Adding debugger interface and runtime functions hooks for supporting
LiveObjectList functionality. Patch by Mark Lam from Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP Review URL: git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
This commit is contained in:
@ -425,6 +425,12 @@ void Shell::Initialize() {
global_template->Set(String::New("quit"), FunctionTemplate::New(Quit));
global_template->Set(String::New("version"), FunctionTemplate::New(Version));
global_template->Set(String::New("lol_is_enabled"), Boolean::New(true));
global_template->Set(String::New("lol_is_enabled"), Boolean::New(false));
Handle<ObjectTemplate> os_templ = ObjectTemplate::New();
global_template->Set(String::New("os"), os_templ);
@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ Debug.State = {
var trace_compile = false; // Tracing all compile events?
var trace_debug_json = false; // Tracing all debug json packets?
var last_cmd_line = '';
//var lol_is_enabled; // Set to true in if LIVE_OBJECT_LIST is defined.
var lol_next_dump_index = 0;
const kDefaultLolLinesToPrintAtATime = 10;
const kMaxLolLinesToPrintAtATime = 1000;
var repeat_cmd_line = '';
var is_running = true;
@ -495,6 +499,13 @@ function DebugRequest(cmd_line) {
this.request_ = void 0;
case 'liveobjectlist':
case 'lol':
if (lol_is_enabled) {
this.request_ = this.lolToJSONRequest_(args, is_repeating);
throw new Error('Unknown command "' + cmd + '"');
@ -539,10 +550,54 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.createRequest = function(command) {
// Note: we use detected command repetition as a signal for continuation here.
DebugRequest.prototype.createLOLRequest = function(command,
is_continuation) {
if (is_continuation) {
start_index = lol_next_dump_index;
if (lines_to_dump) {
lines_to_dump = parseInt(lines_to_dump);
} else {
lines_to_dump = kDefaultLolLinesToPrintAtATime;
if (lines_to_dump > kMaxLolLinesToPrintAtATime) {
lines_to_dump = kMaxLolLinesToPrintAtATime;
// Save the next start_index to dump from:
lol_next_dump_index = start_index + lines_to_dump;
var request = this.createRequest(command);
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.start = start_index;
request.arguments.count = lines_to_dump;
return request;
// Create a JSON request for the evaluation command.
DebugRequest.prototype.makeEvaluateJSONRequest_ = function(expression) {
// Global varaible used to store whether a handle was requested.
lookup_handle = null;
if (lol_is_enabled) {
// Check if the expression is a obj id in the form @<obj id>.
var obj_id_match = expression.match(/^@([0-9]+)$/);
if (obj_id_match) {
var obj_id = parseInt(obj_id_match[1]);
// Build a dump request.
var request = this.createRequest('getobj');
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.obj_id = obj_id;
return request.toJSONProtocol();
// Check if the expression is a handle id in the form #<handle>#.
var handle_match = expression.match(/^#([0-9]*)#$/);
if (handle_match) {
@ -1103,6 +1158,10 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.infoCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Build a evaluate request from the text command.
request = this.createRequest('frame');
last_cmd = 'info args';
} else if (lol_is_enabled &&
args && (args == 'liveobjectlist' || args == 'lol')) {
// Build a evaluate request from the text command.
return this.liveObjectListToJSONRequest_(null);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid info arguments.');
@ -1153,6 +1212,262 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.gcToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Args: [v[erbose]] [<N>] [i[ndex] <i>] [t[ype] <type>] [sp[ace] <space>]
DebugRequest.prototype.lolMakeListRequest =
function(cmd, args, first_arg_index, is_repeating) {
var request;
var start_index = 0;
var dump_limit = void 0;
var type_filter = void 0;
var space_filter = void 0;
var prop_filter = void 0;
var is_verbose = false;
var i;
for (i = first_arg_index; i < args.length; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
// Check for [v[erbose]]:
if (arg === 'verbose' || arg === 'v') {
// Nothing to do. This is already implied by args.length > 3.
is_verbose = true;
// Check for [<N>]:
} else if (arg.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
dump_limit = arg;
is_verbose = true;
// Check for i[ndex] <i>:
} else if (arg === 'index' || arg === 'i') {
if (args.length < i) {
throw new Error('Missing index after ' + arg + '.');
start_index = parseInt(args[i]);
// The user input start index starts at 1:
if (start_index <= 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid index ' + args[i] + '.');
start_index -= 1;
is_verbose = true;
// Check for t[ype] <type>:
} else if (arg === 'type' || arg === 't') {
if (args.length < i) {
throw new Error('Missing type after ' + arg + '.');
type_filter = args[i];
// Check for space <heap space name>:
} else if (arg === 'space' || arg === 'sp') {
if (args.length < i) {
throw new Error('Missing space name after ' + arg + '.');
space_filter = args[i];
// Check for property <prop name>:
} else if (arg === 'property' || arg === 'prop') {
if (args.length < i) {
throw new Error('Missing property name after ' + arg + '.');
prop_filter = args[i];
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown args at ' + arg + '.');
// Build the verbose request:
if (is_verbose) {
request = this.createLOLRequest('lol-'+cmd,
request.arguments.verbose = true;
} else {
request = this.createRequest('lol-'+cmd);
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.filter = {};
if (type_filter) {
request.arguments.filter.type = type_filter;
if (space_filter) {
|||| = space_filter;
if (prop_filter) {
request.arguments.filter.prop = prop_filter;
return request;
function extractObjId(args) {
var id = args;
id = id.match(/^@([0-9]+)$/);
if (id) {
id = id[1];
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid obj id ' + args + '.');
return parseInt(id);
DebugRequest.prototype.lolToJSONRequest_ = function(args, is_repeating) {
var request;
// Use default command if one is not specified:
if (!args) {
args = 'info';
var orig_args = args;
var first_arg_index;
var arg, i;
var args = args.split(/\s+/g);
var cmd = args[0];
var id;
// Command: <id> [v[erbose]] ...
if (cmd.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
// Convert to the padded list command:
// Command: l[ist] <dummy> <id> [v[erbose]] ...
// Insert the implicit 'list' in front and process as normal:
cmd = 'list';
switch(cmd) {
// Command: c[apture]
case 'capture':
case 'c':
request = this.createRequest('lol-capture');
// Command: clear|d[elete] <id>|all
case 'clear':
case 'delete':
case 'del': {
if (args.length < 2) {
throw new Error('Missing argument after ' + cmd + '.');
} else if (args.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Too many arguments after ' + cmd + '.');
id = args[1];
if (id.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
// Delete a specific lol record:
request = this.createRequest('lol-delete');
request.arguments = {};
|||| = parseInt(id);
} else if (id === 'all') {
// Delete all:
request = this.createRequest('lol-reset');
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid argument after ' + cmd + '.');
// Command: diff <id1> <id2> [<dump options>]
case 'diff':
first_arg_index = 3;
// Command: list <dummy> <id> [<dump options>]
case 'list':
// Command: ret[ainers] <obj id> [<dump options>]
case 'retainers':
case 'ret':
case 'retaining-paths':
case 'rp': {
if (cmd === 'ret') cmd = 'retainers';
else if (cmd === 'rp') cmd = 'retaining-paths';
if (!first_arg_index) first_arg_index = 2;
if (args.length < first_arg_index) {
throw new Error('Too few arguments after ' + cmd + '.');
var request_cmd = (cmd === 'list') ? 'diff':cmd;
request = this.lolMakeListRequest(request_cmd,
if (cmd === 'diff') {
request.arguments.id1 = parseInt(args[1]);
request.arguments.id2 = parseInt(args[2]);
} else if (cmd == 'list') {
request.arguments.id1 = 0;
request.arguments.id2 = parseInt(args[1]);
} else {
|||| = extractObjId(args[1]);
// Command: getid
case 'getid': {
request = this.createRequest('lol-getid');
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.address = args[1];
// Command: inf[o] [<N>]
case 'info':
case 'inf': {
if (args.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Too many arguments after ' + cmd + '.');
// Built the info request:
request = this.createLOLRequest('lol-info', 0, args[1], is_repeating);
// Command: path <obj id 1> <obj id 2>
case 'path': {
request = this.createRequest('lol-path');
request.arguments = {};
if (args.length > 2) {
request.arguments.id1 = extractObjId(args[1]);
request.arguments.id2 = extractObjId(args[2]);
} else {
request.arguments.id1 = 0;
request.arguments.id2 = extractObjId(args[1]);
// Command: print
case 'print': {
request = this.createRequest('lol-print');
request.arguments = {};
|||| = extractObjId(args[1]);
// Command: reset
case 'reset': {
request = this.createRequest('lol-reset');
throw new Error('Invalid arguments.');
return request.toJSONProtocol();
// Create a JSON request for the threads command.
DebugRequest.prototype.threadsCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Build a threads request from the text command.
@ -1239,6 +1554,49 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.helpCommand_ = function(args) {
print('gc - runs the garbage collector');
if (lol_is_enabled) {
print('liveobjectlist|lol <command> - live object list tracking.');
print(' where <command> can be:');
print(' c[apture] - captures a LOL list.');
print(' clear|del[ete] <id>|all - clears LOL of id <id>.');
print(' If \'all\' is unspecified instead, will clear all.');
print(' diff <id1> <id2> [<dump options>]');
print(' - prints the diff between LOLs id1 and id2.');
print(' - also see <dump options> below.');
print(' getid <address> - gets the obj id for the specified address if available.');
print(' The address must be in hex form prefixed with 0x.');
print(' inf[o] [<N>] - lists summary info of all LOL lists.');
print(' If N is specified, will print N items at a time.');
print(' [l[ist]] <id> [<dump options>]');
print(' - prints the listing of objects in LOL id.');
print(' - also see <dump options> below.');
print(' reset - clears all LOL lists.');
print(' ret[ainers] <id> [<dump options>]');
print(' - prints the list of retainers of obj id.');
print(' - also see <dump options> below.');
print(' path <id1> <id2> - prints the retaining path from obj id1 to id2.');
print(' If only one id is specified, will print the path from');
print(' roots to the specified object if available.');
print(' print <id> - prints the obj for the specified obj id if available.');
print(' <dump options> includes:');
print(' [v[erbose]] - do verbose dump.');
print(' [<N>] - dump N items at a time. Implies verbose dump.');
print(' If unspecified, N will default to '+
kDefaultLolLinesToPrintAtATime+'. Max N is '+
print(' [i[ndex] <i>] - start dump from index i. Implies verbose dump.');
print(' [t[ype] <type>] - filter by type.');
print(' [sp[ace] <space name>] - filter by heap space where <space name> is one of');
print(' { cell, code, lo, map, new, old-data, old-pointer }.');
print(' If the verbose option, or an option that implies a verbose dump');
print(' is specified, then a verbose dump will requested. Else, a summary dump');
print(' will be requested.');
print('trace compile');
// hidden command: trace debug json - toggles tracing of debug json packets
@ -1339,6 +1697,237 @@ function refObjectToString_(protocolPackage, handle) {
function decodeLolCaptureResponse(body) {
var result;
result = 'Captured live object list '+ +
': count '+ body.count + ' size ' + body.size;
return result;
function decodeLolDeleteResponse(body) {
var result;
result = 'Deleted live object list '+;
return result;
function digitsIn(value) {
var digits = 0;
if (value === 0) value = 1;
while (value >= 1) {
value /= 10;
return digits;
function padding(value, max_digits) {
var padding_digits = max_digits - digitsIn(value);
var padding = '';
while (padding_digits > 0) {
padding += ' ';
return padding;
function decodeLolInfoResponse(body) {
var result;
var lists = body.lists;
var length = lists.length;
var first_index = body.first_index + 1;
var has_more = ((first_index + length) <= body.count);
result = 'captured live object lists';
if (has_more || (first_index != 1)) {
result += ' ['+ length +' of '+ body.count +
': starting from '+ first_index +']';
result += ':\n';
var max_digits = digitsIn(body.count);
var last_count = 0;
var last_size = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var entry = lists[i];
var count = entry.count;
var size = entry.size;
var index = first_index + i;
result += ' [' + padding(index, max_digits) + index + '] id '+ +
': count '+ count;
if (last_count > 0) {
result += '(+' + (count - last_count) + ')';
result += ' size '+ size;
if (last_size > 0) {
result += '(+' + (size - last_size) + ')';
result += '\n';
last_count = count;
last_size = size;
result += ' total: '+length+' lists\n';
if (has_more) {
result += ' -- press <enter> for more --\n';
} else {
repeat_cmd_line = '';
if (length === 0) result += ' none\n';
return result;
function decodeLolListResponse(body, title) {
var result;
var total_count = body.count;
var total_size = body.size;
var length;
var max_digits;
var i;
var entry;
var index;
var max_count_digits = digitsIn(total_count);
var max_size_digits;
var summary = body.summary;
if (summary) {
var roots_count = 0;
var found_root = body.found_root || 0;
var found_weak_root = body.found_weak_root || 0;
// Print the summary result:
result = 'summary of objects:\n';
length = summary.length;
if (found_root !== 0) {
if (found_weak_root !== 0) {
max_digits = digitsIn(length + roots_count);
max_size_digits = digitsIn(total_size);
index = 1;
if (found_root !== 0) {
result += ' [' + padding(index, max_digits) + index + '] ' +
' count '+ 1 + padding(0, max_count_digits) +
' '+ padding(0, max_size_digits+1) +
' : <root>\n';
if (found_weak_root !== 0) {
result += ' [' + padding(index, max_digits) + index + '] ' +
' count '+ 1 + padding(0, max_count_digits) +
' '+ padding(0, max_size_digits+1) +
' : <weak root>\n';
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
entry = summary[i];
var count = entry.count;
var size = entry.size;
result += ' [' + padding(index, max_digits) + index + '] ' +
' count '+ count + padding(count, max_count_digits) +
' size '+ size + padding(size, max_size_digits) +
' : <' + entry.desc + '>\n';
result += '\n total count: '+(total_count+roots_count)+'\n';
if (body.size) {
result += ' total size: '+body.size+'\n';
} else {
// Print the full dump result:
var first_index = body.first_index + 1;
var elements = body.elements;
length = elements.length;
var has_more = ((first_index + length) <= total_count);
result = title;
if (has_more || (first_index != 1)) {
result += ' ['+ length +' of '+ total_count +
': starting from '+ first_index +']';
result += ':\n';
if (length === 0) result += ' none\n';
max_digits = digitsIn(length);
var max_id = 0;
var max_size = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
entry = elements[i];
if ( > max_id) max_id =;
if (entry.size > max_size) max_size = entry.size;
var max_id_digits = digitsIn(max_id);
max_size_digits = digitsIn(max_size);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
entry = elements[i];
index = first_index + i;
result += ' ['+ padding(index, max_digits) + index +']';
if ( !== 0) {
result += ' @' + + padding(, max_id_digits) +
': size ' + entry.size + ', ' +
padding(entry.size, max_size_digits) + entry.desc + '\n';
} else {
// Must be a root or weak root:
result += ' ' + entry.desc + '\n';
if (has_more) {
result += ' -- press <enter> for more --\n';
} else {
repeat_cmd_line = '';
if (length === 0) result += ' none\n';
return result;
function decodeLolDiffResponse(body) {
var title = 'objects';
return decodeLolListResponse(body, title);
function decodeLolRetainersResponse(body) {
var title = 'retainers for @' +;
return decodeLolListResponse(body, title);
function decodeLolPathResponse(body) {
return body.path;
function decodeLolResetResponse(body) {
return 'Reset all live object lists.';
function decodeLolGetIdResponse(body) {
if ( == 0) {
return 'Address is invalid, or object has been moved or collected';
return 'obj id is @' +;
function decodeLolPrintResponse(body) {
return body.dump;
// Rounds number 'num' to 'length' decimal places.
function roundNumber(num, length) {
var factor = Math.pow(10, length);
@ -1510,6 +2099,7 @@ function DebugResponseDetails(response) {
case 'evaluate':
case 'lookup':
case 'getobj':
if (last_cmd == 'p' || last_cmd == 'print') {
result = body.text;
} else {
@ -1671,6 +2261,34 @@ function DebugResponseDetails(response) {
case 'lol-capture':
details.text = decodeLolCaptureResponse(body);
case 'lol-delete':
details.text = decodeLolDeleteResponse(body);
case 'lol-diff':
details.text = decodeLolDiffResponse(body);
case 'lol-getid':
details.text = decodeLolGetIdResponse(body);
case 'lol-info':
details.text = decodeLolInfoResponse(body);
case 'lol-print':
details.text = decodeLolPrintResponse(body);
case 'lol-reset':
details.text = decodeLolResetResponse(body);
case 'lol-retainers':
details.text = decodeLolRetainersResponse(body);
case 'lol-path':
details.text = decodeLolPathResponse(body);
details.text =
'Response for unknown command \'' + response.command() + '\'' +
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ var debugger_flags = {
var lol_is_enabled = %HasLOLEnabled();
// Create a new break point object and add it to the list of break points.
@ -1391,6 +1392,8 @@ DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.processDebugJSONRequest = function(json_request)
this.scopeRequest_(request, response);
} else if (request.command == 'evaluate') {
this.evaluateRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'getobj') {
this.getobjRequest_(request, response);
} else if (request.command == 'lookup') {
this.lookupRequest_(request, response);
} else if (request.command == 'references') {
@ -1418,6 +1421,28 @@ DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.processDebugJSONRequest = function(json_request)
} else if (request.command == 'gc') {
this.gcRequest_(request, response);
// LiveObjectList tools:
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-capture') {
this.lolCaptureRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-delete') {
this.lolDeleteRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-diff') {
this.lolDiffRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-getid') {
this.lolGetIdRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-info') {
this.lolInfoRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-reset') {
this.lolResetRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-retainers') {
this.lolRetainersRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-path') {
this.lolPathRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-print') {
this.lolPrintRequest_(request, response);
} else if (lol_is_enabled && request.command == 'lol-stats') {
this.lolStatsRequest_(request, response);
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown command "' + request.command + '" in request');
@ -2011,6 +2036,24 @@ DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.evaluateRequest_ = function(request, response) {
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.getobjRequest_ = function(request, response) {
if (!request.arguments) {
return response.failed('Missing arguments');
// Pull out arguments.
var obj_id = request.arguments.obj_id;
// Check for legal arguments.
if (IS_UNDEFINED(obj_id)) {
return response.failed('Argument "obj_id" missing');
// Dump the object.
response.body = MakeMirror(%GetLOLObj(obj_id));
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lookupRequest_ = function(request, response) {
if (!request.arguments) {
return response.failed('Missing arguments');
@ -2341,6 +2384,84 @@ DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.gcRequest_ = function(request, response) {
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolCaptureRequest_ =
function(request, response) {
response.body = %CaptureLOL();
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolDeleteRequest_ =
function(request, response) {
var id =;
var result = %DeleteLOL(id);
if (result) {
response.body = { id: id };
} else {
response.failed('Failed to delete: live object list ' + id + ' not found.');
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolDiffRequest_ = function(request, response) {
var id1 = request.arguments.id1;
var id2 = request.arguments.id2;
var verbose = request.arguments.verbose;
var filter = request.arguments.filter;
if (verbose === true) {
var start = request.arguments.start;
var count = request.arguments.count;
response.body = %DumpLOL(id1, id2, start, count, filter);
} else {
response.body = %SummarizeLOL(id1, id2, filter);
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolGetIdRequest_ = function(request, response) {
var address = request.arguments.address;
response.body = {};
|||| = %GetLOLObjId(address);
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolInfoRequest_ = function(request, response) {
var start = request.arguments.start;
var count = request.arguments.count;
response.body = %InfoLOL(start, count);
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolResetRequest_ = function(request, response) {
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolRetainersRequest_ =
function(request, response) {
var id =;
var verbose = request.arguments.verbose;
var start = request.arguments.start;
var count = request.arguments.count;
var filter = request.arguments.filter;
response.body = %GetLOLObjRetainers(id, Mirror.prototype, verbose,
start, count, filter);
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolPathRequest_ = function(request, response) {
var id1 = request.arguments.id1;
var id2 = request.arguments.id2;
response.body = {};
response.body.path = %GetLOLPath(id1, id2, Mirror.prototype);
DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.lolPrintRequest_ = function(request, response) {
var id =;
response.body = {};
response.body.dump = %PrintLOLObj(id);
// Check whether the previously processed command caused the VM to become
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "global-handles.h"
#include "jsregexp.h"
#include "liveedit.h"
#include "liveobjectlist-inl.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "runtime.h"
@ -10948,6 +10949,207 @@ static MaybeObject* Runtime_GetHeapUsage(Arguments args) {
return Smi::FromInt(usage);
// Captures a live object list from the present heap.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_HasLOLEnabled(Arguments args) {
return Heap::true_value();
return Heap::false_value();
// Captures a live object list from the present heap.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_CaptureLOL(Arguments args) {
return LiveObjectList::Capture();
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Deletes the specified live object list.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_DeleteLOL(Arguments args) {
bool success = LiveObjectList::Delete(id);
return success ? Heap::true_value() : Heap::false_value();
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Generates the response to a debugger request for a dump of the objects
// contained in the difference between the captured live object lists
// specified by id1 and id2.
// If id1 is 0 (i.e. not a valid lol), then the whole of lol id2 will be
// dumped.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_DumpLOL(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(id1, args[0]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(id2, args[1]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(start, args[2]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(count, args[3]);
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(JSObject, filter_obj, 4);
EnterDebugger enter_debugger;
return LiveObjectList::Dump(id1, id2, start, count, filter_obj);
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Gets the specified object as requested by the debugger.
// This is only used for obj ids shown in live object lists.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_GetLOLObj(Arguments args) {
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(obj_id, args[0]);
Object* result = LiveObjectList::GetObj(obj_id);
return result;
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Gets the obj id for the specified address if valid.
// This is only used for obj ids shown in live object lists.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_GetLOLObjId(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(String, address, 0);
Object* result = LiveObjectList::GetObjId(address);
return result;
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Gets the retainers that references the specified object alive.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_GetLOLObjRetainers(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(obj_id, args[0]);
RUNTIME_ASSERT(args[1]->IsUndefined() || args[1]->IsJSObject());
RUNTIME_ASSERT(args[2]->IsUndefined() || args[2]->IsBoolean());
RUNTIME_ASSERT(args[3]->IsUndefined() || args[3]->IsSmi());
RUNTIME_ASSERT(args[4]->IsUndefined() || args[4]->IsSmi());
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(JSObject, filter_obj, 5);
Handle<JSObject> instance_filter;
if (args[1]->IsJSObject()) {
instance_filter =<JSObject>(1);
bool verbose = false;
if (args[2]->IsBoolean()) {
verbose = args[2]->IsTrue();
int start = 0;
if (args[3]->IsSmi()) {
start = Smi::cast(args[3])->value();
int limit = Smi::kMaxValue;
if (args[4]->IsSmi()) {
limit = Smi::cast(args[4])->value();
return LiveObjectList::GetObjRetainers(obj_id,
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Gets the reference path between 2 objects.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_GetLOLPath(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(obj_id1, args[0]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(obj_id2, args[1]);
RUNTIME_ASSERT(args[2]->IsUndefined() || args[2]->IsJSObject());
Handle<JSObject> instance_filter;
if (args[2]->IsJSObject()) {
instance_filter =<JSObject>(2);
Object* result =
LiveObjectList::GetPath(obj_id1, obj_id2, instance_filter);
return result;
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Generates the response to a debugger request for a list of all
// previously captured live object lists.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_InfoLOL(Arguments args) {
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(start, args[0]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(count, args[1]);
return LiveObjectList::Info(start, count);
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Gets a dump of the specified object as requested by the debugger.
// This is only used for obj ids shown in live object lists.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_PrintLOLObj(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(obj_id, args[0]);
Object* result = LiveObjectList::PrintObj(obj_id);
return result;
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Resets and releases all previously captured live object lists.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_ResetLOL(Arguments args) {
return Heap::undefined_value();
return Heap::undefined_value();
// Generates the response to a debugger request for a summary of the types
// of objects in the difference between the captured live object lists
// specified by id1 and id2.
// If id1 is 0 (i.e. not a valid lol), then the whole of lol id2 will be
// summarized.
static MaybeObject* Runtime_SummarizeLOL(Arguments args) {
HandleScope scope;
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(id1, args[0]);
CONVERT_SMI_CHECKED(id2, args[1]);
CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED(JSObject, filter_obj, 2);
EnterDebugger enter_debugger;
return LiveObjectList::Summarize(id1, id2, filter_obj);
return Heap::undefined_value();
@ -376,7 +376,21 @@ namespace internal {
F(SetFlags, 1, 1) \
F(CollectGarbage, 1, 1) \
F(GetHeapUsage, 0, 1)
F(GetHeapUsage, 0, 1) \
/* LiveObjectList support*/ \
F(HasLOLEnabled, 0, 1) \
F(CaptureLOL, 0, 1) \
F(DeleteLOL, 1, 1) \
F(DumpLOL, 5, 1) \
F(GetLOLObj, 1, 1) \
F(GetLOLObjId, 1, 1) \
F(GetLOLObjRetainers, 6, 1) \
F(GetLOLPath, 3, 1) \
F(InfoLOL, 2, 1) \
F(PrintLOLObj, 1, 1) \
F(ResetLOL, 0, 1) \
F(SummarizeLOL, 3, 1)
Reference in New Issue
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