behind: spanElBehind};
return { main: spanEl, behind: spanElBehind};
private setUses(grid: Grid, row: number, range: Range): void {
for (const liveRange of range.childRanges) {
if (!liveRange.uses) continue;
for (const use of liveRange.uses) {
for (let use of liveRange.uses) {
if (!this.view.instructionRangeHandler.showAllPositions) {
if (!this.view.instructionRangeHandler.isPositionInRange(use)) continue;
use = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getIndexFromPosition(use);
grid.getCell(row, use).classList.toggle("range-use", true);
@ -613,30 +642,32 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
private addVirtualRanges(row: number): number {
const source = this.view.sequenceView.sequence.registerAllocation;
for (const [registerIndex, range] of source.liveRanges.entries()) {
if (!range) continue;
const registerName = this.virtualRegisterName(registerIndex);
const registerEl = this.elementForRegister(row, registerName, true);
this.addRowToGroup(row, this.elementForRow(row, registerIndex, [range, undefined]));
return row;
private virtualRegisterName(registerIndex: number): string {
return `v${registerIndex}`;
return this.view.instructionRangeHandler.forEachLiveRange(row,
(registerIndex: number, row: number, registerName: string, range: Range) => {
const rowEl = this.elementForRow(row, registerIndex, [range, undefined]);
if (rowEl) {
const registerEl = this.elementForRegister(row, registerName, true);
this.addRowToGroup(row, rowEl);
return true;
return false;
private addFixedRanges(row: number): void {
row = this.view.sequenceView.sequence.registerAllocation.forEachFixedRange(row,
row = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.forEachFixedRange(row,
(registerIndex: number, row: number, registerName: string, ranges: [Range, Range]) => {
this.registerTypeHeaderData.countFixedRegister(registerName, ranges);
const registerEl = this.elementForRegister(row, registerName, false);
this.addRowToGroup(row, this.elementForRow(row, registerIndex, ranges));
const rowEl = this.elementForRow(row, registerIndex, ranges);
if (rowEl) {
this.registerTypeHeaderData.countFixedRegister(registerName, ranges);
const registerEl = this.elementForRegister(row, registerName, false);
this.addRowToGroup(row, rowEl);
return true;
return false;
if (row % C.ROW_GROUP_SIZE != 0) {
@ -650,14 +681,15 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
private elementForRow(row: number, registerIndex: number, ranges: [Range, Range]): HTMLElement {
const rowEl = createElement("div", "range-positions");
const getElementForEmptyPosition = (position: number) => {
const getElementForEmptyPosition = (column: number) => {
const position = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getPositionFromIndex(column);
const blockBorder = this.view.blocksData.isBlockBorder(position);
const classes = "range-position range-empty " + (blockBorder
? "range-block-border" : this.view.blocksData.isInstructionBorder(position)
? "range-instr-border" : "range-position-border");
const positionEl = createElement("div", classes, "_");
positionEl.style.gridColumn = String(position + 1);
positionEl.style.gridColumn = String(column + 1);
return positionEl;
@ -666,10 +698,12 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
this.view.rowConstructor.construct(this.grid, row, registerIndex, ranges,
getElementForEmptyPosition, callbackForInterval);
return rowEl;
// Only construct the row if it has any intervals.
if (this.view.rowConstructor.construct(this.grid, row, registerIndex, ranges,
getElementForEmptyPosition, callbackForInterval)) {
return rowEl;
return undefined;
private elementForRegister(row: number, registerName: string, isVirtual: boolean) {
@ -735,29 +769,42 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
private elementForBlockHeader(): HTMLElement {
const headerEl = createElement("div", "range-block-ids");
let blockIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions;) {
const instrCount = this.view.blocksData.blockInstructionCountMap.get(blockIndex);
headerEl.appendChild(this.elementForBlockIndex(blockIndex, i, instrCount));
i += instrCount;
let blockId = 0;
const lastPos = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getLastPosition();
for (let position = 0; position <= lastPos;) {
const instrCount = this.view.blocksData.blockInstructionCountMap.get(blockId);
if (this.view.instructionRangeHandler.showAllPositions) {
headerEl.appendChild(this.elementForBlock(blockId, position, instrCount));
} else {
let blockInterval =
new Interval([position, position + (C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION * instrCount)]);
if (this.view.instructionRangeHandler.isIntervalInRange(blockInterval)) {
blockInterval = this.view.instructionRangeHandler
.convertBlockPositionsToIndexes(blockId, blockInterval);
headerEl.appendChild(this.elementForBlock(blockId, blockInterval.start,
(blockInterval.end - blockInterval.start) / C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION));
position += instrCount * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION;
return headerEl;
private elementForBlockIndex(index: number, firstInstruction: number, instrCount: number):
private elementForBlock(blockId: number, firstColumn: number, instrCount: number):
HTMLElement {
const element =
createElement("div", "range-block-id range-header-element range-block-border");
const str = `B${index}`;
const str = `B${blockId}`;
const idEl = createElement("span", "range-block-id-number", str);
const centre = instrCount * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION;
idEl.style.gridRow = `${centre} / ${centre + 1}`;
element.setAttribute("title", str);
element.dataset.instrCount = String(instrCount);
const firstGridCol = (firstInstruction * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION) + 1;
// gridColumns start at 1 rather than 0.
const firstGridCol = firstColumn + 1;
const lastGridCol = firstGridCol + (instrCount * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION);
element.style.gridColumn = `${firstGridCol} / ${lastGridCol}`;
element.style.gridTemplateRows = `repeat(${8 * instrCount},
@ -768,23 +815,24 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
private elementForInstructionHeader(): HTMLElement {
const headerEl = createElement("div", "range-instruction-ids");
for (let i = 0; i < this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions; ++i) {
let instrId = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getInstructionIdFromIndex(0);
const instrLimit = instrId + this.view.instructionRangeHandler.numInstructions;
for (; instrId < instrLimit; ++instrId) {
return headerEl;
private elementForInstructionIndex(index: number): HTMLElement {
const isBlockBorder = this.view.blocksData.blockBorders.has(index);
private elementForInstruction(instrId: number): HTMLElement {
const isBlockBorder = this.view.blocksData.isInstructionIdOnBlockBorder(instrId);
const classes = "range-instruction-id range-header-element "
+ (isBlockBorder ? "range-block-border" : "range-instr-border");
const element = createElement("div", classes);
element.appendChild(createElement("span", "range-instruction-id-number", String(index)));
element.setAttribute("title", String(index));
const firstGridCol = (index * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION) + 1;
element.appendChild(createElement("span", "range-instruction-id-number", String(instrId)));
element.setAttribute("title", String(instrId));
const instrIndex = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getInstructionIndex(instrId);
const firstGridCol = (instrIndex * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION) + 1;
element.style.gridColumn = `${firstGridCol} / ${(firstGridCol + C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION)}`;
return element;
@ -792,22 +840,24 @@ class RangeViewConstructor {
private elementForPositionHeader(): HTMLElement {
const headerEl = createElement("div", "range-positions range-positions-header");
for (let i = 0; i < this.view.numPositions; ++i) {
let position = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getPositionFromIndex(0);
const lastPos = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.getLastPosition();
for (; position <= lastPos; ++position) {
const isBlockBorder = this.view.blocksData.isBlockBorder(position);
headerEl.appendChild(this.elementForPosition(position, isBlockBorder));
return headerEl;
private elementForPositionIndex(index: number): HTMLElement {
const isBlockBorder = this.view.blocksData.isBlockBorder(index);
private elementForPosition(position: number, isBlockBorder: boolean): HTMLElement {
const classes = "range-position range-header-element " +
(isBlockBorder ? "range-block-border"
: this.view.blocksData.isInstructionBorder(index) ? "range-instr-border"
: this.view.blocksData.isInstructionBorder(position) ? "range-instr-border"
: "range-position-border");
const element = createElement("div", classes, String(index));
element.setAttribute("title", String(index));
const element = createElement("div", classes, String(position));
element.setAttribute("title", String(position));
return element;
@ -850,18 +900,18 @@ class PhaseChangeHandler {
const currentGrid = this.view.gridAccessor.getAnyGrid();
const newGrid = new Grid();
const source = this.view.sequenceView.sequence.registerAllocation;
let row = 0;
for (const [registerIndex, range] of source.liveRanges.entries()) {
if (!range) continue;
row = this.view.instructionRangeHandler.forEachLiveRange(row, (registerIndex: number,
row: number, _: string, range: Range) => {
this.addnewIntervalsInRange(currentGrid, newGrid, row, registerIndex, [range, undefined]);
return true;
(registerIndex, row, _, ranges) => {
this.addnewIntervalsInRange(currentGrid, newGrid, row, registerIndex, ranges);
return true;
@ -869,14 +919,14 @@ class PhaseChangeHandler {
registerIndex: number, ranges: [Range, Range]): void {
const numReplacements = new Map<HTMLElement, number>();
const getElementForEmptyPosition = (position: number) => {
return currentGrid.getCell(row, position);
const getElementForEmptyPosition = (column: number) => {
return currentGrid.getCell(row, column);
// Inserts new interval beside existing intervals.
const callbackForInterval = (position: number, interval: HTMLElement) => {
const callbackForInterval = (column: number, interval: HTMLElement) => {
// Overlapping intervals are placed beside each other and the relevant ones displayed.
let currentInterval = currentGrid.getInterval(row, position);
let currentInterval = currentGrid.getInterval(row, column);
// The number of intervals already inserted is tracked so that the inserted intervals
// are ordered correctly.
const intervalsAlreadyInserted = numReplacements.get(currentInterval);
@ -898,6 +948,210 @@ class PhaseChangeHandler {
// Manages the limitation of how many instructions are shown in the grid.
class InstructionRangeHandler {
view: RangeView;
numPositions: number;
numInstructions: number;
showAllPositions: boolean;
private positionRange: [number, number];
private instructionRange: [number, number];
private blockRange: [number, number];
constructor(view: RangeView, firstInstr: number, lastInstr: number) {
this.view = view;
this.showAllPositions = false;
this.blockRange = [0, -1];
this.instructionRange = this.getValidRange(firstInstr, lastInstr);
if (this.instructionRange[0] == 0
&& this.instructionRange[1] == this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions) {
this.showAllPositions = true;
public isNewRangeViewRequired(firstInstr: number, lastInstr: number): boolean {
const validRange = this.getValidRange(firstInstr, lastInstr);
return (this.instructionRange[0] != validRange[0])
|| (this.instructionRange[1] != validRange[1]);
public getValidRange(firstInstr: number, lastInstr: number): [number, number] {
const maxInstructions = Math.floor(C.MAX_NUM_POSITIONS / C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION);
const validRange = [firstInstr, lastInstr + 1] as [number, number];
if (isNaN(lastInstr)) {
validRange[1] = this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions;
if (isNaN(firstInstr)) {
validRange[0] = (isNaN(lastInstr) || validRange[1] < maxInstructions)
? 0 : validRange[1] - maxInstructions;
if (!this.isValidRange(validRange[0], validRange[1])) {
console.warn("Invalid range: displaying default view.");
validRange[0] = 0;
validRange[1] = this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions;
const rangeLength = validRange[1] - validRange[0];
validRange[1] = validRange[0] + maxInstructions;
console.warn("Cannot display more than " + maxInstructions
+ " instructions in the live ranges grid at one time.");
return validRange;
public isValidRange(firstInstr: number, instrLimit: number): boolean {
return 0 <= firstInstr && firstInstr < instrLimit
&& instrLimit <= this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions;
public updateInstructionRange(): void {
this.numInstructions = this.showAllPositions
? this.view.sequenceView.numInstructions
: this.instructionRange[1] - this.instructionRange[0];
this.numPositions = this.numInstructions * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION;
this.positionRange = [C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION * this.instructionRange[0],
C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION * this.instructionRange[1]];
public getInstructionRangeString(): string {
if (this.showAllPositions) {
return "all instructions";
} else {
return "instructions [" + this.instructionRange[0]
+ ", " + (this.instructionRange[1] - 1) + "]";
public getLastPosition(): number {
return this.positionRange[1] - 1;
public getPositionFromIndex(index: number): number {
return index + this.positionRange[0];
public getIndexFromPosition(position: number): number {
return position - this.positionRange[0];
public getInstructionIdFromIndex(index: number): number {
return index + this.instructionRange[0];
public getInstructionIndex(id: number): number {
return id - this.instructionRange[0];
public getBlockIdFromIndex(index: number): number {
return index + this.blockRange[0];
public getBlockIndex(id: number): number {
return id - this.blockRange[0];
public isPositionInRange(position: number): boolean {
return position >= this.positionRange[0] && position < this.positionRange[1];
public isIntervalInRange(interval: Interval): boolean {
return interval.start < this.positionRange[1] && interval.end > this.positionRange[0];
public convertIntervalPositionsToIndexes(interval: Interval): Interval {
return new Interval([Math.max(0, interval.start - this.positionRange[0]),
Math.min(this.numPositions, interval.end - this.positionRange[0])]);
public convertBlockPositionsToIndexes(blockIndex: number, interval: Interval): Interval {
if (this.blockRange[1] < 0) this.blockRange[0] = blockIndex;
this.blockRange[1] = blockIndex + 1;
return this.convertIntervalPositionsToIndexes(interval);
public isLastPosition(position: number): boolean {
return !this.showAllPositions && (position == this.getLastPosition());
public isLastInstruction(instrId: number): boolean {
return !this.showAllPositions && (instrId == this.instructionRange[1] - 1);
public forEachLiveRange(row: number, callback: (registerIndex: number, row: number,
registerName: string, range: Range) => boolean): number {
const source = this.view.sequenceView.sequence.registerAllocation;
for (const [registerIndex, range] of source.liveRanges.entries()) {
if (!range ||
(!this.showAllPositions &&
(range.instructionRange[0] >= this.positionRange[1]
|| this.positionRange[0] >= range.instructionRange[1]))) {
if (callback(registerIndex, row, `v${registerIndex}`, range)) {
return row;
public forEachFixedRange(row: number, callback: (registerIndex: number, row: number,
registerName: string,
ranges: [Range, Range]) => boolean): number {
const forEachRangeInMap = (rangeMap: Array<Range>) => {
// There are two fixed live ranges for each register, one for normal, another for deferred.
// These are combined into a single row.
const fixedRegisterMap = new Map<string, {registerIndex: number, ranges: [Range, Range]}>();
for (const [registerIndex, range] of rangeMap.entries()) {
if (!range ||
(!this.showAllPositions &&
(range.instructionRange[0] >= this.positionRange[1]
|| this.positionRange[0] >= range.instructionRange[1]))) {
const registerName = range.fixedRegisterName();
if (fixedRegisterMap.has(registerName)) {
const entry = fixedRegisterMap.get(registerName);
entry.ranges[1] = range;
// Only use the deferred register index if no normal index exists.
if (!range.isDeferred) {
entry.registerIndex = registerIndex;
} else {
fixedRegisterMap.set(registerName, {registerIndex, ranges: [range, undefined]});
// Sort the registers by number.
const sortedMap = new Map([...fixedRegisterMap.entries()].sort(([nameA, _], [nameB, __]) => {
if (nameA.length > nameB.length) {
return 1;
} else if (nameA.length < nameB.length) {
return -1;
} else if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
} else if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
return 0;
for (const [registerName, {ranges, registerIndex}] of sortedMap) {
if (callback(-registerIndex - 1, row, registerName, ranges)) {
const source = this.view.sequenceView.sequence.registerAllocation;
return row;
class DisplayResetter {
view: RangeView;
isFlipped: boolean;
@ -1135,18 +1389,19 @@ export class RangeView {
divs: Divs;
scrollHandler: ScrollHandler;
phaseChangeHandler: PhaseChangeHandler;
instructionRangeHandler: InstructionRangeHandler;
displayResetter: DisplayResetter;
rowConstructor: RowConstructor;
stringConstructor: StringConstructor;
initialized: boolean;
isShown: boolean;
numPositions: number;
maxLengthVirtualRegisterNumber: number;
constructor(sequence: SequenceView) {
constructor(sequence: SequenceView, firstInstr: number, lastInstr: number) {
this.sequenceView = sequence;
this.initialized = false;
this.isShown = false;
this.instructionRangeHandler = new InstructionRangeHandler(this, firstInstr, lastInstr);
public initializeContent(blocks: Array<SequenceBlock>): void {
@ -1162,16 +1417,17 @@ export class RangeView {
// Indicates whether the grid axes are switched.
this.userSettings.addSetting("flipped", false,
this.blocksData = new BlocksData(blocks);
this.divs = new Divs(this.userSettings);
this.blocksData = new BlocksData(this, blocks);
this.divs = new Divs(this.userSettings,
this.scrollHandler = new ScrollHandler(this);
this.numPositions = this.sequenceView.numInstructions * C.POSITIONS_PER_INSTRUCTION;
this.rowConstructor = new RowConstructor(this);
this.stringConstructor = new StringConstructor(this);
const constructor = new RangeViewConstructor(this);
this.cssVariables.setVariables(this.numPositions, this.divs.registers.children.length);
this.phaseChangeHandler = new PhaseChangeHandler(this);
let maxVirtualRegisterNumber = 0;
for (const register of this.divs.registers.children) {
@ -1199,12 +1455,14 @@ export class RangeView {
// panel is shown.
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"));
setTimeout(() => {
this.divs.showOnLoad.style.visibility = "visible";
}, 100);
if (this.divs.registers.children.length) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.divs.showOnLoad.style.visibility = "visible";
}, 100);
@ -1225,7 +1483,7 @@ export class RangeView {
public onresize(): void {
if (this.isShown) this.scrollHandler.syncHidden();
if (this.divs.registers.children.length && this.isShown) this.scrollHandler.syncHidden();
public getPositionElementsFromInterval(interval: HTMLElement): HTMLCollection {